209 research outputs found

    Risk estimation of heavy metals from consumption of silver pomfret and tiger tooth croaker in Hormozagan Province

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    In the present study, accumulation of manganese, cadmium, zinc, iron and copper in the commercially fish species (silver pomfret and tiger tooth croaker) caught from Bandarabbas coasts at 2010 was measured and the risk of daily intake of them in Hormozagan urban population was estimated. The average concentrations (µ/g dry weight) of manganese, cadmium, zinc, iron, and copper in the muscle tissue of silver pomfret were 1.248, 0.217, 14.444, 2.397 and 3.300, respectively, while the concentration of them in tiger tooth croaker were 1.009, 0.403, 12.564, 4.467 and 2.366, respectively. According to fish consumption rate, urban populations of the province were divided into four groups; low, medium, high and very high. The target hazard quotient (THQ) in each group calculated separately. The THQ of all groups were much lower than 1 in the two fish. The results showed that urban populations of the province have not any risk due to accumulation of the studied heavy metals

    Applying data mining method for marketing purpose in social networks: case of Tebyan

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    Within a very short period of time, social networking sites are developed among different users all around the world. Social networks have high value to business intelligence. In these networks, there are so many advantages and demands on addressees and their interest recognition. How do we increase our social network users, posts, and effectiveness? How many consumers can be segmented with respect to their reactions to social network? The creation of a target market strategy is integral to developing an effective business strategy. The purpose of this article is market segmentation and correctly identifying the target groups for social network using data mining techniques. As users in each segment have their own and specific interests, social networks can define them by their demographic profiles, they can also change their development strategies according to users and interests they want to engage in. In this research, we deploy data mining methods for segmenting Tebyan social network users to see how this method could contribute toward marketing strategies and purposes. According to K-mean algorithm, we demonstrate five different customer categories based on their characteristics and behaviour that deploying appropriate strategy for each category can help the marketing performance

    Effect of Antioxidants on the Outcome of Therapy in Paraquat-intoxicated Patients

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    Purpose: The present study was conducted to determine the effect of vitamins C and E administration on the outcome of therapy in patients with paraquat intoxication admitted in the Poisoning EmergencyDepartment (PED) of Noor Teaching General Hospital, Isfahan, Iran.Methods: We studied retrospectively medical records of 186 patients admitted to the PED in two different study periods: 157 patients were evaluated from 1985 to 2001 (first study period) in which patients received conventional treatment protocol consisting of fluid replacement, oral absorbents, haemodialysis, etc, Also, 29 other patients were assessed from 2001 to 2005 (second study period) in which vitamins C and E had been administered to the patients, in addition to the conventional protocol.The patients' mortality rate after the first study period was compared to that of the second one, with regard to the impact of the additional therapeutic intervention (use of antioxidant vitamins).Results: Most of the patients (40.5 %) had ingested more than 20 mL of 20 % paraquat solution and were admitted to the hospital during the first 4 h after exposure. Paraquat poisoning was more common in men (76.6 %), young adults in the age group 19 - 34 (47 %) and during summer (43.3 %). Mean (± SE) length of hospital stay was 62.6 ± 15.6 h. Overall mortality rates were 31 and 55.2 % in the first and second periods, respectively.Conclusion: Although the addition of antioxidants (vitamins C and E) to the conventional therapy did not reduce the mortality rate, other dependent variables including different doses of antioxidants may beconsidered for future studies

    A Comparative Study of Environmental Education Goals and its Related Activities in Iran and Selected Countries in order to suggest activities to for Iran

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    In this paper the attention has been paid to goals of the environmental education and related activities in Sweden, Australia, Canada, Turkey and Iran through a comparative and analytical method .In this regard, in addition to review documents of Iran and selected countries in the field of environmental education, interviews done with 12 experts in Tehran and Isfahan. To select these experts chain sampling method was used and the interviews with environmental experts executed until data saturation. In aim section, the prevailing view in all countries is sustainable development. In goals section, there was similarities in the development of knowledge, skills and positive attitude to nature. In part of activities related to environmental education, there is a significant gap between selected countries with Iran. On the other hand, it can be stated that this gap has been caused by a Gap between the intended purpose of the program and its implementation in Iran. At the end, localized actions have been proposed regarding the objectives of environmental education

    A systematic mapping review of factors associated with willingness to work under emergency condition

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    Introduction: An effective response to an emergency situation relies on health care workers� preparedness. The main purpose of this study was to provide a comprehensive overview of relevant studies regarding the willingness to work in emergency and disaster situations, describe and classify the most important challenges and solutions, identifying knowledge gaps in the literature which could inform future research. Methods: In this Systematic Mapping Review required information was searched from PubMed, Scopus, the web of science, Embase databases, and Google scholar search engine in the period 2000�2020. Data were analyzed using a content framework analysis. Results: From 2902 article search results, 26 articles met the inclusion criteria. The studies varied in terms of aim, study design, and detail of reporting. The results showed that nearly three-quarters of studies were conducted in high and middle-income countries. Most of the studies were published in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Also, the most common types of crises reported in the included studies were emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases. The results show that most of the problems were in the dimension of mental and psychological issues, personnel health concerns, and management relationship with personnel. Conclusion: This mapping review illustrated a big picture of health workers' resilience in disaster conditions. This review presents an overview of different kinds of strategies that address the challenges. One of the most important challenges in health workforce retention is poor communication between managers and staff. Being away from family, which leads to mental fatigue, puts staff in moral dilemmas. Attracting adequate health professionals, especially volunteers and regulating the shifts of health personnel in crisis time will largely prevent burnout. © 2021, The Author(s)

    Electrochemical polymerisation of phenol in aqueous solution on a Ta/PbO2 anode

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    This paper deals with the treatment of aqueous phenol solutions using an electrochemical technique. Phenol can be partly eliminated from aqueous solution by electrochemically initiated polymerisation. Galvanostatic electrolyses of phenol solutions at concentration up to 0.1 mol dm−3 were carried out on a Ta/PbO2 anode. The polymers formed are insoluble in acidic medium but soluble in alkaline. These polymers were filtered and then dissolved in aqueous solution of sodium hydroxide (1 mol dm−3). The polymers formed were quantified by total organic carbon (TOC) measurement. It was found that the conversion of phenol into polymers increases as a function of initial concentration, anodic current density, temperature, and solution pH. The percentage of phenol polymerised can reach 15%

    The relationship between video display terminals (VDTs) usage and dermatologic manifestations : a cross sectional study

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    BACKGROUND: Recently, it has been observed that Video Display Terminals (VDTs) usage for long periods can cause some dermatological manifestations on the face. An analytical cross-sectional study was designed in order to determine this relationship. METHODS: In this study, 600 office workers were chosen randomly from an organization in Tehran (Iran). The subjects were then divided into two groups based on their exposure to VDTs. 306 workers were considered exposure negative (non VDT user) who worked less than 7 hours a week with VDTs. The remainders 294 were exposure-positive, who worked 7 hours or more with VDTs. The frequency of dermatologic manifestations was compared in these two groups. RESULTS: In the exposure-positive and exposure-negative groups, the frequency of these dermatologic manifestations were 27 and 5 respectively. After statistical analysis, a P.value of < 0.05 was obtained indicating a statistically significant difference between these two groups for dermatological manifestations. CONCLUSION: According to our study, there is a relationship between dermatologic manifestations on the face and exposure to VDTs

    Razine antinuklearnoga antitijela i reumatoidnoga faktora u radnika izloženih silicijevu dioksidu

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    A lot of workers in industries such as foundry, stonecutting, and sandblasting are exposed to higher than permissible levels of crystalline silica. Various alterations in humoral immune function have been reported in silicosis patients and workers exposed to silica dust. The aim of this study was to measure antinuclear antibody (ANA) and rheumatoid factor (RF) levels in foundry workers exposed to silica and to compare them with a control group without such exposure. ANA and RF were measured in 78 exposed and 73 non-exposed workers, and standard statistical methods were used to compare them. The two groups did not significantly differ in age and smoking. Mean work duration of the exposed and non-exposed workers was (14.9±4.72) years and (12.41±6.3) years, respectively. Ten exposed workers had silicosis. ANA was negative in all workers in either group. Its mean titer did not differ significantly between the exposed and control workers [(0.39±0.15) IU mL-1 vs. (0.36±0.17) IU mL-1, respectively]. RF was positive in two workers of each group. Other studies have reported an increase in ANA and RF associated with exposure to silica dust and silicosis. In contrast, our study suggests that exposure to silica dust does not increase the level of ANA and RF in exposed workers.Mnogi su radnici izloženi kristalnomu silicijevu dioksidu u razinama iznad dopuštenih. U oboljelih od silikoze i radnika izloženih prašinama koje sadržavaju silicijev dioksid zamijećen je niz oštećenja humoralne obrane. Budući da su radnici u ljevaonicama izloženi visokim razinama kristalnoga silicijeva dioksida, u njih bismo očekivali ovakve humoralne poremećaje. Cilj je ovog ispitivanja bio izmjeriti i usporediti razine antinuklearnih protutijela (ANA) i reumatoidnoga faktora (RF) u krvi radnika u ljevaonici izloženih silicijevu dioksidu i neizložene kontrolne skupine. ANA i RF izmjereni su u 78 izloženih radnika i 73 neizložena radnika te su uspoređeni s pomoću standardnih statističkih metoda. Dvije se skupine nisu bitno razlikovale u broju pušača i u dobi. Prosječna duljina radnog vijeka izloženih radnika bila je (14,9±4,72) godine, a neizloženih (12,41±6,3) godine. Deset izloženih radnika imalo je silikozu. Nalazi ANA bili su negativni u obje skupine radnika. Srednja vrijednost titra ANA iznosila je (0,39±0,15) IU mL-1 u izloženih ispitanika, a (0,36±0,17) IU mL-1 u kontrola, što je statistički zanemariva razlika. Nalaz RF-a bio je pozitivan u dva izložena te dva kontrolna radnika. Naše ispitivanje upućuje na to da prašine silicijeva dioksida ne uzrokuju porast razina ANA i RF-a u izloženih radnika

    The study of rearing density effect on growth and survival of fingerlings Kutum, Rutilus kutum, with Caspian Sea water

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    Rutilus kutum is one of the most important economic fish species of Iranian costal of Caspian Sea. This species conducted more than 60% of fish caught in Caspian Sea annually, and more than 10 thousands fisherman engaged to its fishery. In present study, kutum fingerlings reared in two different densities include of 25 and 40 fish/m^2 with mean weight of 17.5±5.87 g. The period of test being planned 10 weeks and the test organism housed in circular concrete pools of 3 m^3 capacity with flowing water and aeration in pools are supplied. The fishes feed by extrude food with 45% crude protein and 14% crude fat. After termination of the experiment, the result showed that weight gain performance, specific growth rate, condition factor, food efficiency rate and protein efficiency rate decreased, while food conversion ratio increased with rising of density, as their different was significance in two experimental treatments (p<0.05). The kutum reared in low density showed significantly higher survival rate (SVR) (with 88.8%) than high density (with 76.9%) (p<0.05). Based on the different observed effects of the density on growth and survival, it is recommended the use of a 25 kutum/m^2 density for rearing by Caspian Sea water