535 research outputs found

    Monitoring regional development based on "green" indicators

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    The article presents the results of a study devoted to solving actual problems of implementing the concept of "green" development both at national and regional levels. The indicators of "green" development developed by international organizations are considered as a methodological basis for the creation of systems of monitoring and analyzing the processes of economy "greening", preventing and reducing current negative impact on the environment, increasing the efficiency of resource use in the context of carbon regulation. Assessment of the dynamics of the development of the Voronezh region has been carried out on the basis of selected indicators, and it has been concluded that the regional policy takes into account the necessary prerequisites for "green" growth, which determine the need to increase environmental, economic and social efficiency of activities, increasing the level of waste processing and reduce their producing.peer-reviewe

    Theoretical and Methodological Basis of Fomina’s Conception is Represented in the Article

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    В статье представлена теоретико-методологическая основа концепции Н. А. Фоминой по комплексному изучению проявлений личности в речи, в частности в тексте как продукте индивидуальной речевой деятельности. У статті представлено теоретико-методологічну основу концепції Н. О. Фоміної з комплексного вивчення проявів особистості в мовленні, зокрема в тексті як продукті індивідуальної мовленнєвої діяльності. The conception is devoted to complex investigation of personality characteristics in speech activity and text as product of individual speech activity

    Clustering as an integration pattern of business activity

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    The article deals with the analysis of business activity of companies and suggests the clustering as a key integration pattern of the central and peripheral region areas. Prerequisites of clustering formation and development are considered in the article. Moreover, the authors stressed that clustering increases the investment prospects of both the industry and the region.peer-reviewe

    The scenario approach to the development of regional waste management systems (Implementation experience in the regions of Russia)

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    The article illustrates a theoretical approach to scenario modeling of economic indicators of regional waste management system. The method includes a three-iterative algorithm that allows the executive authorities and investors to take a decision on logistics, bulk, technological and economic parameters of the formation of the regional long-term (10-25 years) waste management program. © 2016 Fomin et al

    Intuition in business: Empirical base

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    In this article, the authors propose economic projection of the views of Daniel Kahneman on intuition. The authors believe intuition to act as an operative category in entrepreneurship. The results of given statistical experiment prove viability of the phenomenon of intuition when making investment decisions. Two independent mechanisms for investment decisions are being defined - the «rational» and the «intuitive» ones. The research leads to conclusion that entrepreneurs’ intuitive decisions possess a relatively high level of efficiency. © 2016 Fomin et al

    Primary and Secondary Prevention of Strokes

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    We have made an attempt to systematize risk factors of primary and repeated ischemic strokes development. The divisions of the corrected and not corrected have been introduced in basis of systematization. The main tasks of primary and secondary prophylaxis of ischemic strokes have been distinguished. The realization of secondary prophylaxis is quite possible in modern stage and in the conditions of existing social and economic difficulties. So in comparison with the primary prophylaxis that sphere is less expensive. The affected possibility to the corrected risk factors has been determined, namely adequate therapy administered in time, complicated by the ischemic stroke development. The basic categories have been determined to carry out primary and secondary prophylaxis of ischemic strokes. They are teachers, psychologists, prophylaxis and curative institutions workers

    Nucleophilic Addition of Indoles to Carborancarboxaldehyde – a Convinient Synthetic Strategy Towards Novel Boron-Enriched 3-Indolylmethanols

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    This work was supported by Russian Science Foundation (Project 18-13-00365)


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    The basic features of different clinical studies types and their hierarchy considering strength of the evidence were considered. The quality assessment examples of information in medicine and data presentation options to form of evidence were presented. The role of a clinician as a participant in evidence process was underlined

    Correlação dos conceitos turismo “educacional” e “intelectual”: principais semelhanças e diferenças

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    Authors analyze various points of view that have formed in the scientific community in relation to educational and intellectual tourism. There are fairly well-established views regarding the first type; scientists highlight the goal of implementing educational tourism, its subjects, etc. As for intellectual tourism, the situation is much more complicated due to the fact that in the Russian literature, there have been only a few studies devoted to theoretical research on this issue. Naturally, this creates gaps and, therefore, problems in the practical sphere. With this in mind, we attempted to clarify the conceptual apparatus of intellectual tourism. Based on the results of the study, it was concluded that educational and intellectual tourism have similar goals. However, they differ significantly from each other, which does not allow equating these two terms.Los autores analizan diversos puntos de vista que se han formado en la comunidad científica en relación al turismo educativo e intelectual. Hay puntos de vista bastante bien establecidos con respecto al primer tipo; los científicos destacan el objetivo de implementar el turismo educativo, sus temáticas, etc. En cuanto al turismo intelectual, la situación es mucho más complicada debido a que en la literatura rusa solo se han realizado unos pocos estudios dedicados a la investigación teórica sobre este tema. Naturalmente, esto crea lagunas y, por tanto, problemas en la esfera práctica. Con esto en mente, intentamos aclarar el aparato conceptual del turismo intelectual. Con base en los resultados del estudio, se concluyó que el turismo educativo e intelectual tienen objetivos similares. Sin embargo, difieren significativamente entre sí, lo que no permite equiparar estos dos términos.Os autores analisam diversos pontos de vista que se formaram na comunidade científica em relação ao turismo educacional e intelectual. Existem visões bastante bem estabelecidas a respeito do primeiro tipo; os cientistas destacam o objetivo de implementar o turismo educacional, seus temas, etc. Quanto ao turismo intelectual, a situação é muito mais complicada devido ao fato de que na literatura russa existem poucos estudos dedicados à pesquisa teórica sobre o assunto. Naturalmente, isso cria lacunas e, portanto, problemas na esfera prática. Com isso em mente, procuramos esclarecer o aparato conceitual do turismo intelectual. Com base nos resultados do estudo, concluiu-se que o turismo educacional e o intelectual têm objetivos semelhantes. No entanto, eles diferem significativamente entre si, o que não permite igualar esses dois termos