4,256 research outputs found

    A Marketing Booklet for the Square Apartel & Arcade: a Way to Attract More Customers to the Hotel

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    The Square Apartel & Arcade is a new exclusive apartelle (a mixture of apartment and hotel) with a “one stop living” concept. It is located at Siwalankerto Street 146 – 148, Surabaya, East-Java, Indonesia. It is divided into two different types of business; an apartment and a hotel. In reality, many people think that The Square Apartel & Arcade only provides apartments, not lodgings. Therefore, it has become a problem for The Square. To solve this problem, The Square needs a media which can help its owner to show the real business of The Square, i.e. apartment and hotel. As a result, the writer decided to make a marketing booklet which contains eight parts: table of contents, company overview (“About The Square Apartel & Arcade”), product description (“Room Types”), the price of the product (“Room Rates”), additional services, building facilities, shopping arcade, and contact information (“Contact Us”). By having all the information above, prospective customers would have more precise information about the business of The Square. Hopefully, this marketing booklet will enable The Square to attract and get more customer

    The Structure and the Distance of Collinder 121 from Hipparcos and Photometry: Resolving the Discrepancy

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    We present further arguments that the Hipparcos parallaxes for some of the clusters and associations represented in the Hipparcos catalog should be used with caution in the study of the Galactic structure. It has been already shown that the discrepancy between the Hipparcos and ground based parallaxes for several clusters including the Pleiades, Coma Ber and NGC 6231 can be resolved by recomputing the Hipparcos astrometric solutions with an improved algorithm diminishing correlated errors in the attitude parameters. Here we present new parallaxes obtained with this algorithm for another group of stars with discrepant data - the galactic cluster Cr 121. The original Hipparcos parallaxes led de Zeeuw et al. to conclude that Cr 121 and the surrounding association of OB stars form a relatively compact and coherent moving group at a distance of 550 -- 600 pc. Our corrected parallaxes reveal a different spatial distribution of young stellar populace in this area. Both the cluster Cr 121 and the extended OB association are considerably more distant (750 -- 1000 pc), and the latter has a large depth probably extending beyond 1 kpc. Therefore, not only are the recalculated parallaxes in complete agreement with the photometric uvbybeta parallaxes, but the structure of the field they reveal is no longer in discrepancy with that found by the photometric method.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figure, ApJL accepte

    Compelling Images: The Constitutionality of Emotionally Persuasive Health Campaigns

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    Legislation requiring the display of emotionally compelling graphic imagery in medical and public health contexts is on the rise-two examples include the Food and Drug Administration\u27s recently abandoned tobacco labeling regulations, which would have imposed images of diseased lungs and cancerous lesions on cigarette packaging, and state laws requiring physicians to display and describe ultrasound images to women seeking abortions. This Article highlights the disconnect between the constitutional challenges to these laws, which focus on the perils of compelling speakers to communicate messages with which they may disagree, and the public\u27s primary objections, which are grounded in ethical concerns about the state\u27s reliance on emotion to persuade. This Article argues that, despite inconsistent judicial precedent in the tobacco and ultrasound contexts, concerns about the emotional impact of government mandated images on viewers can and should be incorporated in First and Fourteenth Amendment analyses. In making this argument, the Article relies on the body of First Amendment jurisprudence in which the Supreme Court suggests that images are uniquely dangerous because they are less rational, less controllable, and more emotionally powerful than textual communications

    Pengaruh Arus Kas Per Lembar Saham dan Laba Bersih Per Lembar Saham terhadap Kebijakan Dividen Perusahaan LQ 45 di Bursa Efek Indonesia

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh arus kas per lembar saham dan laba bersih per lembar saham terhadap kebijakan dividen Perusahaan LQ 45 di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah Perusahaan yang aktif dan konsisten masuk secara terus-menerus dalam perhitungan indeks LQ 45 yang listed di Bursa Efek Indonesia periode 2009 – 2012 dan membagikan dividen setiap tahun kepada pemegang saham selama periode penelitian. Hipotesis dalam penelitian ini diuji dengan menggunakan metode ordinary least square (OLS). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa arus kas operasi per lembar saham berpengaruh negatif dan signifikan terhadap dividen per lembar saham. Hal ini menandakan bahwa arus kas operasi per lembar saham merupakan salah satu pertimbangan bagi manajemen dalam menentukan kebijakan dividen. Laba cenderung lebih cepat berubah-ubah, sedangkan arus kas lebih stabil dan kestabilan arus kas tersebut yang menjamin kestabilan dividen. Interaksi arus kas operasi per lembar saham dan laba bersih per lembar saham tahun sebelumnya berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap dividen per lembar saham. Hal ini menandakan bahwa Perusahaan memperhatikan arus kas operasi per lembar saham yang dimiliki saat akan membayar dividen dan juga secara bersama-sama mempertimbangkan laba bersih per lembar saham tahun sebelumnya dalam menentukan kebijakan dividen

    Analyzing Motivated Readers: a Reader-response Study on a. Fuadi's the Land of Five Towers

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    Keywords: reader-response, motivation, The Land of Five Towers, Forum LingkarPena Malang A literary work is produced by a writer not only to entertain but also to deliver a message. The example of the message contained in a literary work is motivation to gain some goals or dreams. A. Fuadi's The Land of Five Towers novel is one of literary works which carries out motivation as its subject.This research applies reader-response theory, specifically transactional reader-response and theory of motivation to find out the number of motivated and unmotivated readers and what are the motivations gained after reading The Land of Five Towers. Besides, this research also applies both quantitative and qualitative approach through numbers and document analysis to examine the data taken from the questionnaire, the interview and the novel. In this case, the respondents of the research is the members of Forum Lingkar Pena Malang.The data is taken from questionnaire distributed to 40 (forty) respondents, they are members of Forum Lingkar Pena Malang. All of the respondents or 100% are motivated and 0% unmotivated after reading The Land of Five Towers. The motivations gained by the readers are classified into 7 (seven) categories. Those categories are motivation to study abroad and get better education, motivation to improve and learn deeper one's passion, motivation to make parents proud, motivation to work harder than before, motivation to be successful in career or work, and motivation to maintain a good and long-last friendship. Some motivational parts in this novel are A- Half Hearted Decision, Hundreds of Thousands of Handshakes, Mice Meeting, Man Jadda Wajada, Five Countries Four Continents, Fellowship of The Manara, Tyson's First Attack, Inner War, and Trafalgar Square

    Character, Competence, and the Principles of Medical Discipline

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    This Article presents a first-of-its-kind analysis of the disciplinary functions of state medical licensing boards-the frequently overlooked administrative agencies designed to serve as the gatekeepers of the medical profession. It concludes that medical boards may have lost sight of their primary goal of patient protection and suggests that a renewed focus on professional licensing boards may go a long way towards addressing some of the quality of care problems plaguing the American medical system. This Article identifies three fundamental legal principles underlying medical boards\u27 authority to discipline physicians: the goal of public protection, substantive due process limitations based on fitness to practice medicine, and the concept of disciplinary minimalism. It demonstrates that boards, which frequently sanction physicians who engage in criminal conduct and other forms of unprofessional conduct outside the clinical sphere, often exercise their disciplinary discretion in a manner inconsistent with these fundamental principles. A more effective use of medical boards\u27 scarce resources would involve a focus on physicians whose misconduct is more clearly linked to clinical practice. Accordingly, this Article suggests that boards return their focus to the principles of professional discipline, prioritizing disciplinary actions taken on the basis of competence, rather than character

    Error Analysis On Narrative Paragraphs Written By Students Of Al Hikmah Islamic High School Surabaya

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    Key Words: Error analysis, narrative paragraph.Language is a crucial media in human communication. Aside from the first language acquired since human learned to talk, human learn second languages as well. In learning second languages, the language learners produce errors frequently. The researcher conducts a research on narrative paragraphs written by students of Al Hikmah Islamic High School Surabaya by using Dulay, Burt dan Krashen\u27s theory. This research focuses on two problems: (1) What are errors found in narrative paragraphs written by third year students, (2) What common errors are produced by third year students.This research uses qualitative approach in document analysis to describe the errors produced by the students in writing narrative paragraphs. The data are sentences containing errors, taken from the narrative paragraphs entitled “My Last Vacation” written by the students.The researcher reveals 477 errors which divided into four categories. Error of addition appears with the percentage of 10%, error of omission appears with the percentage of 19%, error of misformation appears with the percentage of 68%and error of misordering appears with the percentage of 3%.The researcher expects this research to be able to contribute in a betterunderstanding regarding error analysis. The researcher also suggests the nextresearcher, especially students of English Department to do a research withdifferent object and theory because this research is yet to cover all aspect of error analysis

    Struktur Penyajian Tari Jepin Cangkah Pedang dalam Seni Tari Melayu di Kota Pontianak

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    The specific objective of this study is to browse through unique artifacts on the dance jepin Cangkah Sword in Pontianak. The goal is to document the structure of jepin Cangkah Sword dance presentation. The method used is descriptive analysis method with a form of qualitative research. The approach used is Etnokoreologi. The data source using primary data and secondary data. The research data in the form of interviews, observation, documentation and results of diaries about the motives of the dance movement jepin Cangkah Sword. Results from this study is the effort made in documenting motifs jepin Cangkah sword dance that is meeting with the speaker who is a dancer and musician arts jepin Cangkah Sword, Doing exercises with dancers and musicians as in the year 1950-1980. Analyzing the structure of the presentation of jepin Cangkah Sword dance, dance jepin Redisplays Cangkah Sword is a beginning, a middle section consisting of motifs (1-3), the final part, props, costumes and musical accompaniment
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