137 research outputs found

    Correlation anatomo-scannographique dans le cancer du larynx

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    Introduction : Le but de la chirurgie du larynx est de conserver dans la mesure du possible un larynx fonctionnel tout en répondant aux impératifs carcinologiques. Les limites d'extension tumorale doivent être finement analysées en pré-opératoire pour adopter la technique opératoire appropriée. dans ce domaine, l'apport de la TdM est incontestable pour l'étude de cette extension en profondeur.Patients et méthodes : il s'agit d'une étude rétrospective des dossiers de 43 patients explorés et traités respectivement aux services d'imagerie médicale et d'ORL de l'hôpital Tahar Sfar de Mahdia sur une période de 14 ans entre Janvier 1995 et décembre 2008.Résultats : La classification pré-opératoire des tumeurs pharyngo-laryngées est plus fiable en se basant à la fois sur l’endoscopie et la TdM que sur l’endoscopie seule. La fiabilité de cette association était de 76%. L'étude de certaines zones dites d'intérêt a montré une efficacité de 72% pour l'atteinte de la commissure antérieure, de 79% pour les bandes ventriculaires, de 81% pour la sous glotte, de 88% pour la loge HTE, de 83% pour les espaces para-glottiques et de 79% pour les cartilages. Nos résultats étaient concordants à ceux de la littérature.Discussion et conclusion : la TdM constitue une partie intégrante du bilan préopératoire des cancers du pharyngolarynx. Elle précise l'extension tumorale en profondeur aux espaces graisseux, aux cartilages et aux tissus extralaryngés. L’analyse fine des images tomodensitométriques permet donc d’orienter la décision thérapeutique.Mots clés : cancer, larynx, anatomopathologie, chirurgie

    Crack Detectability in Vertical Axis Cooling Pumps During Operation

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    The problem which is faced in this paper is the analysis of the effects of a transverse propagating crack on the vibrational behaviour of a vertical axis cooling pump. The crack is assumed to develop in a section between the impeller and a seal, which prevents the hot water to flow upwards along the rotor shaft. The pressurized seal is fed with an injection of cold water. Crack initiation may be due to a thermal striping phenomenon. Afterwards, crack growth could be driven by a combination of thermal and mechanical loads, causing alternate cyclic stress in the shaft. Cracking instances of this type have been reported worldwide in several machines of similar design. In this paper, the fact is emphasized that the crack behavior is likely to be influenced by the thermal field and by the water pressure in the cracked area. A dynamical lineshaft model, integrated by an original representation of the crack, has been developed to investigate the possible vibratory symptoms related to a crack propagation. The vibrations are generally measured in correspondence of a rigid coupling which connects the motor shaft to the pump shaft, in position which is rather far away from crack. 1x rev., 2x rev and 3x rev. vibration components, which are generally displayed by the machine condition monitoring system and are the most significative symptoms of the presence of a transverse crack in a rotating shaft, are calculated

    Variabilités des descripteurs physiques, chimiques et biologiques d'un réservoir de stokage (lagunage mixte, en Slimane - Maroc)

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    L'étude des variations des descripteurs physiques, chimiques et biologiques des eaux d'un réservoir de maturation du lagunage mixte (Ben Slimane, Maroc), a montré une augmentation des valeurs de certaines variables (oxygène dissous, transparence) après le 36ème jour de rétention en raison d'une remise en solution.A 36 jours de rétention, la chute des teneurs de la DBO5, de la DCO, des composés azotés (NH4+, NO3-, NTK) et phosphorés (PO43-, PT), et l'augmentation du pH, de l'oxygène dissous et de la transparence laissent présager une maturation à cette date de mesure. Les densités planctoniques enregistrées à ce niveau sont les plus basses.Au-delà de ce stade de maturation, le phytoplancton prolifère avec dominance d'Euglena viridis qui montre un pic de densité (4,1.106 Individus/m3) le 81ème jour. Le début de sa phase exponentielle de croissance est observé à partir du 18ème jour de maturation. La densité cellulaire est ensuite atténuée vraisemblablement en raison de la diminution de la charge organique (DBO5 et DCO) après le 81ème jour et de l'intensité de broutage par le zooplancton herbivore surtout Acanthocyclops robustus qui montre son maximum de croissance le 138ème jour.Après le 81ème jour de maturation, Euglena viridis est remplacée par deux espèces de Chlorophycées (Pediastrum boryanum et Ankyra judai) dont le maximum de densité (91% de la densité algale totale) est atteint le 138ème jour. La prolifération de ces espèces coïncide avec des valeurs en nitrates dépassant 10,6 mg N/L.A la fin de cette période d'étude (le 138ème jour), le zooplancton est à sa prolifération maximale (106 individus/m3). Il est dominé par Acanthocyclops robustus avec présence de Nauplii et de Daphnia magna. Les Rotifères présents depuis le début de la maturation disparaissent à 138 jours de rétention. L'étude bactériologique a révélé un rendement épuratoire remarquable atteignant 100% pour les coliformes fécaux et les streptocoques fécaux.A study of physical, chemical and biological descriptors of the water in the storage reservoir of a combined stabilization pond (Ben Slimane, Morocco), during maturation, showed an improvement of the purification output for some variables after 36 days of retention. Such an environment, rich with a range of different nutrients, allowed an optimal development of plankton characterized by a high species diversity that decreased with time. Zooplankton development seemed to be limited by poor phytoplankton biomass. However, trophic factors such as nutrients and temperature affected the evolution of planktonic species.After 36 days of retention, the decrease in BOD5, COD, NH4+, NO3-, total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TNK), PO43-, total phosphorus (TP), and the increase in pH, dissolved oxygen and transparency, suggested that maturation had been reached at this level. Simultaneously, phyto- and zooplankton were present in low densities. Nevertheless, beyond this stage of maturation, phytoplankton proliferation occurred, dominated by Euglena viridis whose exponential phase of growth began at the 18th day of maturation and reached a maximum density after 81 days (4.1x106 individus/m3). A low proportion of Chlorophyte species was observed, represented by Pediastrum boryanum and Ankyra judai. The zooplankton community was dominated by two species of Cladocera (Daphnia magna and Diaphanosoma sp).The increase in Euglena viridis density up to 81 days coincided with zooplanktonic proliferation constituted exclusively by Rotifers (Brachionus calyciflorus and Polyarthra remata). At 111 days of retention, the zooplankton community consisted of Copepods (Acanthocyclops robustus), which reappeared at this stage, as well as Nauplii Cladocera (Daphnia magna) and residual Rotifers (Brachionus calyciflorus and Polyarthra remata). The remarkable decrease in Euglena density on day 111 and their complete disappearance on day 138 was probably linked to grazing by herbivorous zooplankton and to low organic matter concentrations. Euglena viridis was replaced by two Chlorophytes (Pediastrum boryanum and Ankyra judai) reaching their maximum density (91% of total algal density) on day 138. The proliferation of these species coincided with values exceeding 10.6 mg N/L. Zooplankton were dominated by Acanthocyclops robustus with the presence of Nauplii and Daphnia magna (106individuals/m3). Rotifers were present since the beginning of the maturation, but were absent by 138 days of retention.The qualitative and quantitative changes in phyto- and zooplankton result from factors that control the growth and the loss of these populations. A low growth rate can lead to biomass accumulation if the growth exceeds loss. On the other hand, a low and stable biomass can result from a high growth rate that is compensated by important losses. Zooplankton grazing and algal sedimentation, which are the two main mechanisms related to phytoplankton decline, are two selective processes (POURRIOT et al., 1982). In stabilization ponds, food chains are established that allow water clarity and minimize algal proliferation. The bacteriological study showed a remarkable purification, with reductions reaching 100% for faecal coliforms and faecal Streptococcus

    Fermentación controlada de aceitunas verdes picholine marroquíes sometidas a choque térmico e inoculadas sin sal

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    The present work reports the controlled fermentation of heat-shocked, unsalted and inoculated green olives. The effects of heat-shock (60, 70 and 80 °C three times for 5 min), inoculation with the oleuropeinolytic strain of L. plantarum FSO175 (L.p-FSO175) and the addition of Cell-Free Supernatant of C. pelliculosa L18 (CFS of C.p-L18) on the fermentation process of unsalted green olives were examined. The results showed a drastic reduction in the initial indigenous Enterobacteria, and an improvement in the acidification of heat-shocked olives at 70 and 80 °C, when compared to 60 °C. The inoculation with L.p-FSO175 and addition of CFS of C.p-L18 enhanced the fermentation and preservation of unsalted green olives, indicated by a significant decrease in pH, increase in free acidity and total disappearance of Enterobacteria. The heat-shock treatment at high temperature (80 °C), inoculation with L.p-FSO175 and addition of CFS of C.p-L18 led to the best reduction in bitterness, and favorable color changes (L, a, and b) in fermented olives. This sequential method led to more appreciated sensory characteristics (mainly bitterness and color) of fermented olives, lower spoilage incidence in olives, and reduced fermentation time to 50 days, and therefore may be suitable to control the fermentation of unsalted green olives of the Moroccan picholine variety.El presente trabajo reporta la fermentación controlada de aceitunas verdes sometidas a choque térmico, sin salar e inoculadas. Se estudian los efectos del choque térmico (60 °C, 70 °C y 80 °C tres veces durante 5 min), la inoculación con cepa oleuropeinolítica de L. plantarum FSO175 (L.p-FSO175) y la adición de sobrenadante libre de células de C. pelliculosa L18 (CFS de C.p-L18), sobre el proceso de fermentación de aceitunas verdes sin salar. Los resultados mostraron la drástica reducción de las enterobacterias autóctonas iniciales, y la mejora de la acidificación de las aceitunas sometidas a choque térmico de 70 °C y 80 °C, en comparación con 60 °C. La inoculación con L.p-FSO175 y la adición de CFS de C.p-L18 mejoró la fermentación y conservación de las aceitunas verdes sin salar, indicada por una disminución significativa del pH, aumento de la acidez libre y desaparición total de enterobacterias. El choque térmico a alta temperatura (80 °C), la inoculación con L.p-FSO175 y la adición de CFS de C.p-L18 condujeron a una mejor reducción del amargor y cambios de color favorables (L, a y b) en aceitunas fermentadas. Este método secuencial, que permitió apreciar las características sensoriales (principalmente amargor y color) de las aceitunas fermentadas, y una menor incidencia de deterioro en las aceitunas, y redujo el tiempo de fermentación a 50 días, puede ser adecuado para controlar la fermentación de aceitunas verdes sin salar de Marruecos, variedad picholine

    Etude comparative des huiles essentielles de six variétés des nouvelles obtentions d’agrumes cultivées au Maroc

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    In this research, the essential oils of six INRA’s citrus varieties, which are mandarines El Marzaka, El Mahdia, El Gharabaouia, El Hamra, El Maamoura and orange Shemsia were compared and analyzed. For this purpose, the oil yield, chemical composition, antioxidant and antimicrobial activity were investigated. The extraction was carried out by hydro-distillation. The highest essential oil yield was obtained for Shemsia (5,63%/ DW). The main components of essential oils were identified by GC-MS and their antioxidant activity was determined by DPPH method. The major component of essential oils is D-Limonene, and the highest antioxidant activity was obtained for Shemsia essential oil (24.02%). Antifungal activity was detected in all varieties and the highest value was identified in El Maamoura, while antibacterial activity was not distinguished. From the obtained results, we note that the essential oils of El Maamoura can be valued as a fungicide in agriculture or in medical field. in addition, El Hamra, can be used in Solar cream industry.Les huiles essentielles de six variétés d’agrumes obtenues de l’INRA du Maroc, et qui sont : les mandarines El Marzaka, El Mahdia, El Gharabaouia, El Hamra, El Maamoura et l’orange Shemsia ont été comparées et analysées. La comparaison a été effectuée en termes de rendement, de composition chimique, d’activité antioxydante et d’activité antimicrobienne de ces huiles essentielles. L’extraction a été effectuée par hydro-distillation. Le rendement en huile essentielle le plus élevé a été obtenu chez la variété Shemsia (5,63%/PS). Les principaux composants des huiles essentielles ont été identifiés par CPG-MS et leur activité antioxydante a été déterminée en testant la capacité de piégeage des radicaux libres par DPPH. Le composant majeur des huiles essentielles est le D-Limonène et la plus haute activité antioxydante a été obtenue pour l'huile essentielle d’El Maamoura (24,02%). L'activité antifongique a été détectée chez toutes les variétés et la valeur la plus élevée a été repérée chez El Maamoura, alors que l'activité antibactérienne n'a été détectée chez aucune variété. À partir des résultats obtenus, nous constatons que l’huile essentielle de la mandarine El Maamoura peut être valorisée sous forme de fongicide dans le domaine d’agriculture ou dans le domaine médical. En plus, la variété El Hamra peut être incorporée dans l’industrie de la fabrication des crèmes solaires

    Designing nanomaterials with desired mechanical properties by constraining the evolution of their grain shapes

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    Grain shapes are acknowledged to impact nanomaterials' overall properties. Research works on this issue include grain-elongation and grain-strain measurements and their impacts on nanomaterials' mechanical properties. This paper proposes a stochastic model for grain strain undergoing severe plastic deformation. Most models deal with equivalent radii assuming that nanomaterials' grains are spherical. These models neglect true grain shapes. This paper also proposes a theoretical approach of extending existing models by considering grain shape distribution during stochastic design and modelling of nanomaterials' constituent structures and mechanical properties. This is achieved by introducing grain 'form'. Example 'forms' for 2-D and 3-D grains are proposed. From the definitions of form, strain and Hall-Petch-Relationship to Reversed-Hall-Petch-Relationship, data obtained for nanomaterials' grain size and conventional materials' properties are sufficient for analysis. Proposed extended models are solved simultaneously and tested with grain growth data. It is shown that the nature of form evolution depends on form choice and dimensional space. Long-run results reveal that grain boundary migration process causes grains to become spherical, grain rotation coalescence makes them deviate away from becoming spherical and they initially deviate away from becoming spherical before converging into spherical ones due to the TOTAL process. Percentage deviations from spherical grains depend on dimensional space and form: 0% minimum and 100% maximum deviations were observed. It is shown that the plots for grain shape functions lie above the spherical (control) value of 1 in 2-D grains for all considered grain growth mechanisms. Some plots lie above the spherical value, and others approach the spherical value before deviating below it when dealing with 3-D grains. The physical interpretations of these variations are explained from elementary principles about the different grain growth mechanisms. It is observed that materials whose grains deviate further away from the spherical ones have more enhanced properties, while materials with spherical grains have lesser properties. It is observed that there exist critical states beyond which Hall-Petch Relationship changes to Reversed Hall-Petch Relationship. It can be concluded that if grain shapes in nanomaterials are constrained in the way they evolve, then nanomaterials with desired properties can be designed

    Characterization of LINE-1 Ribonucleoprotein Particles

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    The average human genome contains a small cohort of active L1 retrotransposons that encode two proteins (ORF1p and ORF2p) required for their mobility (i.e., retrotransposition). Prior studies demonstrated that human ORF1p, L1 RNA, and an ORF2p-encoded reverse transcriptase activity are present in ribonucleoprotein (RNP) complexes. However, the inability to physically detect ORF2p from engineered human L1 constructs has remained a technical challenge in the field. Here, we have employed an epitope/RNA tagging strategy with engineered human L1 retrotransposons to identify ORF1p, ORF2p, and L1 RNA in a RNP complex. We next used this system to assess how mutations in ORF1p and/or ORF2p impact RNP formation. Importantly, we demonstrate that mutations in the coiled-coil domain and RNA recognition motif of ORF1p, as well as the cysteine-rich domain of ORF2p, reduce the levels of ORF1p and/or ORF2p in L1 RNPs. Finally, we used this tagging strategy to localize the L1–encoded proteins and L1 RNA to cytoplasmic foci that often were associated with stress granules. Thus, we conclude that a precise interplay among ORF1p, ORF2p, and L1 RNA is critical for L1 RNP assembly, function, and L1 retrotransposition

    Applications of lignin in the agri-food industry

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    Of late, valorization of agri-food industrial by-products and their sustainable utilization is gaining much contemplation world-over. Globally, 'Zero Waste Concept' is promoted with main emphasis laid towards generation of minimal wastes and maximal utilization of plantbased agri-food raw materials. One of the wastes/by-products in the agri-food industry are the lignin, which occurs as lignocellulosic biomass. This biomass is deliberated to be an environmental pollutant as they offer resistance to natural biodegradation. Safe disposal of this biomass is often considered a major challenge, especially in low-income countries. Hence, the application of modern technologies to effectively reduce these types of wastes and maximize their potential use/applications is vital in the present day scenario. Nevertheless, in some of the high-income countries, attempts have been made to efficiently utilize lignin as a source of fuel, as a raw material in the paper industry, as a filler material in biopolymer based packaging and for producing bioethanol. However, as of today, agri-food industrial applications remains significantly underexplored. Chemically, lignin is heterogeneous, bio-polymeric, polyphenolic compound, which is present naturally in plants, providing mechanical strength and rigidity. Reports are available wherein purified lignin is established to possess therapeutic values; and are rich in antioxidant, anti-microbial, anti-carcinogenic, antidiabetic properties, etc. This chapter is divided into four sub-categories focusing on various technological aspects related to isolation and characterization of lignin; established uses of lignin; proved bioactivities and therapeutic potentials of lignin, and finally on identifying the existing research gaps followed by future recommendations for potential use from agri-food industrial wastes.Theme of this chapter is based on our ongoing project- Valortech, which has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No 810630
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