2,506 research outputs found

    Atrial cardiopathy and cognitive impairment

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    Cognitive impairment involves complex interactions between multiple pathways and mechanisms, one of which being cardiac disorders. Atrial cardiopathy (AC) is a structural and functional disorder of the left atrium that may be a substrate for other cardiac disorders such as atrial fibrillation (AF) and heart failure (HF). The association between AF and HF and cognitive decline is clear; however, the relationship between AC and cognition requires further investigation. Studies have shown that several markers of AC, such as increased brain natriuretic peptide and left atrial enlargement, are associated with an increased risk for cognitive impairment. The pathophysiology of cognitive decline in patients with AC is not yet well understood. Advancing our understanding of the relationship between AC and cognition may point to important treatable targets and inform future therapeutic advancements. This review presents our current understanding of the diagnosis of AC, as well as clinical characteristics and potential pathways involved in the association between AC and cognitive impairment

    Bacterial benz(a)anthracene catabolic networks in contaminated soils and their modulation by other co-occurring HMW-PAHs

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    Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are major environmental pollutants in a number of point source contaminated sites, where they are found embedded in complex mixtures containing different polyaromatic compounds. The application of bioremediation technologies is often constrained by unpredictable end-point concentrations enriched in recalcitrant high molecular weight (HMW)-PAHs. The aim of this study was to elucidate the microbial populations and potential interactions involved in the biodegradation of benz(a)anthracene (BaA) in PAH-contaminated soils. The combination of DNA stable isotope probing (DNA-SIP) and shotgun metagenomics of 13C-labeled DNA identified a member of the recently described genus Immundisolibacter as the key BaA-degrading population. Analysis of the corresponding metagenome assembled genome (MAG) revealed a highly conserved and unique genetic organization in this genus, including novel aromatic ring-hydroxylating dioxygenases (RHD). The influence of other HMW-PAHs on BaA degradation was ascertained in soil microcosms spiked with BaA and fluoranthene (FT), pyrene (PY) or chrysene (CHY) in binary mixtures. The co-occurrence of PAHs resulted in a significant delay in the removal of PAHs that were more resistant to biodegradation, and this delay was associated with relevant microbial interactions. Members of Immundisolibacter, associated with the biodegradation of BaA and CHY, were outcompeted by Sphingobium and Mycobacterium, triggered by the presence of FT and PY, respectively. Our findings highlight that interacting microbial populations modulate the fate of PAHs during the biodegradation of contaminant mixtures in soils

    Multi-omic profiling of a newly isolated Oxy-PAH degrading specialist from PAH-contaminated soil reveals bacterial mechanisms to mitigate the risk posed by polar transformation products

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    Polar biotransformation products have been identified as causative agents for the eventual increase in genotoxicity observed after the bioremediation of PAH-contaminated soils.Their further biodegradation has been described under certain biostimulation conditions; however, the underlying microorganisms and mechanisms remain to be elucidated. 9,10-Anthraquinone (ANTQ), a transformation product from anthracene (ANT), is the most commonly detected oxygenated PAH (oxy-PAH) in contaminated soils. Sand-in-liquid microcosms inoculated with creosote-contaminated soil revealed the existence of a specialized ANTQ degrading community, and Sphingobium sp. AntQ-1 was isolated for its ability to grow on this oxy-PAH. Combining the metabolomic, genomic, and transcriptomic analyses of strain AntQ-1, we comprehensively reconstructed the ANTQ biodegradation pathway. Novel mechanisms for polyaromatic compound degradation were revealed, involving the cleavage of the central ring catalyzed by Baeyer−Villiger monooxygenases (BVMO). Abundance of strain AntQ-1 16S rRNA and its BVMO genes in the sandin-liquid microcosms correlated with maximum ANTQ biodegradation rates, supporting the environmental relevance of this mechanism. Our results demonstrate the existence of highly specialized microbial communities in contaminated soils responsible for processing oxy-PAHs accumulated by primary degraders. Also, they underscore the key role that BVMO may play as a detoxification mechanism to mitigate the risk posed by oxy-PAH formation during bioremediation of PAH-contaminated soils

    Electrochemical comparative study on corrosion behavior of conventional and powder metallurgy titanium alloys in physiological conditions

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    This article focuses on the electrochemical study of two titanium alloys employed in the manufacture of orthopedic implants – Ti-6Al-4V and Ti-6Al-7Nb – both of them obtained through powder metallurgy (PM). For comparative purposes, Ti-6Al-4V fabricated conventionally has also been investigated. Samples were immersed in a simulated body fluid (SBF) and incubated at 37 °C for different immersion time. Under these experimental conditions, we compared the influence of the processing method of alloys (PM or conventional) and their composition in the corrosion resistance. The corrosion resistance of these alloys in contact with SBF was evaluated with electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). The resulting impedance plots of all of them showed good reproducibility. For the lowest frequency tested (10 mHz) all of the samples showed high impedance modulus value approximately on the order of 106 Ω. This behavior is usually ascribed to a high corrosion protection performance. Although no significant differences in the evolution of the corrosion behavior for different immersion times has been found; the Ti-6Al-7Nb alloy processed by PM delivers a steady growth of corrosion resistance from day one until twelve weeks immersion. This sample showed the best performance between the two studied compositions. The resulting impedance plots show how powder metallurgy allows obtaining materials with similar or superior corrosion resistance in physiological conditions, than alloys obtained conventionally. Alloys characterization by scanning electron microscopy revealed no evidence of pitting corrosion phenomenon.Authors acknowledge funds provided by Spanish Government (programme MINECO, Ref. MAT2012-38650-C02-01) and regional government of Madrid (programme MULTIMAT-CHALLENGE, Ref. S2013/MIT-2862)

    A functional BH3 domain in an aquaporin from Leishmania infantum.

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    Despite the absence of sequences showing significant similarity to any of the members of the Bcl-2 family of proteins in protozoa, experiments carried out in yeast or trypanosomatids have demonstrated that ectopic expression of some of these members alters their response to different death stimuli. Because the BH3 domain is the smallest common signature in all the proteins of this family of apoptosis regulators and also because they are essential for molecular interactions between antagonistic members, we looked for sequences with significant similarity to the BH3 motif in the Leishmania infantum genome. Among the top scoring ones, we found the MYLALQNLGDEV amino-acid stretch at the C terminus of a previously described aquaporin, now renamed as Li-BH3AQP. This motif is highly conserved in homologous proteins from other species of the Leishmania genus. The association of Li-BH3AQP with human Bcl-XL was demonstrated by both co-immunoprecipitation and yeast two-hybrid experiments. Ectopic expression of Li-BH3AQP reduced viability of HeLa cells and this deleterious effect was abrogated by the simultaneous overexpression of Bcl-XL. Although we were not able to demonstrate a reduction in parasite viability when the protein was overexpressed in Leishmania promastigotes, a prodeath effect could be observed when the parasites overexpressing Li-BH3AQP were treated with staurosporine or antimycin A. Surprisingly, these parasites were more resistant, compared with wild-type parasites, to hypotonic stress or nutrient deprivation. The prodeath activity was abolished upon replacement of two highly conserved amino acids in this BH3 domain. Taken together, these results point to Li-BH3AQP as the first non-enzymatic protein ever described in trypanosomatids that is involved in cell death

    Controlled Positioning of Nanoparticles on Graphene by Non-Invasive AFM lithography

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    Atomic force microscopy is shown to be an excellent lithographic technique to directly deposit nanoparticles on graphene by capillary transport without any previous functionalization of neither the nanoparticles nor the graphene surface while preserving its integrity and conductivity properties. Moreover this technique allows for (sub)micrometric control on the positioning thanks to a new three-step protocol that has been designed with this aim. With this methodology the exact target coordinates are registered by scanning the tip over the predetermined area previous to its coating with the ink and deposition. As a proof-of-concept, this strategy has successfully allowed the controlled deposition of few nanoparticles on 1 μm2 preselected sites of a graphene surface with high accuracy

    Efecto de las características del biorreactor y de su manejo sobre el desarrollo de cultivos embriogénicos de alcornoque

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    En el marco del proyecto SEFEAL-2, liderado por TRAGSA, se aplican protocolos de embriogénesis somática (ES) para desarrollar variedades de alcornoque de alta calidad y productividad. Al mismo tiempo se mejora la técnica de ES para abaratar los costes y permitir su aplicación a escala comercial. En el alcornoque, como en otras especies, el desarrollo comercial de la embriogénesis como técnica de multiplicación masiva se basa en el uso de biorreactores y medios líquidos agitados. El diseño del biorreactor, su sistema de cierre y el nivel de agitación determinan el grado de mezclado, el estrés hidrodinámico y el intercambio gaseoso, y por ello afectan tanto al crecimiento como al desarrollo de los cultivos embriogénicos. Mediante un ensayo factorial se testaron 3 tipos de envase y tres niveles de agitación. Los efectos sobre el intercambio gaseoso se estimaron a través de la tasa de transferencia de O2 (OTR) y su coeficiente volumétrico de transferencia de masa (KLa), y los efectos sobre el nivel de mezclado mediante el “shear force index” (SFI), un indicador de estrés hidrodinámico. El tipo de envase afectó básicamente al número total de agregados embriogénicos y a la frecuencia de formación de los agregados de mayor tamaño. El nivel de agitación tuvo mayores efectos que el tipo de envase tanto sobre el número como sobre el tamaño de los agregados. Para las condiciones ensayadas, que dieron lugar a valores de KLa comprendidos entre 0,11 h-1 y 1,47 h-1, la disponibilidad de oxígeno no pareció limitante. En cualquier caso, los efectos del tipo de envase y del nivel de agitación sobre los procesos de crecimiento y desarrollo de los materiales embriogénicos de alcornoque fueron complejos resultando muy significativa la interacción tipo de envase por nivel de agitación

    Antígenos leucocitarios como genes candidatos para mejorar la respuesta inmune en cerdos

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    Leukocyte antigens (CD) have functions related to immune response and are of interest as classical candidate genes for health. Polymorphisms (e.g. SNPs) in these genes may be associated with variation in the immune response and consequently in disease response. This approach is being taken in search of susceptibility genes for swine disease. In addition, these genes may vary between populations, especially where specific adaptation to pathogens has occurred, and are of potential interest in characterising pig biodiversity.Los antígenos leucocitarios (CD) tienen funciones relacionadas con la respuesta inmune y son de interés con genes candidatos clásicos para la salud. Los Polimorfismos (ej. SNPs) en estos genes pueden estar asociados con variaciones en la respuesta inmune y consecuentemente con la respuesta a la enfermedad. Este ensayo se está desarrollando en la búsqueda de susceptibilidades genéticas a enfermedades porcinas. Adicionalmente, estos genes pueden variar entre poblaciones, especialmente en la que han ocurrido adaptaciones a patógenos, y suponen un interés potencial para la caracterización de la biodiversidad porcina

    Interactions between 2,4-bis-pteridine-1,5-benzodiazepine and group 12 dihalides: synthesis, spectral and XRD structural studies and theoretical calculations

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    2,4-Bis(1,3,7-trimethyl-pteridine-2,4(1H,3H)-dione-6-yl)-2,3-dihydro-2-methyl-1H-1,5-benzodiazepine (DLMBZD) has been prepared and its molecular and crystal structures have been determined from spectral and XRD data. The benzodiazepine ligand was reacted with zinc(II), cadmium(II) and mercury(II) chloride, bromide and iodide to give complexes with general formula [M(DLMBZD)X2]. The complexes have been synthesized and characterized by IR, NMR and elemental analysis. The structure of seven complexes has been obtained by single crystal X-ray diffraction. In all the cases, the metal is (2 + 2 + 1)-five-coordinated by two halide ligands, two nitrogen atoms from pyrazine and diazepine rings and a carbonyl oxygen from a pteridine ring. The coordinated-metal environment is a square-based pyramid, with increasing trigonality from Hg(II) to Zn(II) complexes. To coordinate the metals, the ligand folds itself, establishing four intramolecular σ–π interactions with the pyrimidine and pyrazine rings. A topological analysis of the electron density using the Quantum Theory of Atoms in Molecules and the complexes stability has been performed.Supported by the University of Jaén (Plan de Apoyo a la Investigación, al Desarrollo Tecnológico y a la Innovación), Junta de Andalucía (PAIDI groups FQM195, FQM273 and FQM337) and the State Secretariat for Research, Development and Innovation of Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitivity (Project “Red de Excelencia MetalBio”, CTQ2015-71211-REDT)

    Meeting high precision requirements of additively manufactured components through hybrid manufacturing

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    A hybrid approach combining the laser powder bed fusion (LPBF) process and post-processing operations through 5-axis milling was employed to manufacture a Ti6Al4V aerospace component. From the design step, the requirements and needs in all the stages of the Hybrid Additive Manufacturing process were taken into account. A numerical simulation of distortions promoted by residual stresses during the additive process was employed to consider material allowance. The status of the as-built and post-processed component was analysed through scanning and CMM inspection and roughness measurements. The 3D scanned model of the as-built LPBF-ed component was used to understand the distortion behaviour of the component and compared to the numerical simulation. Finally, 5-axis milling operations were conducted in some critical surfaces in order to improve surface quality and dimensional accuracy of the as-built com- ponent. The inspection of the as-built and post-processed component showed the improvement achieved through the proposed hybrid approach. The work aims to provide the baselines needed to enable the metal Hybrid Additive Manufacturing of components with complex geometries where mandatory precision is required by integrating high accuracy machining operations as post-processing technique