511 research outputs found

    Finite volume QCD at fixed topological charge

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    In finite volume the partition function of QCD with a given Ξ\theta is a sum of different topological sectors with a weight primarily determined by the topological susceptibility. If a physical observable is evaluated only in a fixed topological sector, the result deviates from the true expectation value by an amount proportional to the inverse space-time volume 1/V. Using the saddle point expansion, we derive formulas to express the correction due to the fixed topological charge in terms of a 1/V expansion. Applying this formula, we propose a class of methods to determine the topological susceptibility in QCD from various correlation functions calculated in a fixed topological sector.Comment: 22pages, references adde

    Simultaneous sinus lift and implant placement using lateral approach in atrophic posterior maxilla with residual bone height of 5 mm or less. A systematic review

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    Aim To test both success and survival rate of implant placed simultaneously with sinus lift in atro-phic posterior maxilla with a residual bone height of less than 5 mm. Materials and methods A computer search strategy was developed for the following electronic databases: MEDLINE/ PubMed and EMBASE. All the relevant articles were screened involving controlled clinical trials, randomized clinical trials, prospective cohort studies. Results The selection process yielded 12 studies, published between 1999 and 2016, 6 of which were prospective, 1 was a randomized controlled trial, 5 were controlled studies. Conclusions Within the limitation of this systematic review, the qualitative data analysis revealed that the survival rate of implants placed in grafted sinus ranged from 61% to 100%; on the other hand, the success rate ranged between 75.3% to 94.8%. No significant differences were detected regarding different grafting materials used. In order to understand if the one-stage pro-cedure is an effective and predictable surgical alternative in critically resorbed maxillae, larger and well designed clinical trials are needed

    Low-energy theorems of QCD and bulk viscosity at finite temperature and baryon density in a magnetic field

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    The nonperturbative QCD vacuum at finite temperature and a finite baryon density in an external magnetic field is studied. Equations relating nonperturbative condensates to the thermodynamic pressure for T≠0T\neq 0, ÎŒq≠0\mu_q \neq 0 and H≠0H\neq 0 are obtained, and low-energy theorems are derived. A bulk viscosity ζ(T,ÎŒ,H)\zeta(T, \mu, H) is expressed in terms of basic thermodynamical quantities describing the quark-gluon matter at T≠0T\neq 0, ÎŒq≠0\mu_q \neq 0, and H≠0H\neq 0. Various limiting cases are also considered.Comment: 12 pages; v2: title changed, new section about bulk viscosity and new references added; v3: new discussion adde

    Holographic Roberge-Weiss Transitions

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    We investigate N=4 SYM coupled to fundamental flavours at nonzero imaginary quark chemical potential in the strong coupling and large N limit, using gauge/gravity duality applied to the D3-D7 system, treating flavours in the probe approximation. The interplay between Z(N) symmetry and the imaginary chemical potential yields a series of first-order Roberge-Weiss transitions. An additional thermal transition separates phases where quarks are bound/unbound into mesons. This results in a set of Roberge-Weiss endpoints: we establish that these are triple points, determine the Roberge-Weiss temperature, give the curvature of the phase boundaries and confirm that the theory is analytic in mu^2 when mu^2~0.Comment: 37 pages, 13 figures; minor comments added, to appear in JHE

    Holographic Roberge-Weiss Transitions II: Defect Theories and the Sakai-Sugimoto Model

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    We extend the work of Aarts et al., including an imaginary chemical potential for quark number into the Sakai-Sugimoto model and codimension k defect theories. The phase diagram of these models are a function of three parameters, the temperature, chemical potential and the asymptotic separation of the flavour branes, related to a mass for the quarks in the boundary theories. We compute the phase diagrams and the pressure due to the flavours of the theories as a function of these parameters and show that there are Roberge-Weiss transitions in the high temperature phases, chiral symmetry restored for the Sakai-Sugimoto model and deconfined for the defect models, while at low temperatures there are no Roberge-Weiss transitions. In all the models we consider the transitions between low and high temperature phases are first order, hence the points where they meet the Roberge-Weiss lines are triple points. The pressure for the defect theories scales in the way we expect from dimensional analysis while the Sakai-Sugimoto model exhibits unusual scaling. We show that the models we consider are analytic in \mu^2 when \mu^2 is small.Comment: 39 pages, 12 figures. references added, Sakai-Sugimoto section revised, version to appear in JHE

    Pressure and non-linear susceptibilities in QCD at finite chemical potentials

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    When the free energy density of QCD is expanded in a series in the chemical potential, mu, the Taylor coefficients are the non-linear quark number susceptibilities. We show that these depend on the prescription for putting chemical potential on the lattice, making all extrapolations in chemical potential prescription dependent at finite lattice spacing. To put bounds on the prescription dependence, we investigate the magnitude of the non-linear susceptibilities over a range of temperature, T, in QCD with two degenerate flavours of light dynamical quarks at lattice spacing 1/4T. The prescription dependence is removed in quenched QCD through a continuum extrapolation, and the dependence of the pressure, P, on mu is obtained.Comment: 15 pages, 2 figures. Data on chi_uuuu added, discussion enhance

    Cardiovascular responses during rest-exercise and exercise-exercise transients

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    If indeed vagal withdrawal determines the rapid response to exercise (phase I), the a large reduction, if not complete suppression, of phase I should be found, when an exercise transient starts from a previous lower steady state exercise rather than from rest. On 15 healthy young subjects we measured beat-by-beat cardiac output (Q̇, Modelflow from Portapres data) and heart rate (fH, ECG) during these cycle ergometer exercise transients: 0–50 W (transient from rest, RT) and 50–100W (transient from exercise, ET). A double exponential was used to compute amplitudes and time constants of phase I and II (A1 and A2; T1 and T2). At steady state, fH was 87.510.4, 109.312.0, and 139.617.1bpm, and Q̇ was 7.31.5, 12.61.6, and 16,11,9L/min, at rest, 50W and 100W, respectively. In RT, A1 and A2 for fH were 11.78.6 and 11.34.7bpm; the corresponding T1 and T2 were 1.61.9 and 14.421.3s. For Q̇, we had: A1=4.01.8L/min, A2=1.51.4L/min, T1=3.21.8s, T2=11.312.2s. In ET, the double exponential model provided preposterous A1 and T1 values and extremely high T2 values (>100s). Subsequent use of a mono exponential model provided, for fH, A=29.78.9bpm and T=7.74.9s, and for Q̇, A=3.58.6L/min, and T=7.05.7s. The A and T in ET did not differ from the A2 and T2 of RT. We conclude that a single exponential model is more adequate to describe ET and this single exponential corresponds to the second exponential of RT. Our results are compatible with the vagal withdrawal hypothesis

    Non-Commutativity of the Zero Chemical Potential Limit and the Thermodynamic Limit in Finite Density Systems

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    Monte Carlo simulations of finite density systems are often plagued by the complex action problem. We point out that there exists certain non-commutativity in the zero chemical potential limit and the thermodynamic limit when one tries to study such systems by reweighting techniques. This is demonstrated by explicit calculations in a Random Matrix Theory, which is thought to be a simple qualitative model for finite density QCD. The factorization method allows us to understand how the non-commutativity, which appears at the intermediate steps, cancels in the end results for physical observables.Comment: 7 pages, 9 figure

    Topological susceptibility in Yang-Mills theory in the vacuum correlator method

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    We calculate the topological susceptibility of the Yang-Mills vacuum using the field correlator method. Our estimate for the SU(3) gauge group, \chi^{1/4} = 196(7) MeV, is in a very good agreement with the results of recent numerical simulations of the Yang-Mills theory on the lattice.Comment: 5 pages (JETP Letters style
