631 research outputs found

    The implementation frameworks of meta-heuristics hybridization with dynamic parameterization

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    The hybridization of meta-heuristics algorithms has achieved a remarkable improvement fromthe adaptation of dynamic parameterization. This paper proposes a variety of implementationframeworks for the hybridization of Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) and GeneticAlgorithm (GA) and the dynamic parameterization. In this paper, taxonomy of the PSO-GAwith dynamic parameterization is presented to provide a common terminology andclassification mechanisms. Based on the taxonomy, thirty implementation frameworks arepossible to be adapted. Furthermore, different algorithms that used the implementationframeworks with sequential scheme and dynamic parameterizations approaches are tested insolving a facility layout problem. The results present the effectiveness of each tested algorithm in comparison to the single PSO and constant parameterization.Keywords: hybridization; PSO; GA; implementation frameworks; dynamic parameterization

    Experimental study to identify common engine part load conditions between Malaysian city driving and NEDC test

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    This paper describes an experimental study conducted to identify the common engine part load conditions between Malaysian city driving and NEDC (New European Driving Cycle) test on a 4 cylinder gasoline fuelled engine, with multi-point fuel injection system, and continuous variable transmission vehicle. This is to pinpoint a regional area from the part load map in the attempt to strategize key technologies such as CDA (Cylinder Deactivation) or CNG (Compressed Natural Gas). Technologies such as CDA or CNG do not operate at all engine operations. Due to certain drawbacks, the operation of the technologies must be strategized to obtain most benefit from the engine. With the knowledge of the common part load region, these technologies could be integrated and strategized into the region to reduce overall fuel consumption. With improvements in fuel consumption respective to the identified common part load operations, the overall fuel consumption benefit does not only serve the legislation but also most importantly benefit the local consumers who travel on Malaysian roads. Copyright © 2009 Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l. - All rights reserved

    Makna Tawuran Studi Fenomenologis Pada Mahasiswa Universitas Hasanuddin Makassar

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    Tawuran antarmahasiswa di Univeristas Hasanuddin berbeda dengan tawuran antarmahasiswa di perguruan tinggi lainnya. Perbedaannya meliputi tidak memperbolehkan penggunaan senjata tajam, tidak melibatkan perkelahian face to face dan hanya sebatas pelemparan batu.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan memahami makna tawuran menurut mahasiswa yang terlibat. Metode penelitian kualitatif fenomenologi dipergunakan dalam penelitian ini mengingat fokus utama penelitian ini adalah makna dari pengalaman subjek. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan metode wawancara, materi audio dan dokumentasi. Pengambilan subjek menggunakan teknik snowball sampling. Subjek diperoleh sebanyak empat orang mahasiswa dari angkatan 2006 hingga mahasiswa angkatan 2009.Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan makna tawuran dari mahasiswa yang terlibat tawuran antarmahasiswa Universitas Hasanuddin antara lain: solidaritas, kepuasan diri, sebagai sebuah seni, ajang melepas penat, sarana mengasah kebersamaan, menambah teman, dan adanya pride feeling. Komponen personal yang dimiliki subjek meliputi prinsip, kekeluargaan, pembentukan kepribadian, ego pemuda, prasangka dan victim feeling. Komponen sosial yang muncul meliputi pola asuh, hubungan sosial, budaya siri' na pacce' dalam aspek tanggung jawab, keberanian dan kepemimpinan

    Metal concentration at surface water using multivariate analysis and human health risk assessment

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    This study defined the concentration of metals in Kerteh and Paka River water and their potential health risk towards human. 54 water samples were collected and analyzed using ICP-OES. Results revealed that most of the stations in Kerteh River gave the higher concentration of Cd, Cu, Zn, Co, Ni, As, Cr and Pb compared to Paka River. However As, Cr and Pb have exceeded the permissible limit of Malaysia standard for all stations in both rivers. Cd, Cu, Zn, Co and Ni were below than Malaysian standard permissible levels during the sampling period. The principal component analysis (PCA) revealed that both geogenic and anthropogenic sources were responsible to possible metals contamination in both rivers. Moreover, risk assessments for all metals were within the safe limits, except for As in the Kerteh River for both adult and child as well as to Paka River for both genders

    Mapping on slope seepage problem using Electrical Resistivity Imaging (ERI)

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    The stability of slope may influenced by several factors such as its geomaterial properties, geometry and environmental factors. Problematic slope due to seepage phenomenon will influenced the slope strength thus promoting to its failure. In the past, slope seepage mapping suffer from several limitation due to cost, time and data coverage. Conventional engineering tools to detect or mapped the seepage on slope experienced those problems involving large and high elevation of slope design. As a result, this study introduced geophysical tools for slope seepage mapping based on electrical resistivity method. Two spread lines of electrical resistivity imaging were performed on the slope crest using ABEM SAS 4000 equipment. Data acquisition configuration was based on long and short arrangement, schlumberger array and 2.5 m of equal electrode spacing interval. Raw data obtained from data acquisition was analyzed using RES2DINV software. Both of the resistivity results show that the slope studied consists of three different anomalies representing top soil (200 – 1000 Ωm), perched water (10 – 100 Ωm) and hard/dry layer (> 200 Ωm). It was found that seepage problem on slope studied was derived from perched water zones with electrical resistivity value of 10 – 100 Ωm. Perched water zone has been detected at 6 m depth from the ground level with varying thickness at 5 m and over. Resistivity results have shown some good similarity output with reference to borehole data, geological map and site observation thus verified the resistivity results interpretation. Hence, this study has shown that the electrical resistivity imaging was applicable in slope seepage mapping which consider efficient in term of cost, time, data coverage and sustainability

    The modification of PVDF membrane via crosslinking with chitosan and glutaraldehyde as the crosslinking agent

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    Poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF) has outstanding properties such as high thermal stability, resistance to acid solvents and good mechanical strength. Due to its properties, PVDF is widely used as a membrane matrix. However, PVDF membrane is hydrophobic properties, so as for specific applications, the surface of membrane needs to be modified to become hydrophilic. This research aims to modify PVDF membrane surface with chitosan and glutaraldehyde as a crosslinker agent. The FTIR spectra showed that the modified membrane has a peak at 1655 cm-1, indicating the imine group (–N=C)- that was formed due to the crosslink between amine group from chitosan and aldehyde group from glutaraldehyde. Results showed that the contact angle of the modified membrane decreases to 77.22° indicated that the membrane hydrophilic properties ( 90°). The results of porosity, Ɛ (%) for unmodified PVDF membrane was 55.39%, while the modified PVDF membrane has a porosity of 81.99%. Similarly, by modifying the PVDF membrane, pure water flux increased from 0.9867 L/m2h to 1.1253 L/m2h. The enhancement of porosity and pure water flux for the modified PVDF membrane was due to the improved surface hydrophilicity of PVDF membrane

    Individually-tailored multifactorial intervention to reduce falls in the Malaysian Falls Assessment and Intervention Trial (MyFAIT): A randomized controlled trial

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    Objective: To determine the effectiveness of an individually-tailored multifactorial intervention in reducing falls among at risk older adult fallers in a multi-ethnic, middle-income nation in South-East Asia. Design: Pragmatic, randomized-controlled trial. Setting: Emergency room, medical outpatient and primary care clinic in a teaching hospital in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Participants: Individuals aged 65 years and above with two or more falls or one injurious fall in the past 12 months. Intervention: Individually-tailored interventions, included a modified Otago exercise programme, HOMEFAST home hazards modification, visual intervention, cardiovascular intervention, medication review and falls education, was compared against a control group involving conventional treatment. Primary and secondary outcome measures: The primary outcome was any fall recurrence at 12-month follow-up. Secondary outcomes were rate of fall and time to first fall. Results: Two hundred and sixty-eight participants (mean age 75.3 ±7.2 SD years, 67% women) were randomized to multifactorial intervention (n = 134) or convention treatment (n = 134). All participants in the intervention group received medication review and falls education, 92 (68%) were prescribed Otago exercises, 86 (64%) visual intervention, 64 (47%) home hazards modification and 51 (38%) cardiovascular intervention. Fall recurrence did not differ between intervention and control groups at 12-months [Risk Ratio, RR = 1.037 (95% CI 0.613–1.753)]. Rate of fall [RR = 1.155 (95% CI 0.846–1.576], time to first fall [Hazard Ratio, HR = 0.948 (95% CI 0.782–1.522)] and mortality rate [RR = 0.896 (95% CI 0.335–2.400)] did not differ between groups. Conclusion: Individually-tailored multifactorial intervention was ineffective as a strategy to reduce falls. Future research efforts are now required to develop culturally-appropriate and affordable methods of addressing this increasingly prominent public health issue in middle-income nations

    Current empirical assessment methods for adolescents and children who sexually abuse others

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    The assessment of adolescents and children who commit sexually abusive behavior is a complex and challenging task. Incorporating empirically based assessment methods into psychosexual evaluations promises appropriate coverage of relevant domains, sound interpretation of the meaning of data, reduced clinician biases and error, and greater certainty in decision-making. In this paper we review empirically-based assessment methods currently available for use in psychosexual assessment of adolescents and children who sexually abuse others. Our review describes the robustness of these measures and provides guidance for their appropriate use in assessment. The review highlighted that several empirically-based measures are suitable for clinical use with adolescents, but very little is available to guide assessment of children\u27s abusive behavior per se. </i