109 research outputs found

    Kinetics Study of the Formation of Pyrmidine Thione from the Reaction of 2,6-dibenzylidinecyclohexanone and its Derivatives with Thiourea

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    Kinetics of the addition of thiourea to 2,6-dibenzylidenecyclohexanone and its derivatives have been studied. The reaction is found as a pseudo-first order process which includes a nucleophilic attack by thiourea at the carbonyl group of the ketone system to produce the heterocyclic pyrimidine thione "thiopyrimidine" (Claisen route mechanism). The effect of the substituents at the para position of the 2,6-dibenzylidenecyclohexanone and its derivatives on the rate of reaction, at different temperatures, is studied. Arrhenius parameters, entropies, enthalpies and free energies of activations are estimated. A suitable mechanism, which is correspondent with the results and with Claisen routes mechanism, is suggested for this reaction

    Atteintes Oculaires Au Cours Du Syndrome De Wolfram À Propos De Deux Cas Et Revue De La Littérature

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    Introduction: Wolfram syndrome is an autosomal recessive neurodegenerative disorder. Diabetes mellitus and juvenile bilateral optic atrophy are its major signs. It is recognized that this association, which started in childhood or during adolescence, is sufficient to diagnose Wolfram syndrome. Optic atrophy occurs in 98% to 100% of cases with an average age of onset of 11 years. We reported a study of two confirmed cases referred by the internal medicine department. Observations: Case 1: A 23- year-old woman, deaf and dumb by birth, went through a diabetic ketosis test. Ophthalmologic examination showed reduced visual acuity in the fingers at 5 meters P2 in both eyes. Also, the fundus of the eye showed bilateral atrophic papillary palpation with no signs of retinopathy. She had deafness of deep perception and hypogonadotropic hypogonadism. Deafness, diabetes, optic atrophy, and hypogonadism led to the diagnosis. Case 2: A 21-year-old man born from a first-degree consanguineous marriage serves as a supplement to the management of diabetes. The visual acuity was at counting fingers at 1m to the right eye and sees the hand move to 0.5 m to the left eye. On examination at the slit lamp, it had a bilateral dense cataract. After phacoexeresis, the base revealed bilateral optic atrophy. Ultrasound of the urinary tree showed hypotonia of the renal cavities and a neurogenic bladder. Also, audiometry showed mild sensory deafness. The diagnosis of Wolfram syndrome was made in front of the tetrad: diabetes, optic atrophy, deafness, and urinary signs. Discussion: Wolfram syndrome may be familial or sporadic. The gene however is located on the short arm of chromosome 4. Optic atrophy is secondary to the involvement of pre-genetic fibers, and it is characterized initially by temporal palpation of the papilla. The evolution towards diffuse whitish discoloration occurs in a few months or years with the gradual establishment of a blindness around the age of 17 to 30 years. Conclusion: Wolfram syndrome is a clinical entity characterized by clinical and genetic polymorphism. This diagnosis should be considered in the presence of any type I diabetes associated with optic atrophy in childre

    Orbital Myositis with Sudden Visual Loss: A Case Study in Niamey, Niger

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    This paper focuses on presenting a case study of three cases of orbital myositis in one male and two female adult patients. All patients presented sudden loss of vision and proptosis at the initial stage. Ophthalmological examination outlined optic nerve atrophie. The diagnosis of all cases was confirmed with a CT scan which showed specific muscle inflammation. The treatment was successfully carried out using bolus doses of corticosteroids relayed with oral prednisolone for over 6 weeks. Six (6) months follow-up, however, did not show any relapse in all the cases

    Unusual case of life threatening subcutaneous hemorrhage in a blunt trauma patient

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    AbstractIntroductionHemorrhage is the most common cause of shock in injured patients. Bleeding into the subcutaneous plane is underestimated cause of hypovolemic shock.Presentation of caseUnrestrained male driver involved in a rollover car crash. On examination, his pulse rate was 144bpm, blood pressure 80/30mmHg, and GCS was 7/15. His right pupil was dilated but reactive. Back examination revealed severe contusion with friction burns and lacerations. A Focused Assessment Sonography for Trauma (FAST) was performed. No free intraperitoneal fluid was detected. CT scan of the brain has shown right temporo-parietal subdural hematoma and extensive hematoma in the deep subcutaneous soft tissues of the back. Decompressive cranicotomy and evacuation of the subdural hematoma was performed. On the 4th postoperative day, three liters of dark brown altered blood was drained from the subcutaneous plane.DiscussionThe patient developed severe hypovolemic shock and our aim was to identify and control the source of bleeding during the resuscitation. The source of bleeding was not obvious. Severe shearing force in blunt trauma causes separation between the loose subcutaneous tissues and the underlying relatively immobile deep fascia. This is known as post-traumatic closed degloving injury. To our knowledge this is the first reported case in the English Literature with severe subcutaneous hemorrhage in blunt trauma patients without any previous medical disease.ConclusionBleeding into the subcutaneous plane in closed degloving injury can cause severe hypovolemic shock. It is important for the clinicians managing trauma patients to be aware this serious injury

    Synthesis of New Series of Pyrazoline, and Study their Kinetics and Reaction Mechanism

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    A new series of novel pyrazoline compounds were synthesized by addition of thiosemicarbazide to the 2,6-dibenzylidenecyclohexanone (Chalcone) and its para substituted derivatives. This study was conducted for four purposes. Firstly, a series of five membered ring pyrazoline compounds were synthesized and the structure of all new products obtained are supported by spectral data (1H-NMR, 13CNMR, IR and UV-Vis.), and the effect of substituents were studied. Secondly, the reaction kinetics of the new synthesized compounds were studied to investigate the reaction mechanism pathway and order of the reaction; it was found that, the reaction undergoes via Claisen route of mechanism with first-order reaction. Thirdly, the thermodynamics of the reaction were studied, the rate of the reaction, Arrhenius parameters (A), and thermodynamic parameters for activation includes (free energies (Ea), entropies (ΔS#), and Gibbs free energy (ΔG#) were estimated. Finally, the compensation effect was also studied, and found the same pathway for all of the synthesized pyrazoline compounds

    The Audio Frequency Conductance Study of Some Metal Succinate Salts in Aqueous Medium at Different Temperatures (Part Ii: Zinc, Nickel and Cobalt Succinates)

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    The electrical conductances of aqueous solutions of zinc, nickel and cobalt succinates have been measured at four temperatures in the temperature range from 298.15K to 313.15K. The limiting molar conductances (Λo), association constants (KA) and the closest distances of approach (a) were calculated using the complete and modified forms of Fouss-Hsia (F/H) and Pitts (P). Quantitative results showed that these salts do not behave as "strong" electrolytes, and that their dissociations are far from complete. The abnormally law conductances of these electrolytes are due to the ion pair formation. The Walden product values, as well as the standard thermodynamic functions (DHo, DGo, DSo) for association reactions have been evaluated

    Electroencephalographic responses to neck cut and exsanguination in minimally anaesthetized goats

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    Conscious animals typically experience sensory (nociception) and emotional pain, whereas unconscious animals that were minimally anesthetized would experience minimal emotional pain. To determine whether ‘silencing’ the emotional component through a minimally anesthetized model would minimize stress response, and thus improve animal welfare, this study aimed at comparing changes in electroencephalographic (EEG) activities associated with possible noxious stimuli following neck-cut slaughter in conscious non-anesthetized versus minimally anaesthetized Boer cross-bred goats. Ten bucks were randomly assigned to two groups of five animals each, and subjected to neck-cut slaughter when fully conscious (HS) or under minimal anaesthesia (AS) and exsanguinated. The anaesthesia was induced with propofol (5 mg/kg) administered to effect by rapid injection into a cephalic vein and maintained with halothane in 100 % oxygen. Changes in the root mean square (RMS) for each of alpha, beta, delta and theta waves, median frequency (F50) and total power of the EEG (Ptot) were compared in each group before and after neck cut and between groups following treatments. Electroencephalographic parameters did not differ between goats that were fully conscious or slaughtered under minimal anaesthesia. These findings showed that the noxious stimuli from neck cut were present in both conscious and minimally anaesthetized goats. Most importantly, the presence of emotional pain and nociception did not affect the extent of electroencephalographic responses significantly compared with animals that were experiencing nociception only.Keywords: brain activity, propofol-halothane anaesthetic, noxious stimuli, slaughte

    netDx: Software for building interpretable patient classifiers by multi-'omic data integration using patient similarity networks

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    Patient classification based on clinical and genomic data will further the goal of precision medicine. Interpretability is of particular relevance for models based on genomic data, where sample sizes are relatively small (in the hundreds), increasing overfitting risk netDx is a machine learning method to integrate multi-modal patient data and build a patient classifier. Patient data are converted into networks of patient similarity, which is intuitive to clinicians who also use patient similarity for medical diagnosis. Features passing selection are integrated, and new patients are assigned to the class with the greatest profile similarity. netDx has excellent performance, outperforming most machine-learning methods in binary cancer survival prediction. It handles missing data \u2013 a common problem in real-world data \u2013 without requiring imputation. netDx also has excellent interpretability, with native support to group genes into pathways for mechanistic insight into predictive features. The netDx Bioconductor package provides multiple workflows for users to build custom patient classifiers. It provides turnkey functions for one-step predictor generation from multi-modal data, including feature selection over multiple train/test data splits

    Effect of feeding fermented and non-fermented palm kernel cake on the performance of broiler chickens: a review

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    Palm kernel cake (PKC) is a by-product of oil extraction from palm fruits and has been included in poultry diets as an alternative to soybean meal and yellow corn. Due to its high content of fibre, coarse texture and gritty appearance, the use of PKC in poultry nutrition is limited. In order to increase the nutritive value of PKC, there is a tendency nowadays to create solid state fermentation (SSF) by using cellulolytic microbes. This paper reviews the impact of feeding fermented and non-fermented PKC on the performance of broiler chickens. Recent studies have reported that SSF by cellulolytic microorganisms improved the nutritive value of PKC. The nutrient digestibility has been increased significantly in PKC fermented using Paenibacillus polymyxya ATCC 842 or Weisella confusa SR-17b. The availability of valine, histidine, methionine and arginine was 70.42%, 71.50%, 71.92% and 81.15%, respectively, in PKC fermented using P. polymyxa ATCC 842. The digestibility of crude protein (CP) increased by 61.83% and 59.90% in PKC fermented using P. polymyxya ATCC 842 or W. confusa SR-17b, respectively. In addition, body weight gain (BWG) and feed conversion ratio (FCR) improved significantly in broilers fed 15% fermented PKC compared to those fed 15% non-fermented PKC (2000.43 g versus 1823.23 g and 1.75 versus 1.91, respectively). The intestinal Enterobacteriaceae decreased (4.03 CFU/g) and lactic acid bacteria increased (5.56 CFU/g) in birds fed 15% PKC fermented by P. polymyxa ATCC 842. Therefore, fermented PKC can be included in a broiler diet up to 15%, replacing part of soybean and yellow corn in the diet, leading to a decrease in the overall cost of poultry feeding

    Investigating the impact of preslaughter handling intensity on goats: a study on behavior, physiology, blood enzymes, and hormonal responses

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    IntroductionThe present study evaluated the effect of preslaughter stress intensities on the behavioral, physiological, blood biochemicals, and hormonal responses in goats.MethodsTwenty-seven intact male goats (Ardi breed, 10 months of age, 27 kg liveweight) were divided into three treatment groups viz., the control (C) group, ear pulling (EP) group, and leg pulling (LP) group. Various behavioral, physiological, blood biochemical and hormonal responses were recorded before and after handling.Results and DiscussionThe EP and LP goats had a higher frequency and intensity of vocalization as compared to control goats. The preslaughter handling stress intensities had a significant effect on the before and after handling values of heart rate, respiration rate, rectal temperature, and ear temperature. Further, among groups, the glucose value increased significantly upon preslaughter handling as compared to the baseline value. The LP goats had significantly higher after-handling value for lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) as compared to the before-handling value. The catecholamines (adrenaline and noradrenaline) and β-endorphin concentrations increased significantly upon preslaughter handling. The higher physiological, behavioral, blood biochemical, and hormonal response indicated higher preslaughter stress in EP and LP goats. Both levels of intensity revealed unfavorable responses in goats that may adversely affect animal welfare and meat quality. Thus, to ensure minimal adverse effects on behavior, physiology, blood enzymes, and hormonal responses, it is recommended to follow animal welfare principles when implementing preslaughter handling practices