5,156 research outputs found

    Mathematics in Forensic Firearm Examination

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    Forensic Science encompasses many disciplines that employ the scientific method to examine, analyze, and interpret physical evidence in the courtroom. The discipline of Forensic Firearm Examination involves the examination and comparison of ballistic evidence components to determine if they came from the same source. In other words, firearm examiners are tasked with determining whether spent cartridge cases or bullets were fired through the same gun. Examination of ballistic evidence can involve the employment of automated matching systems, comparison microscopy, and mathematical analysis. The comparison microscope is the tool of the firearm examiner and allows for the simultaneous view of ballistic components. Through examination and comparison, the examiner determines if the components are an identification or an elimination, or are inconclusive. The use of automated matching systems is often a precursor to an examination and comparison, to determine possible matches with evidence stored in large databases. These systems employ mathematical techniques such as matching algorithms, transforms, and cross-correlation functions. Mathematical analysis involves the application of probabilistic thinking and statistical methods to articulate and support the conclusions of the firearms examiner. There is concern in the court system about the prominent presence of subjectivity in firearm examination. Mathematical methods can help decrease subjectivity, and they are unquestionably valuable for concepts of the discipline, such as consecutively matching striations. However, math does not eliminate the subjectivity of Forensic Firearm Examination and only proves valuable when utilized appropriately. The discipline deals with the comparison of individual characteristics that indicate if markings come from one tool and one tool alone. Fitting this idea into a statistical model is possibly an unsuitable course of action

    Isgur-Wise Functions from the Mit Bag Model

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    The Isgur-Wise functions for the ground state to ground state semileptonic decays involving bcb \rightarrow c transitions are calculated from the (modified) MIT bag model. It is checked that the results for the decays BDlν\overline{B} \rightarrow D l \overline\nu and BDlν\overline{B} \rightarrow D^* l \overline\nu agree well with experiment. Predictions for the decays ΛbΛclν\Lambda_b \rightarrow \Lambda_c l \overline\nu, BsDslν\overline{B}_s \rightarrow D_s l \overline\nu and BsDslν\overline{B}_s \rightarrow D^*_s l \overline\nu are given and discussed.Comment: 12 pages (3 figures available upon request), LaTeX, TPJU - 9/9

    An absorption spectrum amplifier for determining gas composition

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    Compositions of gas samples are frequently studied by laser absorption spectroscopy. Sensitivity is improved by two orders of magnitude when absorption cell is placed inside an organic-dye laser cavity

    Isgur - Wise Functions for Confined Light Quarks in a Colour Electric Potential

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    We explore the influence on the Isgur-Wise function of the colour electric potential between heavy and light quarks in mesons. It is shown that in bag models, its inclusion tends to restore light quark flavour symmetry relative to the MIT bag predictions, and that relative to this model it flattens the Isgur-Wise function. Results compare very well with observations.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figure (available upon request), Latex, TPJU - 4/9

    Transmission Loss and Absorption of Corrugated Core Sandwich Panels With Embedded Resonators

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    The effect of embedded resonators on the diffuse field sound transmission loss and absorption of composite corrugated core sandwich panels has been evaluated experimentally. Two 1.219 m 2.438 m panels with embedded resonator arrangements targeting frequencies near 100 Hz were evaluated using non-standard processing of ASTM E90-09 acoustic transmission loss and ASTM C423-09a room absorption test measurements. Each panel is comprised of two composite face sheets sandwiching a corrugated core with a trapezoidal cross section. When inlet openings are introduced in one face sheet, the chambers within the core can be used as embedded acoustic resonators. Changes to the inlet and chamber partition locations allow this type of structure to be tuned for targeted spectrum passive noise control. Because the core chambers are aligned with the plane of the panel, the resonators can be tuned for low frequencies without compromising the sandwich panel construction, which is typically sized to meet static load requirements. Absorption and transmission loss performance improvements attributed to opening the inlets were apparent for some configurations and inconclusive for others

    Buckling Testing and Analysis of Honeycomb Sandwich Panel Arc Segments of a Full-Scale Fairing Barrel Part 1: 8-Ply In-Autoclave Facesheets

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    Four honeycomb sandwich panels, representing 1/16th arc segments of a 10-m diameter barrel section of the heavy lift launch vehicle, were manufactured under the NASA Composites for Exploration program and the NASA Space Launch Systems program. Two configurations were chosen for the panels: 6-ply facesheets with 1.125 in. honeycomb core and 8-ply facesheets with 1.000 in. honeycomb core. Additionally, two separate carbon fiber/epoxy material systems were chosen for the facesheets: inautoclave IM7/977-3 and out-of-autoclave T40-800b/5320-1. Smaller 3.00- by 5.00-ft panels were cut from the 1/16th barrel sections. These panels were tested under compressive loading at the NASA Langley Research Center. Furthermore, linear eigenvalue and geometrically nonlinear finite element analysis was performed to predict the compressive response of the 3.00- by 5.00-ft panels. This manuscript summarizes the experimental and analytical modeling efforts pertaining to the panel composed of 8-ply, IM7/977-3 facesheets (referred to Panel A). To improve the robustness of the geometrically nonlinear finite element model, measured surface imperfections were included in the geometry of the model. Both the linear and nonlinear models yield good qualitative and quantitative predictions. Additionally, it was predicted correctly that the panel would fail in buckling prior to failing in strength. Furthermore, several imperfection studies were performed to investigate the influence of geometric imperfections, fiber misalignments, and three-dimensional (3 D) effects on the compressive response of the panel

    Buckling Testing and Analysis of Honeycomb Sandwich Panel Arc Segments of a Full-Scale Fairing Barrel

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    Four honeycomb sandwich panel types, representing 1/16th arc segments of a 10-m diameter barrel section of the Heavy Lift Launch Vehicle (HLLV), were manufactured and tested under the NASA Composites for Exploration program and the NASA Constellation Ares V program. Two configurations were chosen for the panels: 6-ply facesheets with 1.125 in. honeycomb core and 8-ply facesheets with 1.000 in. honeycomb core. Additionally, two separate carbon fiber/epoxy material systems were chosen for the facesheets: in-autoclave IM7/977-3 and out-of-autoclave T40-800b/5320-1. Smaller 3- by 5-ft panels were cut from the 1/16th barrel sections. These panels were tested under compressive loading at the NASA Langley Research Center (LaRC). Furthermore, linear eigenvalue and geometrically nonlinear finite element analyses were performed to predict the compressive response of each 3- by 5-ft panel. This manuscript summarizes the experimental and analytical modeling efforts pertaining to the panels composed of 6-ply, IM7/977-3 facesheets (referred to as Panels B-1 and B-2). To improve the robustness of the geometrically nonlinear finite element model, measured surface imperfections were included in the geometry of the model. Both the linear and nonlinear models yield good qualitative and quantitative predictions. Additionally, it was correctly predicted that the panel would fail in buckling prior to failing in strength. Furthermore, several imperfection studies were performed to investigate the influence of geometric imperfections, fiber angle misalignments, and three-dimensional (3-D) effects on the compressive response of the panel

    Droit de la construction : de la jurisprudence à la pratique notariale

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    "Parce que le contentieux de la construction concerne les notaires à bien des égards, cette nouvelle chronique, rédigée par des universitaires et des praticiens, a pour objectif premier de brosser un panorama des décisions importantes rendues au cours de l\u27année 2012 en la matière. Les signataires de ces lignes ont ensuite cherché, dans le cadre de cette collaboration entre chercheurs et notaires, à enrichir leurs commentaires de conseils pratiques. Ainsi, au cours de l\u27année écoulée, la Cour de cassation s\u27est prononcée sur des questions générales d\u27organisation de l\u27immeuble, précisant la liberté de choix entre le statut de la copropriété et la division en volumes ou revenant sur les règles applicables aux travaux réalisés sur un mur mitoyen. Des précisions ont également été apportées sur le champ d\u27application de la responsabilité décennale des constructeurs, puisqu\u27il a été rappelé que le vendeur même non professionnel d\u27un immeuble rénové peut, à certaines conditions, engager sa responsabilité décennale, de même que cette cause de responsabilité est également susceptible de s\u27appliquer lorsque les dommages affectant un immeuble neuf causent des préjudices à des tiers ou se matérialisent par un simple risque d\u27écroulement, sans que la catastrophe ne soit encore survenue. Un arrêt important précise en outre, dans le domaine des assurances, la distinction entre la faute lourde, couverte, et celle intentionnelle, dont l\u27assureur ne répondra pas. On relèvera finalement trois décisions importantes en matière de vente d\u27immeubles à construire. Deux concernent la rédaction des actes, quant à la distinction entre les notions d\u27achèvement et de livraison d\u27une part, puis relativement aux clauses d\u27allongement de délai de livraison pour intempéries, d\u27autre part. Le dernier revient sur la question importante la rénovation en précisant l\u27étendue de la responsabilité du notaire dans le choix entre le modèle de la vente en l\u27état futur d\u27achèvement et celui de la vente d\u27immeuble à rénover." Gwenaëlle Durand-Pasquie

    Prospects of increase of efficiency of functioning of insurance companies through the development of information systems

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    Russian companies have already been solved (or solved) issues automated support of business processes of insurance. Another aspect of it application in the insurance, which to date remains one of the most important is to support decision-making in the claim process, as it depends largely on the economic condition of the insurance company. To resolve this problem, the development of information systems, the inclusion in their structure of intellectual component, reducing the probability of errors when making decisions. The work of this component is based on the principles of the decision theory and artificial intelligence, uses the mathematical apparatus of decision-making in conditions of uncertainty and risk and is a tool that interacts with the information system of the company