282 research outputs found

    Efficiency of carotine-chlorophyllic complexes use in a-hypovitaminosis of poultry

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    The principal purpose of this study was to investigate the possibility of using chloroprenol as a vitamin supplement in diets of broiler chickens for the prevention of A-vitamin deficiencies and improve the commercial quality of poultry products. In accordance with desired goal we have estimated the clinical-biochemical status of the broiler chickens under production-line conditions, defined the optimal dosages of chloroprenol for the broiler chicken, determined the effect of the drug on the morphological and biochemical parameters of blood, studied their effect on the natural resistance parameters of the body, accumulation of biological active substances in the liver, viability and productivit

    The study of inhibiting structural material corrosion in water recycling systems by sodium hydroxide

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    Influence of sodium hydroxide on the rate and nature of corrosion of St3 carbon steel and SCh 18-36 grey cast iron in highly mineralized recycling water was studied. The nature of the corrosion damage was determined and the weight index of corrosion of these alloys was calculated. By means of polarization measurements, the electrochemical indices of anodic processes on steel and cast iron were determined. The effect of the circulating water pH on behavior of steel and cast iron under anodic polarization has been studied by cyclic voltammetry. It has been shown that the effective impact of pH on characteristics of the anode processes occured at pH≥11.4. At these pH values, the metal steady-state potential shifted to a region of positive values which was an indication of inhibition of the anodic process itself. At pH≥11.4, the pitting potential significantly shifted to the positive side: the process of healing pits was faster than their formation. It has been established that steel and especially cast iron tend to pass into a passive state at pH> 10. The corrosion rate values did not exceed this index for the studied alloys in distilled water and were in the range of acceptable values. Thus, it is possible to effectively inhibit the rate of steel and cast iron corrosion, especially in the waterline zone by shifting the pH of the circulating water to the alkaline region. As a result of the conducted studies, optimal working conditions for iron alloys as the most technically important structural materials for designing closed cycles of circulating water supply systems have been established

    Socio-Economic Situation of Middle Urals in the First Post-Crisis Year 1999 (according to Regional and Municipal Statistics)

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    The base of the study was a set of statistical data, both stored in the personal archives of the authors and published in the form of statistical collections, as well as scientific literature. The analysis of the socio-economic situation of the Sverdlovsk Region (Middle Urals) in the first year after the systemic economic crisis of August 1998 is carried out. The scientific novelty of the research is seen in the fact that the reconstruction of the socio-economic state of the region was carried out in one of the turning years of its history. New previously unpublished materials are being introduced into scientific circulation. It is noted that the financial crisis of 1998 dealt a powerful blow to the socio-economic life of the Russian Federation. It is stated that it was only the ultimate aggravation of the extreme socio-economic situation already at that time. It is stated that 1999 was a year of turning point in general and gradual transition to the systematic development of market relations. It is declared that during this year there were significant positive changes in the industry and the budgetary sphere of the region. It is claimed that there was a deep stagnation in agriculture. The conclusion is made about the ambiguity of the crisis consequences for different categories of the population

    Основні вікові зміни шкіри у чоловіків згідно результатів ультразвукової діагностики

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    Вступ. Надзвичайно важливим завданням сучасної медичної науки є збереження здоров'я населення. У чоловіків виявляються різні вікові порушення, такі як зміни функціональної діяльності різних систем і органів. Вікові зміни негативно впливають на стан здоров'я, перебіг різних захворювань і якість життя. Матеріали та методи. Обстежено 120 чоловіків віком 25–64 роки. За віком пацієнтів їх було розподілено на чотири клінічні групи: І група – 25–34 роки, ІІ група – 35–44 роки, ІІІ – 45–54 роки, ІV – 55–64 роки. Чоловікам III групи ми запропонували застосовувати препарати Кратал і Кверцетин протягом 30 днів, а чоловікам IV групи — Тіоцетам-Форте протягом 30 днів. Проведено ультразвукове дослідження та доплерографія. Для статистичного аналізу використовували парний t-критерій Стьюдента. Статистичний аналіз проводили за допомогою програмного забезпечення STATISTICA 6.1. Результати. У чоловіків старших вікових груп зареєстровано зменшення товщини різних шарів шкіри. У самців зрілого віку спостерігалися низькі рівні швидкості течії (її максимальний і середній показники), а також високі індекс резистентності та індекс пульсової активності. У випадках, коли з профілактичною метою призначали антиоксиданти, ноотропи, вазопротектори, швидкість кровотоку (її максимальний і середній показники) у судинах шкіри зростала, а індекс резистентності та індекс пульсової активності знижувався. Висновки. У дослідженні показано, що застосування антиоксидантів, ноотропів і вазопротекторів було ефективним для профілактики старіння шкіри і порушень кровотоку в ній у чоловіків старших вікових груп.Introduction. An extremely important task of modern medical science is to preserve the health of the population. Various age violations are found in men, such as changes in the functional activity of different systems and organs. Age-related changes have a negative influence on health state, the course of different diseases, and life quality. Materials and Methods. 120 men aged 25–64 years were examined. They were divided into four clinical groups according to the age of patients: I group – 25–34 years old, II group – 35–44 years old, III – 45–54 years old, and IV – 55–64 years old. We proposed the use of Cratal and Quercetin medications for 30 days for men from group III, and Tiocetam-Forte for 30 days for men from group IV. Ultrasound examination and dopplerography were performed. For statistical analysis, the paired Student's t-test was used. Statistical analysis was performed using STATISTICA 6.1 software. Results. The reduction in thickness of the different layers of the skin in men of older age groups was registered. Low levels of flow velocity (its maximum and average figures), as well as high resistance index and pulse activity index, were observed in males of mature age. In cases, when antioxidants, nootropics, and vasoprotectives were prescribed for prophylaxis, flow velocity (its maximum and average figures) increased in skin vessels, while resistance index and pulse activity index dеcreased. Conclusions. It was shown in the investigation that the use of antioxidants, nootropics, and vasoprotectives were effective for the prevention of skin aging and blood-flow violations in it in males of older age groups

    The Concept of Development of Monitoring Systems and Management of Intelligent Technical Complexes

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    Conceptual approaches to improving the system of monitoring and managing the functional capabilities of intelligent technical complexes of buildings and transport and technological machines of mining enterprises are defined. Criteria are proposed for the efficiency of functioning of automatic systems for controlling the movement of transport-technological machines, taking into account the probabilistic nature of system-forming factors. The scheme of scientific and methodological research on the improvement of automation systems and traffic control in the automotive transport is presented. The perspective directions of the formation of control functions for the movement of vehicles based on the use of intelligent automated systems are substantiated. The stages of the life cycle of technical systems for monitoring the movement of vehicles, taking into account the features of their operation. A technique has been developed for the optimal use of technical means of control in the field of providing control and supervisory functions in the operation of vehicles, and the dependence of determining the financial costs of maintaining their efficiency has been determined


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    Subject and Purpose. The article is devoted to the analysis of theoretically and experimentally obtained values of the specific effective sea-scattering surface in the region of super-high-frequencies (SHF). The study is reasoned by the need to know characteristics of the electromagnetic wave scattering from various objects at the modeling stage. The focus is on the choice of backscattering model with a methodology of specific effective scattering surface estimation that takes into account the shadowing effect of the sea surface under given conditions. Methods and Methodology. The study is based on mathematical modeling techniques and is accompanied by the comparison of the modeling results with experiment. Results. Proceeding from the simulation results with the effect of sea-surface shadowing taken into account and relying on the check of consistency with the measured data, a comparison analysis has been performed among theoretical models of specific effective sea-scattering surface calculation at low grazing angles. Conclusion. Analysis has been given to the specific effective sea-scattering surface obtained by the facet and two-scale models and to the values measured by experiment. Quantitative estimates of the specific effective scattering surface have been obtained with the shadowing effect of the sea surface taken into account. Analysis of the quantitative estimates has been carried out

    Socio-Economic Situation of Middle Urals in the First Post-Crisis Year 1999 (according to Regional and Municipal Statistics)

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    The base of the study was a set of statistical data, both stored in the personal archives of the authors and published in the form of statistical collections, as well as scientific literature. The analysis of the socio-economic situation of the Sverdlovsk Region (Middle Urals) in the first year after the systemic economic crisis of August 1998 is carried out. The scientific novelty of the research is seen in the fact that the reconstruction of the socio-economic state of the region was carried out in one of the turning years of its history. New previously unpublished materials are being introduced into scientific circulation. It is noted that the financial crisis of 1998 dealt a powerful blow to the socio-economic life of the Russian Federation. It is stated that it was only the ultimate aggravation of the extreme socio-economic situation already at that time. It is stated that 1999 was a year of turning point in general and gradual transition to the systematic development of market relations. It is declared that during this year there were significant positive changes in the industry and the budgetary sphere of the region. It is claimed that there was a deep stagnation in agriculture. The conclusion is made about the ambiguity of the crisis consequences for different categories of the population.Базой исследования стал комплекс статистических данных, как хранящихся в личных архивах авторов, так и опубликованных в виде статистических сборников, а также научная литература. Осуществлен анализ социально-экономического положения Свердловской области (Среднего Урала) в первый год после системного экономического кризиса августа 1998 года. Научная новизна исследования видится в том, что была осуществлена реконструкция социально-экономического состояния региона в один из переломных лет его истории. В научный оборот вводятся новые, не публиковавшиеся ранее материалы. Отмечается, что финансовый кризис 1998 года нанес мощный удар по социально-экономической жизни Российской Федерации. Констатируется, что он явился всего лишь предельным обострением сложившейся уже к тому времени экстремальной социально-экономической ситуации. Заявляется, что 1999 год стал годом перелома в целом и постепенного перехода к планомерному развитию рыночных отношений. Декларируется, что в течение указанного года произошли существенные позитивные сдвиги в промышленности и бюджетной сфере региона. Утверждается, что в сельском хозяйстве имела место глубокая стагнация. Делается вывод о неоднозначности последствий кризиса для различных категорий населения страны