497 research outputs found

    Hybridizing Invasive Weed Optimization with Firefly Algorithm for Unconstrained and Constrained Optimization Problems

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    This study presents a hybrid invasive weed firefly optimization (HIWFO) algorithm for global optimization problems. Unconstrained and constrained optimization problems with continuous design variables are used to illustrate the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed algorithm. The firefly algorithm (FA is effective in local search, but can easily get trapped in local optima. The invasive weed optimization (IWO) algorithm, on the other hand, is effective in accurate global search, but not in local search. Therefore, the idea of hybridization between IWO and FA is to achieve a more robust optimization technique, especially to compensate for the deficiencies of the individual algorithms. In the proposed algorithm, the firefly method is embedded into IWO to enhance the local search capability of IWO algorithm that already has very good exploration capability. The performance of the proposed method is assessed with four well-known unconstrained problems and four practical constrained problems. Comparative assessments of performance of the proposed algorithm with the original FA and IWO are carried out on the unconstrained problems and with several other hybrid methods reported in the literature on the practical constrained problems, to illustrate its effectiveness. Simulation results show that the proposed HIWFO algorithm h as superior searching quality and robustness than the approaches considered

    Development of Portable Air Conditioning System Using Peltier and Seebeck Effect

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    The society bustle factor in this day and age, most people want to find equipment that is often used in everyday life in a small and light weight design. The purpose of this project is to develop portable air conditioning system without using any gas. The system used thermoelectric heat pump as main device for producing cool air known as Peltier Effect. The generating system theoretically can recycle the heat loss to produce additional electricity for other usage. The efficacy of this system tested using two types of experimental using Peltier and Seebeck Effect. Both experimental are conducted using 3 specific volumes; 1) 1000cm3; 2) 4000cm3; and 3) 9000cm3. As a result, temperature for heating and cooling systems achieve around 16 – 40 degree Celcius (oC) while the voltage generated around 12V in 30 minutes

    Resmi İlköğretim Okullarında Görev Yapan Yöneticilerin Zaman Yönetimi İle İlgili Algılarının İncelenmesi,

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    Bu araştırma, ilköğretim okullarında çalışan yöneticilerin zaman yönetimine ilişkin algı düzeylerini tespit etmeye yöneliktir. Bu araştırma genel tarama modelinde nicel bir çalışmadır. Bu araştırmanın çalışma evrenini, İstanbul- Bağcılar, Avcılar, Esenyurt ve Bahçelievler belediye sınırları içinde bulunan 249 ilköğretim okulunda çalışan 632 müdür ve müdür yardımcısı oluşturmaktadır. Veri toplama aracı olarak araştırmacılar tarafından “zaman yönetimi” ile ilgili 5’li Likert tipinde geliştirilmiş olan 24 maddelik bir anket kullanılmıştır. Anketin Cronbach’s Alpha iç tutarlık katsayısı 0,933’tür. Anketten elde edilen veriler, SPSS 20 istatistik programı ile analiz edilmiştir. Zaman yönetimi ile ilgili açımlayıcı faktör analizi sonuçlarına göre yöneticilerin zaman yönetimi algıları dört alt boyutta toplanmıştır. Bu alt boyutlar; “zamanı planlama, zamanı değerlendirme, zaman yetersizliği ve kişisel ilişkiler” olarak isimlendirilmiştir. Faktör alt boyutları ile bağımsız değişkenler olarak cinsiyet, okulda çalışan öğretmen sayısı, mesleki deneyim, okulda geçen yöneticilik süresi ve eğitim düzeyi arasında farklılıklara bakılmıştır. Buna göre iki gruplu karşılaştırmalarda t testi, ikiden fazla bağımsız grupların karşılaştırılmasında tek yönlü ANOVA ve anlamlı değişkenler için LSD testi uygulanmıştır. Araştırma sonuçlarına göre, yöneticilerin en fazla zamanını alan konular “zamanı planlama”, en az zaman ayırdıkları konular ise, “ kişisel ilişkiler” ile ilgilidir. Bu bulgular yapılan diğer araştırma bulguları ile de desteklenmektedir

    Demographic Features of Turkish Literature Audiences and Applied Analysis of the Factors Affecting Their Reading Preferences,

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    The purpose of this study is to determine factors affecting reading preferences in parallel with the demographic features of Turkish literature audiences. The study lasted approximately for 7 months. (N=650) individuals attended the study in total. The universe of the study is Turkey while the sample of the study is composed of 8 different provinces. These provinces are İstanbul, Ankara, İzmir, Bursa, Kocaeli, Sakarya, Trabzon and Gaziantep. A questionnaire form whose reliability and validity had been ensured before and which was composed of 5 point Likert scale was used in the study. The questionnaire form was reformed in accordance with the topic of the study, it was subjected to validity and reliability test and it was carried into main practice through taking views of experts. Data acquired from the results of main practice was analyzed by using SPSS 18.0 packet program and the value of 0.924 was acquired as Cronbach’s Alpha co-efficient. This value indicates that the measuring tool used in this study is quite reliable. The questionnaire is composed of two sections. In the first section, there are questions with regard to determine demographic features of the participants while in the second section, there are scaled questions composed of 120 items. 0.05 of significance level was taken into account among variables in terms of relations and differences. Methods such as different statistics anova, factor and hypothesis tests were applied in the analysis. Moreover, 4 different literary works were mentioned in the study so as to determine attitudes and behaviors of the participants towards literary works. Opinions of the participants were demanded about novels such as İntibah (Rebirth), Araba Sevdası (Ambition for Car), Mai ve Siyah (Blue and Black) and Çalıkuşu (The Wren). At the end of the study, it was found out that the participants followed academic publications more frequently, the use of computer and internet had an effect on reading e-book and up-to-date books were read more than those books written in a foreign or ancient language (Ottoman Turkish). Furthermore, it was determined that education and age variables of the participants had an effect on reading habits while gender, age and education variables had an effect in some reading factors

    A comprehensive review of driving mechanisms in amphibian spherical robots

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    A spherical robot is based on the rolling concept inspired by the pangolins. This mode of locomotion is faster and safer as its spherical body becomes a protective shield. The mobility, adaptability, and concealment provided by a spherical robot can be used for terrestrial, aquatic, and amphibious applications such as harbour patrolling, defence tasks, rough terrains exploration, and agriculture. In designing the robot, priority on the centre of gravity position should be given as this will affect the robot’s stability, either while static or in motion. A proper driving principle can overcome this issue while ensuring that the robot can perform a given task. Therefore, this paper intends to identify the driving principle proposed for spherical amphibian robots by systematically reviewing existing driving methods and the mechanisms used. From the search, 159 titles were published since 2015. The review has identified that the driving mechanism of a spherical amphibian robot depends on the actuation method, which is the legged actuation, combined actuation, and linear actuation. Each driving principle has its trade-off in performing the terrestrial and underwater motion. Furthermore, the driving principle also affects the advantages of a spherical robot system. Hence, studies on the driving principle that are more agile and do not ignore the spherical robot’s main advantage need to be given emphasis

    A comprehensive review of driving mechanisms in amphibian spherical robots

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    864-872A spherical robot is based on the rolling concept inspired by the pangolins. This mode of locomotion is faster and safer as its spherical body becomes a protective shield. The mobility, adaptability, and concealment provided by a spherical robot can be used for terrestrial, aquatic, and amphibious applications such as harbour patrolling, defence tasks, rough terrains exploration, and agriculture. In designing the robot, priority on the centre of gravity position should be given as this will affect the robot’s stability, either while static or in motion. A proper driving principle can overcome this issue while ensuring that the robot can perform a given task. Therefore, this paper intends to identify the driving principle proposed for spherical amphibian robots by systematically reviewing existing driving methods and the mechanisms used. From the search, 159 titles were published since 2015. The review has identified that the driving mechanism of a spherical amphibian robot depends on the actuation method, which is the legged actuation, combined actuation, and linear actuation. Each driving principle has its trade-off in performing the terrestrial and underwater motion. Furthermore, the driving principle also affects the advantages of a spherical robot system. Hence, studies on the driving principle that are more agile and do not ignore the spherical robot’s main advantage need to be given emphasis

    Ly6cLo non-classical monocytes promote resolution of rhesus rotavirus-mediated perinatal hepatic infammation

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    Perinatal hepatic inflammation can have devastating consequences. Monocytes play an important role in the initiation and resolution of inflammation, and their diverse functions can be attributed to specific cellular subsets: pro-inflammatory or classical monocytes (Ly6c(Hi)) and pro-reparative or non-classical monocytes (Ly6c(Lo)). We hypothesized that inherent differences in Ly6c(Hi) classical monocytes and Ly6c(Lo) non-classical monocytes determine susceptibility to perinatal hepatic inflammation in late gestation fetuses and neonates. We found an anti-inflammatory transcriptional profile expressed by Ly6c(Lo) non-classical monocytes, and a physiologic abundance of these cells in the late gestation fetal liver. Unlike neonatal pups, late gestation fetuses proved to be resistant to rhesus rotavirus (RRV) mediated liver inflammation. Furthermore, neonatal pups were rendered resistant to RRV-mediated liver injury when Ly6c(Lo) non-classical monocytes were expanded. Pharmacologic inhibition of Ly6c(Lo) non-classical monocytes in this setting restored susceptibility to RRV-mediated disease. These data demonstrate that Ly6c(Lo) monocytes promote resolution of perinatal liver inflammation in the late gestation fetus, where there is a physiologic expansion of non-classical monocytes, and in the neonatal liver upon experimental expansion of these cells. Therapeutic strategies directed towards enhancing Ly6c(Lo) non-classical monocyte function may mitigate the detrimental effects of perinatal liver inflammation