2,328 research outputs found

    Factores que afectan las representaciones sociales ambientales en estudiantes sordos

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    99 p. Recurso Electr?nicoFactores que afectan las representaciones sociales ambientales en estudiantes sordos: Para dar inicio al proyecto se escoge el colegio departamental Ricaurte, espec?ficamente el grado 7, que consta de 40 estudiantes aproximadamente de los cuales hay un peque?o grupo de inclusi?n de 7 ni?os, estos presentan como caracter?stica general el ser sordos. Gracias a la observaci?n se pudo apreciar las falencias que tiene los estudiantes sordos del grado 7, para identificar y definir algunos conceptos o representaciones sociales del medio ambiente. Se evidencia la poca adquisici?n de conceptos sobre el medio ambiente su cuidado y conservaci?n, por este motivo se considera importante la introducci?n de dichos contenidos ya que el ser sordos no es limitante para hacerse participe en una comunidad preocupada por un bienestar general, es de resaltar que como alumnos no tienen claros muchos conceptos por tal raz?n desconocen su importancia y la cercan?a que tienen con los mismos. Por tal raz?n se decide crear un proyecto donde se aclaren dichos conceptos y de una u otra forma se impliquen nuevas estrategias de ense?anza aprendizaje por parte del docente para que los estudiantes sordos adquieran un aprendizaje significativo por medio de la interacci?n de las TIC. Palabras Claves: Educaci?n De Inclusi?n, Sordos, Representaciones Sociales Ambientales, Ense?anza-AprendizajeFactors that affect the environmental social representations in deaf students: To start the project, the Ricaurte departmental school is chosen, specifically grade 7, which consists of 40 students, of which there is a small inclusion group of 7 children. General characteristic of being deaf. Thanks to the observation it was possible to appreciate the flaws that deaf students of grade 7 have, to identify and define some concepts or social representations of the environment. The little acquisition of concepts about the environment care and conservation is evident, for this reason it is considered important the introduction of such content since being deaf is not limiting to participate in a community concerned about a general welfare, it is to highlight that as students are not clear many concepts for such reason are unaware of their importance and the closeness they have with them. For this reason it is decided to create a project where these concepts are clarified and in one way or another new teaching-learning strategies are implied by the teacher so that deaf students acquire meaningful learning through the interaction of ICT. Keywords: Inclusive Education, Deafness, Environmental Social Representations, Teaching-Learnin

    Conodontos telychienses (Silúrico inferior) del sinclinal del Guadarranque (Zona Centroibérica, Macizo Hespérico)

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    Se refiere el hallazgo de los primeros conodontos silúricos id entificables taxonómicamente de la Zona Cenlroibérica del Macizo Hespérico. El material estudiado procede de las ampelitas de la Formación Guadarranquejo, en el Sinclinal del Guadarranque y es referido al Telychiense en base a los grapto litos asociados

    Genetic study in patients operated dentally and anesthetized with articaine-epinephrine

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    Aims: In this study we wanted to figure out if there was a correlation between OPRM1 N40D, TRPV1 I316M, TRPV1 I585V, NOS3 −786T>C and IL6 −174C>G polymorphisms and the response to locally applied articaine-epinephrine anesthetic. Methods: In this observational study, 114 oral cell samples of patients anesthetized with articaine-epinephrine (54 from men 60 from women), were collected from dental centers in Madrid (Spain). High molecular weight DNA was obtained from oral mucosa cells. The analysis of OPRM1 N40D (rs1799971), TRPV1 I316M (rs222747), TRPV1 I585V (rs8065080) and IL6 −174C>G polymorphism was performed through real-time PCR allelic discrimination using TaqMan probes. Polymorphism NOS3 −786T> C (rs2070744) was analyzed using RFLP-PCR. Results: The studied polymorphisms are involved neither in the response to the anesthetic, nor in the intensity of perceived dental pain. However, in a subset of female patients we found that TRPV1 I316M was associated with a delayed onset of anesthesia. Conclusions: There is no association among these polymorphisms and the time elapsed between the application of the anesthetic and the onset of its effect

    Conodontos del Viseense superior (Carbonífero) de la Unidad de la Sierra del Castillo (Córdoba, España)

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    El estudio de cincuenta y siete muestras ha permitido identificar, describir e ilustrar diecisiete taxones de conodontos correspondientes a 8 géneros que se incluyen en 5 familias pertenecientes a los órdenes Ozarkodinida DZIK, 1976 y Prioniodinida SWEET, 1988. Las secciones estudiadas son de edad Viseense superior (Carbonífero, Misisipiense) y se encuentran próximas a la población de Espiel (Córdoba), en la denominada Área del Guadiato, en la Cuenca carbonífera del Norte de Ossa-Morena. El muestreo se ha realizado en un total de 5 secciones estratigráficas que comprenden unos 300 metros, dando resultados positivos 4 de ellas: las secciones de El Collado, la sección de la Sierra del Castillo y las de la Sierra de la Estrella 1 y 2. Dichas secciones, constituidas por la alternancia de materiales carbonáticos y margosos se ilustran junto con las distribuciones estratigráficas de los taxones de conodontos encontrados, todos ellos fragmentados. Los principales taxones identificados han sido: Gnathodus bilineatus (ROUNDY, 1926), G. praebilineatus BELKA, 1985, G. homopunctatus ZIEGLER, 1960, G. girtyi HASS, 1953, G. meischneri AUSTIN & HUSRI, 1974, G. pseudosemiglaber THOMPSON & FELLOWS, 1970, G. semiglaber BISCHOFF, 1957, Idioprioniodus healdi (ROUNDY, 1926), Idioprioniodus conjunctus (GUNNELL, 1931), Kladognathus spp., Bispathodus utahensis SANDBERG & GUTSCHICK, 1984, Lochriea commutata (BRANSON & MEHL, 1941), Vogelgnathus aff. postcampbelli (AUSTIN & HUSRI, 1974) y Mestognathus beckmanni BISCHOFF, 1957. Esta asociación de conodontos podría indicar la Biozona de Gnathodus bilineatus BELKA 1985, característica de la casi totalidad del Asbiense y del Brigantiense inferior (Viseense superior)

    Two-way coupled long-wave isentropic ocean-atmosphere dynamics

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    The events following the 15 January 2022 explosions of the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai volcano highlighted the need for a better understanding of ocean-atmosphere interactions when large amounts of energy are locally injected into one (or both). Starting from the compressible Euler equations, a two-way coupled (TWC) system is derived governing the long-wave behaviour of the ocean and atmosphere under isentropic constraint. Bathymetry and topography are accounted for along with three-dimensional atmospheric non-uniformities through their depth average over a spherical shell. A linear analysis, yielding two pairs of gravito-acoustic waves, offers explanations for phenomena observed during the Tonga event. A continuous transcritical regime (in terms of water depth) is identified as the source of large wave generation in deep water bodies, removing the singularity-driven Proudman-type resonance observed in one-way coupled models. The refractive properties, governing the interaction of the atmospheric wave with step changes in water depth, are derived to comment on mode-to-mode energy transfer. Two-dimensional global simulations modelling the propagation of the atmospheric wave (under realistic conditions on the day) and its worldwide effect on oceans are presented. Local maxima of water-height disturbance in the farfield from the volcano, linked to the atmospheric wave deformation (in agreement with observations), are identified, emphasising the importance of the TWC model for any daylong predictions. The proposed framework can be extended to include additional layers and physics, e.g. ocean and atmosphere stratification. With the aim of contributing to warning system improvement, the code necessary to simulate the event with the proposed model is made available.journal articl

    Conodontos del Ordovícico Superior (Ashgill) en la Serra do Buçaco, Portugal

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    Se describen los primeros conodontos ordovícicos de Portugal, que fueron obtenidos en el Miembro Poiares de la Formación Ferradosa, aflorante en el sinclinal de Buçaco (Zona Centroibérica portuguesa). La mayor parte de los taxones de conodontos se han identificado en nomenclatura abierta debido a las condiciones de conservación que presentan. De las observaciones tafonómicas del material estudiado, se infieren condiciones de metamorfismo de grado bajo (epizonal) para las rocas de las cuales fueron extraídos. La asociación de conodontos está integrada por taxones representativos de la Biozona de Amorphognathus ordovicicus (Ashgill) en la Provincia Mediterránea del Dominio Nordatlántico

    Cambrian small shelly fossils from the Çal Tepe Formation, Taurus Mountains, Turkey

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    Lower and Middle Cambrian carbonate rocks of the Çal Tepe Formation, cropping out in the western Taurus Mountains, yielded a large number of microfossil remains. Small shelly fossils from a single level in the upper Lower Cambrian represent a high diversity biota that could be related to the «Cambrian explosion». Microfossil association from the lower Middle Cambrian sediments of the Çal Tepe Formation is taxonomically very reduced and a dominant taxon is Hadimopanella GEDIK. This sudden change could be attributed to a deepening of the basin during the early Middle Cambrian transgression. [RESUMEN] Los sedimentos carbonatados de la Formación Çal Tepe (Montes Taurus occidentales) que corresponden al techo del Cámbrico Inferior y base del Cámbrico Medio, han proporcionado un gran número de restos paleontológicos. Los más antiguos, atestiguan la existencia de una paleobiota muy diversificada que puede vincularse a la «explosión cámbrica». En tanto que los sedimentos del Cámbrico Medio contienen una asociación de fósiles que se caracteriza por una diversidad muy baja en la cual el elemento dominante es Hadimopanella GEDIK. Este cambio dramático registrado por los fósiles estudiados, puede atribuirse a una profundización de la cuenca que sería coincidente con la transgresión de la base del Cámbrico Medio

    Micropolar fluids using B-spline divergence conforming spaces

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    We discretized the two-dimensional linear momentum, microrotation, energy and mass conservation equations from micropolar fluids theory, with the finite element method, creating divergence conforming spaces based on B-spline basis functions to obtain pointwise divergence free solutions [8]. Weak boundary conditions were imposed using Nitsche's method for tangential conditions, while normal conditions were imposed strongly. Once the exact mass conservation was provided by the divergence free formulation, we focused on evaluating the differences between micropolar fluids and conventional fluids, to show the advantages of using the micropolar fluid model to capture the features of complex fluids. A square and an arc heat driven cavities were solved as test cases. A variation of the parameters of the model, along with the variation of Rayleigh number were performed for a better understanding of the system. The divergence free formulation was used to guarantee an accurate solution of the flow. This formulation was implemented using the framework PetIGA as a basis, using its parallel stuctures to achieve high scalability. The results of the square heat driven cavity test case are in good agreement with those reported earlier. © The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V