209 research outputs found

    RSA algorithm performance in short messaging system exchange environment

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    Short Message Service (SMS) is a widely service for brief communication.With the rise of mobile usage it has become a popular tool for transmitting sensitive information. This sensitive information should be totally secure and reliable to exchange.This urgent need for secure SMS, led to drive for RSA implementation, which is considered one of the strongest algorithms in security since we are going to bring big security into small device.Our main goal in this project is to design an experimental test bed application in order to use this application in evaluating the performance of RSA. This report explains and documents the process of implementing an RSA in Experimental SMS Exchange Environment using J2ME language which is available in several mobile devices on the market today

    EMG Signals Analysis of BF and RF Muscles In Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) During Walking

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    This paper presents the analysis of Electromyography (EMG) signals at lower limb muscles during walking. The muscles of Biceps Femoris (BF) and Rectus Femoris (RF) were examined between ASD and TD children. The EMG signals pattern will be observed over one gait cycle and the statistical analysis will be used to compare the significant difference of two muscles between ASD and TD children. The result shows that there are significant differences in RF muscle for both ASD and TD children at 70% of gait cycle (p value is equal to 0.007) and at 90% of gait cycle (p value is equal to 0.023). From this result, the RF muscle shall be considered as the vital muscle for rehabilitation plan

    Plastic pollution in the ocean

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    Plastic pollution in the ocean was first reported by scientists in the 1970s, yet in recent years it has drawn tremendous attention from the media, the public, and an increasing number of scientists spanning diverse fields, including polymer science, environmental engineering, ecology, toxicology, marine biology, and oceanography. In the oceans, the threat to marine life comes in various forms, such as overexploitation and harvesting, dumping of waste, pollution, alien species, land reclamation, dredging and global climate change. The extremely visible nature of much of this contamination is easy to convey in shocking images of piles of trash on coastlines, marine mammals entangled in fishing nets, or seabird bellies filled with bottle caps, cigarette lighters, and colourful shards of plastic. Even without these images, anyone who has visited a beach has certainly encountered discarded cigarette butts, broken beach toys left behind, or pieces of fishing gear or buoys that have washed ashore

    Google Classroom as Perceived by Educators: An Overview

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    Learning Management System (LMS) is gaining prominence in how education is delivered today due to the increased popularity of remote and online distance learning and the unimaginable COVID-19 pandemic that stuns the world. One of the more popular LMSs in the world is Google Classroom (GC). Due to its popularity, it is essential for the perception of its users particularly educators to be gauged as it is believed that their perception could determine what they do in their teaching and learning sessions. This paper reviewed eleven selected past studies about educators’ perception on the use of GC. The content of these studies was analyzed and coded into themes and specific categories by using the Atlas.ti Software. In general, educators seem to hold a positive perception on the use of GC with their students. However, some reservations about the use of GC have also been expressed. Several recommendations about how GC could be improved were also offered by the participants in the studies. The gaps in the past studies might provide some ideas on how the educators’ perception of GC could be better ascertained in future

    Seasonal and spatial variability of selected surface water quality parameters in Setiu Wetland, Terengganu, Malaysia

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    This paper presents the results for surface water quality parameters measured in the Setiu Wetland, on the east coast of Malaysia, which feeds into the southern part of the South China Sea. There are no previous studies dealing with the seasonal and spatial variation of water quality in this area, despite numerous anthropogenic inputs into this ecologically and economically important wetland. The parameters measured were salinity, temperature, dissolved oxygen (DO), pH, biological oxygen demand (BOD) and total suspended solids (TSS). These parameters were sampled monthly from October 2009 to September 2010, during both the wet and dry seasons, at ten sampling stations distributed throughout the area. The physical water quality parameters were measured in situ whilst TSS and BOD were determined using the standard methods. A deterioration of water quality in the Setiu Wetland was observed in areas near agriculture and aquaculture activities. This was expected to be as a result of the use of fertilisers, waste from fish farm food and the waste products of aquaculture. The parameters measured showed lower mean values of surface salinity, temperature, DO, pH and TSS during the wet season relative to the dry season. In contrast, the concentration of BOD was high during the wet season and lowest in the dry season. Results obtained from this study clearly showed the surface physical water quality for the Setiu Wetland was highly influenced by anthropogenic activities and seasonal variation. Therefore, both factors must be considered to move towards proper management of this wetland

    Penggunaan Metode Semiempirik AM1 Untuk Pemilihan Monomer Fungsional Efektif Pada Prasintesis Polimer Tercetak Diazinon

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    Pemilihan monomer fungsional yang efektif untuk sintesis Molecular Imprinted Polymer (MIP)untuk diazinon dapat dilakukan dengan pendekatan kimia komputasi dengan menerapkan metode semiempirik AM1. Proses seleksi menggunakan parametermomen dipol, energi interaksi, dan ikatan hidrogen yang terbentuk. Energi interaksi yang optimum menunjukkan kompleks yang terbentuk stabildan mengindikasikan MIP akan dapat terbentuk baik.Semua perhitungan pada penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan software Hyperchem 7.5. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan monomer fungsional efektif untuk prasintesis polimer tercetak diazinon yaitu akrilamida, asam akrilat, asam metakrilat, hidroksi etil metakrilat, asam urokanat, asam itakonat, dan asam urokanat etil ester. Hasil ini secara teoritik dapat memberikan informasi mengenai monomer fungsional efektif yang dapat digunakan sebagai pertimbangan sintesis MIP untuk diazinon dengan selektivitas relatif baik

    Diametrical Elastic Relaxation During Ejection of lactose-cocoa binary tablets

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    This work investigates the diametrical elastic relaxation of a compacted binary powder mixture of lactose and cocoa. It has been observed that the addition of lactose improved the mechanical strength of the binary tablets at the higher compaction stresses used in this study. The tablets having the maximum tensile strengths have relatively low diametrical elastic relaxations, similar to the pure cocoa tablets. Meanwhile, pure lactose tablets displayed increasing diametrical elastic relaxations as the compaction stress increased

    An Assessment of Risk of Iodine Deficiency Among Pregnant Women in Sarawak, Malaysia

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    Previous findings from a state-wide Iodine Deficiency Disorders (IDD) study among pregnant women (PW) in Sarawak indicated that PW are at risk of IDD and further assessment is needed. This paper describes the methodology used in conducting this study for an assessment of risk of iodine deficiency among pregnant women in Sarawak, Malaysia. A total of 30 maternal child health care clinics (MCHCs) were selected using probability proportional to population size (PPS) sampling technique. The PW sample size was calculated based on 95% confidence interval (CI), relative precision of 5%, design effect of 2, anticipated IDD prevalence of 65.0% and non-response rate of 20%. Thus, the total sample size required was 750 (25 respondents per selected MCHC). The WHO Expanded Programme on Immunization (EPI) surveys approach was used to randomly select the first respondent and subsequent respondents were chosen until the required number of PW was met. The required data were obtained through: face-to-face interviews (socio-demographic and food frequency questionnaire), clinical assessments (thyroid size, and hyper/hypothyroidism) and biochemical analysis (urine and blood serum). A total of 677 PW responded in the study with a response rate of 90.2%. Majority of the PW were at second gravida, aged 25-29 years old and of Malay ethnicity. The methodology used in this study was based on International guidelines which may provide state's estimates. All the necessary steps were taken into consideration to ensure valid and reliable findings on current iodine status among PW

    Assessing acceptance of service staff towards employee with disabilty in hotel industry / Nurul’ Aishah@N Zakaria...[et al.]

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    An issue of employment of disability people in a hotel industry is a prolong issue that discussing on discrimination towards the disability people in the world of employment. This study focuses on the acceptance of service staff toward employee with disability using economic model and social model (Sajid, 2009). The sample for this study was the service staff of hotel in Seberang Perai, Penang that hired disability people. The service staffs consist of male and female aged from 18 to 60 years old from four departments which are food and beverages, front office, housekeeping and kitchen. Questionnaire has been distributed to 86 respondents using Likert scale. The findings of this study identified the service staff accept the people with disability by giving more job opportunity and equal treat among employees (economic model) and able to communicate, work as a team, give cooperation and sharing information each other (social model). However, the service staffs are neither agreeing nor disagree in suggesting the different working area for the disability employee. The results can be used by the Hotel employers in understanding the acceptance of non-disable employees towards disable employees and the relationship between them for better working environment

    Synergistic enhancement in the microelectronic properties of poly-(dioctylfluorene) based Schottky devices by CdSe quantum dots

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    This paper reports the potential application of cadmium selenide (CdSe) quantum dots (QDs) in improving the microelectronic characteristics of Schottky barrier diode (SBD) prepared from a semiconducting material poly-(9,9-dioctylfluorene) (F8). Two SBDs, Ag/F8/P3HT/ITO and Ag/F8-CdSe QDs/P3HT/ITO, are fabricated by spin coating a 10 wt% solution of F8 in chloroform and 10:1 wt% solution of F8:CdSe QDs, respectively, on a pre-deposited poly(3-hexylthiophene) (P3HT) on indium tin oxide (ITO) substrate. To study the electronic properties of the fabricated devices, current-voltage (I-V) measurements are carried out at 25 °C in dark conditions. The I-V curves of Ag/F8/P3HT/ITO and Ag/F8-CdSe QDs/P3HT/ITO SBDs demonstrate asymmetrical behavior with forward bias current rectification ratio (RR) of 7.42 ± 0.02 and 142 ± 0.02, respectively, at ± 3.5 V which confirm the formation of depletion region. Other key parameters which govern microelectronic properties of the fabricated devices such as charge carrier mobility (µ), barrier height (ϕ ), series resistance (R ) and quality factor (n) are extracted from their corresponding I-V characteristics. Norde's and Cheung functions are also applied to characterize the devices to study consistency in various parameters. Significant improvement is found in the values of R , n, and RR by 3, 1.7, and 19 times, respectively, for Ag/F8-CdSe QDs/P3HT/ITO SBD as compared to Ag/F8/P3HT/ITO. This enhancement is due to the incorporation of CdSe QDs having 3-dimensional quantum confinement and large surface-to-volume area. Poole-Frenkle and Richardson-Schottky conduction mechanisms are also discussed for both of the devices. Morphology, optical bandgap (1.88 ± 0.5 eV) and photoluminescence (PL) spectrum of CdSe QDs with a peak intensity at 556 nm are also reported and discussed