58 research outputs found

    Temporal regularity of the environment drives time perception

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    It’s reasonable to assume that a regularly paced sequence should be perceived as regular, but here we show that perceived regularity depends on the context in which the sequence is embedded. We presented one group of participants with perceptually regularly paced sequences, and another group of participants with mostly irregularly paced sequences (75% irregular, 25% regular). The timing of the final stimulus in each sequence could be varied. In one experiment, we asked whether the last stimulus was regular or not. We found that participants exposed to an irregular environment frequently reported perfectly regularly paced stimuli to be irregular. In a second experiment, we asked participants to judge whether the final stimulus was presented before or after a flash. In this way, we were able to determine distortions in temporal perception as changes in the timing necessary for the sound and the flash to be perceived synchronous. We found that within a regular context, the perceived timing of deviant last stimuli changed so that the relative anisochrony appeared to be perceptually decreased. In the irregular context, the perceived timing of irregular stimuli following a regular sequence was not affected. These observations suggest that humans use temporal expectations to evaluate the regularity of sequences and that expectations are combined with sensory stimuli to adapt perceived timing to follow the statistics of the environment. Expectations can be seen as a-priori probabilities on which perceived timing of stimuli depend

    Experimental field studies of Asian ape social systems

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    The Asian apes, orangutans and gibbons, possess unusual social systems among anthropoid primates. Social groups of gibbons consist of mated adult pairs and their offspring; mature orangutans are primarily solitary. Recent experimental field research has begun to yield insights into the behavioral mechanisms employed by these animals to maintain their characteristic patterns of social dispersion. While spatial separation between female orangutans appears to be maintained passively, aggression, which is manifest during direct encounters and long-distance vocal interactions, mediates male asociality. Male-male aggression is the result of intense intrasexual competition occurring between animals for mating access to females. To reduce intrasexual competition, male orangutans have adopted alternative mating tactics. In contrast to female orangutans, female gibbons show marked agonistic tendencies toward conspecifics. Female territoriality contributes to preventing males from becoming polygynous. Male gibbons, restricted to monogamous relationships, attempt to ensure their paternity through intrasexual aggression. These observations suggest that the spatial dispersion of females constrains male mating options in both species. However, variations between orangutan and gibbon social systems can be understood as consequences of the temporal dispersion of sexually receptive females. The temporal clumping of females, due to relatively high operational sex ratios, limits the ability of male gibbons to acquire multiple mates. Conversely, an extremely low operational sex ratio in orangutans creates a strong selection pressure for intrasexual competition and polygamous mating. These considerations provide a novel framework for interpreting the social systems of the African apes.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/44557/1/10764_2005_Article_BF02192784.pd

    The shape of things to come: temporal recalibration changes responses to unisensory stimuli

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    If the audio and visual stream in a movie are poorly aligned the discrepancy between the actors’ speech and lip movements are very disturbing in the beginning. However, after a short time the constant delay in one modality becomes barely noticeable. This phenomenon is termed temporal recalibration, that is, the adaptation of synchrony perception to multisensory asynchronies in the environment. Here, we investigate whether and how temporal recalibration may be achieved via adaptation of the response towards unisensory stimuli. To this aim, we exposed participants to three minutes of either -150, 0 or +150ms audiovisual asynchrony. Subsequently, we tested participants’ unisensory detection threshold, reaction time, and gap detection. We observe remarkable changes with auditory-only trials following visual-leading audiovisual exposure: increases in detection threshold (i.e., sensitivity is lower), faster reactions, and improved gap detection performance. We do not find effects of adaptation using visual stimuli. These findings indicate that asynchronous exposure leads to changes in the neural response to unisensory stimuli. We suggest that such changes are the precursors of temporal recalibration: For the delayed stimulus during exposure accumulation of sensory evidence becomes higher early after stimulus onset, which, in accordance with a negative feedback mechanism, has the cost of an overall lowering of activation compared to the stimulus leading during exposure

    Different fasting periods in tiletamine-zolezepam-anethetized cats: Glycemia, recovery, blood-gas and cardiorrespiratory parameters

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    The effects of different fasting periods on glycemia levels and on cardiorrespiratory parameters in tiletamine-zolazepam-anesthetized cats were evaluated. Twenty one animals were randomly assigned to three groups: 8 hours (G8), 12 hours (G12) or 18 hours (G18) of the preoperative fasting. The tiletamine-zolazepam (2 mg/kg) was administered intravenously. The heart rate (HR), respiratory rate (fR), rectal temperature (T R), glycemia (G), laboratorial glycemia (Glab), venous oxygen partial pressure (PvO2), venous carbon dioxide partial pressure (PvCO2), venous hemoglobin saturation (SvO2), pH, base deficit (BD), bicarbonate concentration (HCO3- ) and haematocrit were evaluated at 90 minutes after the last meal (T0), immediately before anesthesia (T1) and at ten (T2) and thirty (T3) minutes after tiletamine-zolezepam administration. The time between the administration of anesthetic and the cat's trial to elevate head (Th) and the interval between drug administration and aniamal's quadrupedal position (Tqp) were recorded. No differences among groups were recorded for glycemia, HR, PvO2, SvO2, pH, BD, HCO3-, Ht and Tqp. In G12 from T2, glycemia increased and from T1 PvCO2 decreased. At T1, PvO2 increased in all groups. In G8 and G12, from T1, DB and HCO3- decreased. In G12 and G18, from T2, Ht decreased. In G12, the Th mean was higher than G8. In conclusion, in tiletamine-zolazepam-anesthetized cats, the different preoperative fasting did not influence glycemia, blood-gas and cardiorrespiratory parameters. Additionally, there was no relationship between glycemia and anesthesia recovery

    Blood gas analysis in pigs submitted to different concentrations of nitrous oxide or oxygen, under different ventilatory modalities

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    ABSTRACT The effects of different concentrations of oxygen and nitrous oxide on blood gas parameters in pigs maintained under spontaneous or pressure-controlled ventilation, with or without positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP), were compared. Forty-eight pigs were randomly divided into six groups, submitted to different concentrations of compressed air or N2O, associated with different fractions of inspired oxygen (FiO2). The group subject to 30% of compressed air (GA30) showed the closest proximity to the physiological range of partial pressure (PaO2) expected for the species. For oxygen saturation (SaO2), the values obtained were below the lower physiological limit in the group administered 30% N2O (GN30). Use of PEEP positively interfered in PaCO2 independent of FiO2, however, its effectiveness can be compromised when complemented by N2O-based anesthesia. For SaO2, only GN30 showed values lower than adequate for maintaining tissue oxygenation. The pH, base deficit and bicarbonate in arterial blood were influenced by FiO2 and N2O. In conclusion, the use of compressed air maintains blood gas parameters at their most stable, especially GA30 and PEEP, which seemed to positively influence the experimental groups, with some interference from FiO2 and N2O
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