8 research outputs found

    Resurgence of Ebola virus in 2021 in Guinea suggests a new paradigm for outbreaks

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    These authors contributed equally: Alpha K. Keita, Fara R. Koundouno, Martin Faye, Ariane DĂŒx, Julia Hinzmann.International audienc

    Feo-hifomicose subcutĂąnea por Exophiala jeanselmei localizada na bolsa escrotal: relato de caso Subcutaneous phaeohyphomycosis on the scrotum caused by Exophiala jeanselmei: case report

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    A feo-hifomicose subcutĂąnea Ă© uma doença causada por fungos demĂĄceos que acomete principalmente indivĂ­duos imunocomprometidos e geralmente cursa com lesĂ”es localizadas nos membros inferiores. Os autores relatam um caso de feo-hifomicose subcutĂąnea em um paciente imunocompetente, com localização atĂ­pica - na hemibolsa escrotal esquerda -, tratado com sucesso com fluconazol sistĂȘmico associado Ă  excisĂŁo cirĂșrgica.<br>Subcutaneous phaeohyphomycosis is a disease caused by dematiaceous fungi that develops mainly in immunocompromised patients. Lesions are generally located on the lower limbs. The present report describes a case of phaeohyphomycosis in an immunocompetent patient in whom a subcutaneous abscess was located in an unusual site, on the left hemiscrotum. The abscess was treated successfully with oral fluconazole associated with surgical excision