353 research outputs found

    Continuous Hawking-Page transitions in Einstein-scalar gravity

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    We investigate continuous Hawking-Page transitions in Einstein's gravity coupled to a scalar field with an arbitrary potential in the weak gravity limit. We show that this is only possible in a singular limit where the black-hole horizon marginally traps a curvature singularity. Depending on the subleading terms in the potential, a rich variety of continuous phase transitions arise. Our examples include second and higher order, including the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless type. In the case when the scalar is dilaton, the condition for a continuous phase transition lead to (asymptotically) linear-dilaton background. We obtain the scaling laws of thermodynamic functions, as well as the viscosity coefficients near the transition. In the limit of weak gravitational interactions, the bulk viscosity asymptotes to a universal constant, independent of the details of the scalar potential. As a byproduct of our analysis we obtain a one-parameter family of kink solutions in arbitrary dimension d that interpolate between AdS near the boundary and linear-dilaton background in the deep interior. The continuous Hawking-Page transitions found here serve as holographic models for normal-to superfluid transitions.Comment: 35 pages + appendice

    Holographic bulk viscosity: GPR vs EO

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    Recently Eling and Oz (EO) proposed a formula for the holographic bulk viscosity, in arXiv:1103.1657, derived from the null horizon focusing equation. This formula seems different from that obtained earlier by Gubser, Pufu and Rocha (GPR) in arXiv:0806.0407 calculated from the IR limit of the two-point function of the trace of the stress tensor. The two were shown to agree only for some simple scaling cases. We point out that the two formulae agree in two non-trivial holographic theories describing RG flows. The first is the strongly coupled N=2* gauge theory plasma. The second is the semi-phenomenological model of Improved Holographic QCD.Comment: 21 pages, 2 figure

    The holographic quantum effective potential at finite temperature and density

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    We develop a formalism that allows the computation of the quantum effective potential of a scalar order parameter in a class of holographic theories at finite temperature and charge density. The effective potential is a valuable tool for studying the ground state of the theory, symmetry breaking patterns and phase transitions. We derive general formulae for the effective potential and apply them to determine the phase transition temperature and density in the scaling region.Comment: 27 page

    Instability and Degeneracy in the BMN Correspondence

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    Non-degenerate perturbation theory, which was used to calculate the scale dimension of operators on the gauge theory side of the correspondence, breaks down when effects of triple trace operators are included. We interpret this as an instability of excited single-string states in the dual string theory for decay into the continuum of degenerate 3-string states. We apply time-dependent perturbation theory to calculate the decay widths from gauge theory. These widths are new gauge theory data which can be compared with future calculations in light cone string field theory.Comment: 23 pages, no figure

    Non-Riemannian gravity actions from double field theory

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    Non-Riemannian gravitational theories suggest alternative avenues to understand properties of quantum gravity and provide a concrete setting to study condensed matter systems with non-relativistic symmetry. Derivation of an action principle for these theories generally proved challenging for various reasons. In this technical note, we employ the formulation of double field theory to construct actions for a variety of such theories. This formulation helps removing ambiguities in the corresponding equations of motion. In particular, we embed Torsional Newton-Cartan gravity, Carrollian gravity and String Newton-Cartan gravity in double field theory, derive their actions and compare with the previously obtained results in literature

    Predictions for PP-wave string amplitudes from perturbative SYM

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    The role of general two-impurity multi-trace operators in the BMN correspondence is explored. Surprisingly, the anomalous dimensions of all two-impurity multi-trace BMN operators to order g_2^2\lambda' are completely determined in terms of single-trace anomalous dimensions. This is due to suppression of connected field theory diagrams in the BMN limit and this fact has important implications for some string theory processes on the PP-wave background. We also make gauge theory predictions for the matrix elements of the light-cone string field theory Hamiltonian in the two string-two string and one string-three string sectors.Comment: 46 pages, 12 figures. V3:typos correcte

    On the Temperature Dependence of the Shear Viscosity and Holography

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    We examine the structure of the shear viscosity to entropy density ratio eta/s in holographic theories of gravity coupled to a scalar field, in the presence of higher derivative corrections. Thanks to a non-trivial scalar field profile, eta/s in this setup generically runs as a function of temperature. In particular, its temperature behavior is dictated by the shape of the scalar potential and of the scalar couplings to the higher derivative terms. We consider a number of dilatonic setups, but focus mostly on phenomenological models that are QCD-like. We determine the geometric conditions needed to identify local and global minima for eta/s as a function of temperature, which translate to restrictions on the signs and ranges of the higher derivative couplings. Finally, such restrictions lead to an holographic argument for the existence of a global minimum for eta/s in these models, at or above the deconfinement transition.Comment: references adde

    Holographic Conformal Window - A Bottom Up Approach

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    We propose a five-dimensional framework for modeling the background geometry associated to ordinary Yang-Mills (YM) as well as to nonsupersymmetric gauge theories possessing an infrared fixed point with fermions in various representations of the underlying gauge group. The model is based on the improved holographic approach, on the string theory side, and on the conjectured all-orders beta function for the gauge theory one. We first analyze the YM gauge theory. We then investigate the effects of adding flavors and show that, in the holographic description of the conformal window, the geometry becomes AdS when approaching the ultraviolet and the infrared regimes. As the number of flavors increases within the conformal window we observe that the geometry becomes more and more of AdS type over the entire energy range.Comment: 20 Pages, 3 Figures. v2: references adde

    Robustness of Sound Speed and Jet Quenching for Gauge/Gravity Models of Hot QCD

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    We probe the effectiveness and robustness of a simple gauge/gravity dual model of the QCD fireball that breaks conformal symmetry by constructing a family of similar geometries that solve the scalar/gravity equations of motion. This family has two parameters, one of which is associated to the temperature. We calculate two quantities, the speed of sound and the jet-quenching parameter. We find the speed of sound to be universal and robust over all the geometries when appropriate units are used, while the jet-quenching parameter varies significantly away from the conformal limit. We note that the overall structure of the jet-quenching depends strongly on whether the running scalar is the dilaton or not. We also discuss the variation of the scalar potential over our family of solutions, and truncate our results to where the associated error is small.Comment: 21 pages, 9 figures, LaTeX. v2:references added, minor correction to speed of sound; conclusions unchange

    Holographic models for undoped Weyl semimetals

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    We continue our recently proposed holographic description of single-particle correlation functions for four-dimensional chiral fermions with Lifshitz scaling at zero chemical potential, paying particular attention to the dynamical exponent z = 2. We present new results for the spectral densities and dispersion relations at non-zero momenta and temperature. In contrast to the relativistic case with z = 1, we find the existence of a quantum phase transition from a non-Fermi liquid into a Fermi liquid in which two Fermi surfaces spontaneously form, even at zero chemical potential. Our findings show that the boundary system behaves like an undoped Weyl semimetal.Comment: 64 pages, 19 figure