627 research outputs found

    Phenomenology of soft hadron interactions and the relevant EAS data

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    The interpretation of the experimental data in superhigh energy cosmic rays requires the calculations using various models of elementary hadron interaction. One should prefer the models justified by accelerator data and giving definite predictions for superhigh energies. The model of quark-gluon pomeron strings (the QGPS models) satisfies this requirement

    Signatures of the transition from galactic to extragalactic cosmic rays

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    We discuss the signatures of the transition from galactic to extragalactic cosmic rays in different scenarios, giving most attention to the dip scenario. The dip is a feature in the diffuse spectrum of ultra-high energy (UHE) protons in the energy range 1×10184×10191\times 10^{18} - 4\times 10^{19} eV, which is caused by electron-positron pair production on the cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation. The dip scenario provides a simple physical description of the transition from galactic to extragalactic cosmic rays. Here we summarize the signatures of the pair production dip model for the transition, most notably the spectrum, the anisotropy and the chemical composition. The main focus of our work is however on the description of the features that arise in the elongation rate and in the distribution of the depths of shower maximum XmaxX_{\rm max} in the dip scenario. We find that the curve for Xmax(E)X_{\max}(E) shows a sharp increase with energy, which reflects a sharp transition from an iron dominated flux at low energies to a proton dominated flux at E1018E\sim 10^{18} eV. We also discuss in detail the shape of the XmaxX_{\max} distributions for cosmic rays of given energy and demonstrate that this represents a powerful tool to discriminate between the dip scenario and other possible models of the transition.Comment: Version accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Stimulated Raman backscattering of laser radiation in deep plasma channels

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    Stimulated Raman backscattering (RBS) of intense laser radiation confined by a single-mode plasma channel with a radial variation of plasma frequency greater than a homogeneous-plasma RBS bandwidth is characterized by a strong transverse localization of resonantly-driven electron plasma waves (EPW). The EPW localization reduces the peak growth rate of RBS and increases the amplification bandwidth. The continuum of non-bound modes of backscattered radiation shrinks the transverse field profile in a channel and increases the RBS growth rate. Solution of the initial-value problem shows that an electromagnetic pulse amplified by the RBS in the single-mode deep plasma channel has a group velocity higher than in the case of homogeneous-plasma Raman amplification. Implications to the design of an RBS pulse compressor in a plasma channel are discussed.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures; submitted to Physics of Plasma

    Monte Carlo treatment of hadronic interactions in enhanced Pomeron scheme: I. QGSJET-II model

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    The construction of a Monte Carlo generator for high energy hadronic and nuclear collisions is discussed in detail. Interactions are treated in the framework of the Reggeon Field Theory, taking into consideration enhanced Pomeron diagrams which are resummed to all orders in the triple-Pomeron coupling. Soft and "semihard" contributions to the underlying parton dynamics are accounted for within the "semihard Pomeron" approach. The structure of cut enhanced diagrams is analyzed; they are regrouped into a number of subclasses characterized by positively defined contributions which define partial weights for various "macro-configurations" of hadronic final states. An iterative procedure for a Monte Carlo generation of the structure of final states is described. The model results for hadronic cross sections and for particle production are compared to experimental data

    Depth of maximum of extensive air showers and cosmic ray composition above 10**17 eV in the geometrical multichain model of nuclei interactions

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    The depth of maximum for extensive air showers measured by Fly's Eye and Yakutsk experiments is analysed. The analysis depends on the hadronic interaction model that determine cascade development. The novel feature found in the cascading process for nucleus-nucleus collisions at high energies leads to a fast increase of the inelasticity in heavy nuclei interactions without changing the hadron-hadron interaction properties. This effects the development of the extensive air showers initiated by heavy primaries. The detailed calculations were performed using the recently developed geometrical multichain model and the CORSIKA simulation code. The agreement with data on average depth of shower maxima, the falling slope of the maxima distribution, and these distribution widths are found for the very heavy cosmic ray mass spectrum (slightly heavier than expected in the diffusion model at about 3*10**17 eV and similar to the Fly's Eye composition at this energy).Comment: 11pp (9 eps figures

    Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays: Some General Features, and Recent Developments Concerning Air Shower Computations

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    We present an introductory lecture on general features of cosmic rays, for non-experts, and some recent developments concerning cascade equations for air shower developments.Comment: invited talk, presented at the Hadron-RANP2004 worksho

    The influence of the geomagnetic field and of the uncertainties in the primary spectrum on the development of the muon flux in the atmosphere

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    In this paper we study the sensitivity of the flux of atmospheric muons to uncertainties in the primary cosmic ray spectrum and to the treatment of the geomagnetic field in a calculation. We use the air shower simulation program AIRES to make the calculation for two different primary spectra and under several approximations to the propagation of charged particles in the geomagnetic field. The results illustrate the importance of accurate modelling of the geomagnetic field effects. We propose a high and a low fit of the proton and helium fluxes, and calculate the muon fluxes with these different inputs. Comparison with measurements of the muon flux by the CAPRICE experiment shows a slight preference for the higher primary cosmic ray flux parametrization.Comment: 24 pages, 13 figures, submitted to Phys.Rev.

    Strongly coupled large-angle stimulated Raman scattering of short laser pulses in plasma-filled capillaries

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    Strongly coupled large-angle stimulated Raman scattering (LA SRS) of a short intense laser pulse proceeds in a plane plasma-filled capillary differently than in a plasma with open boundaries. Oblique mirror reflections off capillary walls partly suppress the lateral convection of scattered radiation and increase the growth rate of the instability: the convective gain of the LA SRS falls with an angle much slower than in an unbounded plasma and even for the near-forward SRS can be close to that of the direct backscatter. The long-term evolution of LA SRS in the interior of the capillary is dominated by quasi-one-dimensional leaky modes, whose damping is related to the transmission of electromagnetic waves through capillary walls.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures; to be submitted to Physics of Plasma