355 research outputs found

    Analisis Kandungan Merkuri (Hg) pada Krim Pemutih Wajah Tidak Terdaftar yang Beredar di Pasar Inpres Kota Palu: Analysis Of The Content Of Mercury (Hg) In Unregistered Facial Whitening Creams Circulating In The Inpres Market Palu

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    Whitening cream is a mixture of chemicals and other materials to eliminate the the black spots on the skin. The purpose of this research was to determine whether unregistered facial whitening creams that contain mercury (Hg) and to determine the amount of mercury (Hg) levels of the facial whitening creams have circulated in the Inpres Market Palu. There are 10 samples were examined of facial whitening cream by using Purposive Sampling method. The testing of mercury content is divided into two stages first stage is qualitative testing (color test) and the second stage is quantitative testing atomic absorption Spectrophotometry using additional tools MVU (Mercury Vaporizer Unit). The result of the research show that all of 10 the samples contained mercury (Hg) with an average content of each sample A = 67,27 µg/g , B = 5349,47  µg/g, C = 137,49 µg/g, D = 159,25  µg/g, E = 90,22 µg/g, F = 33,61 µg/g, G = 31,87  µg/g, H = 32,36 µg/g, I = 3,63  µg/g and J = 3,52 µg/g

    Vitamin A Of Eel Fish (Anguilla Marmorata) From Palu River And Poso Lake

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    Background & Objective: Eel fish (Anguilla marmorata) has high nutritional or nutrition advantages such as protein, minerals, fatty acids and one of them is vitamin A. This study aims to compare the amount vitamin A of eel fish (Anguilla marmorata) phase glass eel, yellow eel, silver eel from Palu River and Lake Poso. Materials and Methods: The materials used in this research are eel fish (Anguilla marmorata) Glass eel, Yellow eel, Silver eel size from Palu River and Lake Poso, Ethanol, KOH, n-Hexane, BHT (Butyl Hydroxyl Toluene), Methanol. The sampling technique uses purposive sampling based on the type of weight, size and location of the taking. The method used is High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) where previously conducted saponification test (saponification) on sample of eel fish. Results: The result of vitamin A test on eel fish from Palu River phase of glass eel is 4.01 mg / kg (1336,67 IU / 100 gram), yellow eel 7,26 mg / kg (2420 IU / 100 gram), silver eel equal to 9.73 mg / kg (3243,34 IU / 100 gram). Vitamin A in eels from Lake Poso phase of glass eel of 0.22 mg / kg (73.34 IU / 100 gram), yellow eel 7.16 mg / kg (2386.67 IU / 100 gram), silver eel of 11 , 3 mg / kg (3766.67 IU / 100 gram). Conclusion: vitamin A of eel fish content from Palu River and Lake Poso were significantly different, which was based on p <0,0

    The performance of modified jatropha-based nanofluid during turning process

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    The industry's extensive use of petroleum-based metalworking fluid (MWF) harms the environment and humans. The production of bio-based MWF, especially from crude jatropha oil (CJO), has therefore taken numerous initiatives. This aimed to formulate newly modified jatropha oil (MJO) with the addition of 0.05wt.% hBN and 0.05wt.% MoS2 as the nanofluid for MWF. The performance of the nanofluids was determined through the turning process in terms of cutting temperature, workpiece surface roughness, tool life and tool wear of the tool lubricated by the nanofluids. The performance of the nanofluid samples was compared with the synthetic ester (SE). From the results, after conducted 100mm axial cutting length MJO+hBN+MoS2 recorded the lowest in cutting temperature and surface roughness compared to all samples. The result shows that MJO+hBN+MoS2 has longer tool life (6500mm) compared to SE (6000mm). Abrasion and adhesion were observed as the dominant tool wear mechanism. In conclusion, MJO+hBN+MoS2 shows better machining performance and has the potential to be an environmentally friendly metalworking fluid

    Konstruksi Sosial Media Komunikasi Instagram Terhadap Pola Pikir Perilaku Mahasiswa Pendidikan Sosiologi

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    Perkembangan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi seperti media massa khususnya media instagram yang menyebabkan terjadi Perubahan secara cepat dimana-mana. Media massa khusunya media instagram sedikit demi sedikit membawa masuk mahasiswa pendidikan sosiologi. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengatahui bagaimana penggunaan media social instagram medorong Perubahan pola pikir perilaku mahasiswa pendidikan sosiologi.untuk mencapai tujuan penelitian ini, maka penelitian menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan dasar penelitian studi kasus dan tipe penelitian deskriptif yaitu suatu model penelitian yang bertujuan untuk penelitian yang dilakukan secara intensif terperinci dan mendalam. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian sosial budaya (PSB) dengan tipe deskriptif kualitatif, yaitu memberikan gambaran tentang pola pikir perilaku mahasiswa mengenai media Instagram tersebut. Pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini dilakukan dengan cara observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Informan dalam penelitian ini dipilih dengan penentuan informan secara availability sampling atau biasa dikenal dengan aksidental yaitu teknik pengambilan informan secara kebetulan dan tidak menggunakan kriteria atau pertimbangan tertentu. Hasil penelitian ini adalah bahwa Instagram merupakan media yang memberi kemudahan cara berbagi secara online oleh fofto-foto, video dan juga layanan jejaring sosial yang dapat digunakan pengguna untuk menggambil dan membagi keteman mereka ataupun mejajahkan produk mereka melalui media Instagram tersebut

    Oral Cancer Awareness and its Determinants among a Selected Malaysian Population

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    Objective: To assess oral cancer awareness, its associated factors and related sources of information among a selected group of Malaysians. Methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted on all Malaysian ethnic groups aged >= 15 years old at eight strategically chosen shopping malls within a two week time period. Data were analysed using chi-square tests and multiple logistic regression. Significance level was set at alpha<0.05. Results: Most (84.2%) respondents had heard of oral cancer. Smoking was the most (92.4%) recognized high risk habit. Similar levels of awareness were seen for unhealed ulcers (57.3%) and red/white patches (58.0%) as signs of oral cancer. Age, gender, ethnicity, marital status, education, occupation and income were significantly associated with oral cancer awareness (p<0.05). Conclusions: There was a general lack of awareness regarding the risk habits, early signs and symptoms, and the benefits of detecting this disease at an early stage. Mass media and health campaigns were the main sources of information about oral cancer. In our Malaysian population, gender and age were significantly associated with the awareness of early signs and symptoms and prevention of oral cancer, respectively.Article Link: http://koreascience.or.kr/article/ArticleFullRecord.jsp?cn=POCPA9_2013_v14n3_195


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    This study aims to describe the implementation of the Business License Management Services Home Swallow's Nest at the Office of Investment with integrated one-stop service system North Barito regency. A qualitative approach has been used in the study. A selection of descriptive methods oriented for empirical data collection in the field was considered. Data collection techniques used in this study were: interview, observation and documentation related to the study. Model Miles and Huberman performed by reduction, data presentation, and verification of data. Results of the study described the licensing service Home Management Swallow's Nest at the Department of Investment and One-Stop in North Barito regency can be seen from the licensing service mechanism and legal principles fast, easy, and inexpensive.  Article visualizations

    Extraction transformation load (ETL) solution for data integration: a case study of rubber import and export information

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    Data integration is important in consolidating all the data in the organization or outside the organization to provide a unified view of the organization's information. Extraction Transformation Load (ETL) solution is the back-end process of data integration which involves collecting data from various data sources, preparing and transforming the data according to business requirements and loading them into a Data Warehouse (DW). This paper explains the integration of the rubber import and export data between Malaysian Rubber Board (MRB) and Royal Malaysian Customs Department (Customs) using the ETL solution. Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) and Microsoft SQL Server Agent Jobs have been used as the ETL tool and ETL scheduling