563 research outputs found

    Incorporation of diverse catch crop mixtures in crop rotation cycles increase biodiversity and nutrient availability in soils

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    Catch cropping have positive impacts on plant nutrition, on biological, chemical, and physical soil properties and reduce the amount of fertilizers. Mixtures of diverse catch crops with varying rooting depth and microbial associations can have additional impact on the nutrient and water acquisition from the subsoil. The decay rate of the catch crop litter during the crop rotation controls the release of nutrients for the succeeding crop. This study investigates the release of nutrients and the microbial community in the cause of litter decomposition from catch crops of varying biodiversity. Therefore, litter-bags filled with litter of the previous catch crop rotation was buried in 15 cm soil depth beneath the main crop maize. The experiment used a fallow treatment as control, mustard as single catch crop, a mixture of crimson clover, oat, phacelia and mustard, and the commercial mixture TerraLife® (12 plant species). All treatments were applied in triplicates and straw from the previous main crop (winter wheat) was used as control. The litter decay was investigated at five time points, each every four weeks. At each time point 14 macro and micro-elements where measured. The temporal fluctuation within the decomposer community was investigated by phospholipid-fatty-acid and neutral-fatty-acid analysis (PLFA/NLFA) and quantitative-PCR techniques. Mustard litter showed the longest residence time in soil and decrease over the four mix and wheat straw towards the TerraLife mix. Significantly higher amounts of P, K, Fe and Al were found in the litter of the two catch crop mixtures compared to mustard and the control. Phosphorous and K from the mixed catch crops were released in the early stage of decomposition and meet the nutrient demand of those elements in young maize plants. The diversity index and total microbial biomass increasing in the order: fallow, mustard, four mix and TerraLife. Particularly the markers for saprophytic and arbuscular mycorrhiza fungi indicated doubling of their biomass in the mix treatments compared to mustard and the fallow. Application of high diverse catch crop mixtures support the nutrient demand of main crops and support higher microbial biomass and diversity. Crop rotation with high diverse catch crops leads to continuous soil health and is recommended as a sustainable form of farm land management

    Inventarisasi Ikan Hias Pantai Gunungkidul, Daerah Istimewa YOGYAKARTA: Sebuah Kajian Awal

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    Kajian “Inventarisasi Ikan Hias di Pantai Gunungkidul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (DIY)†ini diharapkan dapat memberikan data yang lebih akurat dan tepat tentang keberadaan ikan hias di kawasan ini. Kawasan kajian berdasar survei kawasan/lingkungan menetapkan delapan (8) pantai di Kabupaten Gunungkidul sebagai lokasi kajian. Dari delapan pantai tersebut didapat sebanyak 67 jenis ikan hias. Temuan ini seyogianya segera ditindaklanjuti oleh pihak berwenang dalam bentuk penetapan rencana strategis (renstra) yang terkait dengan sumber daya ikan hias, meliputi antara lain: rencana konservasi, pemintakatan (zonasi), pengelolaan, pengembangan, dan pemanfaatan secara berkelanjutan

    The Effect of Organizational Culture and Job Satisfaction on Employee Performance Emergency Installation

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    This research aimed to describe and analyze: 1) the effect of the organizational culture toward the performance of emergency department employees, 2) the effect of the job satisfaction toward the performance of emergency department employees, and 3) the effect of the organizational culture and the job satisfaction simultaneously toward the performance of emergency department employees.Survey method was implemented with qualitative approach. Population unit were 167 teachers. Research sample were 63 teachers which randomly selected from 167. Questionnaire with Likert scale was the technique used to collect the data. Testing the hypothesis were using simple and multiple correlation analysis.The result of data analysis showed that: 1) there was effect of the organizational culture toward the performance of emergency department employees, 2) there was effect of the job satisfaction toward the performance of emergency department employees, and 3) there was effect of the organizational culture and the job satisfaction toward the performance of emergency department employees, RSUP Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandow Manado.Based on these conclusion, it could be recommended that: 1) organizational culture should get attention from all institutional devices, such as; the leaders of hospitals, doctors, administrative staff, laboratory personnel, and the community, 2) the efforts to improve employee performance, it is expected that hospital leaders need to pay attention to policies, such as; job satisfaction for employees. Keywords: Organizational Culture, Job Satisfaction, Employees performance. DOI: 10.7176/JEP/10-14-02 Publication date:May 31st 201

    Early growth of field-grown swiss flint maize landraces

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    Mild cold stress (chilling) limits early growth of maize (Zea mays L.) in central and northern Europe. Introgression of chilling tolerance from landraces has been proposed, because the genetic basis for chilling tolerance of European Flint x Dent hybrids is small. Therefore, the aim of this study was a detailed characterization of the chilling toler¬ance of Swiss maize landraces, hypothesizing a relatively good performance in marginal thermal environments. The environments were set up by different sowing dates in two years. A functional growth analysis of the shoot from the one-leaf to the six-leaf stage was conducted with eight Swiss landraces and a check hybrid (Magister). The mean air temperature calculated across the six environments was above 15°C. Under these conditions, none of the landraces grew consistently better than Magister. Some landrace-specific relative growth reactions were observed compared to Magister, apparently due to strong changes in the temperature course. However, based on this study direct use of Swiss maize landraces in breeding for the improvement of chilling tolerance is not recom¬mended. More detailed investigations of promising landraces are proposed

    Early growth of field-grown swiss flint maize landraces

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    Mild cold stress (chilling) limits early growth of maize (Zea mays L.) in central and northern Europe. Introgression of chilling tolerance from landraces has been proposed, because the genetic basis for chilling tolerance of European Flint x Dent hybrids is small. Therefore, the aim of this study was a detailed characterization of the chilling toler¬ance of Swiss maize landraces, hypothesizing a relatively good performance in marginal thermal environments. The environments were set up by different sowing dates in two years. A functional growth analysis of the shoot from the one-leaf to the six-leaf stage was conducted with eight Swiss landraces and a check hybrid (Magister). The mean air temperature calculated across the six environments was above 15°C. Under these conditions, none of the landraces grew consistently better than Magister. Some landrace-specific relative growth reactions were observed compared to Magister, apparently due to strong changes in the temperature course. However, based on this study direct use of Swiss maize landraces in breeding for the improvement of chilling tolerance is not recom¬mended. More detailed investigations of promising landraces are proposed

    Gastro-entérites en milieux des réfugiés au Tchad

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    Les réfugiés et déplacés de guerre sont des personnes vulnérables. C’est pourquoi, nous avons entrepris une étude des gastro-entérites dans leurs milieux au Sud et à l’Est du Tchad. Cette étude a concerné 53 patients dans les camps du Sud dont 28,30% sont des enfants de 0 à 5 ans. Elle a été couplée d’une enquête sur l’état nutritionnel de 205 réfugiés dans les deux zones. L’isolement et l’identification des entéropathogènes dans les selles ont été réalisés au laboratoire de l’Hôpital Général de Référence Nationale (HGRN), en utilisant les milieux Hektoen, Mueller-Hinton, EMB, Saboraud Chloramphénicol et la galerie API® 20 E. La microscopie, les tests de filamentation et biochimiques ont permis de caractériser et de déterminer les taux des infestations parasitaires, fongiques et d’infections bactériennes qui sont respectivement de 18,86%, 11,32% et 24,52%. La caractérisation de la sensibilité des agents bactériens Salmonella, Shigella et Escherichia coli a montré une résistance de 85% aux bêta-lactamines. En revanche, 98% des germes sont sensibles aux fluoroquinolones. Cette étude nous a permis non seulement de connaître les caractéristiques des diarrhées liées à l’état nutritionnel des réfugiés, mais également, de mettre en évidence une antibiothérapie efficace permettant la mise en place d’un programme de prévention contre les maladies diarrhéiques et d’amélioration de leur état nutritionnel dans les milieux confinés. L’amélioration de l’état nutritionnel des enfants pourrait comporter : la distribution régulière et complète des aliments riches en vitamines ; l’extension des programmes d’alimentation d’appoint et le logement adéquat pour les réfugiés.Mots clés: Diarrhée, entéropathogènes, nutritionnel, antibiotique, HGRN
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