251 research outputs found

    Anti-Aggregation Function of Blood Vessels in Piglets of Dairy and Plant Nutrition

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    Modern pig farming is a significant sector of modern agriculture in many countries. The attractiveness of its products is associated with their excellent taste and economic affordability. The intensive development of pig breeding considers the latest achievements in the field of pig biology during their early ontogenesis. Optimal functioning of hemostasis in growing piglets relies on platelet activity. Its low severity during the phase of milk and vegetable nutrition provides them with the optimal functional state of primary hemostasis, the success of microcirculation in the internal organs, and sufficient activity of all functional and biochemical processes. In the blood of healthy piglets during the phase of dairy and plant nutrition, a decrease in the number of peroxidation products was noted due to an increase in the level of antioxidant protection of their plasma. This minimized their platelet and vascular wall alteration and provided optimal platelet-vascular interactions. This study shows that the gradual increase in the platelet aggregation that develops in piglets at this age is functionally balanced by the increase in the disaggregation properties of blood vessels and creates conditions for optimal blood flow in small-caliber vessels. Keywords: piglets, phase of dairy and plant nutrition, platelets, aggregation, disaggregation, early ontogenesi


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    The model of quality assessment of a scientific and educational network performance

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    The relevance of the studied problem is caused by the fact that now the creation need of transparent and objective models and mechanisms of educational quality assessment of the organizations with participation of professional communities, public organizations, and other interested parties is realized. The purpose of the publication consists in the model development of quality assessment of s scientific and educational network performance in the form of external audit. The system approach connected with representation, studying and designing of object as systems, sets of its interconnected structural and functional components, including in relation to research of the pedagogical phenomena and systems acts as the leading approach to research of this problem. The model of quality assessment of the scientific and educational network performance in the form of external audit is presented. Materials of the article can be useful while carrying out an independent assessment of current state and dynamics definition of the development of participants’ activity of network interaction (conditions, processes, results). © 2016 Tkacheva, Simonova & Matveev

    Value of Safety of Anticoagulant Therapy in Elderly Patient with Atrial Fibrillation and High Risk of Bleeding

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    The review article discusses  the safety issue of anticoagulant therapy in elderly patients with atrial fibrillation and high risk of bleeding.  An evidence base is presented demonstrating the high safety of rivaroxaban in patients over 80  years of age,  with a high risk of bleeding  and cardiovascular complications,  the presence of comorbid  pathology, geriatric syndromes  and chronic kidney disease (including in combination with anemia). The problem of low adherence to treatment in elderly patients and the possibility of solving it were separately considered

    Guarantee of quality of electronic testirvaniya in the system of the additional vocational education

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    Today becomes urgent the creation of the information texnologies, based on the systems approach to the estimation of test tasks. For this it is expedient to develop test programs for the checking of the standard of knowledge of listeners. Undoubtedly, the automated evaluation of knowledge occupies here fundamental importance. We developed innovation approach to the form of the idea of the results of electronic testing. The special importance takes the form of the idea of the result of testing, which gives advantage during the guarantee of quality of educational services. It is shown that the test technologies increase the quality of instruction in the system of additional vocational educationСегодня становится актуальным создание информационных технологий, основанных на системном подходе к оценке тестовых заданий. Для этого целесообразно разработать тест-программы для контроля уровня знаний слушателей. Несомненно, автоматизированная оценка знаний занимает здесь первостепенное значение. Мы разработали инновационный подход к форме представления результатов электронного тестирования. Особое значение имеет вид представления результата тестирования, которое дает преимущество при обеспечении качества образовательных услуг. Показано, что тестовые технологии повышают качество обучения в системе дополнительного профессионального образовани

    Formation of Human Resources in the Process of Circumpolar Region Development

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    Article reveals the specific features and problems of human resources formation in oil and gas regions of the Russian Arctic and Subarctic. The research objective is to clarify the correlation of the ‘labor resources' and ‘human resources' concepts, identify of mechanisms of their formation, and determine the characteristics and capabilities of the most effective use of human potential through the use of non-traditional methods of organizing production shift in the circumpolar region. Human resources are treated as the most capacious concept with extended space-time and socio-cultural characteristics, additionally containing the hidden features and quality. The factors that determine the specificity of the formation of human resources in the circumpolar region, the inconsistency of regional identity and the perception of further development of the territories of indigenous and newly arrived population are allocated. The study is based on sociological surveys held from 1980 to 2015 covering various population categories of the circumpolar zones: the old-timers, newcomers, shift workers, representatives of indigenous peoples of the north. Research results enable the representatives of public authorities and oil and gas companies understand the effects of exploration and production operations on the way of life of indigenous peoples as well as to develop solutions for combining cultural traditions and modern industrial innovation as to help minimize social and ethno-cultural harm. Additionally, study reveals the features of the shift workers' interactions with the indigenous population, as well as in labor collectives, define areas of possible constructive dialogue. Expert interviews revealed behavioral features of stationary and shift staff of oil and gas companies, the dynamics shift workers' assessment of their living standards. The authors consider it necessary to continue research of the social problems arising in the course of development of Arctic regions, to develop a system of standards governing the quality of human resources, and quality of life. Keywords: shift method, autochthonous population, regional identity, arctic region JEL Classifications: Q3; M54; J6; R1

    Use of a glycosamine sulfate for patients with osteoarthritis and a comorbidity with high risk of the side effects from NSAIDS

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    The literature review is devoted to the peculiarities of treating co-morbid patients with acute conditions of chronic pain. The proved effect of NSAIDS must always correlate with the side effect risk. Patented microcrystalline glucosamine sulfate (pCGS) is likely to have an effect similar to NSAIDS because it can cause decrease of COX-2 and PGE2 gene expression. Randomized trials show, that patented microcrystalline glucosamine sulfate can impede complex structure changes and have a positive effect on the symptoms at the early stage of knee OA. Pharmacokinetic evidence demonstrates that repeated oral intake of microcrystalline glucosamine sulfate can cause the increase of GS in synovial fluid. It is necessary to monitor OA biomarkers during microcrystalline GS treatment, recommend appropriate physical exercise and study the neuropathic component of chronic pain


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    The article examines the conceptual, theoretical and methodological guidelines for economic evaluation of innovative technologies through financial and technological leverage. The concept of financial–technological linkage was developed with the aim of establishing a relationship between technological efficiency and effectiveness of operational and financial activities of the enterprise. The authors have developed measurement technology and the use of technological linkage as a tool for assessing commercial potential of new technologies, which allows establishing a link between technological efficiency and effectiveness of operational and financial activities of the engineering enterprise.It is proved that the concept of technological linkage explains how the creation of new technologies can raise the value of the business, exceeding significantly the value of the underlying technological innovations taken in isolation. In addition, there is a real possibility of effective monitoring of the economic impact (need, usage, efficiency) from the use of технологічн6ої development, the exclusive rights which are at the disposal of the enterprise.Determined that the level of commercial potential of intellectual technology is not limited only to the influence of technological leverage. The potential power can be represented as a dependence of the level of commercial potential of several very important factors that act in parallel. They proposed to include the following, the most important components of the level of commercial potential of innovative technology: the lever of the early stages of the life cycle of an innovative product; the lever of the developer technological innovations; financial leverage.The effect of financial and technological leverage depends on innovation activity and innovation capacity of the enterprise–the developer of a technological product. Its value is usually higher for industries with higher technological level of production, which is very typical for innovative enterprises.В статье рассмотрены концептуальные теоретико–методические положения экономической оценки инновационных технологий на основе финансово–технологического рычага. Обосновано, что концепция технологического рычага объясняет, каким образом создание новой технологии может поднять стоимость бизнеса, превышая в разы ценность базовой технологической инновации, взятой изолированно. Кроме того, появляется реальная возможность эффективного мониторинга экономической отдачи (потребности, использование, эффективность) от использования технологической разработки, исключительные права на которую находятся в распоряжении данного предприятия.В статті розглянуто концептуальні теоретико–методичні положення економічної оцінки інноваційних технологій на засадах фінансово–технологічного важеля. Обґрунтовано, що концепція технологічного важеля пояснює, яким чином створення нової технології може підняти вартість бізнесу, перевищуючи в рази цінність базової технологічної інновації, взятої ізольовано. Крім того, з'являється реальна можливість ефективного моніторингу економічної віддачі (потреби, використання, ефективності) від використання технологічної розробки, виключні права на яку знаходяться в розпорядженні даного підприємства

    Моніторинг комерційного потенціалу об'єктів інтелектуальної власності

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    The methodical approach to the monitoring of intellectual, industrial and commercial activities of industrial enterprises was developed. A two monitoring trigonometric functions, which individually can display the status of the company in various fields of activity are proposed. Recommendations for using trigonometric functions for process, crisis and market-oriented monitoring are developed. It is proved that the most accurate monitoring result can be obtained by joint use of the proposed functions.Розроблено мето-дичний підхід до проведення моніторингу інтелектуальної, виробничої і комерційної діяльності промислового підприємства. Запропоновано дві тригонометричні моніторингові функції, кожна з яких окремо може відображати стан справ на підприємстві в різних сферах його діяльності. Розроблено рекомендації щодо використання тригонометричних функцій для технологічного, антикризового та ринково-орієнтованого моніторингу. Доведено, що найбільш точний результат моніторингу може бути отриманий при спільному використанні запропонованих функцій