214 research outputs found

    Fermion Energies in the Background of a Cosmic String

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    We provide a thorough exposition, including technical and numerical details, of previously published results on the quantum stabilization of cosmic strings. Stabilization occurs through the coupling to a heavy fermion doublet in a reduced version of the standard model. We combine the vacuum polarization energy of fermion zero-point fluctuations and the binding energy of occupied energy levels, which are of the same order in a semi-classical expansion. Populating these bound states assigns a charge to the string. We show that strings carrying fermion charge become stable if the electro-weak bosons are coupled to a fermion that is less than twice as heavy as the top quark. The vacuum remains stable in our model, because neutral strings are not energetically favored. These findings suggests that extraordinarily large fermion masses or unrealistic couplings are not required to bind a cosmic string in the standard model.Comment: 38 pages, 6 figures, version accepted for publication in Phys Rev

    Abelian Higgs Hair for Electrically Charged Dilaton Black Holes

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    It is argued that an electronically charged dilaton black hole can support a long range field of a Nielsen-Olesen string. Combining both numerical and perturbative techniques we examine the properties of an Abelian-Higgs vortex in the presence of the black hole under consideration. Allowing the black hole to approach extremality we found that all fields of the vortex are expelled from the extreme black hole. In the thin string limit we obtained the metric of a conical electrically charged dilaton black hole. The effect of the vortex can be measured from infinity justifying its characterization as black hole hair.Comment: 13 pages, 14 figures, Revtex, to appear in Phys.Rev.D1

    On the Effective Description of Large Volume Compactifications

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    We study the reliability of the Two-Step moduli stabilization in the type-IIB Large Volume Scenarios with matter and gauge interactions. The general analysis is based on a family of N=1 Supergravity models with a factorizable Kaehler invariant function, where the decoupling between two sets of fields without a mass hierarchy is easily understood. For the Large Volume Scenario particular analyses are performed for explicit models, one of such developed for the first time here, finding that the simplified version, where the Dilaton and Complex structure moduli are regarded as frozen by a previous stabilization, is a reliable supersymmetric description whenever the neglected fields stand at their leading F-flatness conditions and be neutral. The terms missed by the simplified approach are either suppressed by powers of the Calabi-Yau volume, or are higher order operators in the matter fields, and then irrelevant for the moduli stabilization rocedure. Although the power of the volume suppressing such corrections depends on the particular model, up to the mass level it is independent of the modular weight for the matter fields. This at least for the models studied here but we give arguments to expect the same in general. These claims are checked through numerical examples. We discuss how the factorizable models present a context where despite the lack of a hierarchy with the supersymmetry breaking scale, the effective theory still has a supersymmetric description. This can be understood from the fact that it is possible to find vanishing solution for the auxiliary components of the fields being integrated out, independently of the remaining dynamics. Our results settle down the question on the reliability of the way the Dilaton and Complex structure are treated in type-IIB compactifications with large compact manifold volumina.Comment: 23 pages + 2 appendices (38 pages total). v2: minor improvements, typos fixed. Version published in JHE

    Quantum Mechanics of a Point Particle in 2+1 Dimensional Gravity

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    We study the phase space structure and the quantization of a pointlike particle in 2+1 dimensional gravity. By adding boundary terms to the first order Einstein Hilbert action, and removing all redundant gauge degrees of freedom, we arrive at a reduced action for a gravitating particle in 2+1 dimensions, which is invariant under Lorentz transformations and a group of generalized translations. The momentum space of the particle turns out to be the group manifold SL(2). Its position coordinates have non-vanishing Poisson brackets, resulting in a non-commutative quantum spacetime. We use the representation theory of SL(2) to investigate its structure. We find a discretization of time, and some semi-discrete structure of space. An uncertainty relation forbids a fully localized particle. The quantum dynamics is described by a discretized Klein Gordon equation.Comment: 58 pages, 3 eps figures, presentation of the classical theory improve

    Two particle Quantummechanics in 2+1 Gravity using Non Commuting Coordinates

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    We find that the momentum conjugate to the relative distance between two gravitating particles in their center of mass frame is a hyperbolic angle. This fact strongly suggests that momentum space should be taken to be a hyperboloid. We investigate the effect of quantization on this curved momentum space. The coordinates are represented by non commuting, Hermitian operators on this hyperboloid. We also find that there is a smallest distance between the two particles of one half times the Planck length.Comment: 18 pages Latex, 2 eps figure

    Supersymmetric Vacua in Random Supergravity

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    We determine the spectrum of scalar masses in a supersymmetric vacuum of a general N=1 supergravity theory, with the Kahler potential and superpotential taken to be random functions of N complex scalar fields. We derive a random matrix model for the Hessian matrix and compute the eigenvalue spectrum. Tachyons consistent with the Breitenlohner-Freedman bound are generically present, and although these tachyons cannot destabilize the supersymmetric vacuum, they do influence the likelihood of the existence of an `uplift' to a metastable vacuum with positive cosmological constant. We show that the probability that a supersymmetric AdS vacuum has no tachyons is formally equivalent to the probability of a large fluctuation of the smallest eigenvalue of a certain real Wishart matrix. For normally-distributed matrix entries and any N, this probability is given exactly by P = exp(-2N^2|W|^2/m_{susy}^2), with W denoting the superpotential and m_{susy} the supersymmetric mass scale; for more general distributions of the entries, our result is accurate when N >> 1. We conclude that for |W| \gtrsim m_{susy}/N, tachyonic instabilities are ubiquitous in configurations obtained by uplifting supersymmetric vacua.Comment: 26 pages, 6 figure

    Quantum Energies of Strings in a 2+1 Dimensional Gauge Theory

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    We study classically unstable string type configurations and compute the renormalized vacuum polarization energies that arise from fermion fluctuations in a 2+1 dimensional analog of the standard model. We then search for a minimum of the total energy (classical plus vacuum polarization energies) by varying the profile functions that characterize the string. We find that typical string configurations bind numerous fermions and that populating these levels is beneficial to further decrease the total energy. Ultimately our goal is to explore the stabilization of string type configurations in the standard model through quantum effects. We compute the vacuum polarization energy within the phase shift formalism which identifies terms in the Born series for scattering data and Feynman diagrams. This approach allows us to implement standard renormalization conditions of perturbation theory and thus yields the unambiguous result for this non--perturbative contribution to the total energy.Comment: 26 pages, 20 eps-files combined to 8 figures, minor typos corrected. Version to be published in Nucl. Phys.

    Solitons in Supersymmety Breaking Meta-Stable Vacua

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    In recently found supersymmetry-breaking meta-stable vacua of the supersymmetric QCD, we examine possible exsitence of solitons. Homotopy groups of the moduli space of the meta-stable vacua show that there is no nontrivial soliton for SU(N_c) gauge group. When U(1)_B symmetry present in the theory is gauged, we find non-BPS solitonic (vortex) strings whose existence and properties are predicted from brane configurations. We obtain explicit classical solutions which reproduce the predicitions. For SO(N_c) gauge group, we find there are solitonic strings for N = N_f-N_c+4 = 2, and Z_2 strings for the other N. The strings are meta-stable as they live in the meta-stable vacua.Comment: 30 pages, 14 figures, Comments on stability of non-BPS vortices are added, Comments on sigma model solitons are added, An appendix is adde

    Exact Four-Dimensional Dyonic Black Holes and Bertotti-Robinson Spacetimes in String Theory

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    Conformal field theories corresponding to two-dimensional electrically charged black holes and to two-dimensional anti-de Sitter space with a covariantly constant electric field are simply constructed as SL(2,R)/ZSL(2,R)/Z WZW coset models. The two-dimensional electrically charged black holes are related by Kaluza-Klein reduction to the 2+1-dimensional rotating black hole of Banados, Teitelboim and Zanelli, and our construction is correspondingly related to its realization as a WZW model. Four-dimensional spacetime solutions are obtained by tensoring these two-dimensional theories with SU(2)/Z(m)SU(2)/Z(m) coset models. These describe a family of dyonic black holes and the Bertotti--Robinson universe.Comment: 10 pages, harvmac, (Reference to Kaloper added.

    NS5-Branes, T-Duality and Worldsheet Instantons

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    The equivalence of NS5-branes and ALF spaces under T-duality is well known. However, a naive application of T-duality transforms the ALF space into a smeared NS5-brane, de-localized on the dual, transverse, circle. In this paper we re-examine this duality, starting from a two-dimensional N=(4,4) gauged linear sigma model describing Taub-NUT space. After dualizing the circle fiber, we find that the smeared NS5-brane target space metric receives corrections from multi-worldsheet instantons. These instantons are identified as Nielsen-Olesen vortices. We show that their effect is to break the isometry of the target space, localizing the NS5-brane at a point. The contribution from the k-instanton sector is shown to be proportional to the weighted integral of the Euler form over the k-vortex moduli space. The duality also predicts the, previously unknown, asymptotic exponential decay coefficient of the BPS vortex solution.Comment: 26 pages. v2: Fourier modes of multi-vortex fermion zero mode corrected. Reference added. v3: typo correcte
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