11 research outputs found

    Building Energy Performance and the Influence of the Operational Parameters in an Educational Hospital

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    إن سرعة الطلب على الطاقة حول العالم في تزايد أدت إلى القلق بشان التجهيز الغير كفء للطاقة. وتعتبر الصعوبات المرتبطة بإقامة هيكل الطاقة كاهتمام إضافي إلى ذلك. إن هذا البحث يستعرض كميات الطاقة المرتبطة بهيكل والمتغيرات المختلفة المؤثرة باستخدام الطاقة في المباني. إضافة إلى حساب متطلبات الطاقة في مستشفى تعليمي (أداء طاقة المباني). أداء الطاقة في المباني يرتبط بمعامل أداء الطاقة في المباني (BEI) والذي يقاس ب (kWh/m2/yr)والذي يعتبر مؤشر لكيفية الاستخدام الأمثل للمباني نسبة إلى استخدام الطاقة فيها قيمة (BEI) للمباني تساعد على تحديد إي المباني أكثر كفاءة باستخدامها للطاقة من غيرها. أظهرت النتائج بان الحمل ومعامل استخدام الوقت يتناسبان طرديا مع BEI. وان قيمة (BEI) هي 235 وهذه القيمة قد تم مقارنتها مع دراسات أخرى.The speed at which the demand for energy is increasing around the world has led to anxiety over supply insufficiency. The difficulties associated with setting up energy infrastructure is an additional concern. This paper reviews the amount of energy required by structures and identifies different variables that influence the use of energy by buildings. The energy requirement of a teaching hospital in Iraq was determined (i.e. its energy performance was determined). The energy performance of a building is related to its Building Energy Index (BEI). BEI is measured in kWh/m2/yr and is an indication of how efficient a building is with respect to its usage of energy, i.e. the value of the BEI of buildings helps to ascertain which building is more efficient than the other in their usage of energy.The results of this review indicate that the load and time usage factors are directly proportional to the BEI. The hospital’s BEI was determined to be 235 and this value was compared with those of other studies

    Energetic and Exergetic Efficiencies of a Grate Cooler in an Iraqi Cement Industry

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    Abstract. Extensively, the grate coolers are used in cement industry in order to recover heat from hot clinkers coming out of rotary kilns. This work focuses on the thermal performance of the clinker cooling system in a cement production plant employing the dry process. The aim is to study how the ambient temperature affects the energetic and exergetic performance of the clinker cooler. The energetic and exergetic analysis is based on the operating data of Al-Muthanna cement plant in the south of Iraq. It is found that the energy efficiencies vary from 46.18% to 45.19% while exergy efficiencies vary from 54.55% to 55.62% respectively at different ambient temperatures. On the other side, it is found that (energy, exergy) recovery efficiencies have inversely been affected by variation of ambient temperature

    Investigation of energy saving potentials in T-junction and elbow in compressed air systems

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    In recent times, the applications of numerical methods are gaining momentum to carry out critical analysis to identify electrical energy and related emission saving potential on real-time application. The chosen specific area of the current work is the simulation of compressed airflow through pipes. The pressure gradient across compressed air pipe junction was simulated, and the result showed that the minimum pressure drop occurs when a branch line is taken at an angle of 46° with horizontal from the main pipe against the conventional T branch. In case of elbow, 150-mm fillet radius gave minimum pressure drop against 90° elbow. The CFD analysis carried out on T and elbow of compressed air pipe network with various inlet air pressures of 4 × 105, 6 × 105, and 8 × 105 Pa showed that a no. of redesigned junction geometry, which is 5000, can reduce compressor electricity consumption by 127.14 MWh per annum and CO2 emission by 37.31 t per annum

    Avaliação ambiental do ciclo de vida de telhas de fibrocimento com fibras de amianto ou com fibras de polipropileno

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    Resumo Este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar o ciclo de vida de telhas de fibrocimento fabricadas com fibras de amianto ou com fibras de polipropileno. Foram utilizadas as técnicas de Avaliação do Ciclo de Vida (ACV) e de Levantamento de Aspectos e Impactos Ambientais (Laia) para analisar comparativamente os impactos ambientais causados. Na ACV determinaram-se, para todas as etapas, as emissões atmosféricas causadoras do efeito estufa, da chuva ácida e as que possuem toxicidade humana, além do consumo de insumos (água e energia). No Laia agregaram-se à ACV os impactos de utilização de recursos naturais e os riscos à saúde devido aos fatores prejudiciais dos materiais constituintes das telhas. Foram avaliados dois cenários, onde se fixaram os locais de extração de matéria-prima, o local da obra e o aterro industrial para o qual seriam levados os resíduos das telhas após a vida útil deles, variando-se apenas os locais de fabricação das telhas. O cenário que empregou fibras de polipropileno foi mais vantajoso ambientalmente em quatro categorias entre as sete avaliadas, confirmando assim, com essa avaliação, que o uso de amianto é mais desfavorável que o uso de polipropileno sob o foco ambiental

    Review: Circulation of Inorganic Elements in Combustion of Alternative Fuels in Cement Plants

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