3,207 research outputs found

    Conceptual Analysis in Metaethics

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    A critical survey of various positions on the nature, use, possession, and analysis of normative concepts. We frame our treatment around G.E. Moore’s Open Question Argument, and the ways metaethicists have responded by departing from a Classical Theory of concepts. In addition to the Classical Theory, we discuss synthetic naturalism, noncognitivism (expressivist and inferentialist), prototype theory, network theory, and empirical linguistic approaches. Although written for a general philosophical audience, we attempt to provide a new perspective and highlight some underappreciated problems about normative concepts

    Planetary gyre, time-dependent eddies, torsional waves, and equatorial jets at the Earth's core surface

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    We report a calculation of time-dependent quasi-geostrophic core flows for 1940-2010. Inverting recursively for an ensemble of solutions, we evaluate the main source of uncertainties, namely the model errors arising from interactions between unresolved core surface motions and magnetic fields. Temporal correlations of these uncertainties are accounted for. The covariance matrix for the flow coefficients is also obtained recursively from the dispersion of an ensemble of solutions. Maps of the flow at the core surface show, upon a planetary-scale gyre, time-dependent large-scale eddies at mid-latitudes and vigorous azimuthal jets in the equatorial belt. The stationary part of the flow predominates on all the spatial scales that we can resolve. We retrieve torsional waves that explain the length-of-day changes at 4 to 9.5 years periods. These waves may be triggered by the nonlinear interaction between the magnetic field and sub-decadal non-zonal motions within the fluid outer core. Both the zonal and the more energetic non-zonal interannual motions were particularly intense close to the equator (below 10 degrees latitude) between 1995 and 2010. We revise down the amplitude of the decade fluctuations of the planetary scale circulation and find that electromagnetic core-mantle coupling is not the main mechanism for angular momentum exchanges on decadal time scales if mantle conductance is 3 10 8 S or lower

    Crown Immunity in a Food Crisis: A Consideration of the 2008 Listeriosis Outbreak in Canada

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    In Canadian law, the question of whether agents for federal and provincial governments can be liable to consumers in negligence has traditionally been resolved in the negative. However, when many Canadians suddenly fell ill and others died due to exposure to listeria-infected meat products in mid-2008, the ensuing public health crisis and criticism of the government agency that handled it obliged the Prime Minister to call for an investigation and report upon the conduct of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency. In the context of the unfolding investigation, the authors examine the underlying rationale and policy reasons for the Canadian courts’ doctrine of Crown immunity and whether the time might be ripe for policy change in circumstances like those which gave rise to the losses caused by listeriosis

    Core surface magnetic field evolution 2000-2010

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    We present new dedicated core surface field models spanning the decade from 2000.0 to 2010.0. These models, called gufm-sat, are based on CHAMP, Ørsted and SAC-C satellite observations along with annual differences of processed observatory monthly means. A spatial parametrization of spherical harmonics up to degree and order 24 and a temporal parametrization of sixth-order B-splines with 0.25 yr knot spacing is employed. Models were constructed by minimizing an absolute deviation measure of misfit along with measures of spatial and temporal complexity at the core surface. We investigate traditional quadratic or maximum entropy regularization in space, and second or third time derivative regularization in time. Entropy regularization allows the construction of models with approximately constant spectral slope at the core surface, avoiding both the divergence characteristic of the crustal field and the unrealistic rapid decay typical of quadratic regularization at degrees above 12. We describe in detail aspects of the models that are relevant to core dynamics. Secular variation and secular acceleration are found to be of lower amplitude under the Pacific hemisphere where the core field is weaker. Rapid field evolution is observed under the eastern Indian Ocean associated with the growth and drift of an intense low latitude flux patch. We also find that the present axial dipole decay arises from a combination of subtle changes in the southern hemisphere field morpholog

    Expert systems: the cold fusion of marketing?

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    Performance of Geant4 in simulating semiconductor particle detector response in the energy range below 1 MeV

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    Geant4 simulations play a crucial role in the analysis and interpretation of experiments providing low energy precision tests of the Standard Model. This paper focuses on the accuracy of the description of the electron processes in the energy range between 100 and 1000 keV. The effect of the different simulation parameters and multiple scattering models on the backscattering coefficients is investigated. Simulations of the response of HPGe and passivated implanted planar Si detectors to \beta{} particles are compared to experimental results. An overall good agreement is found between Geant4 simulations and experimental data

    Solar wind and seasonal influence on ionospheric currents from Swarm and CHAMP measurements

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    We present a new climatological model of the ionospheric current system, determined from magnetic measurements taken by the Challenging Minisatellite Payload (CHAMP) and Swarm satellites. The model describes the horizontal currents in the ionosphere, below the satellites, and the field-aligned (Birkeland) currents that connect the ionosphere with the magnetosphere. The model provides ionospheric current values at any location as continuous functions of solar wind speed, interplanetary magnetic field, dipole tilt angle, and the F10.7 index of solar flux. Geometric distortions due to variations in the Earth’s main magnetic field are taken into account, thus allowing for precise comparisons between the two hemispheres. The model is the first of its kind to describe the full 3-D electric currents and not only the field-aligned or the equivalent horizontal current. We use this capability to demonstrate a key difference between seasons: During winter, the total horizontal current is almost entirely confined to the auroral oval, for all interplanetary magnetic field orientations, where it connects upward and downward Birkeland currents. During more sunlit conditions, the horizontal current extends beyond the auroral oval and is a sum of currents connecting Birkeland currents and currents that circulate in the ionosphere. The westward electrojet is the only large-scale current structure that is persistent across seasons. Comparison with average convection maps suggests that it is comprised largely of Hall currents, which connect to Birkeland currents in the winter but not in summer.publishedVersio

    Measurement of the β\beta-asymmetry parameter of 67^{67}Cu in search for tensor type currents in the weak interaction

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    Precision measurements at low energy search for physics beyond the Standard Model in a way complementary to searches for new particles at colliders. In the weak sector the most general β\beta decay Hamiltonian contains, besides vector and axial-vector terms, also scalar, tensor and pseudoscalar terms. Current limits on the scalar and tensor coupling constants from neutron and nuclear β\beta decay are on the level of several percent. The goal of this paper is extracting new information on tensor coupling constants by measuring the β\beta-asymmetry parameter in the pure Gamow-Teller decay of 67^{67}Cu, thereby testing the V-A structure of the weak interaction. An iron sample foil into which the radioactive nuclei were implanted was cooled down to milliKelvin temperatures in a 3^3He-4^4He dilution refrigerator. An external magnetic field of 0.1 T, in combination with the internal hyperfine magnetic field, oriented the nuclei. The anisotropic β\beta radiation was observed with planar high purity germanium detectors operating at a temperature of about 10\,K. An on-line measurement of the β\beta asymmetry of 68^{68}Cu was performed as well for normalization purposes. Systematic effects were investigated using Geant4 simulations. The experimental value, A~\tilde{A} = 0.587(14), is in agreement with the Standard Model value of 0.5991(2) and is interpreted in terms of physics beyond the Standard Model. The limits obtained on possible tensor type charged currents in the weak interaction hamiltonian are -0.045 <(CT+CT′)/CA<< (C_T+C'_T)/C_A < 0.159 (90\% C.L.). The obtained limits are comparable to limits from other correlation measurements in nuclear β\beta decay and contribute to further constraining tensor coupling constants

    Appropriate and inappropriate influences on outpatient discharge decision making in dermatology : a prospective qualitative study

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    © 2015 British Association of Dermatologists.BACKGROUND: Outpatient discharge decision making in dermatology is poorly understood. OBJECTIVE: To identify the influences on clinicians' thought processes when making discharge decisions in dermatology outpatient clinics. METHODS: Forty clinicians from 11 National Health Service Trusts in England were interviewed. The interviews were audiorecorded, transcribed, coded and thematically analysed. RESULTS: The mean age of the clinicians was 48.8 years (range 33.0-67.0), 17 (43%) were men and 19 (48%) had > 20 years of clinical experience. One hundred and forty-eight influences were reported, with five main themes: (i) disease-based influences included type of diagnosis (100% of clinicians), guidelines (100%) and treatment needed (100%); (ii) clinician-based influences included the clinician's level of experience (100%), seniority (37%), emotional attitude (95%), 'gut feeling' (25%), personal attitude towards discharge (45%) and level of perception (100%); (iii) patient-based influences included patients' ability to cope with their disease (100%), wishes (70%), quality of life (32%), command of English (40%) and cultural background (25%); (iv) practice-based influences included good primary care (100%), secondary support structure (100%) and clinic capacity pressure (67%); (v) policy-based influences included pressure from hospital managers (57%) and an active discharge policy (7%). Fourteen (9%) influences were potentially inappropriate. CONCLUSION: This study has identified multiple factors influencing outpatient discharge decision making. This provides the basis for developing evidence-based training to improve discharge decision appropriateness.Peer reviewe

    Theoretical assessment of a repolarization time marker based on the intracardiac bipolar electrogram

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    The spatio-temporal organization of cardiac repolarization modulates the vulnerability to dangerous ventricular arrhythmias. Methodologies that provide accurate assessment of cardiac repolarization are of primary importance for a better understanding of cardiac electrophysiology and represent a potentially useful tool for clinical applications. The most commonly used repolarization time (RT) marker from extracellular recordings is derived from the unipolar electrogram (UEG). However, far field potentials and remote activity may in certain conditions bias this marker. In this paper, a RT marker based on the bipolar electrogram (BEG) is proposed. An analytical expression of the BEG based on a simple model of the cardiac extracellular potential is derived. According to the proposed analytical framework the BEG exhibits a repolarization wave whose extremum (maximum or minimum) corresponds to the average of the local RTs at the two electrodes of the bipole. The amplitude of this extremum is a function of the steepness of phase 3 of the action potentials, inter-electrode distance, conduction velocity and direction of wave-back propagation. A simulation study based on this analytical framework showed that for noisy to good signal quality (SNR of the UEG ≥ 10 dB), and for a typical inter-electrode distance of 2 mm, conduction velocity between 0.2 and 0.6 m/s, and an angle between conduction direction and the inter-electrode axis ≤ π/4, the median absolute error was lower than 6.8 ms while the median linear correlation between estimated and theoretical RT was higher than 0.91. Examples of RT derived from BEG recorded in a structurally normal heart in both the right and left ventricles demonstrate that the proposed procedure is feasible in human in-vivo studies
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