304 research outputs found

    Wall Compensation for Ultra Wideband Applications

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    Due to their low frequency contents, ultra wideband (UWB) signals have the ability to penetrate walls and obstacles. As the signal propagates through these obstacles, it gets attenuated, slows down, and gets dispersed. This paper demonstrates wall compensation for through-wall imaging, localization and communication receiver design purposes by first characterizing wave propagation through various building materials in the UWB frequency range. Knowledge of the walls obtained from the wall characterization is used to estimate and correct the position accuracy of a target object located behind the walls using three proposed methods namely; constant amplitude and delay (CDL), frequency dependent data (FFD), and data fitting methods (FIT). The obtained results indicated relatively acceptable measure of wall compensation for the three methods. Results from such work provide insight on how to develop algorithms for effective target position estimation in imaging and localization applications. They are also useful for channel modelling and link budget analysis

    Industrial Training as Gateway to Engineering Career: Experience Sharing

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    AbstractToday's engineering education demands in-depth theoretical knowledge as well as hands-on exposure to the profession. Traditionally, theoretical engineering education is achieved in campus through direct teaching and laboratory learning. However, hands-on exposure or real world confrontation provides engineering students with on-the-job experience. This helps them to decide whether their skills and industry are a good match. For specialised industries, such as manufacturing, aerospace and electronics, industrial training provides the opportunity for students to gain the most rewarding and enlightening working experience in related companies. This paper examines the industrial training experience gained by the students through a 12-week attachment period specifically looking at whether the companies have been successful in providing a relevant engineering workplace experience. A few industrial training experiences by students will be shared highlighting the positive and negative aspects. This study also suggests some steps that can be taken to ensure companies run industrial training programs that do meet the faculty's expectation

    Effective Communication As a Tool for Achieving Organizational Goals

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    Communication is a key element of human behaviour. In other words, it is an act by which one person gives to or receives information from other person about that person’s needs, desire, knowledge, opinions and perceptions. Communication in the workplace can occur under many different modes such as writing, verbal and nonverbal (body gestures and facial expression). In business and industry, communication helps to align workers to work with one another and to achieve the objective of the organization, which means objectives, can be in the target, attained and improved. Without workplace communication, nothing can be done.     Keywords: communication, organization, workplac


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    Anggrek merupakan tanaman yangmembutuhkan cahaya matahari dengan intensitastertentu. Kekurangan intensitas cahaya matahariakan menyebabkan proses asimilasi berkurang,sedangkan terlalu banyak intensitas cahaya akanmenyebabkan fotodestruktif pada tanaman. Olehkarena itu para pengembangbiak tanaman anggrekmengambil solusi memberikan naungan padatanamannya. Namun naungan ini hanya berfungsimengurangi intensitas cahaya yang masuk sehinggadalam cuaca mendung jumlah intensitas cahayamatahari yang diterima oleh tanaman anggrek akanberkurang pula. Maka dalam penelitian inidilakukan penyempurnaan dengan memberikansirip sebagai pengganti naungan padapengembangbiakan tanaman anggrek. Sirip inidapat terbuka atau tertutup sehingga intensitascahaya dalam tempat pengembangbiakan dapatdikontrol. Sensor LDR digunakan untuk membacaintensitas cahaya yang masuk dan sirip digerakkanoleh continuous rotation servo dengan kontrol PID.Setpoin intensitas cahaya yang digunakan adalah 65lux. Sensor LDR diletakkan di dalam tempatpengembangbiakan dan akan membaca intensitascahaya didalam, dimana apabila intensitas cahayakurang dari setpoint maka sirip akan bergerakterbuka dan apabila lebih dari setpoint maka siripakan bergerak menutup. Dari hasil perancangandan pengujian alat yang telah dilakukan,didapatkan parameter PID dengan metode handtuning yang paling baik yaitu Kp=5,5 ;Ki=1,2 ;danKd=0 dengan %Ess sebesar 0,839876 dan settlingtime 414 ms. Kata kunci- anggrek, PID, LDR,intensitas cahay

    Strain rate-dependent deformation and failure process of adhesive joints

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    Rate-dependent deformation and failure process of adhesive joints are investigated in this study. For this purpose, acrylic foam pressure sensitive adhesive (PSA) was employed with aluminum adherents. Tensile and shear loading of the adhesive joint was applied at displacement rates ranging from 5 to 500 mm/min. Results show that the failure process under tensile loadings start with initiation of cavities, hardening through fibrillation process and final fracture of the fibrils. For shear loading the failure process is a combination of fibrillation processes, shear flow, and by interfacial sliding. Both modulus and strain energy density at fracture reach maximum value at a displacement rate of 100 mm/min under tension, while continuously increase with displacement rate under shear loading. Adhesive failure dominates at low loading rate (below 10 mm/min.), while mixed-mode and cohesive failure are common at faster loading rates above 250 mm/min. Finite element employing Yeoh constitutive model adequately predicts viscous shear deformation of the PSA joints

    Application of Genetic Algorithm to the Design Optimization of Complex Energy Saving Glass Coating Structure

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    Attenuation of GSM, GPS and personal communication signal leads to poor communication inside the building using regular shapes of energy saving glass coating. Thus, the transmission is very low. A brand new type of band pass frequency selective surface (FSS) for energy saving glass application is presented in this paper for one unit cell. Numerical Periodic Method of Moment approach according to a previous study has been applied to determine the new optimum design of one unit cell energy saving glass coating structure. Optimization technique based on the Genetic Algorithm (GA) is used to obtain an improved in return loss and transmission signal. The unit cell of FSS is designed and simulated using the CST Microwave Studio software at based on industrial, scientific and medical bands (ISM). A unique and irregular shape of an energy saving glass coating structure is obtained with lower return loss and improved transmission coefficient

    Protocol for a randomised controlled trial of a family strengthening program to prevent unhealthy weight gain among 5 to 11-year-old children from at-risk families : the Strong Families Trial

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    Background: Obesity is an increasing health concern in Australia among adult and child populations alike and is often associated with other serious comorbidities. While the rise in the prevalence of childhood obesity has plateaued in high-income countries, it continues to increase among children from disadvantaged and culturally diverse backgrounds. The family environment of disadvantaged populations may increase the risk of childhood obesity through unhealthy eating and lifestyle practices. The Strong Families Trial aims to assess the effectiveness of a mixed behavioural and lifestyle intervention for parents and carers of at-risk populations, i.e. families from culturally diverse and disadvantaged backgrounds, in preventing unhealthy weight gain among children aged 5 to 11 years. Methods: Eight hundred families from low socio-economic areas in Greater Western Sydney, NSW, and Melbourne, VIC, will be recruited and randomised into a lifestyle intervention or control group. The intervention comprises 90-minute weekly sessions for 6 weeks (plus two-booster sessions) of an integrated, evidence-based, parenting and lifestyle program that accounts for the influences of family functioning. Primary (anthropometric data) and secondary (family functioning, feeding related parenting, physical activity, consumption of healthy foods, health literacy, family and household costs) outcome measures will be assessed at baseline, immediately following the intervention, and 12 months post-intervention. Discussion: This study will elucidate methods for engaging socially disadvantaged and culturally diverse groups in parenting programs concerned with child weight status. Trial Registration: This study is registered with the Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry (ACTRN12619001019190). Registered 16 July 2019
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