1,815 research outputs found

    A search for 183-GHz emission from water in late-type stars

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    A search was made for 183 GHz line emission from water vapor in the direction of twelve Mira and two semiregular variables. Upper limits to the emission are in the range of 2000 to 5000 Jy. It is estimated that thermal emission from the inner regions of late type stellar envelopes will be on the order of ten Jy. Maser emission, according to one model, would be an order of magnitude stronger. From the limited set sampled, the possibility of very strong maser emission at 183 GHz cannot yet be ruled out

    Partial Isometries of a Sub-Riemannian Manifold

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    In this paper, we obtain the following generalisation of isometric C1C^1-immersion theorem of Nash and Kuiper. Let MM be a smooth manifold of dimension mm and HH a rank kk subbundle of the tangent bundle TMTM with a Riemannian metric gHg_H. Then the pair (H,gH)(H,g_H) defines a sub-Riemannian structure on MM. We call a C1C^1-map f:(M,H,gH)(N,h)f:(M,H,g_H)\to (N,h) into a Riemannian manifold (N,h)(N,h) a {\em partial isometry} if the derivative map dfdf restricted to HH is isometric; in other words, fhH=gHf^*h|_H=g_H. The main result states that if dimN>k\dim N>k then a smooth HH-immersion f0:MNf_0:M\to N satisfying fhH<gHf^*h|_H<g_H can be homotoped to a partial isometry f:(M,gH)(N,h)f:(M,g_H)\to (N,h) which is C0C^0-close to f0f_0. In particular we prove that every sub-Riemannian manifold (M,H,gH)(M,H,g_H) admits a partial isometry in Rn\R^n provided nm+kn\geq m+k.Comment: 13 pages. This is a revised version of an earlier submission (minor revision

    183 GHz water line variation: An energetic outburst in orion KL

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    Observations of the 3(13)-2(20) transition of water vapor in the direction of Ori MC1 in 1980 February show a 50% flux increase and an apparent additional red shift of approximately 2 km/s relative to the line observed in 1977 December. From a detailed examination of the amplitude and frequency calibration, it appears unlikely that the effect is due to systematic error. The increase is attributed to the appearance of a new component at a velocity of 12 km/s with respect to the local standard of rest. The new component also has broad wings. Increased emission from a region in the high-velocity core of Ori MC1 can be due either to additional far-IR radiation to pump the 1983 GHz transition or to a change in the physical conditions in the gas. Statistical equilibrium calculations using the large-velocity-gradient formalism were carried out to develop a model for the emission. The calculations support a model in which the gas in the region of enhanced emission is hotter than the dust. The temporal coincidence between the 183 GHZ increase and the 22 GH1 water maser outburst suggests a common, impulsive cause, which has heated the gas in a part of the HV source, enhancing the emission in both transitions

    Testing Gaussian random hypothesis with the cosmic microwave background temperature anisotropies in the three-year WMAP data

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    We test the hypothesis that the temperature of the cosmic microwave background is consistent with a Gaussian random field defined on the celestial sphere, using de-biased internal linear combination (DILC) map produced from the 3-year WMAP data. We test the phases for spherical harmonic modes with l <= 10 (which should be the cleanest) for their uniformity, randomness, and correlation with those of the foreground templates. The phases themselves are consistent with a uniform distribution, but not for l <= 5, and the differences between phases are not consistent with uniformity. For l=3 and l=6, the phases of the CMB maps cross-correlate with the foregrounds, suggestion the presence of residual contamination in the DLC map even on these large scales. We also use a one-dimensional Fourier representation to assemble a_lm into the \Delta T_l(\phi) for each l mode, and test the positions of the resulting maxima and minima for consistency with uniformity randomness on the unit circle. The results show significant departures at the 0.5% level, with the one-dimensional peaks being concentrated around \phi=180 degs. This strongly significant alignment with the Galactic meridian, together with the cross-correlation of DILC phases with the foreground maps, strongly suggests that even the lowest spherical harmonic modes in the map are significantly contaminated with foreground radiation.Comment: submitted to ApJL, one paragraph is added in Section 3 and some more in the Referenc

    High-Resolution Observations in B1-IRS: ammonia, CCS and water masers

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    We present a study of the structure and dynamics of the star forming region B1-IRS (IRAS 03301+3057) using the properties of different molecules at high angular resolution (~4''). We have used VLA observations of NH3, CCS, and H2O masers at 1 cm. CCS emission shows three clumps around the central source, with a velocity gradient from red to blueshifted velocities towards the protostar, probably due to the interaction with outflowing material. Water maser emission is elongated in the same direction as a reflection nebula detected at 2micron by 2MASS, with the maser spots located in a structure of some hundreds of AU from the central source, possibly tracing a jet. We propose a new outflow model to explain all our observations, consisting of a molecular outflow near the plane of the sky. Ammonia emission is extended and anticorrelated with CCS. We have detected for the first time this anticorrelation at small scales (1400 AU) in a star forming region.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures. To appear in the Proceedings of the 2004 European Workshop: "Dense Molecular Gas around Protostars and in Galactic Nuclei", Eds. Y.Hagiwara, W.A.Baan, H.J.van Langevelde, 2004, a special issue of ApSS, Kluwe

    The host galaxy of the z=2.4 radio-loud AGN MRC 0406-244 as seen by HST

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    We present multicolour Hubble Space Telescope images of the powerful z=2.4 radio galaxy MRC 0406-244 and model its complex morphology with several components including a host galaxy, a point source, and extended nebular and continuum emission. We suggest that the main progenitor of this radio galaxy was a normal, albeit massive (M ~10^{11} solar masses), star-forming galaxy. The optical stellar disc of the host galaxy is smooth and well described by a S\'ersic profile, which argues against a recent major merger, however there is also a point-source component which may be the remnant of a minor merger. The half-light radius of the optical disc is constrained to lie in the range 3.5 to 8.2kpc, which is of similar size to coeval star forming galaxies. Biconical shells of nebular emission and UV-bright continuum extend out from the host galaxy along the radio jet axis, which is also the minor axis of the host galaxy. The origin of the continuum emission is uncertain, but it is most likely to be young stars or dust-scattered light from the AGN, and it is possible that stars are forming from this material at a rate of 200^{+1420}_{-110} solar masses per year.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA

    The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test and its use for the identification of fireball fragmentation

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    We propose an application of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test for rapidity distributions of individual events in ultrarelativistic heavy ion collisions. The test is particularly suitable to recognise non-statistical differences between the events. Thus when applied to a narrow centrality class it could indicate differences between events which would not be expected if all events evolve according to the same scenario. In particular, as an example we assume here a possible fragmentation of the fireball into smaller pieces at the quark/hadron phase transition. Quantitative studies are performed with a Monte Carlo model capable of simulating such a distribution of hadrons. We conclude that the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test is a very powerful tool for the identification of the fragmentation process.Comment: 9 pages, 10 figure

    A z~3 radio galaxy and its protocluster: evidence for a superstructure?

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    We present spectroscopic follow-up observations of Lyman Break Galaxies (LBGs) selected in the field surrounding the radio galaxy MRC0316-257 at z~3.13 (0316). Robust spectroscopic redshifts are determined for 20 out of 24 objects. Three of the spectroscopically confirmed galaxies have 3.12<z<3.13 indicating that these objects reside in a protocluster structure previously found around the radio galaxy. An additional 5 objects are found 1600 km/s blue-shifted with respect to the main protocluster structure. This is in addition to three [OIII] emitters found at this redshift in a previous study. This is further evidence that a structure exists directly in front of the 0316 protocluster. We estimate that the foreground structure is responsible for half of the surface overdensity of LBGs found in the field as a whole. The foreground structure is associated with a strong surface density peak 1.4 Mpc to the North-West of the radio galaxy and a 2D Kolmogorov-Smirnov test indicates that the spatial distributions of the 0316 and foreground galaxies differ at the 3 sigma level. In addition, we compare the properties of protocluster, foreground structure and field galaxies, but we find no significant differences. In terms of the nature of the two structures, a merger scenario is a possible option. Simple merger dynamics indicates that the observed relative velocity of 1600 km/s can be reproduced if the two structures have masses of ~5x10^14 Msun and have starting separations of around 2.5 to 3 Mpc. It is also possible that the foreground structure is unrelated to the 0316 protocluster in which case the two structures will not interact before z=0.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Discovery of luminous pulsed hard X-ray emission from anomalous X-ray pulsars 1RXS J1708-4009, 4U 0142+61 and 1E 2259+586 by INTEGRAL and RXTE

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    We report on the discovery of hard spectral tails for energies above 10 keV in the total and pulsed spectra of anomalous X-ray pulsars 1RXS J1708-4009, 4U 0142+61 and 1E 2259+586 using RXTE PCA (2-60 keV) and HEXTE (15-250 keV) data and INTEGRAL IBIS ISGRI (20-300 keV) data. Improved spectral information on 1E 1841-045 is presented. The pulsed and total spectra measured above 10 keV have power-law shapes and there is so far no significant evidence for spectral breaks or bends up to ~150 keV. The pulsed spectra are exceptionally hard with indices measured for 4 AXPs approximately in the range -1.0 -- 1.0. We also reanalyzed archival CGRO COMPTEL (0.75-30 MeV) data to search for signatures from our set of AXPs. No detections can be claimed, but the obtained upper-limits in the MeV band indicate that for 1RXS J1708-4009, 4U 0142+61 and 1E 1841-045 strong breaks must occur somewhere between 150 and 750 keV.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ; 19 pages; 4 Tables; 15 Figures (6 color