218 research outputs found

    Innovative technologies in the treatment of short bowel syndrome

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    Introdiction. In recent years, many new technologies for the management of patients with short bowel syndrom (SBS), including SBS-IF (short bowel syndrom with intestinal failor), have appeared. The implemented surgical techniques are aimed at slowing down the progress of intestinal contents (antiperistaltic inserts, the creation of artificial valves in the small intestine, loops or pockets from the small intestine, etc.); surgical elongation of the small intestine (the most common STEP, Bianchy technique); intestinal transplantation. At the same time, when the intestine is shortened to 1.5–2,0 m, the adaptive rearrangements are still able to provide (albeit suppressed), but partially preserved absorption processes (in 80% of cases, the surface of the intestine is sufficient for slow transport of nutrients from the intestine to the blood). Therefore, it is important to increase the efficiency of adaptive rearrangements in any conservative way shown.Аim. Тo evaluate the role of hormonal stimulation of adaptive rearrangements in the residual bowel stump.Materials and methods. Рarameters of the well-known alimentary-volemic diagnosis, assessment of adaptive changes in the gastrointestinal tract (performed by determining citruline and GLP-2, as well as by morphological method). To stimulate the regulation of adaptive processes, a hormone preparation GLP-2 (teduglutide) was used in the nutritional support program.Results. It was shown that the length of the intestinal stump up to 1.5–2.0 m allows for digestive and transport processes due to adaptive rearrangements of the intestinal epithelium. With a super-short intestine, it is advisable to choose surgical methods of correction.Conclusion. For conservative correction of adaptive processes in the intestine, it is advisable to use a GLP-2 hormone preparation, in particular, teduglutide


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    SUMMARY. Currently, three main factors of occurrence and spreading of emergent infections are considered:            1. Factors of biological nature – genetic variability of viruses (mutation), which is fundamental property of viral pathogens. As is generally known, it helps agent to avoid pathogen responses of the host immune system, increasing its virulence and induce resistance to antiviral medicines.             2. Zoogeographical factors – increasing quantity of human contacts with birds and animals create optimal conditions for virus evolution, unpredictable passaging in their organism with possibility of intensification their virulence and also genetic recombination both between genes of viruses and between the genes of viruses and host cells.            3. Socio-economic factors are essentially important reason for occurrence and spread of emergent and re-emergent diseases. It is noted that the epidemiological risk in many respects is connected to the level of socio-economic situation in the country. The most dangerous and severe infectious diseases usually occur in countries with a high concentration and low living standards.            The article presents the summary of the most important emergent and re-emergent infection of viral nature, created exceptional epidemiological situation in the world with a high morbidity and mortality. To fight them, you need to create effective monitoring system identifying pathogens that are new or returning again into the human population. The problem of emergent and re-emergent infection is of global importance, and therefore for its prompt and effective solving we also need international cooperation.            Key words: emergent and re-emergent viral pathogens, epidemics and pandemics, system for monitoring and control of especially dangerous infections.У даний час розглядається три основних чинники виникнення і розповсюдження емерджентних інфекцій: 1. Фактори біологічної природи - генетична мінливість вірусів (мутація), яка є фундаментальною властивістю вірусних патогенів, вона допомагає збудникові уникати відповіді імунної системи хазяїна, збільшувати свою вірулентність таі індукувати резистентність до антивірусних препаратів.2. Зоогеографічні фактори – почастішання контактів людини з птахами і тваринами створюють оптимальні умови для еволюції вірусів, непередбачуваного пасирування в їх організмі з можливістю посилення їх вірулентності, а також генетичних рекомбінацій як між генами самих вірусів, так і між генами вірусів і клітин хазяїна. 3. Соціально-економічні чинники є значущою причиною виникнення і розповсюдження емерджентних і ре-емерджентних захворювань. Відмічено, що епідеміологічний ризик захворювань багато в чому пов’язаний з рівнем соціально-економічного становища в країні. Найбільш небезпечні і тяжкі інфекційні захворювання, як правило, частіше виникають в країнах з високою щільністю і низьким рівнем життя населення. Наведені короткі дані про найбільш важливі емерджентні і ре-емерджентні інфекції вірусної природи, що створили надзвичайні епідемічні ситуації в світі з високою захворюваністю і смертністю. Для успішної боротьби з ними необхідне створення ефективної системи моніторингу, спрямованої на виявлення нових збудників, що знову повертаються в людську популяцію. Проблема емерджентних і ре-емерджентних інфекцій має глобальне значення, у зв’язку з чим для її оперативного і результативного вирішення необхідна також міжнародна співпраця. Ключові слова: емерджентні і ре-емерджентні вірусні збудники, епідемії і пандемії, система моніторингу і боротьби з особливо небезпечними інфекціями.

    Агротехнологическая оценка возделывания ярового ячменя в условиях Среднего Урала

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    The studies were carried out in 2016–2020 on dark grey forest soil in the conditions of the Sverdlovsk region in a long-term stationary experiment. The object of observation was the spring barley Sonnet. The agrotechnological methods of spring barley cultivation were assessed in a two-factor experiment: factor A - crop rotations (precursor); factor B - food background. It was established that in the 0–50 cm layer during the sowing period, soil moisture availability on average for the predecessors varied in the range of 64.4–80.3 mm. The introduction of mineral fertilisers and their combinations with organic fertilisers in field crop rotations increased the reserves of productive moisture by 7–10 mm. The highest total nitrate and ammonium nitrogen content was noted during barley germination. The systematic use of fertilisers increased mineral nitrogen in the arable layer by 6.3–14.3 m/kg compared with the control (11.5–12.8 mg). A close positive relationship was found between the moisture content and mineral nitrogen in the 0–20 cm layer in the phase of barley seedlings. The correlation coefficient (r) was 0.67. During the crop rotation, there was no noticeable difference between the predecessors regarding the effect on the barley yield. In control, it varied at 2.63–2.77 t/ha. On fertilised nutrition backgrounds, an excess of grain harvest by 0.2–0.47 t/ha was revealed hectares when placing it as the second crop after the pure fallow to the occupied. On average, for predecessors, fertilisers provided an additional grain harvest at 1.53–1.54 t/ha compared to the control (2.71 t/ha). The organometal background of nutrition was not inferior to mineral fertilisers in terms of its impact on the productivity of grain forage crops—payback 1 kg a.i. Depending on the predecessor on the mineral background of nutrition, Fertilizers varied from 13.2 to 19.1 kg of grain. The maximum was noted in the grain-grass crop rotation. With a combination of organic and mineral fertilisers, the return decreased to 8.4–12.0 kg. A strong correlation was revealed between barley yield and mineral nitrogen content in the arable layer. On average, for the growing season, it was r = 0.97.Исследования проведены в 2016–2020 гг. на темно-серой лесной почве в условиях Свердловской области в стационарном длительном опыте. Объектом наблюдений являлся яровой ячмень Сонет. Оценка агротехнологических приемов возделывания ярового ячменя проведена в двухфакторном опыте: фактор А – севообороты (предшественник); фактор В – фон питания. Установлено, что в слое 0–50 см в период посева обеспеченность почвенной влагой в среднем по предшественникам варьировала в интервале 64,4–80,3 мм. Внесение минеральных удобрений и их сочетаний с органическими в полевых севооборотах увеличило запасы продуктивной влаги на 7–10 мм. Наибольшее суммарное содержание нитратного и аммонийного азота отмечено в период всходов ячменя, систематическое использование удобрений обеспечило повышение количества минерального азота в пахотном слое на 6,3–14,3 м/кг по сравнению с контролем (11,5–12,8 мг). Обнаружена тесная положительная связь между содержанием влаги и минеральным азотом в слое 0–20 см в фазе всходов ячменя, коэффициент корреляции (r) равнялся 0,67. За ротацию севооборотов не выявлено заметной разницы между предшественниками по воздействию на урожайность ячменя, в контроле она варьировала на уровне 2,63–2,77 т/га, на удобренных фонах питания выявлено превышение сбора зерна на 0,2–0,47 т/га при размещении его второй культурой после чистого пара по отношению к занятому. В среднем по предшественникам применение удобрений обеспечило дополнительный сбор зерна на уровне 1,53–1,54 т/га по отношению к контролю (2,71 т/га). Органоминеральный фон питания по своему воздействию на продуктивность зернофуражной культуры не уступал минеральным удобрениям. Окупаемость 1 кг д.в. удобрений в зависимости от предшественника на минеральном фоне питания варьировала от 13,2 до 19,1 кг зерна, максимум отмечен в зернопаротравяном севообороте. При сочетании органических и минеральных удобрений отдача снизилась до 8,4–12,0 кг. Выявлена сильная корреляционная связь между урожайностью ячменя и содержанием минерального азота в пахотном слое, в среднем за вегетацию она составила r = 0,97

    Methodology for the Formation of Professional Competence of Students in the Field of Gardening

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    В статье представлена методика формирования профессиональной компетентности будущих садоводов.The article presents the method of formation of professional competence of future gardeners

    Directional Sensitivity of the NEWSdm Experiment to Cosmic Ray Boosted Dark Matter

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    We present a study of a directional search for Dark Matter boosted forward when scattered by cosmic-ray nuclei, using a module of the NEWSdm experiment. The boosted Dark Matter flux at the edge of the Earth's atmosphere is expected to be pointing to the Galactic Center, with a flux 15 to 20 times larger than in the transverse direction. The module of the NEWSdm experiment consists of a 10 kg stack of Nano Imaging Trackers, i.e.~newly developed nuclear emulsions with AgBr crystal sizes down to a few tens of nanometers. The module is installed on an equatorial telescope. The relatively long recoil tracks induced by boosted Dark Matter, combined with the nanometric granularity of the emulsion, result in an extremely low background. This makes an installation at the INFN Gran Sasso laboratory, both on the surface and underground, viable. A comparison between the two locations is made. The angular distribution of nuclear recoils induced by boosted Dark Matter in the emulsion films at the surface laboratory is expected to show an excess with a factor of 3.5 in the direction of the Galactic Center. This excess allows for a Dark Matter search with directional sensitivity. The surface laboratory configuration prevents the deterioration of the signal in the rock overburden and it emerges as the most powerful approach for a directional observation of boosted Dark Matter with high sensitivity. We show that, with this approach, a 10 kg module of the NEWSdm experiment exposed for one year at the Gran Sasso surface laboratory can probe Dark Matter masses between 1 keV/c2^2 and 1 GeV/c2^2 and cross-section values down to 103010^{-30}~cm2^2 with a directional sensitive search.Comment: 15 pages, 14 figures, updated references, clarified discussion in intro section. Submitted to JCA

    NEWSdm Collaboration

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    Direct Dark Matter searches are nowadays one of the most fervid research topics with many experimental efforts devoted to the search for nuclear recoils induced by the scattering of Weakly Interactive Massive Particles (WIMPs). Detectors able to reconstruct the direction of the nucleus recoiling against the scattering WIMP are opening a new frontier to possibly extend Dark Matter searches beyond the neutrino background. Exploiting directionality would also prove the galactic origin of Dark Matter with an unambiguous signal-to-background separation. Indeed, the angular distribution of recoiled nuclei is centered around the direction of the Cygnus constellation, while the background distribution is expected to be isotropic. Current directional experiments are based on gas TPC whose sensitivity is limited by the small achievable detector mass. In this paper we present the discovery potential of a directional experiment based on the use of a solid target made of newly developed nuclear emulsions and of optical read-out systems reaching unprecedented nanometric resolution

    Crowdsourcing Fungal Biodiversity : Revision of Inaturalist Observations in Northwestern Siberia

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    The paper presents the first analysis of crowdsourcing data of all observations of fungi (including lichens) and myxomycetes in Northwestern Siberia uploaded to iNaturalist.org to date (24.02.2022). The Introduction presents an analysis of fungal diversity crowdsourcing globally, in Russia, and in the region of interest. Materials and methods describe the protocol of uploading data to iNaturalist.org, the structure of the crowdsourcing community. initiative to revise the accumulated data. procedures of data analysis, and compilation of a dataset of revised crowdsourced data. The Results present the analysis of accumulated data by several parameters: temporal, geographical and taxonomical scope, observation and identification efforts, identifiability of various taxa, species novelty and Red Data Book categories and the protection status of registered observations. The Discussion provides data on usability of crowdsourcing data for biodiversity research and conservation of fungi, including pros and contras. The Electronic Supplements to the paper include an annotated checklist of observations of protected species with information on Red Data Book categories and the protection status, and an annotated checklist of regional records of new taxa. The paper is supplemented with a dataset of about 15 000 revised and annotated records available through Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF). The tradition of crowdsourcing is rooted in mycological societies around the world, including Russia. In Northwestern Siberia, a regional mycological club was established in 2018, encouraging its members to contribute observations of fungi on iNaturalist.org. A total of about 15 000 observations of fungi and myxomycetes were uploaded so far, by about 200 observers, from three administrative regions (Yamalo-Nenetsky Autonomous Okrug, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, and Tyumen Region). The geographical coverage of crowdsourcing observations remains low. However. the observation activity has increased in the last four years. The goal of this study consisted of a collaborative effort of professional mycologists invited to help with the identification of these observations and analysis of the accumulated data. As a result, all observations were reviewed by at least one expert. About half of all the observations have been identified reliably to the species level and received Research Grade status. Of those, 90 species (195 records) represented records of taxa new to their respective regions: 876 records of 53 species of protected species provide important data for conservation programmes. The other half of the observations consists of records still under-identified for various reasons: poor quality photographs, complex taxa (impossible to identify without microscopic or molecular study). or lack of experts in a particular taxonomic group. The Discussion section summarises the pros and cons of the use of crowdsourcing for the study and conservation of regional fungal diversity, and summarises the dispute on this subject among mycologists. Further research initiatives involving crowdsourcing data must focus on an increase in the quality of observations and strive to introduce the habit of collecting voucher specimens among the community of amateurs. The timely feedback from experts is also important to provide quality and the increase of personal involvement.Peer reviewe


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    Colon dysbacteriosis was revealed in 40 patients with acute poisoning caused by psychopharmacological agents at the stage of rehabilitation which waы confirmed by clinical symptoms and bacteriological tests in 21 cases (10 — control group, and 11 — study group) as well. We demonstrated an adequacy of Pectovit prebiotic for management of colon microbiocenosis violations.У 40 пациентов с острыми отравлениями психофармакологическими средствами на этапе реабилитации выявлено наличие дисбактериоза толстой кишки, подтвержденное клиническими симптомами, а в 21 случае — также бактериологическими исследованиями (10 — группа сравнения и 11 — исследуемая группа). Показана целесообразность применения пребиотика — пектовита для коррекции нарушений микробиоценоза толстой кишки