3,752 research outputs found

    Penentuan Kriteria Fisik Pekerja Yang Sesuai Untuk Meningkatkan Produktivitas Kerja Pada Stasiun Blow Moulding Dengan Pendekatan Fisiologi Kerja (Studi Kasus PT ”X” Indonesia)

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    Ide dasar dari penelitian ini adalah melakukan upaya untuk meningkatkan produktivitas kerjastasiun blow moulding di PT. X dengan menentukan kriteria fisik pekerja yang sesuai dengan beban kerjadan karakteristik pekerjaan yang dihadapi. Tahap pertama adalah mengidentifikasi apakah beban kerjapara pekerja saat ini sudah sesuai dengan kapasitas individu masing-masing pekerja. Metode yangdigunakan adalah metode AAMA di mana beban kerja dan kapasitas kerja dilihat dari sisi fisiologis, yaitukebutuhan energi untuk melaksanakan pekerjaan (kcal/menit) dan energi yang mampu dihasilkan olehmasing-masing pekerja. Tahap berikutnya adalah menentukan kriteria fisik pekerja yang sesuai dengankarakteristik pekerjaan yang dilakukan. Kriteria fisik pekerja mencakup faktor-faktor jenis kelamin, usiadan dimensi tubuh (tinggi dan berat). Pertimbangan dalam menentukan kriteria fisik pekerja adalahEstimate Energy Requirement (EER), kapasitas individu masing-masing pekerja, dan ketelitian sertakerapian pekerja. Dari hasil uji coba diperoleh kriteria fisik pekerja yang mampu memenuhi targetproduktivitas yang ditetapkan oleh Perusahaan adalah : wanita, rentang usia antara 22 sampai 25 tahun,berat 40 sampai 60 kg dan tinggi 160 sampai 180 cm.Kata kunci : beban kerja, Estimate Energy Requirement, AAMA, kriteria fisik pekerja, produktivitaskerja. The basic idea of this research is to improve work productivity at blowmoulding division in PT.X. by finding worker physical criteria which suitable with workload and work characteristics. The firststep is to check a suitability of workload and individual capacity of current workers using AAMAmethodology. AAMA methodology is work physiology measurement tool that compare task energyrequirement and individual work capacity. The next step is to decide worker physical criteria that fit withwork characteristics. Worker physical criteria including factors such as sex, age and body dimension(height and weight). The research considered Estimate Energy Requirement (EER), individual capacity,accuracy and tidiness of worker as work characteristics. The result of this studies show that the workerphysical criteria that comply with the companies targets are : female, age between 22-25 years, weightbetween 40-60 kg and height between 160-180 cm

    A New Beginning of Trauma Theory in Literature

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     Cathy Caruth’s Unclaimed Experience: Trauma, Narrative, and History and Kali Tal’s Worlds of Hurt: Reading the Literatures of Trauma sparked a great attention to literature lovers. Her suggestion on Trauma Theory enlightens a new era in poststructral approach of analyzing literary texts. Slowly but gradually, several models were introduced which inherent neurobiological features of trauma that refuse representation and cause dissociation were significant to arguments that sought to emphasize the extent of profound suffering from an external source, whether that source is an individual perpetrator or collective social practice. It was quickly accompanied by alternative models and methodologies that revised this foundational claim to suggest determinate value exists in traumatic experience. However, the researcher would like to explore and reintroduce Trauma Theory in more contemporary approach so that it will be acceptable and practical in all genres of literature. Similarly, this study is in line with the critics such as Leys and Cvetkovich who establish a psychological framework apart from the classic model thus produce different conclusions regarding trauma’s influence upon language, perception, and society. The researcher believes that Trauma Theory should be viewed in a larger conceptual framework rather than the social psychology theories in addition to neurobiological theories; that is in the view of Critical Thinking. This stance might therefore consider dubious the assertion of trauma’s intrinsic dissociation. The discussion focuses more on the roles of Critical Thinking in supporting Trauma Theory in several selected poems. In conclusion, the findings might prove that Critical Thinking and Trauma Theory can be blended together in developing learners’ intellectuality and maturity in analyzing and appreciating literary texts.   Keywords: Trauma Theory, Critical Thinking, Literature, Poetry

    Validity of selected cardiovascular field-based test among Malaysian healthy female adult

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    Based on emerge obese problem among Malaysian, this research is formulated to validate published tests among healthy female adult. Selected test namely; 20 meter multi-stage shuttle run, 2.4km run test, 1 mile walk test and Harvard Step test were correlated with laboratory test (Bruce protocol) to find the criterion validity among test in predicting VO2max for the Malaysian healthy female adults. Based on the data analysis, 20 meter multi-stage shuttle run test showed higher correlation (r= .634, p =0.01, p < 0.05), compare to the other test which are 2.4 km run test ( r= .414, p= .125, p>0.05), One mile walk test ( r= .182, p=.517,p>0.05) and Harvard Step test (r=.309, p= .267, p> 0.05). Based on this research its proven that the most suitable cardiovascular test to measure Vo2max among healthy female adult is 20 meter multi-stage shuttle run test.Keywords: Criterion validity, field based test, laboratory test, healthy female adul

    Pengaruh Globalisasi Terhadap Peredaran Narkotika Di Asia Tenggara Tahun 2011-2015

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    This study aims to explain the influence of globalization on drug trafficking in Southeast Asia 2011-2015. Globalization creates an increasingly cross-border movement easier and the increasing impact of transnational criminal networks. As many as 49% of the drug trafficking world today absorbed by the Southeast Asian market obtained from supplier countries such as Malaysia, China, India, Iran, and the Netherlands. In this study the authors use the perspective of constructivism. Constructivism is basically assumes that International politics is the result of a social construction that is the dialectical process between the structure and the gene in which political and human social environment interact to generate social and political changes. To bridge the formulation of the problem to the hypothesis the author uses the analysis unit of the International system. The author also uses theories and concepts with the concept of transnational narcotics. Globalization has provided an opportunity for individuals who are not responsible for the conduct of transnational crime. The realization of transnational crime the most crucial is the abuse of drugs, because it concerns the future of a nation, especially among the younger generation. International drug syndicates can easily enter the boundaries of countries in the world because it supported the network of organizations that are neat and sophisticated users of technology

    Fluorescent light (FL), red LED and blue LED spectrums effects on in vitro shoots multiplication

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    Tissue culture in ornamental plants is one of the relevant factors that beat production of vegetables and fruit production worldwide. It has been recognized as an effective tool to enhance large scale of plant multiplication. However, the conventional lighting system may contain unnecessary wavelength that are low quality to promote growth. In this study, experiment was conducted by using Light Emitting Diodes (LED) as an alternative source of lighting. Red and blue LEDs along with fluorescent light (FL) were applied to determine the best source of light in multiplication of rose. Under the same media regimes which are MS media basal and BAP shoot hormone, blue LED had shown more shoots and leaves

    Amalan pengurusan keselamatan bengkel kemahiran hidup (KHB) Sekolah Menengah Harian Daerah Batu Pahat

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    Kajian ini dijalankan untuk mengkaji sejauhmanakah persepsi pelajar terhadap amalan pengurusan keselamatan dari aspek keselamatan alatan dan bahan, diri dan rakan serta keselamatan am di bengkel Kemahiran Hidup sekolah menengah harian daerah Batu Pahat. Kajian berbentuk kuantitatif dilaksanakan di empat buah sekolah menengah harian daerah Batu Pahat iaitu SMK Datin Onn Jaafar, SMK Banang Jaya, SMK Dato Onn dan SMK Seri Gading. Sampel kajian terdiri daripada 350 orang pelajar tingkatan dua yang mengambil matapelajaran KHB dan data dikumpul menggunakan instrumen borang soal selidik. Dapatan kajian dianalisis menggunakan perisian Winsteps Version dengan pendekatan Model Pengukuran Rasch sepenuhnya. Data dianalisis menggunakan teknik analisis diskriptif dan analisis inferensi iaitu ujian-t bagi menguji hipotesis kajian. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa amalan pengurusan keselamatan di bengkel diamalkan secara sederhana bagi ketiga-tiga aspek tersebut. Terdapat perbezaan yang signifikan di antara pelajar di bandar dan luar bandar iaitu t=-4.08 dan p=0.000 di mana nilai min ukuranya pula ialah -.19. Beberapa cadangan telah dikemukakan bagi penambahbaikkan seperti mengadakan kempen kesedaran dan menyediakan sudut standard operasi amalan pengurusan keselamatan agar pelajar sentiasa mematuhi peraturan semasa berada di bengkel Kemahiran Hidup

    Pengaruh Iklan Televisi terhadap Pengambilan Keputusan Pembelian Konsumen Es Krim Magnum

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    According to Nielsen Advertising Information Services said the 2015 total advertising expenditure increased by 4%. This increase was also influenced by existing companies in Indonesia including PT Unilever Indonesia. Tbk with its brand advertising products Wall's Magnum Ice Cream. This study aims to identify consumer ratings of advertising done by Ice cream Magnum, analyzing the effectiveness of ads Magnum Ice Cream is able to communicate the message and analyzing consumer purchase decisions over the ads that do Magnum Ice Cream. Data processing was performed using Statistical Package For Social Science (SPSS) 19 and Minitab 14. The analysis tool used is the EPIC model and Consumer Decision Model (CDM). Based on the analysis, the measurement response television advertising and communication impact that occurs, television commercials advertising the Magnum Ice Cream edition Taste the Classic included in the category of advertising is quite effective and have an impact until the real purchase

    Pola Komunikasi Pimpinan dalam Meningkatkan Loyalitas Kerja Karyawan Bp (Brand Presenter) di PT. Budiman Subrata Niaga Pekanbaru

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    The research used a descriptive analysis with qualitative approach. Departing from the phenomenon that appears in the PT. Budiman Subrata Niaga Pekanbaru is the low comfort of employees while performing work that resulted in the lack of commitment and raises employees desire to leave the company. The problem in this thesis is the communication patterns leader in improving employee loyalty. This study aims to determine how the processes and forms of communication patterns leader in increasing employee loyalty PT. Budiman Subrata Niaga Pekanbaru. The data in this study was obtained through in-depth interviews, observation, documentation, library research and internet searching. Data analysis techniques in this study is a model of data analysis techniques Miles and Hubberman by using the component data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions and testing. Meanwhile, data validity checking techniques through extension of participation and triangulation. The data in this study was obtained through in-depth interviews, observation, documentation, library research and internet searching. Data analysis techniques in this study is a model of data analysis techniques Miles and Hubberman by using the component data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions and testing. Meanwhile, data validity checking techniques through extension of participation and triangulation. Results of the study showed that the pattern of leadership is communication made structural and familial patterns of communication in which the communication pattern has been running as expected. The communication process is done there feadback leaders, formal and informal communication and the message that was delivered in the form of informative and persuasive messages. Forms of communication patterns lead to tips leadership in strengthening leadership and employee relations, reward or prestige as well as providing knowledge and a sense of security for each employee. Results of the study showed that the pattern of leadership is communication made structural and familial patterns of communication in which the communication pattern has been running as expected. The communication process is done there feadback leaders, formal and informal communication and the message that was delivered in the form of informative and persuasive messages. Forms of communication patterns lead to tips leadership in strengthening leadership and employee relations, reward or prestige as well as providing knowledge and a sense of security for each employee. Keywords: organizational communication, communication patterns of leadership, loyalty work. Keywords: organizational communication, communication patterns of leadership, loyalty work

    A Cross Sectional Study of Trihexyphenidyl Utilization on Patient Receiving Antipsychotic Therapy

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    Background: Psychotic disorder becomes a mental health problem recently that reduce quality of life of the patient. As the matter of fact, psychotic treatment induce another problem such as extrapyramidal symtomps (EPS). Trihexyphenidyl is the first choice as conjuctive treatment to prevent EPS. Objective: To determine the description and characteristics of trihexyphenidyl utilization on patient with psychotic who receive antipsychotic therapy at Ghrasia Hospital Yogyakarta. Methods: This study is a non-experimental descriptive with cross sectional design with the secondary data obtained from the medical record of patients with psychotics on January 2014 – January 2015 to perceive the utilization of trihexyphenidyl on patient who receive antipsychotic therapy at Ghrasia hospital. The sample is determined by Slovin formula, the data is analyzed with univariat analysis technic. Results: The majority of psychotic patients at the Ghrasia Hospital are about 25-40 years old (61,7%). It describes that the pattern of the psychotic disorder most likely happening at middle age, which 98 patients are male (63,6%). The combination of two antipsychotics becomes the most used regiment at Grhasia, 113 patients (73,4%) receive the combination of two antipsychotics theraphy, 39 patients (25,3%) receive single antipsychotic therapy and 2 patients (1,3%) receive the combination of three antipsychotics. 136 patients (88,3%) receive trihexyphenidyl twice a day on undefined skizophrenia 65 patients (42,2%) and 18 patients (11,7%) once a day. 149 patiens (96,8) are not examined before THP is given before the initiaton of the theraphy. Conclusion: Administration trihexiphenidyl as adjunctive therapy is given to the psychotic patients twice a day and most of them are not initiated by the examination of syndrome extrapyramidal

    Persepsi Pemustaka Tentang Sikap Pustakawan pada Layanan Sirkulasi di Perpustakaan Daerah Jepara

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui bagaimana sikap pustakawan pada layanan sirkulasi di Perpustakaan Daerah Jepara. Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian Kualitatif dengan menggunakan analisis deskriptif. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan meliputi wawancara kepada informan untuk melihat secara langsung persepsi pemustaka tentang sikap pustakawan pada layanan sirkulasi di perpustakaan, dan studi pustaka untuk mengumpulkan informasi yang berkaitan dengan penelitian ini. Analisis yang digunakan yaitu analisis deskriptif. Dari hasil analisis diketahui bahwa persepsi pemustaka tentang sikap pustakawan di layanan sirkulasi Perpustakaan Daerah Jepara dari aspek kehandalan, terkait dengan daya tanggap pustakawan, akurasi atau kesesuaian pelayanan pustakawan, kompetensi, dan komunikatif ini cukup baik; tetapi dalam daya tanggap merespon untuk melakukan sesuatu dirasa kurang. Aspek empati (sikap simpatik dan kesopanan pustakawan) baik, sementara sebagian pustakawan kurang simpatik. Aspek perhatian (sikap kepedulian, sikap tindak lanjut dan proaktif) baik dalam sikap tindak lanjut, cukup baik dalam kepedulian, sementara beberapa pustakawan yang kurang peduli dan proakti
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