305 research outputs found

    Comparative genomics of Australian isolates of the wheat stem rust pathogen Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici reveals extensive polymorphism in candidate effector genes

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    The wheat stem rust fungus Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici (Pgt) is one of the most destructive pathogens of wheat. In this study, a draft genome was built for a founder Australian Pgt isolate of pathotype (pt.) 21-0 (collected in 1954) by next generation DNA sequencing. A combination of reference-based assembly using the genome of the previously sequenced American Pgt isolate CDL 75-36-700-3 (p7a) and de novo assembly were performed resulting in a 92 Mbp reference genome for Pgt isolate 21-0. Approximately 13 Mbp of de novo assembled sequence in this genome is not present in the p7a reference assembly. This novel sequence is not specific to 21-0 as it is also present in three other Pgt rust isolates of independent origin. The new reference genome was subsequently used to build a pan-genome based on five Australian Pgt isolates. Transcriptomes from germinated urediniospores and haustoria were separately assembled for pt. 21-0 and comparison of gene expression profiles showed differential expression in ∼10% of the genes each in germinated spores and haustoria. A total of 1,924 secreted proteins were predicted from the 21-0 transcriptome, of which 520 were classified as haustorial secreted proteins (HSPs). Comparison of 21-0 with two presumed clonal field derivatives of this lineage (collected in 1982 and 1984) that had evolved virulence on four additional resistance genes (Sr5, Sr11, Sr27, SrSatu) identified mutations in 25 HSP effector candidates. Some of these mutations could explain their novel virulence phenotypes.Authors wish to thank the Two Blades Foundation for financial support. Part of this work was supported through access to facilities managed by Bioplatforms Australia and funded by the Australian Government National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy and Education Investment Fund Super Science Initiative

    Bioeffects of 1.5T Static Magnetic Field on the DNA Strand of Human Leukocytes in Vitroduring MRI Scan

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    Background: The non ionization of magnetic resonance fields effect sreported   with radical pair recombination. Which   is one of the familiar methods by which static magnetic felid interact with biological systems. Exposure to static magnetic fields can effect on the paramagnetic free radicals by increasing  the concentration, the activity and life time of paramagnetic free radicals, which might lead to genetic mutation, oxidative stress, and in some times with apoptosis. Objective: To estimate the genotoxicity on DNA molecule during expose to static magnetic field 1.5T of magnetic resonance imaging. Patients and Methods: The five blood   samples were irradiated  to 1.5T static magnetic field at different periods (10,20,30,40,and 50 minutes correspondingly). All exposures were performed at room temperature. Cellular  DNA damage had been  analyzed by the alkaline comet assay.                                                                     Results: The results approved a significant increasing  in the rate of recurrence of single-strand DNA breaks next to the  exposure of  a 1.5T of magnetic resonance imaging at 50 min. According to these  results the exposure with 3T magnetic resonance imaging encourage genotoxic effects in human lymphocytes could be suggested. Conclusion: To conclude, in the present study, employing alkaline comet assay, it has been demonstrated thatmagnetic resonance imaging- induced  DNA damages is significant in  leukocytes at 50 minute after exprosure to 1.5T magnetic resonance imaging

    Исследование влияния амарантовой муки и стенового материала инкапсулированного орехового масла на качество сырцовых пряников

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    In recent years, development of confectionery industry is aimed at creating products of increased nutritional value, enriched with macro- and micronutrients, for dietary and prophylactic purposes. One of the most common flour confectionery products in Russia is raw gummy gingerbread. The aim of the research is to study the impact of amaranth flour and encapsulated vegetable oil wall material on the quality of raw gummy gingerbread, development of technology and formulations for raw gingerbread. The optimal ratio of the mixture of starch and amaranth flour has been determined, amounting to 70 and 30 %, respectively. Amaranth flour showed to reduce the density of raw gingerbread to 732 kg/m3 , and moisture content increases to 14.1 % for gingerbread with BPS on IBS, and for gingerbread on BPS with whey - 743 kg/m3 , and humidity increases to 14.9 %. At the same time, organoleptic characteristics and structure of the crumb are fundamentally different from those inherent in gingerbread products: porous structure of the crumb, fragility, irregular shape, uneven color, tears on the surface of gingerbread. Direct impact of protein structural component of encapsulation in the nut oil emulsion on organoleptic indicators of the gingerbread quality (taste, color, smell, appearance, shape, surface, and others) has been revealed. It has been determined that moisture content in gingerbread cooked according to the developed formulation was 1.0-2.0 % higher and they have longer shelf life compared to traditional gingerbread. Formulations with high and low fat content and technology for production of raw gingerbread with encapsulated nut butter have been developed. The developed technology received a patent of the Russian Federation No. 2734 620 “Gingerbread with vegetable oils and milk whey”, which testifies not only to its scientific, but also practical significance.В последние годы развитие кондитерской промышленности направлено на создание изделий повышенной пищевой ценности, обогащенных макро- и микронутриентами, диетического и профилактического назначения. Одними из наиболее распространенных мучных кондитерских изделий в России являются сырцовые пряники. Цель работы – исследование влияния амарантовой муки и стенового материала инкапсулированного растительного масла на качество сырцового пряника, разработка технологии и рецептуры сырцовых пряников. Установлено оптимальное соотношение смеси крахмала и амарантовой муки – 70 и 30 % соответственно. Показано, что введение амарантовой муки снижает плотность сырцового пряника до 732 кг/м3 , а влажность увеличивается до 14,1 % для пряников с БПС на ИСБ, а для пряников на БПС с сывороткой – 743 кг/м3 и 14,9 % соответственно. При этом органолептические показатели и структура мякиша кардинально отличаются от присущих пряничным изделиям: пористая структура мякиша, хрупкость, неправильная форма, неоднородный цвет, надрывы на поверхности пряника. Выявлено прямое влияние белкового структурного компонента оболочек в эмульсии орехового масла на органолептические показатели качества пряников (вкус, цвет, запах, внешний вид, форма, поверхность и др.). Установлено, что влажность пряников, приготовленных по разработанной рецептуре, на 1,0–2,0 % больше, они имеют более длительный срок хранения по сравнению с традиционными изделиями. Разработаны рецептуры с высоким и низким содержанием жировой фракции и технология производства сырцовых пряников с инкапсулированным ореховым маслом. На разработанную технологию получен патент РФ №2734 620 «Пряник на растительных маслах и молочной сыворотке», что свидетельствует не только о научной, но и о практической ее значимости

    Live Imaging at the Onset of Cortical Neurogenesis Reveals Differential Appearance of the Neuronal Phenotype in Apical versus Basal Progenitor Progeny

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    The neurons of the mammalian brain are generated by progenitors dividing either at the apical surface of the ventricular zone (neuroepithelial and radial glial cells, collectively referred to as apical progenitors) or at its basal side (basal progenitors, also called intermediate progenitors). For apical progenitors, the orientation of the cleavage plane relative to their apical-basal axis is thought to be of critical importance for the fate of the daughter cells. For basal progenitors, the relationship between cell polarity, cleavage plane orientation and the fate of daughter cells is unknown. Here, we have investigated these issues at the very onset of cortical neurogenesis. To directly observe the generation of neurons from apical and basal progenitors, we established a novel transgenic mouse line in which membrane GFP is expressed from the beta-III-tubulin promoter, an early pan-neuronal marker, and crossed this line with a previously described knock-in line in which nuclear GFP is expressed from the Tis21 promoter, a pan-neurogenic progenitor marker. Mitotic Tis21-positive basal progenitors nearly always divided symmetrically, generating two neurons, but, in contrast to symmetrically dividing apical progenitors, lacked apical-basal polarity and showed a nearly randomized cleavage plane orientation. Moreover, the appearance of beta-III-tubulin–driven GFP fluorescence in basal progenitor-derived neurons, in contrast to that in apical progenitor-derived neurons, was so rapid that it suggested the initiation of the neuronal phenotype already in the progenitor. Our observations imply that (i) the loss of apical-basal polarity restricts neuronal progenitors to the symmetric mode of cell division, and that (ii) basal progenitors initiate the expression of neuronal phenotype already before mitosis, in contrast to apical progenitors

    Effects of acute variation of dialysate calcium concentrations on arterial stiffness and aortic pressure waveform

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    Background. Abnormal mineral metabolism in chronic kidney disease plays a critical role in vascular calcification and arterial stiffness. The impact of presently used dialysis calcium concentration (DCa) on arterial stiffness and aortic pressure waveform has never been studied. The aim of the present study is to evaluate, in haemodialysis (HD) patients, the impact of acute modification of DCa on arterial stiffness and central pulse wave profile (cPWP)

    Angelman Syndrome Protein UBE3A Interacts with Primary Microcephaly Protein ASPM, Localizes to Centrosomes and Regulates Chromosome Segregation

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    Many proteins associated with the phenotype microcephaly have been localized to the centrosome or linked to it functionally. All the seven autosomal recessive primary microcephaly (MCPH) proteins localize at the centrosome. Microcephalic osteodysplastic primordial dwarfism type II protein PCNT and Seckel syndrome (also characterized by severe microcephaly) protein ATR are also centrosomal proteins. All of the above findings show the importance of centrosomal proteins as the key players in neurogenesis and brain development. However, the exact mechanism as to how the loss-of-function of these proteins leads to microcephaly remains to be elucidated. To gain insight into the function of the most commonly mutated MCPH gene ASPM, we used the yeast two-hybrid technique to screen a human fetal brain cDNA library with an ASPM bait. The analysis identified Angelman syndrome gene product UBE3A as an ASPM interactor. Like ASPM, UBE3A also localizes to the centrosome. The identification of UBE3A as an ASPM interactor is not surprising as more than 80% of Angelman syndrome patients have microcephaly. However, unlike in MCPH, microcephaly is postnatal in Angelman syndrome patients. Our results show that UBE3A is a cell cycle regulated protein and its level peaks in mitosis. The shRNA knockdown of UBE3A in HEK293 cells led to many mitotic abnormalities including chromosome missegregation, abnormal cytokinesis and apoptosis. Thus our study links Angelman syndrome protein UBE3A to ASPM, centrosome and mitosis for the first time. We suggest that a defective chromosome segregation mechanism is responsible for the development of microcephaly in Angelman syndrome

    Gene Network Disruptions and Neurogenesis Defects in the Adult Ts1Cje Mouse Model of Down Syndrome

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    Background: Down syndrome (DS) individuals suffer mental retardation with further cognitive decline and early onset Alzheimer's disease. Methodology/Principal Findings: To understand how trisomy 21 causes these neurological abnormalities we investigated changes in gene expression networks combined with a systematic cell lineage analysis of adult neurogenesis using the Ts1Cje mouse model of DS. We demonstrated down regulation of a number of key genes involved in proliferation and cell cycle progression including Mcm7, Brca2, Prim1, Cenpo and Aurka in trisomic neurospheres. We found that trisomy did not affect the number of adult neural stem cells but resulted in reduced numbers of neural progenitors and neuroblasts. Analysis of differentiating adult Ts1Cje neural progenitors showed a severe reduction in numbers of neurons produced with a tendency for less elaborate neurites, whilst the numbers of astrocytes was increased. Conclusions/Significance: We have shown that trisomy affects a number of elements of adult neurogenesis likely to result in a progressive pathogenesis and consequently providing the potential for the development of therapies to slow progression of, or even ameliorate the neuronal deficits suffered by DS individuals.Chelsee A. Hewitt, King-Hwa Ling, Tobias D. Merson, Ken M. Simpson, Matthew E. Ritchie, Sarah L. King, Melanie A. Pritchard, Gordon K. Smyth, Tim Thomas, Hamish S. Scott and Anne K. Vos