54 research outputs found


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    The paper reviews the Conference on International Trade and Macroeconomic Interdependence in the Age of Global Value Chains that took place in Vilnius (Lithuania) in September 2016. The review deals with organisational and professional aspects of the Conference, and analyses main messages of the key speakers of the conference - Richard Baldwin (the concept of “unbundling”) and Marcel Timmer (the idea of decreasing intensity of international trade and defragmentation of international production). The paper includes author’s personal impression of the Conference


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    Tartrazine E102, Yellow "Sunset" E110, Ponso 4R E124 and the Patented Blue E131 food synthetic dyes solid-phase extraction from yoghurts and biokefirs in a transparent polymethylmethacrylate matrix as a solid extractant was studied. The analytical signal was formed due to the accumulation of the dye in the volume of the polymer matrix without violating the transparency, and this corresponded to the wavelength of the maximum absorption of the corresponding dye. The sorption mechanism was based on the protonization of the carbonyl groups of PMM in the acidic media, and, as a result, the optode surface became positively charged. Therefore, the sorption of the R± form of the E131 dye and the azo dye anions occurred by the positively charged PMM surface. The effectiveness of the proposed approach was shown for the identification and determination of the 2 food-grade synthetic dyes content using the visual and spectrophotometric methods. The optimal conditions for the analysis corresponded to pH 3, the duration of dye extraction into the polymer matrix was 20 min, the range of the detected concentrations was 0.2–40.0  mg / kg with the detection limit of 0.05 mg/kg, and an excess of sweeteners and preservatives did not significantly affect the results of the analysis. The results of the determination of the listed dyes were demonstrated in the current work for the case of individual and group presence of dyes in biokefirs and yogurts. The proposed technique is simple in execution and could be carried out using the standard spectrophotometric equipment. The advantage of the developed method for the determination of artificial dyes in comparison with the method of spectrophotometric determination with liquid extraction is a significant increase in the sensitivity of determination due to the accumulation of analyte, the exclusion of turbidity of an aliquot and the absence of dye loss due to its transition into the supernatant, and then into the solid phase of the matrix.Keywords: colorimetric sensor, solid-phase spectrophotometry, polymethylmethacrylate matrix, synthetic food colorant, dairy productDOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2020.24.1.002  A.A. Dudkina1, N.V. Saranchina1, T.N. Volgina1, N.A. Gavrilenko2, M.A. Gavrilenko11Tomsk Polytechnic University, 30 Lenin Ave, Tomsk, 634050, Russian Federation2Tomsk State University, 36 Lenin Ave, Tomsk, 634050, Russian FederationИзучена твердофазная экстракция пищевых синтетических красителей тартразин Е102, желтый «солнечный закат» Е110, понсо 4R Е124 и патентованный синий Е131 из йогуртов и биокефиров в прозрачную полиметилметакрилатную матрицу в качестве твердого экстрагента. Аналитический сигнал формируется вследствие накопления красителя в объеме полимерной матрицы без нарушения прозрачности и соответствует длине волны максимума поглощения соответствующего красителя. Механизм сорбции основан на том, что в кислых средах карбонильные группы ПММ способны подвергаться протонизации, за счет этого поверхность оптода становится положительно заряженной. Таким образом, происходит сорбция R± формы красителя Е131 и  анионов азокрасителей положительно заряженной поверхностью ПММ. Показана эффективность предложенного подхода для идентификации и определения содержания двух пищевых синтетических красителей визуальным и спектрофотометрическим методом. Найдены оптимальные условия проведения анализа: рН 3, продолжительность экстракции красителей в полимерную матрицу 20 минут, диапазон определяемых концентраций 0.2–40.0 мг/кг с пределом обнаружения 0.05 мг/кг, избыток подсластителей и консервантов не оказывает существенного влияния на результаты анализа. Приведены результаты определения перечисленных красителей, в том числе при их совместном присутствии в образцах биокефиров и йогуртов. Методика осуществляется на спектрофотометрическом оборудовании, либо простой полуколичественной визуальной оценкой. Преимуществом разработанной методики определения искусственных красителей по сравнению с методом спектрофотометрического определения с жидкостной экстракцией является значительное повышение чувствительности определения вследствие накопления аналита и исключения мутности аликвоты, а также отсутствие потерь красителя вследствие его перехода в надосадочную жидкость и, затем, в твердую фазу матрицы.Ключевые слова: колориметрический сенсор, твердофазная спектрофотометрия, полиметилметакрилатная матрица, синтетический пищевой краситель, молочный продуктDOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2020.24.1.00

    IX международная научно-практическая конференция «Страны с развивающимися рынками в условиях глобализации»

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    Determination of Е102, Е110, Е124, Е131 synthetic dyes in yogurt using the solid-phase spectrophotometry

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    Изучена твердофазная экстракция пищевых синтетических красителей тартразин Е102, желтый «солнечный закат» Е110, понсо 4R Е124 и патентованный синий Е131 из йогуртов и биокефиров в прозрачную полиметилметакрилатную матрицу в качестве твердого экстрагента. Аналитический сигнал формируется вследствие накопления красителя в объеме полимерной матрицы без нарушения прозрачности и соответствует длине волны максимума поглощения соответствующего красителя. Механизм сорбции основан на том, что в кислых средах карбонильные группы ПММ способны подвергаться протонизации, за счет этого поверхность оптода становится положительно заряженной. Таким образом, происходит сорбция R± формы красителя Е131 и анионов азокрасителей положительно заряженной поверхностью ПММ. Показана эффективность предложенного подхода для идентификации и определения содержания двух пищевых синтетических красителей визуальным и спектрофотометрическим методом. Найдены оптимальные условия проведения анализа: рН < 3, продолжительность экстракции красителей в полимерную матрицу 20 минут, диапазон определяемых концентраций 0.2–40.0 мг/кг с пределом обнаружения 0.05 мг/кг, избыток подсластителей и консервантов не оказывает существенного влияния на результаты анализа. Приведены результаты определения перечисленных красителей, в том числе при их совместном присутствии в образцах биокефиров и йогуртов. Методика осуществляется на спектрофотометрическом оборудовании, либо простой полуколичественной визуальной оценкой. Преимуществом разработанной методики определения искусственных красителей по сравнению с методом спектрофотометрического определения с жидкостной экстракцией является значительное повышение чувствительности определения вследствие накопления аналита и исключения мутности аликвоты, а также отсутствие потерь красителя вследствие его перехода в надосадочную жидкость и, затем, в твердую фазу матрицы.Tartrazine E102, Yellow "Sunset" E110, Ponso 4R E124 and the Patented Blue E131 food synthetic dyes solid-phase extraction from yoghurts and biokefirs in a transparent polymethylmethacrylate matrix as a solid extractant was studied. The analytical signal was formed due to the accumulation of the dye in the volume of the polymer matrix without violating the transparency, and this corresponded to the wavelength of the maximum absorption of the corresponding dye. The sorption mechanism was based on the protonization of the carbonyl groups of PMM in the acidic media, and, as a result, the optode surface became positively charged. Therefore, the sorption of the R± form of the E131 dye and the azo dye anions occurred by the positively charged PMM surface. The effectiveness of the proposed approach was shown for the identification and determination of the 2 food-grade synthetic dyes content using the visual and spectrophotometric methods. The optimal conditions for the analysis corresponded to pH <3, the duration of dye extraction into the polymer matrix was 20 min, the range of the detected concentrations was 0.2–40.0 mg / kg with the detection limit of 0.05 mg/kg, and an excess of sweeteners and preservatives did not significantly affect the results of the analysis. The results of the determination of the listed dyes were demonstrated in the current work for the case of individual and group presence of dyes in biokefirs and yogurts. The proposed technique is simple in execution and could be carried out using the standard spectrophotometric equipment. The advantage of the developed method for the determination of artificial dyes in comparison with the method of spectrophotometric determination with liquid extraction is a significant increase in the sensitivity of determination due to the accumulation of analyte, the exclusion of turbidity of an aliquot and the absence of dye loss due to its transition into the supernatant, and then into the solid phase of the matrix

    The level of neurotrophic factor of the brain during hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy in infants

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    In work changes of level of serumal biomarkers at children are defined. The established changes can explain to some extent disturbances of adaptic and recovery processes in nervous tissue in response to its hypoxemic damage.В работе определены изменения уровня сывороточных биомаркеров у детей. Установленные изменения могут в определенной степени объяснить нарушения адаптационных и восстановительных процессов в нервной ткани в ответ на ее гипоксическое повреждение

    Micromechanical Properties of Injection-Molded Starch–Wood Particle Composites

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    The micromechanical properties of injection molded starch–wood particle composites were investigated as a function of particle content and humidity conditions. The composite materials were characterized by scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction methods. The microhardness of the composites was shown to increase notably with the concentration of the wood particles. In addition,creep behavior under the indenter and temperature dependence were evaluated in terms of the independent contribution of the starch matrix and the wood microparticles to the hardness value. The influence of drying time on the density and weight uptake of the injection-molded composites was highlighted. The results revealed the role of the mechanism of water evaporation, showing that the dependence of water uptake and temperature was greater for the starch–wood composites than for the pure starch sample. Experiments performed during the drying process at 70°C indicated that the wood in the starch composites did not prevent water loss from the samples.Peer reviewe

    Venous endothelial injury in central nervous system diseases

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    Institutional Determinants of International Production in Russia

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    The article analyses institutional determinants of foreign direct investment that substantially influences international production in Russia. Author pays special attention on the following determinants as legal infrastructure, protection property rights, including intellectual property, effectiveness of enforcement mechanisms, and corruption. Author comes to a conclusion that without development of proper institutions Russia would hardly expect dynamic development of international production

    Russian Capital in Latvia: Trends and Perspectives

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    The article deals the issue of the positions of Russian capital in Latvian market. The paper aims to estimate the volume and dynamics of Russian capital inflows into Latvia in compliance with Russian economic interests; to identify key sectors of Latvian economy that Russian capital is interested to invest in; to systemize information concerning Russian firms investing in Latvia; to assess the role of Russian capital in Latvian economy in comparison with other foreign investors; to propose author’s view on challenges and perspectives of Latvian-Russian investment cooperation in the situation of economic sanctions and geo-political conflict in east Ukraine. The author underlines that at the end of 2013, investments of Russian business to Latvia constituted about 5.0% of the total FDI stock and by that time Russia was the 7th largest investor with 0.5 bln euro of capital invested. The main sectors of Russian interests in Latvia are - gas supply, transport communications (transit corridors), banking and real estate. The article concludes that though the future of Russian-Latvian economic relations in the short-run is on a substantial pressure of geopolitical factors, the economic interests in mutual investment relations will prevail in the long-run perspectives

    Restructuring of Global Pharmaceutical Supply Chains after COVID-19

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    In recent decades, global pharmaceutical value chains have been actively developing. Formed close cross-country and inter-sectoral ties contributed the Covid-19 pandemic had a significant impact on the functioning of global pharmaceutical chains. The effects of Covid-19 were overlapped previously emerging trends towards defragmentation of global pharmaceutical production. The aim of this paper is to identify possible firm strategies and models for restructuring pharmaceutical chains aimed at increasing their resilience in response to the damaging effects of Covid-19. We suppose that the resilience of the chain as a whole depends on the resilience of its separate links, and we show that the restructuring of pharmaceutical chains takes place in the form of the so-called “link” restructuring (restructuring of separate links of the chain). The paper highlights such models of “link” restructuring of sectoral cross-border chain as “zero” restructuring (stock creation); localization (including import substitution); migration (including reshoring and regionalization); globalization, which operate both in the short and long term periods. The multistage nature of global pharmaceutical chains, as well as the dynamic development of pharmaceutical outsourcing processes, have created favorable opportunities for “link” restructuring. At the same time, the features of restructuring were influenced by various factors, among which the degree of technology intensity of the pharmaceutical chain takes a key place. The paper proposes one of the possible classifications of pharmaceutical chains depending on the technologies used, where the following are distinguished: low-tech and medium-low-tech chains (production of essential pharmaceutical goods); medium-high-tech chains (production of generics); high-tech chains (production of patented drugs, production of biopharmaceuticals, production of medical equipment). The main conclusion the author comes is as follows: the higher the technology intensity of the pharmaceutical chain, the less defragmentation of pharmaceutical production will take place. Thus, in the production of high-tech biopharmaceutical goods, the most needed strategies will be regionalization and globalization of the chain links, while in the production of essential pharmaceutical goods, the strategy of localization and import substitution will be very successful (especially in the short term). This is due to the fact that as the technological effectiveness of the pharmaceutical chain increases, investment costs grow, which makes the efficiency of the chain’s functioning no less important than its resilience