130 research outputs found

    Hygroscopicity of secondary organic aerosols formed by oxidation of cycloalkenes, monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes, and related compounds

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    A series of experiments has been conducted in the Caltech indoor smog chamber facility to investigate the water uptake properties of aerosol formed by oxidation of various organic precursors. Secondary organic aerosol (SOA) from simple and substituted cycloalkenes (C5-C8) is produced in dark ozonolysis experiments in a dry chamber (RH~5%). Biogenic SOA from monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes, and oxygenated terpenes is formed by photooxidation in a humid chamber (~50% RH). Using the hygroscopicity tandem differential mobility analyzer (HTDMA), we measure the diameter-based hygroscopic growth factor (GF) of the SOA as a function of time and relative humidity. All SOA studied is found to be slightly hygroscopic, with smaller water uptake than that of typical inorganic aerosol substances. The aerosol water uptake increases with time early in the experiments for the cycloalkene SOA, but decreases with time for the biogenic SOA. This behavior could indicate competing effects between the formation of more highly oxidized polar compounds (more hygroscopic), and formation of longer-chained oligomers (less hygroscopic). All SOA also exhibit a smooth water uptake with RH with no deliquescence or efflorescence. The water uptake curves are found to be fitted well with an empirical three-parameter functional form. The measured pure organic GF values at 85% RH are between 1.09–1.16 for SOA from ozonolysis of cycloalkenes, 1.01–1.04 for sesquiterpene photooxidation SOA, and 1.06–1.11 for the monoterpene and oxygenated terpene SOA. The GF of pure SOA (GForg) in experiments in which inorganic seed aerosol is used is determined by assuming volume-weighted water uptake (Zdanovskii-Stokes-Robinson or ''ZSR'' approach) and using the size-resolved organic mass fraction measured by the Aerodyne Aerosol Mass Spectrometer. Knowing the water content associated with the inorganic fraction yields GForg values. However, for each precursor, the GForg values computed from different HTDMA-classified diameters agree with each other to varying degrees. Lack of complete agreement may be a result of the non-idealities of the solutions that are not captured by the ZSR method. Comparing growth factors from different precursors, we find that GForg is inversely proportional to the precursor molecular weight and SOA yield, which is likely a result of the fact that higher-molecular weight precursors tend to produce larger and less hygroscopic oxidation products

    The evolution of business relationships between technology-intensive new ventures and incumbents during the new product development process

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    This study investigates how technology-intensive new ventures shape and manage their relationships with incumbents to successfully develop new products. We undertake the dynamic views of business relationship to reveal under what conditions new ventures should emphasize more on transactional contract or alliance approach to develop their relationships with incumbents. Using longitudinal multiple case analysis, we show that transactional contract is less effective during discovery and development stages to facilitate knowledge share and collaborative learning between new ventures and incumbents. However, adopting transactional contract is essential during commercialization to strengthen the relationship, minimize the drawbacks of social bonds, and motivate both parties to engage in new projects. The results show that tensions between exchange partners are likely to increase when the incumbent is flexible to re-negotiate and share the fair benefits during the commercialization stage. Our findings provide new insights about the evolution of new ventures’ relationships with incumbents across NPD stages

    Hygroscopicity of secondary organic aerosols formed by oxidation of cycloalkenes, monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes, and related compounds

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    A series of experiments has been conducted in the Caltech indoor smog chamber facility to investigate the water uptake properties of aerosol formed by oxidation of various organic precursors. Secondary organic aerosol (SOA) from simple and substituted cycloalkenes (C<sub>5</sub>-C<sub>8</sub>) is produced in dark ozonolysis experiments in a dry chamber (<i>RH</i>~5%). Biogenic SOA from monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes, and oxygenated terpenes is formed by photooxidation in a humid chamber (~50% <i>RH</i>). Using the hygroscopicity tandem differential mobility analyzer (HTDMA), we measure the diameter-based hygroscopic growth factor (<i>GF</i>) of the SOA as a function of time and relative humidity. All SOA studied is found to be slightly hygroscopic, with smaller water uptake than that of typical inorganic aerosol substances. The aerosol water uptake increases with time early in the experiments for the cycloalkene SOA, but decreases with time for the sesquiterpene SOA. This behavior could indicate competing effects between the formation of more highly oxidized polar compounds (more hygroscopic), and formation of longer-chained oligomers (less hygroscopic). All SOA also exhibit a smooth water uptake with <i>RH</i> with no deliquescence or efflorescence. The water uptake curves are found to be fitted well with an empirical three-parameter functional form. The measured pure organic <i>GF</i> values at 85% <i>RH</i> are between 1.09&ndash;1.16 for SOA from ozonolysis of cycloalkenes, 1.01&ndash;1.04 for sesquiterpene photooxidation SOA, and 1.06&ndash;1.10 for the monoterpene and oxygenated terpene SOA. The <i>GF</i> of pure SOA (<i>GF</i><sub>org</sub>) in experiments in which inorganic seed aerosol is used is determined by assuming volume-weighted water uptake (Zdanovskii-Stokes-Robinson or 'ZSR' approach) and using the size-resolved organic mass fraction measured by the Aerodyne Aerosol Mass Spectrometer. Knowing the water content associated with the inorganic fraction yields <i>GF</i><sub>org</sub> values. However, for each precursor, the <i>GF</i><sub>org</sub> values computed from different HTDMA-classified diameters agree with each other to varying degrees. Comparing growth factors from different precursors, we find that <i>GF</i><sub>org</sub> is inversely proportional to the precursor molecular weight and SOA yield, which is likely a result of the fact that higher-molecular weight precursors tend to produce larger and less hygroscopic oxidation products

    A comprehensive review of COVID-19 characteristics

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    In December 2019, a novel coronavirus, named Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) or (2019-nCoV) with unknown origin spread in Hubei province of China. The epidemic disease caused by SARS-CoV-2 called coronavirus disease-19 (COVID-19). The presence of COVID-19 was manifested by several symptoms, ranging from asymptomatic/mild symptoms to severe illness and death. The viral infection expanded internationally and WHO announced a Public Health Emergency of International Concern. To quickly diagnose and control such a highly infectious disease, suspicious individuals were isolated and diagnostic/treatment procedures were developed through patients' epidemiological and clinical data. Early in the COVID-19 outbreak, WHO invited hundreds of researchers from around the world to develop a rapid quality diagnosis, treatment and vaccines, but so far no specific antiviral treatment or vaccine has been approved by the FDA. At present, COVID-19 is managed by available antiviral drugs to improve the symptoms, and in severe cases, supportive care including oxygen and mechanical ventilation is used for infected patients. However, due to the worldwide spread of the virus, COVID-19 has become a serious concern in the medical community. According to the current data of WHO, the number of infected and dead cases has increased to 8,708,008 and 461,715, respectively (Dec 2019 -June 2020). Given the high mortality rate and economic damage to various communities to date, great efforts must be made to produce successful drugs and vaccines against 2019-nCoV infection. For this reason, first of all, the characteristics of the virus, its pathogenicity, and its infectious pathways must be well known. Thus, the main purpose of this review is to provide an overview of this epidemic disease based on the current evidence. © 2020 The Author(s)

    FILTWAM and Voice Emotion Recognition

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    This paper introduces the voice emotion recognition part of our framework for improving learning through webcams and microphones (FILTWAM). This framework enables multimodal emotion recognition of learners during game-based learning. The main goal of this study is to validate the use of microphone data for a real-time and adequate interpretation of vocal expressions into emotional states were the software is calibrated with end users. FILTWAM already incorporates a valid face emotion recognition module and is extended with a voice emotion recognition module. This extension aims to provide relevant and timely feedback based upon learner's vocal intonations. The feedback is expected to enhance learner’s awareness of his or her own behavior. Six test persons received the same computer-based tasks in which they were requested to mimic specific vocal expressions. Each test person mimicked 82 emotions, which led to a dataset of 492 emotions. All sessions were recorded on video. An overall accuracy of our software based on the requested emotions and the recognized emotions is a pretty good 74.6% for the emotions happy and neutral emotions; but will be improved for the lower values of an extended set of emotions. In contrast with existing software our solution allows to continuously and unobtrusively monitor learners’ intonations and convert these intonations into emotional states. This paves the way for enhancing the quality and efficacy of game-based learning by including the learner's emotional states, and links these to pedagogical scaffolding.The Netherlands Laboratory for Lifelong Learning (NELLL) of the Open University of the Netherlands

    Associating Facial Expressions and Upper-Body Gestures with Learning Tasks for Enhancing Intelligent Tutoring Systems

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    Learning involves a substantial amount of cognitive, social and emotional states. Therefore, recognizing and understanding these states in the context of learning is key in designing informed interventions and addressing the needs of the individual student to provide personalized education. In this paper, we explore the automatic detection of learner’s nonverbal behaviors involving hand-over-face gestures, head and eye movements and emotions via facial expressions during learning. The proposed computer vision-based behavior monitoring method uses a low-cost webcam and can easily be integrated with modern tutoring technologies. We investigate these behaviors in-depth over time in a classroom session of 40 minutes involving reading and problem-solving exercises. The exercises in the sessions are divided into three categories: an easy, medium and difficult topic within the context of undergraduate computer science. We found that there is a significant increase in head and eye movements as time progresses, as well as with the increase of difficulty level. We demonstrated that there is a considerable occurrence of hand-over-face gestures (on average 21.35%) during the 40 minutes session and is unexplored in the education domain. We propose a novel deep learning approach for automatic detection of hand-over-face gestures in images with a classification accuracy of 86.87%. There is a prominent increase in hand-over-face gestures when the difficulty level of the given exercise increases. The hand-over-face gestures occur more frequently during problem-solving (easy 23.79%, medium 19.84% and difficult 30.46%) exercises in comparison to reading (easy 16.20%, medium 20.06% and difficult 20.18%)

    ESR1 mutant breast cancers show elevated basal cytokeratins and immune activation

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    Estrogen receptor alpha (ER/ESR1) is frequently mutated in endocrine resistant ER-positive (ER+) breast cancer and linked to ligand-independent growth and metastasis. Despite the distinct clinical features of ESR1 mutations, their role in intrinsic subtype switching remains largely unknown. Here we find that ESR1 mutant cells and clinical samples show a significant enrichment of basal subtype markers, and six basal cytokeratins (BCKs) are the most enriched genes. Induction of BCKs is independent of ER binding and instead associated with chromatin reprogramming centered around a progesterone receptor-orchestrated insulated neighborhood. BCK-high ER+ primary breast tumors exhibit a number of enriched immune pathways, shared with ESR1 mutant tumors. S100A8 and S100A9 are among the most induced immune mediators and involve in tumor-stroma paracrine crosstalk inferred by single-cell RNA-seq from metastatic tumors. Collectively, these observations demonstrate that ESR1 mutant tumors gain basal features associated with increased immune activation, encouraging additional studies of immune therapeutic vulnerabilities

    Biallelic loss of LDB3 leads to a lethal pediatric dilated cardiomyopathy.

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    Autosomal dominant variants in LDB3 (also known as ZASP), encoding the PDZ-LIM domain-binding factor, have been linked to a late onset phenotype of cardiomyopathy and myofibrillar myopathy in humans. However, despite knockout mice displaying a much more severe phenotype with premature death, bi-allelic variants in LDB3 have not yet been reported. Here we identify biallelic loss-of-function variants in five unrelated cardiomyopathy families by next-generation sequencing. In the first family, we identified compound heterozygous LOF variants in LDB3 in a fetus with bilateral talipes and mild left cardiac ventricular enlargement. Ultra-structural examination revealed highly irregular Z-disc formation, and RNA analysis demonstrated little/no expression of LDB3 protein with a functional C-terminal LIM domain in muscle tissue from the affected fetus. In a second family, a homozygous LDB3 nonsense variant was identified in a young girl with severe early-onset dilated cardiomyopathy with left ventricular non-compaction; the same homozygous nonsense variant was identified in a third unrelated female infant with dilated cardiomyopathy. We further identified homozygous LDB3 frameshift variants in two unrelated probands diagnosed with cardiomegaly and severely reduced left ventricular ejection fraction. Our findings demonstrate that recessive LDB3 variants can lead to an early-onset severe human phenotype of cardiomyopathy and myopathy, reminiscent of the knockout mouse phenotype, and supporting a loss of function mechanism