133 research outputs found

    Biologi Reproduksi Ikan Belanak (Moolgarda Engeli, Bleeker 1858) di Pantai Mayangan, Jawa Barat [Reproduction And Spawning Patterns Of The Mullet (Moolgarda Engeli, Bleeker 1858) In Mayangan Coastal Waters, West Java]

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji biologi reproduksi dan pemijahan ikan belanak (Moolgarda engeli, Bleeker 1858). Penelitian ini dilakukan pada Mei-Oktober 2011 dan ikan ditangkap dengan menggunakan alat tangkap jaring berlapis dengan ukuran mata jaring 0,75; 1,5; 2,5 inci. Total ikan contoh yang tertangkap selama penelitian berjumlah 226 ekor, terdiri atas 146 ekor ikan jantan dan 80 ekor ikan betina. Kisaran panjang total dan bobot total ikan yang tertangkap masing-masing adalah 129-230 mm dan 20,55-99,65 g. Nisbah kelamin ikan jantan dan betina yang matang gonad adalah 1:1,4. Faktor kondisi ikan belanak berkisar antara 0,38-1,69. Ikan yang matang gonad dengan IKG ter-tinggi berada pada bulan Agustus. Fekunditas total berkisar 63.627-132.106 butir dan spesies ini dikelompokkan seba-gai ikan pemijah serempak

    Implementation of the regulations of the board of directors of TVRI public agency on Non-Civil Servant in public television broadcasting agency in Indonesia

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    Purpose: This research aims to analyze the implementation of the regulation of the board of directors of the TVRI public broadcasting institution regarding non-civil servants (Study at the Indonesian Television Public Broadcasting Institute (TVRI), East Nusa Tenggara Station. Research methodology: In this study, the authors used an interpretive research paradigm. The interpretive approach aims to understand the "world of human experience". In this study, the total population was 110 people consisting of 27 non-civil servants and 83 civil servants. Furthermore, purposively, the researcher selected 11 people as informants with details of 1 Head of the Office as Key Informants and 10 non-civil servants as Ordinary Informants Results: The conclusions of this study can be grouped into four aspects, namely actors, organizations, procedures, and techniques. Limitations: this research only analyzes the implementation of policies on the development of Indonesian migrant workers' families in the field of economic empowerment in Kupang city. Contribution: This research becomes scientific information for public administration science. Keywords: Regulations, Implementation, Broadcasting agency, Non-Civil Servan


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    Liunokas, Emanti. 2022. Imbuhan Dalam Bahasa Dawan (Kajian Morfologi) Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia. Universitas Timor, Pembimbing (1) Lenny N. Adam, S.Pd., M.Hum. dan Pembimbing (2) Adeline Lelo. Lein, S.Pd., M.Hum. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan bentuk kata yang berimbuhan dalam Alkitab Bahasa Dawan. Jenis penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan metode deskripstif. Objek dalam penelitian ini adalah bentuk imbuhan bahasa dawan dalam Alkitab bahasa Dawan. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini adalah Alkitab bahasa dawan. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini adalah studi pustaka,  dan teknik catat. Hasil penelitian terdapat 48 imbuhan bahasa dawan dengan rincian sebagai berikut  yang terdiri dari 32 bentuk prefiks, 15 bentuk konfiks, dan 1 bentuk sufiks


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan bentuktindak tutur direktif pada interaksi guru dan siswa dalam pembelajaran kelas VIII di SMP Negeri Maubeli. Jenis penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan metode deskriptif. Objek dalam penelitian ini adalah tindak tutur direktif guru dan siswa dalam pembelajaran. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini adalah guru dan siswa kelas VIII SMP Negeri Maubeli. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini adalah teknik simak bebas libat cakap (SBLC), teknik rekam, teknik catat.Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa terdapat bentuk tindak tutur direktif memerintah, memohon, menuntut, menantang dan menyarankan

    Desain Model Diagnostik Resiko Ergonomi pada Kelapa Sawit secara Manual

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    Oil palm harvesting activity is mostly done by ‘human power' manual handling, therefore the activity may cause work safety and health problems.This research is deal with anthropometry, motion study andbiomechanic to find out the risk of manual handling and to develop ergonomic assessment model of oil palm harvesting. This model was designed in the aims to find out better work motion, good procedure and better design of harvesting tool, so the manual harvesting can be done in more safe, efficient and productive. The formula for the appropriate distance between harvester's position and the tree and the length of egrek show that oil palm harvesting for more than 16 m bunches's height is not safe with ‘egrek'. Critical load for neck, shoulder and forearm are 21.85 N, 1091.96 N and 1634.31 N. Ergonomic risk assesment's tool of oil palmmanual harvesting was designed with the parameter: appropriate distance (dt), the length of egrek (lp), critical range of motion (CRM) and critical load (CL) for neck, shoulder and forearm

    Indonesia Governance Index 2012: Towards a Well-informed Society and Responsive Government

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    Regional autonomy aims not only to increase welfare through provision of quality public services, but also to allow regions to determine their own development priorities. As a result, there is a range of different capacities and standards between local administrations and other stakeholders, leading to widening gaps in development between regions. Efforts to improve are limited by the analytical capacity and the quality of governance in each location. Because of this we need an objective assessment of governance and Kemitraan has adressed this need with the Indonesia Governance Index (IGI). This book examines the national findings of the 2012 IGI research, and offers concrete suggestions to solve current problems. It also elaborates on the results in key areas like gender, investment friendliness, and environmental management

    Toxic Substance Present in the Oil Fraction of the Sagabean

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    Penelitian sebelumnya menunjukkan adanya suatu zat toksis pada biji saga yang tidak tergolong faktor "anti-nutritive" seperti "tripsin inhibitors", "phyto-agglutinins"dan "saponins". Ternyata bahwa zat toksis tersebut yang belum dapat diekstraksi dan diidentifikasi, berada di dalam fraksi minyak biji saga. Di samping adanya zat toksis, ditemukan pub bahwa kualitas protein biji saga lebih rendah dari­pada kacang kedele. Hasil analisa asam amino menunjukkan bahwa kadar methionine dan threonine ada­lah terbatas (limiting), apabila ditambah dengan kedua asam amino ini dalam jumlah yang cukup, kuali­tas proteinnya menjadi sama tingginya dengan kacang kedele rebus tanpa tambahan

    Cardiovascular Risk Score, Cognitive Decline, and Dementia in Older Mexican Americans: The Role of Sex and Education

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    Background: The purpose of this study was to examine the associations of cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk with cognitive decline and incidence of dementia and cognitive impairment but not dementia (CIND) and the role of education as a modifier of these effects. Methods and Results: One thousand one hundred sixteen Mexican American elderly were followed annually in the Sacramento Area Latino Study on Aging. Our sex‐specific 10‐year CVD risk score included baseline age, systolic blood pressure, total cholesterol, high‐density lipoprotein, smoking, body mass index, and diabetes. From adjusted linear mixed models, errors on the Modified Mini–Mental State Exam (3MSE) were annually 0.41% lower for women at the 25th percentile of CVD risk, 0.11% higher at the 50th percentile, and 0.83% higher at the 75th percentile (P value of CVDrisk×time <0.01). In men, 3MSE errors were annually 1.76% lower at the 25th percentile of CVD risk, 0.96% lower at the 50th percentile, and 0.12% higher at the 75th percentile (P value of CVDrisk×time <0.01). From adjusted linear mixed models, the annual decrease in the Spanish and English Verbal Learning Test score was 0.09 points for women at the 25th percentile of CVD risk, 0.10 points at the 50th percentile, and 0.12 points at the 75th percentile (P value of CVDrisk×time=0.02). From adjusted Cox models in women, compared with having <6 years of education, having 12+ years of education was associated with a 76% lower hazard of dementia/CIND (95% CI, 0.08 to 0.71) at the 25th percentile of CVD risk and with a 45% lower hazard (95% CI, 0.28 to 1.07) at the 75th percentile (P value of CVDrisk×education=0.05). Conclusions: CVD risk score may provide a useful tool for identifying individuals at risk for cognitive decline and dementia