23 research outputs found

    Development of a glycoconjugate vaccine to prevent invasive Salmonella Typhimurium infections in sub-Saharan Africa

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    Invasive infections associated with non-typhoidal Salmonella (NTS) serovars Enteritidis (SE), Typhimurium (STm) and monophasic variant 1,4,[5],12:i:- are a major health problem in infants and young children in sub-Saharan Africa, and currently, there are no approved human NTS vaccines. NTS O-polysaccharides and flagellin proteins are protective antigens in animal models of invasive NTS infection. Conjugates of SE core and O-polysaccharide (COPS) chemically linked to SE flagellin have enhanced the anti-COPS immune response and protected mice against fatal challenge with a Malian SE blood isolate. We report herein the development of a STm glycoconjugate vaccine comprised of STm COPS conjugated to the homologous serovar phase 1 flagellin protein (FliC) with assessment of the role of COPS O-acetyls for functional immunity. Sun-type COPS conjugates linked through the polysaccharide reducing end to FliC were more immunogenic and protective in mice challenged with a Malian STm blood isolate than multipoint lattice conjugates (>95% vaccine efficacy [VE] versus 30-43% VE). Immunization with de-O-acetylated STm-COPS conjugated to CRM197 provided significant but reduced protection against STm challenge compared to mice immunized with native STm-COPS:CRM197 (63-74% VE versus 100% VE). Although OPS O-acetyls were highly immunogenic, post-vaccination sera that contained various O-acetyl epitope-specific antibody profiles displayed similar in vitro bactericidal activity when equivalent titers of anti-COPS IgG were assayed. In-silico molecular modeling further indicated that STm OPS forms a single dominant conformation, irrespective of O-acetylation, in which O-acetyls extend outward and are highly solvent exposed. These preclinical results establish important quality attributes for an STm vaccine that could be co-formulated with an SE-COPS:FliC glycoconjugate as a bivalent NTS vaccine for use in sub-Saharan Africa

    Development of a broad spectrum glycoconjugate vaccine to prevent wound and disseminated infections with Klebsiella pneumoniae and Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

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    Klebsiella pneumoniae (KP) and Pseudomonas aeruginosa (PA) are important human pathogens that are associated with a range of infection types, including wound and disseminated infections. Treatment has been complicated by rising rates of antimicrobial resistance. Immunoprophylactic strategies are not constrained by antimicrobial resistance mechanisms. Vaccines against these organisms would be important public health tools, yet they are not available. KP surface O polysaccharides (OPS) are protective antigens in animal models of infection. Similarly, PA flagellin (Fla), the major subunit of the flagellar filament, is required for virulence and is a target of protective antibodies in animal models. We report herein the development of a combined KP and PA glycoconjugate vaccine comprised of the four most common KP OPS types associated with human infections (O1, O2, O3, O5), chemically linked to the two Fla types of PA (FlaA, FlaB). Conjugation of KP OPS to PA Fla enhanced anti-polysaccharide immune responses and produced a formulation that generated antibody titers to the four KP OPS types and both PA Fla antigens in rabbits. Passive transfer of vaccine-induced rabbit antisera reduced the bacterial burden and protected mice against fatal intravenous KP infection. Mice passively transferred with conjugate-induced antisera were also protected against PA infection after thermal injury with a FlaB-expressing isolate, but not a FlaA isolate. Taken together, these promising preclinical results provide important proof-of-concept for a broad spectrum human vaccine to prevent KP and PA infections