908 research outputs found

    Online Admission Control and Embedding of Service Chains

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    The virtualization and softwarization of modern computer networks enables the definition and fast deployment of novel network services called service chains: sequences of virtualized network functions (e.g., firewalls, caches, traffic optimizers) through which traffic is routed between source and destination. This paper attends to the problem of admitting and embedding a maximum number of service chains, i.e., a maximum number of source-destination pairs which are routed via a sequence of to-be-allocated, capacitated network functions. We consider an Online variant of this maximum Service Chain Embedding Problem, short OSCEP, where requests arrive over time, in a worst-case manner. Our main contribution is a deterministic O(log L)-competitive online algorithm, under the assumption that capacities are at least logarithmic in L. We show that this is asymptotically optimal within the class of deterministic and randomized online algorithms. We also explore lower bounds for offline approximation algorithms, and prove that the offline problem is APX-hard for unit capacities and small L > 2, and even Poly-APX-hard in general, when there is no bound on L. These approximation lower bounds may be of independent interest, as they also extend to other problems such as Virtual Circuit Routing. Finally, we present an exact algorithm based on 0-1 programming, implying that the general offline SCEP is in NP and by the above hardness results it is NP-complete for constant L.Comment: early version of SIROCCO 2015 pape

    The effects of high variability training on voice identity learning.

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    High variability training has been shown to benefit the learning of new face identities. In three experiments, we investigated whether this is also the case for voice identity learning. In Experiment 1a, we contrasted high variability training sets - which included stimuli extracted from a number of different recording sessions, speaking environments and speaking styles - with low variability stimulus sets that only included a single speaking style (read speech) extracted from one recording session (see Ritchie & Burton, 2017 for faces). Listeners were tested on an old/new recognition task using read sentences (i.e. test materials fully overlapped with the low variability training stimuli) and we found a high variability disadvantage. In Experiment 1b, listeners were trained in a similar way, however, now there was no overlap in speaking style or recording session between training sets and test stimuli. Here, we found a high variability advantage. In Experiment 2, variability was manipulated in terms of the number of unique items as opposed to number of unique speaking styles. Here, we contrasted the high variability training sets used in Experiment 1a with low variability training sets that included the same breadth of styles, but fewer unique items; instead, individual items were repeated (see Murphy, Ipser, Gaigg, & Cook, 2015 for faces). We found only weak evidence for a high variability advantage, which could be explained by stimulus-specific effects. We propose that high variability advantages may be particularly pronounced when listeners are required to generalise from trained stimuli to different-sounding, previously unheard stimuli. We discuss these findings in the context of mechanisms thought to underpin advantages for high variability training

    A Method for High Throughput Determination of Viable Bacteria Cell Counts in 96-Well Plates

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    Background: There are several methods for quantitating bacterial cells, each with advantages and disadvantages. The most common method is bacterial plating, which has the advantage of allowing live cell assessment through colony forming unit (CFU) counts but is not well suited for high throughput screening (HTS). On the other hand, spectrophotometry is adaptable to HTS applications but does not differentiate between dead and living bacteria and has low sensitivity. Results: Here, we report a bacterial cell counting method termed Start Growth Time (SGT) that allows rapid and serial quantification of the absolute or relative number of live cells in a bacterial culture in a high throughput manner. We combined the methodology of quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) calculations with a previously described qualitative method of bacterial growth determination to develop an improved quantitative method. We show that SGT detects only live bacteria and is sensitive enough to differentiate between 40 and 400 cells/mL. SGT is based on the re-growth time required by a growing cell culture to reach a threshold, and the notion that this time is proportional to the number of cells in the initial inoculum. We show several applications of SGT, including assessment of antibiotic effects on cell viability and determination of an antibiotic tolerant subpopulation fraction within a cell population. SGT results do not differ significantly from results obtained by CFU counts. Conclusion: SGT is a relatively quick, highly sensitive, reproducible and non-laborious method that can be used in HTS settings to longitudinally assess live cells in bacterial cell cultures

    Electromyography‐related pain: Muscle selection is the key modifiable study characteristic

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    Introduction : The aim of this study was to estimate the effects of patient, provider, and study characteristics on electromyography (EMG)‐related pain. Methods : Patients undergoing EMG rated their EMG‐related pain after each muscle was studied on a 100‐point visual analog scale (VAS). Investigators recorded the order in which the muscles were sampled, the total time spent with the needle in each muscle, and whether electrical endplate noise was noted. Results : A total of 1781 muscles were studied in 304 patients. Eleven muscles were associated with significantly more or less pain than the others. Endplate noise was associated with more pain (5.4 mm, 95% CI 2.8–7.0). There was a small, but significant effect from needling time (0.02 mm, 95% CI 0.00–0.04). Conclusions : Among factors that electromyographers can control, muscle selection has the greatest impact on pain. Our data include an extensive list of muscle‐specific EMG‐related pain scores. Provider and other study characteristics have little or no impact on EMG‐related pain. Muscle Nerve 49:570–574, 2014Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/106736/1/mus23974.pd

    On k-Column Sparse Packing Programs

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    We consider the class of packing integer programs (PIPs) that are column sparse, i.e. there is a specified upper bound k on the number of constraints that each variable appears in. We give an (ek+o(k))-approximation algorithm for k-column sparse PIPs, improving on recent results of k22kk^2\cdot 2^k and O(k2)O(k^2). We also show that the integrality gap of our linear programming relaxation is at least 2k-1; it is known that k-column sparse PIPs are Ω(k/logk)\Omega(k/ \log k)-hard to approximate. We also extend our result (at the loss of a small constant factor) to the more general case of maximizing a submodular objective over k-column sparse packing constraints.Comment: 19 pages, v3: additional detail

    A Deep Dive into Adversarial Robustness in Zero-Shot Learning

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    Machine learning (ML) systems have introduced significant advances in various fields, due to the introduction of highly complex models. Despite their success, it has been shown multiple times that machine learning models are prone to imperceptible perturbations that can severely degrade their accuracy. So far, existing studies have primarily focused on models where supervision across all classes were available. In constrast, Zero-shot Learning (ZSL) and Generalized Zero-shot Learning (GZSL) tasks inherently lack supervision across all classes. In this paper, we present a study aimed on evaluating the adversarial robustness of ZSL and GZSL models. We leverage the well-established label embedding model and subject it to a set of established adversarial attacks and defenses across multiple datasets. In addition to creating possibly the first benchmark on adversarial robustness of ZSL models, we also present analyses on important points that require attention for better interpretation of ZSL robustness results. We hope these points, along with the benchmark, will help researchers establish a better understanding what challenges lie ahead and help guide their work.Comment: To appear in ECCV 2020, Workshop on Adversarial Robustness in the Real Worl

    O letramento e o ensino de literatura mediados por jogos digitais educacionais

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    A partir da dificuldade nacompreensão de textos literáriosque alunos do ensino médio apresentam, geralmente associada a pouca valoração da leitura, desenvolveu-se uma pesquisa que explora o jogo digital como motivador do interesse pela leitura de obras pertencentes ao sistema literário brasileiro, bem como no desenvolvimento do letramento deste aluno. A pesquisa apresenta resultados ainda preliminares e dá-se por meio de revisão bibliográfica, análises quanti/qualitativas, a formação de grupos de estudo com alunos de nível médio em instituições de ensino técnico e tecnológico e a criação de um fórum de discussão disponibilizado em uma importante rede social. O emprego do jogo a ser desenvolvido apoia-se nos conceitos de aprendizagem significativa, em estudos sobre a formação social da mente, bem como no conceito de zona de desenvolvimento proximal. Os sistemas de regras, a jogabilidade e a dimensão estética do jogo serão os diferenciais abordados como elementos motivacionais do aluno/leitor.XI Workshop tecnología informática aplicada en educaciónRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Adult attachment styles and the psychological response to infant bereavement

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    Background: Based on Bowlby's attachment theory, Bartholomew proposed a four-category attachment typology by which individuals judged themselves and adult relationships. This explanatory model has since been used to help explain the risk of psychiatric comorbidity. Objective: The current study aimed to identify attachment typologies based on Bartholomew's attachment styles in a sample of bereaved parents on dimensions of closeness/dependency and anxiety. In addition, it sought to assess the relationship between the resultant attachment typology with a range of psychological trauma variables. Method: The current study was based on a sample of 445 bereaved parents who had experienced either peri- or post-natal death of an infant. Adult attachment was assessed using the Revised Adult Attachment Scale (RAAS) while reaction to trauma was assessed using the Trauma Symptom Checklist (TSC). A latent profile analysis was conducted on scores from the RAAS closeness/dependency and anxiety subscales to ascertain if there were underlying homogeneous attachment classes. Emergent classes were used to determine if these were significantly different in terms of mean scores on TSC scales. Results: A four-class solution was considered the optimal based on fit statistics and interpretability of the results. Classes were labelled “Fearful,” “Preoccupied,” “Dismissing,” and “Secure.” Females were almost eight times more likely than males to be members of the fearful attachment class. This class evidenced the highest scores across all TSC scales while the secure class showed the lowest scores. Conclusions: The results are consistent with Bartholomew's four-category attachment styles with classes representing secure, fearful, preoccupied, and dismissing types. While the loss of an infant is a devastating experience for any parent, securely attached individuals showed the lowest levels of psychopathology compared to fearful, preoccupied, or dismissing attachment styles. This may suggest that a secure attachment style is protective against trauma-related psychological distress

    Formant transitions in fricative identification: The role of native fricative inventory

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    The distribution of energy across the noise spectrum provides the primary cues for the identification of a fricative. Formant transitions have been reported to play a role in identification of some fricatives, but the combined results so far are conflicting. We report five experiments testing the hypothesis that listeners differ in their use of formant transitions as a function of the presence of spectrally similar fricatives in their native language. Dutch, English, German, Polish, and Spanish native listeners performed phoneme monitoring experiments with pseudowords containing either coherent or misleading formant transitions for the fricatives / s / and / f /. Listeners of German and Dutch, both languages without spectrally similar fricatives, were not affected by the misleading formant transitions. Listeners of the remaining languages were misled by incorrect formant transitions. In an untimed labeling experiment both Dutch and Spanish listeners provided goodness ratings that revealed sensitivity to the acoustic manipulation. We conclude that all listeners may be sensitive to mismatching information at a low auditory level, but that they do not necessarily take full advantage of all available systematic acoustic variation when identifying phonemes. Formant transitions may be most useful for listeners of languages with spectrally similar fricatives