12,017 research outputs found

    An Oasis in Byron Shire: Factors in the Progress and Success of a Local Greens Party

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    The Greens in Byron Shire on the North Coast of New South Wales gained four of ten seats on the Shire Council including the mayoral position in 2004, giving them a strong voice in the direction of the Shire. This degree of local success is incredibly rare for the Australian Greens or for any third party, and thus, the example of the Byron Greens is a significant case for anyone involved with local politics in Byron or anyone who is involved with third parties, specifically with the Greens. This study sets out to determine the factors in the success of this group, dating back to their 1991 inception. After collecting data from a number of sources, a series of six interviews was carried out with individuals experienced with the Byron Greens. The results of these interviews are presented and discussed by the following topics: natural beauty of the area, the demographics and voting rationale for Green supporters, the actions of other parties and groups, unique factors in the election or responsibilities of local government in Byron Shire, differences between the Byron Greens and other groups, the Greens’ poor showing in the 1991 elections, the Greens’ future in Byron Shire, and other factors that may be at work. The conclusions from the data find that the natural environment and the Aquarius Festival of 1973 were the most significant events in bringing Greens voters to the region, that the institutional setup of Byron Shire Council elections work in the Greens favor, that issues of development are significant, and that the party has found strong organization and leadership, which has helped create their marked achievements in the Shire

    Effects of drinking-water filtration on Cryptosporidium Seroepidemiology, Scotland

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    Continuous exposure to low levels of Cryptosporidium oocysts is associated with production of protective antibodies. We investigated prevalence of antibodies against the 27-kDa Cryptosporidium oocyst antigen among blood donors in 2 areas of Scotland supplied by drinking water from different sources with different filtration standards: Glasgow (not filtered) and Dundee (filtered). During 2006–2009, seroprevalence and risk factor data were collected; this period includes 2007, when enhanced filtration was introduced to the Glasgow supply. A serologic response to the 27-kDa antigen was found for ≈75% of donors in the 2 cohorts combined. Mixed regression modeling indicated a 32% step-change reduction in seroprevalence of antibodies against Cryptosporidium among persons in the Glasgow area, which was associated with introduction of enhanced filtration treatment. Removal of Cryptosporidium oocysts from water reduces the risk for waterborne exposure, sporadic infections, and outbreaks. Paradoxically, however, oocyst removal might lower immunity and increase the risk for infection from other sources

    The fossil record and phylogeny of the auklets (Pan-Alcidae, Aethiini)

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    The auklets Aethia and Ptychoramphus comprise the smallest known Alcidae (Aves, Charadriiformes) and have a fossil record that extends into the Miocene. The evolution of auklets is poorly understood because systematic hypotheses of relationships among extant auklets are largely incongruent, the morphology of auklet fossils has not been evaluated in detail, and extinct species of auklets have not been previously included in a phylogenetic analysis. Previously described auklet fossil remains are reviewed and two new species of auklet, Aethia barnesi sp. nov. and Aethia storeri sp. nov., are described from the Miocene and Pliocene of southern California, USA. Previously described auklet fossil remains, the two newly described extinct species of auklet, and extant species of auklets and other alcids are included in combined phylogenetic analyses of morphological and molecular sequence data. Based on the results of the phylogenetic analyses, the taxonomy of fossils referred to Aethiini is revised and the evolution of the clade is evaluated in a phylogenetic context. The osteological morphology of extinct auklets appears to be little changed from their extant relatives, suggesting that the ecological attributes of these small wing-propelled divers may also be relatively unchanged since the Miocene. http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:357ECC1A-DFE5-4C72-9BF2-260A547574C

    Quiet eye training improves small arms maritime marksmanship

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    Quiet eye training—teaching task-specific gaze control—has been consistently shown to optimize the acquisition of motor skills. The present study aimed to examine the potential benefits of a quiet eye training intervention in a simulated maritime marksmanship task that involved shooting fast approaching moving targets with a decommissioned general-purpose machine gun. Twenty participants were randomly assigned to a quiet eye trained (QET) or technical trained (TT) group and completed 2 baseline, 20 training, and 2 retention trials on the moving-target task. Compared to their TT counterparts, the QET group displayed more effective gaze control (longer quiet eye durations and greater target locking) and more accurate performance (smaller radial error of both the initial shot and average of all shots) at retention. These findings highlight the potential for quiet eye training to be used to support the training of marksmanship skills in military settings

    Naming Game on Adaptive Weighted Networks

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    We examine a naming game on an adaptive weighted network. A weight of connection for a given pair of agents depends on their communication success rate and determines the probability with which the agents communicate. In some cases, depending on the parameters of the model, the preference toward successfully communicating agents is basically negligible and the model behaves similarly to the naming game on a complete graph. In particular, it quickly reaches a single-language state, albeit some details of the dynamics are different from the complete-graph version. In some other cases, the preference toward successfully communicating agents becomes much more relevant and the model gets trapped in a multi-language regime. In this case gradual coarsening and extinction of languages lead to the emergence of a dominant language, albeit with some other languages still being present. A comparison of distribution of languages in our model and in the human population is discussed.Comment: 22 pages, accepted in Artificial Lif

    Mental Health and Psychosocial Functioning in Recently Separated U.S. Women Veterans: Trajectories and Bi-Directional Relationships

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    Prior research on the relationship between veterans’ mental health and psychosocial functioning has primarily relied on male samples. Here, we investigated prospective longitudinal relationships between mental health and psychosocial functioning in 554 female Iraq and Afghanistan War veterans who were surveyed three times between two- and seven-years following separation from service. Mixed effects modeling revealed that increasing depression and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) severity predicted declines in work functioning. Increasing PTSD severity predicted declining parental functioning and worsening depression predicted a decline in relationship functioning. In turn, decreased work and intimate relationship functioning predicted increased PTSD and depression symptom severity suggesting bi-directional effects between mental health and psychosocial functioning. An examination of the effect of deployment stressors on psychosocial functioning revealed that deployment sexual harassment was the strongest predictor of decreased psychosocial functioning across all domains. Evidence for the reciprocal nature of relationships between mental health and psychosocial functioning underscore the need for treatment targeted at PTSD and depression, as well as work and relationship functioning to improve outcomes for women veterans

    SN 2011ht: Confirming a Class of Interacting Supernovae with Plateau Light Curves (Type IIn-P)

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    We present photometry and spectroscopy of the Type IIn supernova (SN) 2011ht, identified previously as a SN impostor. The light curve exhibits an abrupt transition from a well-defined ~120 day plateau to a steep bolometric decline. Leading up to peak brightness, a hot emission-line spectrum exhibits signs of interaction with circumstellar material (CSM), in the form of relatively narrow P-Cygni features of H I and He I superimposed on broad Lorentzian wings. For the remainder of the plateau phase the spectrum exhibits strengthening P-Cygni profiles of Fe II, Ca II, and H-alpha. By day 147, after the plateau has ended, the SN entered the nebular phase, heralded by the appearance of forbidden transitions of [O I], [O II], and [Ca II] over a weak continuum. At this stage, the light curve exhibits a low luminosity that is comparable to that sub-luminous Type II-P supernovae, and a relatively fast visual-wavelength decline that is significantly steeper than the Co-56 decay rate. However, the total bolometric decline, including the IR luminosity, is consistent with Co-56 decay, and implies a low Ni-56 mass of ~0.01 M(Sun). We therefore characterize SN 2011ht as a bona-fide core-collapse SN very similar to the peculiar SNe IIn 1994W and 2009kn. These three SNe define a subclass, which are Type IIn based on their spectrum, but that also exhibit well-defined plateaus and produce low Ni-56 yields. We therefore suggest Type IIn-P as a name for this subclass. Possible progenitors of SNe IIn-P, consistent with the available data, include 8-10 M(Sun) stars, which undergo core collapse as a result of electron capture after a brief phase of enhanced mass loss, or more massive M>25 M(Sun) progenitors, which experience substantial fallback of the metal-rich radioactive ejecta. In either case, the energy radiated by these three SNe during their plateau must be dominated by CSM interaction (abridged).Comment: accepted, post-proof version (includes new data

    A Multivariate Homogeneously Weighted Moving Average Control Chart

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    This paper presents a multivariate homogeneously weighted moving average (MHWMA) control chart for monitoring a process mean vector. The MHWMA control chart statistic gives a specific weight to the current observation, and the remaining weight is evenly distributed among the previous observations. We present the design procedure and compare the average run length (ARL) performance of the proposed chart with multivariate Chi-square, multivariate EWMA, and multivariate cumulative sum control charts. The ARL comparison indicates superior performance of the MHWMA chart over its competitors, particularly for the detection of small shifts in the process mean vector. Examples are also provided to show the application of the proposed chart. - 2013 IEEE.Scopu
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