4,776 research outputs found

    4-Dimensional BF Theory as a Topological Quantum Field Theory

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    Starting from a Lie group G whose Lie algebra is equipped with an invariant nondegenerate symmetric bilinear form, we show that 4-dimensional BF theory with cosmological term gives rise to a TQFT satisfying a generalization of Atiyah's axioms to manifolds equipped with principal G-bundle. The case G = GL(4,R) is especially interesting because every 4-manifold is then naturally equipped with a principal G-bundle, namely its frame bundle. In this case, the partition function of a compact oriented 4-manifold is the exponential of its signature, and the resulting TQFT is isomorphic to that constructed by Crane and Yetter using a state sum model, or by Broda using a surgery presentation of 4-manifolds.Comment: 15 pages in LaTe

    Towards Loop Quantum Supergravity (LQSG) II. p-Form Sector

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    In our companion paper, we focussed on the quantisation of the Rarita-Schwinger sector of Supergravity theories in various dimensions by using an extension of Loop Quantum Gravity to all spacetime dimensions. In this paper, we extend this analysis by considering the quantisation of additional bosonic fields necessary to obtain a complete SUSY multiplet next to graviton and gravitino in various dimensions. As a generic example, we study concretely the quantisation of the 3-index photon of 11d SUGRA, but our methods easily extend to more general p-form fields. Due to the presence of a Chern-Simons term for the 3-index photon, which is due to local SUSY, the theory is self-interacting and its quantisation far from straightforward. Nevertheless, we show that a reduced phase space quantisation with respect to the 3-index photon Gauss constraint is possible. Specifically, the Weyl algebra of observables, which deviates from the usual CCR Weyl algebras by an interesting twist contribution proportional to the level of the Chern-Simons theory, admits a background independent state of the Narnhofer-Thirring type.Comment: 12 pages. v2: Journal version. Minor clarifications and correction

    A High Stellar Obliquity in the WASP-7 Exoplanetary System

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    We measure a tilt of 86+-6 deg between the sky projections of the rotation axis of the WASP-7 star, and the orbital axis of its close-in giant planet. This measurement is based on observations of the Rossiter-McLaughlin (RM) effect with the Planet Finder Spectrograph on the Magellan II telescope. The result conforms with the previously noted pattern among hot-Jupiter hosts, namely, that the hosts lacking thick convective envelopes have high obliquities. Because the planet's trajectory crosses a wide range of stellar latitudes, observations of the RM effect can in principle reveal the stellar differential rotation profile; however, with the present data the signal of differential rotation could not be detected. The host star is found to exhibit radial-velocity noise (``stellar jitter') with an amplitude of ~30m/s over a timescale of days.Comment: ApJ accepted, 9 pages, 9 figure

    Old and New Fields on Super Riemann Surfaces

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    The ``new fields" or ``superconformal functions" on N=1N=1 super Riemann surfaces introduced recently by Rogers and Langer are shown to coincide with the Abelian differentials (plus constants), viewed as a subset of the functions on the associated N=2N=2 super Riemann surface. We confirm that, as originally defined, they do not form a super vector space.Comment: 9 pages, LaTex. Published version: minor changes for clarity, two new reference

    HATS-5b: A Transiting hot-Saturn from the HATSouth Survey

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    We report the discovery of HATS-5b, a transiting hot-Saturn orbiting a G type star, by the HAT-South survey. HATS-5b has a mass of Mp=0.24 Mj, radius of Rp=0.91 Rj, and transits its host star with a period of P=4.7634d. The radius of HATS-5b is consistent with both theoretical and empirical models. The host star has a V band magnitude of 12.6, mass of 0.94 Msun, and radius of 0.87 Rsun. The relatively high scale height of HATS-5b, and the bright, photometrically quiet host star, make this planet a favourable target for future transmission spectroscopy follow-up observations. We reexamine the correlations in radius, equilibrium temperature, and metallicity of the close-in gas-giants, and find hot Jupiter-mass planets to exhibit the strongest dependence between radius and equilibrium temperature. We find no significant dependence in radius and metallicity for the close-in gas-giant population.Comment: 10 pages, submitted to A

    PILOT: a balloon-borne experiment to measure the polarized FIR emission of dust grains in the interstellar medium

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    Future cosmology space missions will concentrate on measuring the polarization of the Cosmic Microwave Background, which potentially carries invaluable information about the earliest phases of the evolution of our universe. Such ambitious projects will ultimately be limited by the sensitivity of the instrument and by the accuracy at which polarized foreground emission from our own Galaxy can be subtracted out. We present the PILOT balloon project which will aim at characterizing one of these foreground sources, the polarization of the dust continuum emission in the diffuse interstellar medium. The PILOT experiment will also constitute a test-bed for using multiplexed bolometer arrays for polarization measurements. We present the results of ground tests obtained just before the first flight of the instrument.Comment: 17 pages, 13 figures. Presented at SPIE, Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy VII. To be published in Proc. SPIE volume 915

    A Two Micron All-Sky Survey View of the Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxy: II. Swope Telescope Spectroscopy of M Giant Stars in the Dynamically Cold Sagittarius Tidal Stream

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    We present moderate resolution (~6 km/s) spectroscopy of 284 M giant candidates selected from the Two Micron All Sky Survey photometry. Radial velocities (RVs) are presented for stars mainly in the south, with a number having positions consistent with association to the trailing tidal tail of the Sagittarius (Sgr) dwarf galaxy. The latter show a clear RV trend with orbital longitude, as expected from models of the orbit and destruction of Sgr. A minimum 8 kpc width of the trailing stream about the Sgr orbital midplane is implied by verified RV members. The coldness of this stream (dispersion ~10 km/s) provides upper limits on the combined contributions of stream heating by a lumpy Galactic halo and the intrinsic dispersion of released stars, which is a function of the Sgr core mass. The Sgr trailing arm is consistent with a Galactic halo containing one dominant, LMC-like lump, however some lumpier halos are not ruled out. An upper limit to the total M/L of the Sgr core is 21 in solar units. A second structure that roughly mimics expectations for wrapped, leading Sgr arm debris crosses the trailing arm in the Southern Hemisphere; however, this may also be an unrelated tidal feature. Among the <13 kpc M giants toward the South Galactic Pole are some with large RVs that identify them as halo stars, perhaps part of the Sgr leading arm near the Sun. The positions and RVs of Southern Hemisphere M giants are compared with those of southern globular clusters potentially stripped from the Sgr system and support for association of Pal 2 and Pal 12 with Sgr debris is found. Our discussion includes description of a masked-filtered cross-correlation methodology that achieves better than 1/20 of a resolution element RVs in moderate resolution spectra.Comment: 41 pages, 6 figures, Astronomical Journal, in press (submitted Nov. 24, 2003; tentatively scheduled for July 2004 issue

    Doping Controlled Superconductor-Insulator Transition in Bi2Sr2-xLaxCaCu2O8+delta

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    We show that the doping-controlled superconductor-insulator transition (SIT) in a high critical temperature cuprate system (Bi2Sr2-xLaxCaCu2O8+delta) exhibits a fundamentally different behavior than is expected from conventional SIT. At the critical doping, the sheet resistance seems to diverge in the zero temperature limit. Above the critical doping, the transport is universally scaled by a two-component conductance model. Below, it continuously evolves from weakly to strongly insulating behavior. The two-component conductance model suggests that a collective electronic phase separation mechanism may be responsible for this unconventional SIT behavior.Comment: 21 pages, 5 figures, abstract changed. Introduction and conclusion expanded. Slight changes in the main text. Accepted to PR

    HATS-6b: A Warm Saturn Transiting an Early M Dwarf Star, and a Set of Empirical Relations for Characterizing K and M Dwarf Planet Hosts

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    We report the discovery by the HATSouth survey of HATS-6b, an extrasolar planet transiting a V=15.2 mag, i=13.7 mag M1V star with a mass of 0.57 Msun and a radius of 0.57 Rsun. HATS-6b has a period of P = 3.3253 d, mass of Mp=0.32 Mjup, radius of Rp=1.00 Rjup, and zero-albedo equilibrium temperature of Teq=712.8+-5.1 K. HATS-6 is one of the lowest mass stars known to host a close-in gas giant planet, and its transits are among the deepest of any known transiting planet system. We discuss the follow-up opportunities afforded by this system, noting that despite the faintness of the host star, it is expected to have the highest K-band S/N transmission spectrum among known gas giant planets with Teq < 750 K. In order to characterize the star we present a new set of empirical relations between the density, radius, mass, bolometric magnitude, and V, J, H and K-band bolometric corrections for main sequence stars with M < 0.80 Msun, or spectral types later than K5. These relations are calibrated using eclipsing binary components as well as members of resolved binary systems. We account for intrinsic scatter in the relations in a self-consistent manner. We show that from the transit-based stellar density alone it is possible to measure the mass and radius of a ~0.6 Msun star to ~7% and ~2% precision, respectively. Incorporating additional information, such as the V-K color, or an absolute magnitude, allows the precision to be improved by up to a factor of two.Comment: 21 pages, 11 figures, 10 tables. Submitted to AJ. Data available at http://hatsouth.org Code implementing empirical model available at http://www.astro.princeton.edu/~jhartman/kmdwarfparam.htm