281 research outputs found

    Two Generations of Hexagonal CaAl_2Si_2O_8 (Dmisteinbergite) in the Type B2 FUN CAI STP-1

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    Dmisteinbergite (dmist) is a metastable hexag-onal form of CaAl_2Si_2O_8, with space group of P6_3/mcm, a = 5.10Å and c = 14.72Å [1]. First occurrence of meteoritic dmist has been reported in the Allende Type B2 FUN CAI STP-1 [2], where it appears to have crystallized from a ^(16)O-rich (Δ^(17)O ~ −25‰) silicate melt via rapid cooling [3]. Here we report on an-other textural occurrence of dmist in STP-1 - ^(16)O-poor (Δ^(17)O ~ −2‰) fine-grained crystals in alteration zone of the inclusion

    Chronology of the Solar System's Oldest Solids

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    Determining the origins of our solar system and, by proxy, other planetary systems, depends on knowing accurately and precisely the timing and tempo of the transFormation of the disk of gas and dust to the solids that formed the planets. Relative ages based on the short-lived nuclide Al-26 indicate that high-temperature calcium-aluminum inclusions (CAIs) formed before lower temperature chondrules but these ages are heavily dependant on a model of homogeneous distribution of Al-26 within the protoplanetary disk. The competing X-wind model argues for heterogeneous distribution of Al-26 due to its Formation by intra-solar system irradiation such that this system would have no chronological significance. We report a Pb-207-Pb-206 isochron age of 4565.45 +/- 0.45 Myr for chondrules from the CV chondrite Allende, an age that is 1.66 +/- 0.48 Myr younger than the accepted Pb-Pb age for CAIs from this chondrite group. This age offset is in excellent agreement with the relative ages determined using the Al-26-Mg-26 system, an observation that supports a supernova origin for Al-26 and, importantly, the chronological significance of the Al-26-Mg-26 system in general. This is consistent with an early and brief CAI-forming event followed by recurrent chondrule Formation throughout the life span of the protoplanetary disk. The paucity of old chondrules in chondrite meteorites may reflect their early incorporation into the parent bodies of differentiated meteorites after CAIs were effectively removed from the innermost regions of the protoplanetary disk. Lastly, the agreement between the absolute and relative chronology of CAIs and chondrules requires a solar system age younger than similar to 4567.5 Myr.Danish National Science FoundationCarlsberg FoundationJackson School of GeosciencesGeological Science

    Evolution of realized Eltonian niches across Rajidae species

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    The notion that closely related species resemble each other in ecological niche space (i.e., phylogenetic dependence) has been a long-standing, contentious paradigm in evolutionary biology, the incidence of which is important for predicting the ecosystem-level effects of species loss. Despite being examined across a multitude of terrestrial taxa, many aspects of niche conservatism have yet to be explored in marine species, especially for characteristics related to resource use and trophic behavior (Eltonian niche characteristics, ENCs). We combined ENCs derived from stable isotope ratios at assemblage- and species-levels with phylogenetic comparative methods, to test the hypotheses that benthic marine fishes (1) exhibit similar assemblage-wide ENCs regardless of geographic location and (2) display phylogenetically dependent ENCs at the species level. We used a 12-species sub-set of the monophyletic group Rajidae sampled from three independent assemblages (Central California, Gulf of Alaska, and Northwest Atlantic), which span two ocean basins. Assemblage-level ENCs implied low trophic diversity and high evenness, suggesting that Rajidae assemblages may exhibit a well-defined trophic role, a trend consistent regardless of geographic location. At the species level, we found evidence for phylogenetic dependence of ENCs relating to trophic diversity (i.e., isotopic niche width; SEAc). Whether individuals can be considered functional equivalents across assemblages is hard to ascertain because we did not detect a significant phylogenetic signal for ENCs relating to trophic function (e.g., trophic position). Thus, additional, complimentary approaches are required to further examine the phylogenetic dependence of species functionality. Our approach illustrates the potential of stable isotope-derived niche characteristics to provide insight on macroecological processes occurring across evolutionary time, which could help predict how assemblages may respond to the effects of species loss

    A divergent heritage for complex organics in Isheyevo lithic clasts

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    Primitive meteorites are samples of asteroidal bodies that contain a high proportion of chemically complex organic matter (COM) including prebiotic molecules such as amino acids, which are thought to have been delivered to Earth via impacts during the early history of the Solar System. Thus, understanding the origin of COM, including their formation pathway(s) and environment(s), is critical to elucidate the origin of life on Earth as well as assessing the potential habitability of exoplanetary systems. The Isheyevo CH/CBb carbonaceous chondrite contains chondritic lithic clasts with variable enrichments in 15N believed to be of outer Solar System origin. Using transmission electron microscopy (TEM-EELS) and in situ isotope analyses (SIMS and NanoSIMS), we report on the structure of the organic matter as well as the bulk H and N isotope composition of Isheyevo lithic clasts. These data are complemented by electron microprobe analyses of the clast mineral chemistry and bulk Mg and Cr isotopes obtained by inductively coupled plasma and thermal ionization mass spectrometry, respectively (MC-ICPMS and TIMS). Weakly hydrated (A) clasts largely consist of Mg-rich anhydrous silicates with local hydrated veins composed of phyllosilicates, magnetite and globular and diffuse organic matter. Extensively hydrated clasts (H) are thoroughly hydrated and contain Fe-sulfides, sometimes clustered with organic matter, as well as magnetite and carbonates embedded in a phyllosilicate matrix. The A-clasts are characterized by a more 15N-rich bulk nitrogen isotope composition (δ15N = 200–650‰) relative to H-clasts (δ15N = 50–180‰) and contain extremely 15N-rich domains with δ15N 15N-rich domains show that the lithic clast diffuse organic matter is typically more 15N-rich than globular organic matter. The correlated δ15N values and C/N ratios of nanoglobules require the existence of multiple organic components, in agreement with the H isotope data. The combined H and N isotope data suggest that the organic precursors of the lithic clasts are defined by an extremely 15N-poor (similar to solar) and D-rich component for H-clasts, and a moderately 15N-rich and D-rich component for A-clasts. In contrast, the composition of the putative fluids is inferred to include D-poor but moderately to extremely 15N-rich H- and N-bearing components. The variable 15N enrichments in H- and A-clasts are associated with structural differences in the N bonding environments of their diffuse organic matter, which are dominated by amine groups in H-clasts and nitrile functional groups in A-clasts. We suggest that the isotopically divergent organic precursors in Isheyevo clasts may be similar to organic moieties in carbonaceous chondrites (CI, CM, CR) and thermally recalcitrant organic compounds in ordinary chondrites, respectively. The altering fluids, which are inferred to cause the 15N enrichments observed in the clasts, may be the result of accretion of variable abundances of NH3 and HCN ices. Finally, using bulk Mg and Cr isotope composition of clasts, we speculate on the accretion regions of the various primitive chondrites and components and the origin of the Solar System’s N and H isotope variability

    The ineluctable requirement for the trans-iron elements molybdenum and/or tungsten in the origin of life

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    An evolutionary tree of key enzymes from the Complex-Iron-Sulfur-Molybdoenzyme (CISM) superfamily distinguishes “ancient” members, i.e. enzymes present already in the last universal common ancestor (LUCA) of prokaryotes, from more recently evolved subfamilies. The majority of the presented subfamilies and, as a consequence, the Molybdo-enzyme superfamily as a whole, appear to have existed in LUCA. The results are discussed with respect to the nature of bioenergetic substrates available to early life and to problems arising from the low solubility of molybdenum under conditions of the primordial Earth