1,350 research outputs found

    The results of diagnosis and treatment of chronic generalized catarrhal gingivitis in children at the background of chronic tonsillar infection

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    Biocenosis of sulcus in chronic generalized catarrhal gingivitis children (CGCG) without background pathology and with chronic tonsillitis (CH) has been investigated. Its development and clinical course depending on dominant microbial agent (streptococci or staphylococci) are specified. This expands  our knowledge about etiology and pathogenesis of CGCG. The results of local immunity and nonspecific resistance study in CGCG children with/ without contaminant pathology are given. A new method of the patients under study treatment has been worked out and clinically tested. It has been established that the use of the complex offered allowes to reduce a number of complications, relapses, and increases the general efficacy of treatment.

    Моделювання мовної гри на базі актуалізації прецедентності (на матеріалі газетних заголовків (Language play modelling based on precedence)

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    У статті проаналізовано засоби моделювання мовної гри на базі прецедентності в заголовках публіцистичних статей. Визначено групи прецедентних текстів, що стали основою створення мовної гри. Досліджено лінгвістичні особливості відтворення прагматики в перекладі англійських газетних заголовків українською мовою. Запропоновано способи перекладу мовної гри зі збереженням гумористичного ефекту та прагматики оригінального тексту. (The article deals with the modelling of the language play based on precedence. It is proven that precedent texts are widely used in newspaper headlines to create a language play which is one of the most problematic language phenomena in terms of translation whether oral or written. The aim of this study is to determine the means of modelling of the precedent language play as well as the ways of translation which help to transfer its pragmatic meaning. The authors define groups of precedent texts on the basis of which the language play is created. Such texts include names of famous works of literature, idioms, quotations taken from famous movies, names of movies, names of famous songs. A special attention is paid to linguistic peculiarities of transferring the pragmatic meaning when translating English newspaper headlines into Ukrainian. The researchers examine newspaper headlines in the light of their pragmatic intention and ironic effect of a language play. The results show that 1) precedent texts used in newspaper style are often ironic; 2) adequate translation of the language play requires a high level of communicative competence which implies not only a proficiency level of the translation activity but also certain skills to think creatively when it comes to such a phenomenon as the language play.

    Relativistic and retardation effects in the two--photon ionization of hydrogen--like ions

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    The non-resonant two-photon ionization of hydrogen-like ions is studied in second-order perturbation theory, based on the Dirac equation. To carry out the summation over the complete Coulomb spectrum, a Green function approach has been applied to the computation of the ionization cross sections. Exact second-order relativistic cross sections are compared with data as obtained from a relativistic long-wavelength approximation as well as from the scaling of non-relativistic results. For high-Z ions, the relativistic wavefunction contraction may lower the two-photon ionization cross sections by a factor of two or more, while retardation effects appear less pronounced but still give rise to non-negligible contributions.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figure

    In situ X-ray diffraction investigation of nitride coatings at high-temperature oxidation

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    Structural and phase researches of the multicomponent nanocrystalline coatings synthesized by plasma-assisted vacuum arc method at high-temperature influence by method of X-ray diffraction with the use of synchrotron radiation in situ have been carried out. The main features of these coatings are the superhardness (39 - 45 GPa) and nanocrystalline structure (5 - 20 nm). The analysis of results of structural and phase researches, physical and mechanical characteristics after oxidation of multicomponent nitride coatings at high-temperature heating in open air is presented

    Structure of the local environment of titanium atoms in multicomponent nitride coatings produced by plasma-ion techniques

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    An experiment was performed to examine the X-ray Absorption Near-Edge Structure (XANES) and the Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure (EXAFS) near the K-edge of titanium in nanocrystalline titanium nitride coatings containing additives of copper, silicon, and aluminum. Using the observation data, the structure parameters of the local environment of titanium atoms have been estimated for the coatings. According to crystallographic data, the Ti-N distance in the bulk phase of titanium nitride is 2.12 Å and the Ti-Ti distance is 3.0 Å. Nearly these values have been obtained for the respective parameters of the coatings. The presence of copper as an additive in a TiN coating increases the Ti-N distance inappreciably compared to that estimated for titanium nitride, whereas addition of silicon decreases the bond distance. It has been revealed that the copper and silicon atoms in Ti-Cu-N and Ti-Si-N coatings do not enter into the crystallographic phase of titanium nitride and do not form bonds with titanium and nitrogen, whereas the aluminum atoms in Ti-Al-N coatings form intermetallic phases with titanium and nitride phases

    Superconducting joining of melt-textured Y-Ba-Cu-O bulk material

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    The Tm-Ba-Cu-O solder can be successfully used to produce a superconductive joint between MT-YBCO parts. The peculiarities of solidification, phase formation, structure transformations and electromagnetic properties of MT-YBCO soldered with TmBa2Cu3O7-d are discussed.Comment: PS of 6 pages text and 5 figures, presented at ICMC'2000, Brasi

    Structure and properties of commercially pure titanium nitrided in the plasma of a low-pressure gas discharge produced by a PINK plasma generator

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    The paper analyzes the surface structure and properties of commercially pure VT1-0 titanium nitrided in the plasma of a low-pressure gas discharge produced by a PINK plasma generator. The analysis demonstrates that the friction coefficient of the nitrided material decreases more than four times and its wear resistance and microhardness increases more than eight and three times, respectively. The physical mechanisms responsible for the enhancement of strength and tribological properties of the material are discussed

    A global geochemical database for environmental and resource management : recommendations for International Geochemical Mapping, final report of IGCP Project 259

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    Research conducted since 1988 as part of the International Geochemical Mapping (IGM) project has confirmed that the presently available data concerning the geochemical composition of the Earth’s surface are substantially incomplete and internally inconsistent. Many of the older data sets have serious deficiencies and do not meet basic requirements for establishing the range of natural geochemical background values. As a result of natural geological and environmental processes, element abundances in natural materials can vary by several orders of magnitude within short distances. These variations are inadequately documented and their existence is often overlooked in the setting of public policy. A high quality geochemical database is pertinent to a wide range of investigations in the earth and life sciences, and should be considered as an essential component of environmental knowledge. Detailed information about the natural variability of the geochemical background is pertinent to administrative and legal issues as much as to scientific research. Sustainable long-term management of environmental and mineral resources is dependent upon a comprehensive and reliable database. The International Geosphere-Biosphere Program on Global Change requires information on current conditions. Important aspects of change cannot be measured, or their consequences anticipated, unless the present composition of the earth’s surface materials is known. The International Geochemical Mapping project, which was endorsed in 1988 as a contribution to the IGBP (IGBP, 1989), is a multi-stage project established to consider how best to provide quantitative data to portray the geochemical diversity of the earth’s land surface. Participants in IGCP 259 have undertaken a comprehensive review of methods of regional and national geochemical mapping and examined the results obtained. Many problems have been identified and a variety of solutions discussed. Field and laboratory research has been carried out. The resulting recommendations are contained in this report. They are directed towards geochemists and those institutions, which have a mandate for providing an earth science and/or environmental database