371 research outputs found

    Hernia discal traumática en un hurón

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    La hernia discal es una enfermedad bien definida y estudiada en perros y gatos. En estas especies se han descrito procesos degenerativos que llevan al prolapso del disco, o de su núcleo pulposo, hacia el canal medular, incluso en ausencia de traumatismos. En el caso del hurón doméstico (Mustela putorius furo) no se han descrito cambios degenerativos en el disco qu epuedan predisponer al prolapso, pero las hernias discales son relativamente frecuentes como consecuencia de traumatismos graves. En este artículo se describe un caso de hernia discal en un hurón producida a partir de una caída, su diagnóstico a través de una mielografía, su resolución quirúrgica y la recuperación del paciente tras la cirugía, poniendo especial énfasis en las dificultades diagnósticas y terapéuticas que plantea esta especie, así como las diferencias que presenta cuandose compara perros y gatos.

    Understanding the Links between Inferring Mental States, Empathy, and Burnout in Medical Contexts

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    It is generally accepted that empathy should be the basis of patient care. However, this ideal may be unrealistic if healthcare professionals suffer adverse effects when engaging in empathy. The aim of this study is to explore the effect of inferring mental states and different components of empathy (perspective-taking; empathic concern; personal distress) in burnout dimensions (emotional exhaustion; depersonalization; personal accomplishment). A total of 184 healthcare professionals participated in the study (23% male, Mage = 44.60; SD = 10.46). We measured participants’ empathy, the inference of mental states of patients, and burnout. Correlation analyses showed that inferring mental states was positively associated with perspective-taking and with empathic concern, but uncorrelated with personal distress. Furthermore, emotional exhaustion was related to greater levels of personal distress and greater levels of inferences of mental states. Depersonalization was associated with greater levels of personal distress and lower levels of empathic concern. Personal accomplishment was associated with the inference of mental states in patients, lower levels of personal distress, and perspective-taking. These results provide a better understanding of how different components of empathy and mental state inferences may preserve or promote healthcare professionals’ burnout

    Heat shock induced changes of adipokines gene expression in 3T3-L1 adipocytes

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    To study the effects of heat shock on adipokines gene expression 3T3-L1 adipocytes were used. Heat shock differently affected gene expression of leptin, adiponectin and acylation stimulating protein (ASP): exposure of cells to temperature higher than 39°C caused upregulation of leptin and downregulation of adiponectin and ASP genes. The present study provides the first evidence about the effects of heat shock on adipokines gene expression. Changes in gene expression of the three adipokines may help to explain the alteration of lipid metabolism and liver functionality occurring in animals exposed to hot conditions

    Modified Polyacrylates as a new Leather Retanning Agents

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    Acrylic resins have affinity for chrome tanned leather, for this reason, they are widely used as a retanning products. Its main use as a retanning agents is to produce full leathers. However, the leathers retanned with them have lower colour intensity and poorer structural properties because of their high anionicity which change the cationic surface of the leather causing a lower interaction of dyeing and fatliquoring agents with leather. This study proposes the use of modified polyacrylates as a new retanning agents. They were applied in leather versus traditional acrylic resins. The properties of the retanned leathers were evaluated concluding that this type of resins improve some leather properties avoiding the dyeing and fatliquoring problems of the traditional acrylic resins. The structure and the molecular weight of the modified polyacrylates play an interesting role in the improvement of the fixation of dyes and fatliquors, but also its lower anionic charge in comparison to the traditional acrylic resins. It has been observed that final leathers have a better colour intensity and softness. Moreover, its use as retanning agents favours the absorption of dyes and fatliquors which means an environmental improvement for the wet end process

    (-)-Epigallocatechin-3-gallate and hydroxytyrosol improved antioxidative and anti-inflammatory responses in bovine mammary epithelial cells

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    (-)-Epigallocatechin-3-gallate and hydroxytyrosol improved antioxidative and anti-inflammatory responses in bovine mammary epithelial cells L. Basiricò1, P. Morera1, D. Dipasquale1, R. Bernini1, L. Santi1, A. Romani2, N. Lacetera1 and U. Bernabucci1† 1Dipartimento di Scienze Agrarie e Forestali (DAFNE), Università degli Studi della Tuscia, via San Camillo de Lellis, 01100, Viterbo, Italy; 2Dipartimento di Statistica, Informatica, Applicazioni (DiSiA) “Giuseppe Parenti”, Università degli Studi di Firenze, via Morgagni 59, 50134, Firenze, Italy (-)-Epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), the major phenolic compound of green tea, and hydroxytyrosol (HTyr), a phenol found in olive oil, have received attention due to their wide-ranging health benefits. To date, there are no studies that report their effect in bovine mammary gland. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the anti-oxidative and anti-inflammatory effects of EGCG and HTyr in bovine mammary epithelial cell line (BME-UV1) and to compare their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory in vitro efficacy. Sample of EGCG was obtained from a commercially available green tea extract while pure HTyr was synthetized in our laboratories. The mammary oxidative stress and inflammatory responses were assessed by measuring the oxidative stress biomarkers and the gene expression of inflammatory cytokines. To evaluate the cellular antioxidant response, glutathione (GSH/ GSSH), γ-glutamylcysteine ligase activity, reactive oxygen species and malondialdehyde (MDA) production were measured after 48-h incubation of 50 μM EGCG or 50 μM of HTyr. Reactive oxygen species production after 3 h of hydrogen peroxide (50 μM H2O2) or lipopolysaccharide (20 μM LPS) exposure was quantified to evaluate and to compare the potential protection of EGCG and HTyr against H2O2-induced oxidative stress and LPS-induced inflammation. The anti-inflammatory activity of EGCG and HTyr was investigated by the evaluation of pro and anti-inflammatory interleukins (tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α, interleukin (IL)-1β, IL-6 and IL-10) messenger RNA abundance after treatment of cells for 3 h with 20 μM of LPS. Data were analyzed by one-way ANOVA. (-)-Epigallocatechin-3-gallate or HTyr treatments induced higher concentrations of intracellular GSH compared to control cells, matched by an increase of γ-glutamylcysteine ligase activity mainly in cells treated with HTyr. Interestingly, EGCG and HTyr prevented oxidative lipid damage in the BME-UV1 cells by a reduction of intracellular MDA levels. (-)-Epigallocatechin-3-gallate and HTyr were able to enhance cell resistance against H2O2-induced oxidative stress. It was found that EGCG and HTyr elicited a reduction of the three inflammatory cytokines TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-6 and an increase of the anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10. Hydroxytyrosol has proved to be a strong antioxidant compound, and EGCG has shown mainly an anti-inflammatory profile. These results indicated that EGCG and HTyr may provide dual protection because they were able to attenuate oxidative stress and inflammatory responses, suggesting that these phenolic compounds are potential natural alternatives to be used in dairy cattle as feed supplement for reducing the development of oxidative and inflammatory processes related to parturition or as topical treatments for the control of bovine intramammary inflammation. Animal (2019), 13:12, pp 2847–2856Ministry for education, University and Research of Italy (MIUR) for financial support (Law 232/216, Departments of Excellence)

    Soil degradation and socioeconomic systems’ complexity: Uncovering the latent nexus

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    Understanding Soil Degradation Processes (SDPs) is a fundamental issue for humankind. Soil degradation involves complex processes that are influenced by a multifaceted ensemble of socioeconomic and ecological factors at vastly different spatial scales. Desertification risk (the ultimate outcome of soil degradation, seen as an irreversible process of natural resource destruction) and socioeconomic trends have been recently analyzed assuming “resilience thinking” as an appropriate interpretative paradigm. In a purely socioeconomic dimension, resilience is defined as the ability of a local system to react to external signals and to promote future development. This ability is intrinsically bonded with the socio-ecological dynamics characteristic of environmentally homogeneous districts. However, an evaluation of the relationship between SDPs and socioeconomic resilience in local systems is missing in mainstream literature. Our commentary formulates an exploratory framework for the assessment of soil degradation, intended as a dynamic process of natural resource depletion, and the level of socioeconomic resilience in local systems. Such a framework is intended to provide a suitable background to sustainability science and regional policies at the base of truly resilient local systems

    Clinical value of bioelectrical properties of cancerous tissue in advanced epithelial ovarian cancer patients

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    Currently, there are no valid pre-operatively established biomarkers or algorithms that can accurately predict surgical and clinical outcome for patients with advanced epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC). In this study, we suggest that profiling of tumour parameters such as bioelectrical-potential and metabolites, detectable by electronic sensors, could facilitate the future development of devices to better monitor disease and predict surgical and treatment outcomes. Biopotential was recorded, using a potentiometric measurement system, in ex vivo paired non-cancerous and cancerous omental tissues from advanced stage EOC (n = 36), and lysates collected for metabolite measurement by microdialysis. Consistently different biopotential values were detected in cancerous tissue versus non-cancerous tissue across all cases (p < 0.001). High tumour biopotential levels correlated with advanced tumour stage (p = 0.048) and tumour load, and negatively correlated with stroma. Within our EOC cohort and specifically the high-grade serous subtype, low biopotential levels associated with poorer progression-free survival (p = 0.0179, p = 0.0143 respectively). Changes in biopotential levels significantly correlated with common apoptosis related pathways. Lactate and glucose levels measured in paired tissues showed significantly higher lactate/glucose ratio in tissues with low biopotential (p < 0.01, n = 12). Our study proposes the feasibility of biopotential and metabolite monitoring as a biomarker modality profiling EOC to predict surgical and clinical outcomes

    Equivalence problem for the orthogonal webs on the sphere

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    We solve the equivalence problem for the orthogonally separable webs on the three-sphere under the action of the isometry group. This continues a classical project initiated by Olevsky in which he solved the corresponding canonical forms problem. The solution to the equivalence problem together with the results by Olevsky forms a complete solution to the problem of orthogonal separation of variables to the Hamilton-Jacobi equation defined on the three-sphere via orthogonal separation of variables. It is based on invariant properties of the characteristic Killing two-tensors in addition to properties of the corresponding algebraic curvature tensor and the associated Ricci tensor. The result is illustrated by a non-trivial application to a natural Hamiltonian defined on the three-sphere.Comment: 32 page

    AntĂ­genos leucocitarios como genes candidatos para mejorar la respuesta inmune en cerdos

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    Leukocyte antigens (CD) have functions related to immune response and are of interest as classical candidate genes for health. Polymorphisms (e.g. SNPs) in these genes may be associated with variation in the immune response and consequently in disease response. This approach is being taken in search of susceptibility genes for swine disease. In addition, these genes may vary between populations, especially where specific adaptation to pathogens has occurred, and are of potential interest in characterising pig biodiversity.Los antígenos leucocitarios (CD) tienen funciones relacionadas con la respuesta inmune y son de interés con genes candidatos clásicos para la salud. Los Polimorfismos (ej. SNPs) en estos genes pueden estar asociados con variaciones en la respuesta inmune y consecuentemente con la respuesta a la enfermedad. Este ensayo se está desarrollando en la búsqueda de susceptibilidades genéticas a enfermedades porcinas. Adicionalmente, estos genes pueden variar entre poblaciones, especialmente en la que han ocurrido adaptaciones a patógenos, y suponen un interés potencial para la caracterización de la biodiversidad porcina

    Integrating Dehumanization and Attachment in the Prediction of Teen Dating Violence Perpetration

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    Dehumanization has the potential to account for different abusive behaviors because it involves making negative judgments of others that make it easier to harm them. However, research has not resorted to this mechanism to analyze teen dating violence (TDV) perpetration, nor has it examined its association with the broader representations of others linked to attachment. The first objective of this study was to analyze whether dehumanization of one’s partner (lesser perceived agency and experience) and attribution of evilness were associated with a higher level of TDV perpetration and specific attachment styles. The second objective was to develop a structural equation model (SEM) that allowed integration of the links between all these factors. Participants in this cross-sectional study were 1799 adolescents who completed a survey in high schools. The results showed that those who were classified as high in TDV perpetration did perceive lower agency, lower experience, and higher evilness in their partners. The dehumanized perception of one’s partner was found to vary according to the attachment styles, with those highest in avoidance (dismissive and fearful) dehumanizing their partners the most. The SEM showed that dehumanization is related to avoidant and not to anxious attachment. It also pointed to the relevance of attribution of evilness in predicting TDV perpetration. The invariance of the model was tested across gender subsamples. These findings allow better understanding of how violence may arise in early relationships and where to focus intervention with adolescent
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