117 research outputs found

    Role of business administration in the process of formation of post-industrial economy

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    The purpose of the article is to determine the role of business administration in the process of formation of post-industrial economy. The research is based on statistical analysis of time rows. With the help of the method of correlation and regression analysis, the author distinguishes the role of entrepreneurship in the process of formation of post-industrial economy through analysis of dependence between the level of development of business and level of development of post-industrial economy in the countries of the world. For provision of representation of the data, the objects of the research are countries from various geographical and socio-economic regions of the world: Sweden, the USA, Russia, China, and India. The author determined the role of business administration in formation of the foundations of post-industrial economy and offered the corresponding model that allows for maximization of business administration’s contribution into the process of formation of post-industrial economy.peer-reviewe

    Крым в акварелях московского художника Д.М. Струкова

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    The article describes the versatile personality of D.M. Strukov - the artist, architect, archaeologist, restorer, teacher. There are briefly presented the main milestones of his biography. Special attention is paid to the work of Strukov in the Crimea and to his watercolors "Drawings of the historical monuments of Christianity in Taurida", created in the process of archaeological research in 1867-1892. The author gives the general characteristics and description of the works devoted to ancient temples, in particular to cave cities (Inkerman, Tepe-Kermen, Mangup-Kale and others) and to gravestone monuments.Рассказывается о многогранной личности Д.М. Струкова - художника, архитектора, археолога, реставратора, педагога. Кратко рассмотрены основные вехи его биографии. Особое внимание уделено работе Струкова в Крыму и его акварелям «Рисунки древних памятников христианства в Тавриде», созданным в процессе археологических изысканий в 1867-1892 годах. Автор дает общую характеристику и описание работ, посвященных древним храмам, в частности пещерным городам (Инкерман, Тепе-Кермен, Мангуп-Кале и др.), надгробным памятникам

    The effect of a complex of active metabolites of vitamin D3 with vikasol on the periodontal state of rats

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    Purpose of the study. The study of the periodontoprotective properties of the complex of a mixture of active metabolites of cholecalciferol - 1,25 (OH)2D3 and 24,25(OH)2D3 with a synthetic analogue of vitamin K - vikasol in experimental periodontitis in rats. Materials and methods The study was carried out on 18 white male rats for 1.5 months. age, divided into 3 groups. Group 1 (4 individuals) comprised intact rats. In the rats of the 2nd and 3rd groups (7 individuals each), the parodontitis model was reproduced by oral administration of a 10% solution of pelentane, and also by replacing drinking water with a 2% solution of EDTA ad libitum. In group 3, rats were injected daily with a mixture of hormonal forms of vitamin D3 (1,25 (OH)2D3 and 24,25(OH)2D3) against a background of combined effects of pelentane and EDTA. The duration of the experiment was 60 days. Results and conclusions. It is established that the complex of a mixture of two hormonal-active forms of cholecalciferol with vikasol has significant periodontoprotective properties. The obtained data substantiate the inclusion of vitamin D3 in the composition of perioodontoprotective agents in the treatment of periodontitis

    Quantitative electroencephalography indicators in children with acute purulent meningitis

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    The aim of the present work was to assess the state of brain bioelectrical activity in children during the acute period of bacterial purulent meningitis, with quantitative mathematical analysis of the changes found. The studies included 31 children on days 1 and 6 from onset of illness: 16 children (8.9 ± 2.4 years) admitted to the Pediatric Scientifi c Clinical Center for Infectious Diseases with laboratory confi rmation of diagnoses of purulent meningitis (due to Neisseria meningitidis) (n = 11) or Streptomyces pneumoniae (n = 2) or unidentifi ed pathogen (n = 3)), along with 15 healthy childre

    Radial-piston pump for drive of test machines

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    The article reviews the development of radial-piston pump with phase control and alternating-flow mode for seismic-testing platforms and other test machines. The prospects for use of the developed device are proved. It is noted that the method of frequency modulation with the detection of the natural frequencies is easily realized by using the radial-piston pump. The prospects of further research are given proof

    Radial-piston pump for drive of test machines

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    The article reviews the development of radial-piston pump with phase control and alternating-flow mode for seismic-testing platforms and other test machines. The prospects for use of the developed device are proved. It is noted that the method of frequency modulation with the detection of the natural frequencies is easily realized by using the radial-piston pump. The prospects of further research are given proof

    El Tor cholera at the contemporary stage of the seventh pandemia: pathogen evolution, clinical and epidemiological features, laboratory diagnostics

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    The phenotypic and molecular genetic properties of 133 strains of genetically modified (genovariant) Vibrio cholerae O1 El Tor biovar isolated from patients in Dagestan (1993, 1994, 1998), and compared with 246 strains of a typical toxigenic cholera vibrio El Tor biovar isolated in 1970–1990 at the Caucasus Region. It was found that 48.7% of the studied genetically modified strain variants had mixed phenotypic properties of the El Tor and classic biovars that evidences about a need to include the marker genes of the classical biovar (ctxBCl+, rtxC–) and the El Tor biovar (ctxBEl+, rtxC+) into the existing biotyping scheme. The genes of the El Tor biovar, isolated from patients in Dagestan, contain in addition to the El Tor ones, the genes of the classical biovar (ctxBCl and/or rstRCl), as well as the typical toxigenic cholera vibrios of El Tor, islands of persistence (EPI), pathogenicity (VPI-1 and VPI-2) and pandemicity (VSP-I and VSP-II). However, only the El Tor biovar genovariants were found to bear an integrative and conjugative SXT element with antibiotic polyresistance genes. Epidemic cholera outbreaks caused by the El Tor biovar genovariants that occurred in 1993–1998 at the Caucasus Region, correspond to classical (Asian) cholera based on disease severity. The epidemiological features of modern cholera were studied: the main way for transmission via fecal-oral route for typical El Tor cholera vibrio is waterborne, whereas for the El Tor gene variant — household. Primary infections upon water drinking and using domestic water from surface water bodies infected with typical El Tor vibrios occur outside the family hearth. In case of cholera caused by hybrid El Tor variants, infection is transmitted among family members via domestic factors under low sanitary level. The development of laboratory diagnostics and epidemiological surveillance of modern El Tor cholera is based on the development of PCR test systems taking into account the evolutionary genome transformations

    Конструирование специфичных праймеров для идентификации подвидов Leuconostoc mesenteroides

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    Bacteria p. Leuconostoc is a technologically important group of lactic acid bacteria that is part of starter cultures for production of various dairy products. Two species are most important in the dairy industry: Leuconostoc lactis and Leuconostoc mesenteroides, which includes three subspecies: dextranicum, mesenteroides and cremoris. The main problem of identifying representatives of the p. Leuconostoc that these microorganisms can often be misidentified as enterococci or lactobacilli. In comparison with traditional methods of species detection, the establishment of species identity using PCR is characterized by universality, a deeper level of species differentiation, high reproducibility and reliability. The article presents the results of designing specific primers for Leuconostoc mesenteroides ssp. mesenteroides and Leuconostoc mesenteroides ssp. dextranicum. The specificity of developed primers was confirmed by in silico testing using available Leuconostoc mesenteroides genomic sequences, and experimentally using DNA samples of Leuconostoc mesenteroides clear cultures. The taxonomic affiliation of 5 isolates of leuconostocci isolated from natural samples was established using the developed primers. Methodological Instructions have been developed that regulate the procedure for determining the taxonomic position of bacteria of genus Leuconostoc to a subspecies. Methodological guidelines for identification of leuconostocs will be used in collections of industrial microorganisms for the accurate identification of deposited strains.Бактерии р. Leuconostoc – важная в технологическом отношении группа молочнокислых бактерий, входящая в состав заквасочных культур для производства различных молочных продуктов. В молочной промышленности наибольшее значение имеют два вида: Leuconostoc lactis и Leuconostoc mesenteroides, они включают три подвида: dextranicum, mesenteroides, cremoris. Основная проблема идентификации представителей р. Leuconostoc состоит в том, что данные микроорганизмы часто могут быть ошибочно идентифицированы как энтерококки или лактобактерии. По сравнению с традиционными способами видовой детекции установление видовой принадлежности с помощью ПЦР отличается универсальностью, более глубоким уровнем видовой дифференциации, высокой воспроизводимостью и достоверностью. В статье представлены результаты конструирования праймеров, специфичных для бактерий Leuconostoc mesenteroides ssp. mesenteroides и Leuconostoc mesenteroides ssp. dextranicum. Специфичность разработанных праймеров подтверждена тестированием in silico с использованием доступных геномных последовательностей Leuconostoc mesenteroides и экспериментально с использованием образцов ДНК чистых культур Leuconostoc mesenteroides. С помощью разработанных праймеров установлена таксономическая принадлежность 5 изолятов лейконостоков, выделенных из природных образцов. Разработаны методические указания, регламентирующие процедуру определения таксономического положения бактерий р. Leuconostoc до подвида. Методические указания по идентификации лейконостоков будут использоваться в коллекциях промышленных микроорганизмов для точной идентификации депонируемых штаммов

    Reflection of neuroblastoma intratumor heterogeneity in the new OHC-NB1 disease model

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    Accurate modeling of intratumor heterogeneity presents a bottleneck against drug testing. Flexibility in a preclinical platform is also desirable to support assessment of different endpoints. We established the model system, OHC-NB1, from a bone marrow metastasis from a patient diagnosed with MYCN-amplified neuroblastoma and performed whole-exome sequencing on the source metastasis and the different models and passages during model development (monolayer cell line, 3D spheroid culture and subcutaneous xenograft tumors propagated in mice). OHC-NB1 harbors a MYCN amplification in double minutes, 1p deletion, 17q gain and diploid karyotype, which persisted in all models. A total of 80-540 single-nucleotide variants (SNVs) was detected in each sample, and comparisons between the source metastasis and models identified 34 of 80 somatic SNVs to be propagated in the models. Clonal reconstruction using the combined copy number and SNV data revealed marked clonal heterogeneity in the originating metastasis, with 4 clones being reflected in the model systems. The set of OHC-NB1 models represents 43% of somatic SNVs and 23% of the cellularity in the originating metastasis with varying clonal compositions, indicating that heterogeneity is partially preserved in our model system