236 research outputs found

    Identification of regional labor factors of influence on costs for innovation of enterprises in the region

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    In this paper, we examined the impact of labor loyalty and the labor market situation on the costs of companies in the region on research and development. In the work was carried out the analysis of existing articles and papers on related topics. First of all, it was our task to determine the mathematical model of the concept of loyalty of the workforce, to determine from which economic indicators it can be identified. We have identified and justified the hypothesis that the loyalty of the workforce is the ratio of the following indicators: the number of unemployed and the number of free work places. In the case of such a definition of loyalty, it was important to take the indicators for one group of workers (with the same qualification) to exclude the effects of structural unemployment. So coming to understand the factors on which the loyalty of the labor force in the region is based, we included them in our model to try to establish some relationship between the above variables and the desire of employers to invest in R & D. Based on the analyzed data and the results of testing using econometric methods, the dependence of investments in innovation and labor loyalty in the regions of Russia was proved in this paper. A direct dependence was established that indicates a decrease in loyalty to the employer increases the motivation of the last one to invest in innovation

    Investigación de los estereotipos de crueldad de los adolescentes sobre los roles sexuales

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    The relevance of this study is caused by the dramatic picture of the psychological theory of the development of the modern teenager in modern science. Rapidly changing social conditions at the beginning of the third Millennium need scientific understanding of possible future prospects of development of the period of childhood and adolescence. The efforts of those responsible for the training of educators, teachers, child psychologists, support for the institution of the family, conducting comprehensive studies of the modern teenager are needed.  Of particular importance for the future of the theory and practice of upbringing of the teenager deserves the study of phenomenology for the development of a modern teenager, the rejection of rigid social stereotypes that are the choice of positive strategies in the relations with teenagers.  Before the reader is an article in which the authors comprehend the existence of social stereotypes on the issue of gender differences in the manifestation of cruel behavior by teenagers. The authors presented a brief analysis of the scientific problem of cruelty.   The problem field of empirical research is defined in the identification of sexual differences in the manifestation of types of cruelty and sexual differences in the attitude to cruel behavior. The study sample is correctly formed, the author’s methods of ideographic type are presented, which have passed the stage of approbation in numerous studies. This study belongs to the category of point quasi-experiments.  The stages of research are consistently presented. Qualitative analysis of empirical data is based on evidence-based methods of statistical thesaurus.  The main conclusions of the study allow us to comprehend the existing social stereotypes of types of cruelty and attitudes to violence on a gender basis.La relevancia de este estudio es causada por la imagen dramática de la teoría psicológica del desarrollo del adolescente moderno en la ciencia moderna. Las condiciones sociales que cambian rápidamente a principios del tercer milenio necesitan una comprensión científica de las posibles perspectivas futuras de desarrollo del período de la infancia y la adolescencia. Se necesitan los esfuerzos de los responsables de la formación de educadores, maestros, psicólogos infantiles, apoyo a la institución de la familia, realización de estudios integrales del adolescente moderno. De particular importancia para el futuro de la teoría y la práctica de la educación del adolescente merece el estudio de la fenomenología para el desarrollo de un adolescente moderno, el rechazo de los estereotipos sociales rígidos que son la elección de estrategias positivas en las relaciones con los adolescentes. Ante el lector hay un artículo en el que los autores comprenden la existencia de estereotipos sociales sobre el tema de las diferencias de género en la manifestación de conductas crueles por parte de los adolescentes. Los autores presentaron un breve análisis del problema científico de la crueldad. El campo problemático de la investigación empírica se define en la identificación de las diferencias sexuales en la manifestación de los tipos de crueldad y las diferencias sexuales en la actitud ante el comportamiento cruel. La muestra de estudio se formó correctamente, se presentan los métodos de tipo ideográfico del autor, que han pasado la etapa de aprobación en numerosos estudios. Este estudio pertenece a la categoría de cuasi-experimentos puntuales. Las etapas de la investigación se presentan constantemente. El análisis cualitativo de los datos empíricos se basa en métodos de tesauro estadístico basados ​​en la evidencia. Las principales conclusiones del estudio nos permiten comprender los estereotipos sociales existentes de los tipos de crueldad y actitudes hacia la violencia sobre una base de género


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    The authors emphasize the relevance of the study by psychologists of the problem experiences of well-being and distress of individuals, in the need to adapt to an ever-changing world, oversaturated with information. At the same time, many people are forced to change the place of residence and living conditions. In addition, in this regard it is important to investigate factors of feeling of subjective well-being of these people, and well as their overall satisfaction with life. The authors presented a brief transactional analysis of the state of scientific problem feeling subjective well-being. The problem field of empirical research is outlined research in establishing links with satisfaction with life and the vitality of the personality of repatriates from different countries. Correctly, a sample of the study was formed, reliable and valid ones were selected psychodiagnostic methods, logically presented stages of the study. Qualitative analysis of empirical data is based on evidence-based methods of statistical thesaurus. Key findings of the study on seniority residence of immigrants in the new country, the level of resilience and psychological well-being, will allow formulating a step-by-step the program of psychological support for immigrants experiencing dissatisfaction with living conditions.Los autores enfatizan la relevancia del estudio realizado por psicólogos sobre las experiencias problemáticas de bienestar y angustia de los individuos, en la necesidad de adaptarse a un mundo en constante cambio, saturado de información. Al mismo tiempo, muchas personas se ven obligadas a cambiar el lugar de residencia y las condiciones de vida. Además, a este respecto, es importante investigar los factores del sentimiento de bienestar subjetivo de estas personas y su satisfacción general con la vida. Los autores presentaron un breve análisis transaccional del estado del problema científico sintiendo un bienestar subjetivo. El campo problemático de la investigación empírica se resume en la investigación para establecer vínculos con la satisfacción con la vida y la vitalidad de la personalidad de los repatriados de diferentes países. Correctamente, se formó una muestra del estudio, se seleccionaron métodos confiables y válidos de psicodiagnóstico, etapas lógicamente presentadas del estudio. El análisis cualitativo de los datos empíricos se basa en métodos de tesauro estadístico basados en la evidencia. Los hallazgos clave del estudio sobre la residencia de ancianos de los inmigrantes en el nuevo país, el nivel de resiliencia y el bienestar psicológico, permitirán formular paso a paso el programa de apoyo psicológico para los inmigrantes que experimentan insatisfacción con las condiciones de vida.Авторы подчеркивают актуальность изучение психологами проблемы переживания благополучия и неблагополучия отдельными индивидами, в связи с необходимостью адаптироваться в постоянно меняющемся мире, перенасыщенном информацией. При этом множество людей вынуждены сменять место проживания и условия жизни. И в связи с этим важно исследовать факторы ощущения субъективного благополучия этих людей, а также их общую удовлетворенность жизнью. Авторами представлен краткий транспективный анализ состояния научной проблемы ощущения субъективного благополучия. Намечено проблемное поле эмпирического исследования в установление связей удовлетворенностью жизни и жизнестойкости личности репатриантов из разных стран. Корректно сформирована выборка исследования, подобраны надежные и валидные психодиагностические методики, логично представлены этапы исследования. Качественный анализ эмпирических данных основан на доказательных методах статистического тезауруса. Основные выводы исследования о стаже проживания репатриантов в новой стране, уровне жизнестойкости и психологического благополучия, позволят сформулировать пошаговую программу психологического сопровождения репатриантов, испытывающих неудовлетворенность жизненными условиями

    Treatment of patients with bone marrow metastases: the present state of the problem

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    The paper reviews the data available in the literature on the identification of tumor cells in bone marrow and peripheral blood in different tumors and breast cancer. Analysis of the majority of investigations suggest that the presence of tumor cells in the bone marrow correlates with early disease recurrences and lower survival; to detect bone marrow tumor cells is one of the most important approaches to early identifying metastases and improving the results of treatment for breast cancer. The paper gives the results of an investigation conducted at the N.N. Aleksandrov Republican Research and Practical Center for Oncology and Medical Radiology in 2008 to 2014, which established that the presence of cancer cells in the bone marrow is a poor prognostic sign: the 3-year relapse-free survival of patients with the unaffected and affected bone marrow was 88.7 and 69.3 %, respectively (p < 0.01)

    Therapeutic complement targeting in ANCA-associated vasculitides and thrombotic microangiopathy

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    Anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (ANCA)-associated vasculitides (AAVs) are a group of systemic autoimmune disorders characterized by necrotizing inflammation of medium-to-small vessels, a relative paucity of immune deposits, and an association with detectable circulating ANCAs. AAVs include granulomatosis with polyangiitis (renamed from Wegener's granulomatosis), microscopic polyangiitis, and eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis (Churg-Strauss syndrome). Until recently, AAVs have not been viewed as complement-mediated disorders. However, recent findings predominantly from animal studies demonstrated a crucial role of the complement system in the pathogenesis of AAVs. Complement activation or defects in its regulation have been described in an increasing number of acquired or genetically driven forms of thrombotic microangiopathy. Coinciding with this expanding spectrum of complement-mediated diseases, the question arises as to which AAV patients might benefit from a complement-targeted therapy. Therapies directed against the complement system point to the necessity of a genetic workup of genes of complement components and regulators in patients with AAV. Genetic testing together with pluripotent stem cells and bioinformatics tools may broaden our approach to the treatment of patients with aggressive forms of AAV

    Skin vascular resistance in the standing position increases significantly after 7 days of dry immersion

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    Actual and simulated microgravity induces hypovolemia and cardiovascular deconditioning, associated with vascular dysfunction. We hypothesized that vasoconstriction of skin microcirculatory bed should be altered following 7 days of simulated microgravity in order to maintain cardiovascular homeostasis during active standing. Eight healthy men were studied before and after 7 days of simulated microgravity modeled by dry immersion (DI). Changes of plasma volume and orthostatic tolerance were evaluated. Calf skin blood flow (laser-Doppler flowmetry), ECG and blood pressure signal during a 10-min stand test were recorded, and skin vascular resistance, central hemodynamics, baroreflex sensitivity and heart rate variability were estimated. After DI we observed increased calf skin vascular resistance in the standing position (12.0 +/- 1.0 AU-after- vs. 6.8 +/- 1.4 AU-before), while supine it was unchanged. Cardiovascular deconditioning was confirmed by greater tachycardia on standing and by hypovolemia (-16 +/- 3% at day 7 of DI). Total peripheral resistance and indices of cardiovascular autonomic control were not modified. In conclusion, unchanged autonomic control and total peripheral resistance suggest that increased skin vasoconstriction to standing involves rather local mechanisms-as venoarteriolar reflex-and might compensate insufficient vasoconstriction of other vascular beds

    Atypical hemolytic-uremic syndrome as one of the causes of acute kidney injury in pregnant women

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    Obstetric atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome (aHUS) is one of the reasons for the development of acute kidney injury (AKI) and can determine the prognosis of both mother and child. Aim. Analysis of clinical manifestations, course and outcomes of obstetric aHUS. Materials and methods. 45 patients with aHUS development during pregnancy or immediately after childbirth were observed between 2011 and 2017, age from 16 to 42 years. Results and discussion. All patients had AKI (serum creatinine 521,5±388,0 µmol/l, oliguria or anuria that required initiation of hemodialysis). 93.3% pts had extrarenal manifestations of TMA with the development of multiple organ failure (MOF). The mean number of damage organs was 3,7±1,2. In all patients, the development of aHUS was preceded by obstetric complications, surgery, infection, etc. In the outcome: 53.4% women showed complete recovery of renal function, 11.1% developed CKD 4-5 stages, 35.5% had dialysis-dependent end-stage renal failure (ESDR). Maternal mortality was 23.9%. Perinatal mortality was 32.6%. The early start of eculizumab treatment (within 1-2 weeks from the onset of aHUS), compared with therapy start after 3 weeks, increased the chances of favorable outcome for mother in 5.33 times, and the chances for normalization of renal function in 48.7 times. Conclusion. Obstetric aHUS is characterized by the development of AKI in 100% of cases. In most patients, the obstetric aHUS occurs with the development of MOF. Timely diagnosis of aHUS and immediate treatment by eculizumab allows not only to save the life of patients, but also completely restore their health

    HCV-associated mixed cryoglobulinemia and b-cell non-Hodgkin's lymphoma - pathogenetically related problems

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    Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is a global population problem due to its high prevalence, usually late diagnosis, the difficulties of treatment. In the prognosis of patients with HCV not only hepatic, but increasingly frequent of extrahepatic HCV manifestations, such as mixed cryoglobulinemia (CG), are important. Mixed CG is currently considered as a B-cell benign lymphoproliferative disorders. The role of HCV virus in the pathogenesis of lymphoproliferative diseases is confirmed by a large number of epidemiological studies, as well as by the effectiveness of antiviral therapy in patients with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (NHL). The purpose of the review was to provide an overview of recent literature data and the meta-analysis of epidemiological data explaining the role of HCV in the development of NHL. The review also discusses the treatment for HCV-associated NHL by antiviral therapy or other therapeutic options, such as chemotherapy

    Functional Sensory-Motor Performance Following Long Term Space Flight: The First Results of "Field Test" Experiment

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    The effect that extended-duration space flights may have on human space travelers, including exploration missions, is widely discussed at the present time. Specifically, there is an increasing amount of evidence showing that the physical capacity of cosmonauts is significantly reduced after long-duration space flights. It is evident that the most impaired functions are those that rely on gravity, particularly up right posture and gait. Because of the sensorimotor disturbances manifested in the neurology of the posture and gait space flight and postflight changes may also be observed in debilitating motion sickness. While the severity of particular symptoms varies, disturbances in spatial orientation and alterations in the accuracy of voluntary movements are persistently observed after long-duration space flights. At this time most of the currently available data are primarily descriptive and not yet suitable for predicting operational impacts of most sensorimotor decrements observed upon landing on planetary surfaces or asteroids. In particular there are no existing data on the recovery dynamics or functionality of neurological, cardiovascular or muscle performance making it difficult to model or simulate the cosmonauts' activity after landing and develop the appropriate countermeasure that will ensure the rapid and safe recovery of crewmembers immediately after landing in what could be hostile environments. However and as a starting position, the videos we have acquired during recent data collection following the long duration flights of cosmonauts and astronauts walking and performing other tasks shortly after return from space flight speak volumes about their level of deconditioning. A joint Russian-American team has developed a new study specifically to address the changes in crewmembers performance and the recovery of performance with the intent of filling the missing data gaps. The first (pilot) phase of this study includes recording body kinematics and quantifying the coordination and timing of relatively simple basic movements - transition from seated and prone positions to standing, walking, stepping over obstacles, tandem walking, muscle compliance, as well as characteristics of postural sway and orthostatic tolerance. Testing for changes in these parameters have been initiated in the medical tent at the landing site. The first set of experiments showed that during the first hour after landing, cosmonauts and astronauts were able to execute (although slower and with more effort than preflight) simple movements such as egress from a seated or prone position and also to remain standing for 3.5 minutes without exhibiting pronounced cardiovascular changes. More challenging tests, however, demonstrated a prominent reduction in coordination - the obstacle task, for example, was performed at much slower speed and with a marked overestimation of the obstacle height and tandem walking was greatly degraded suggesting significant changes in proprioception, brainstem and vestibular function. There is some speculation that the neural changes, either from the bottom-up or top down may be long lasting; requiring compensatory responses that will modify or mask the adverse responses we have observed. Furthermore, these compensatory responses may actually be beneficial, helping achieve a more rapid adaptation to both weightlessness and a return to earth

    Перспективы применения белимумаба при волчаночном нефрите

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    Over the past 50 years the survival rate of patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) significantly improved, however, it is necessary to develop a new generation of drugs for the treatment of lupus nephritis (LN), the development of which is one of the main factors of high mortality risk in at least 50% of SLE patients. The international clinical trial BLISS-LN has demonstrated a high rate of achievement and maintenance of renal response (RR), confirmed by a higher rate of achievement of RR primary efficacy and complete renal response when using belimumab (BLM) in addition to standard therapy (ST) compared to ST alone in patients with LN. When using BLM, there was a statistically significant reduction in the risk of developing adverse renal events (in particular, deterioration of renal function) or death within 104 weeks compared with placebo. Improvement in LN outcomes was achieved in the setting of long-term reduction in glucocorticoids use after the induction phase. With BLM therapy, there was also a decrease in the total activity of SLE, a decrease in the number of severe exacerbations, and an improvement in serological markers. The benefit/risk ratio of BLM in combination with ST for LN treatment was favorable. BLM can be recommended for LN therapy in combination with standard treatment methods in order to achieve and maintain remission.За последние 50 лет удалось существенно улучшить выживаемость больных системной красной волчанкой (СКВ), однако необходимо создание нового поколения препаратов для терапии волчаночного нефрита (ВН), развитие которого не менее чем у 50% больных СКВ является одним из основных факторов высокого риска летальности. Международное клиническое исследование BLISS-LN продемонстрировало высокую частоту достижения и сохранения почечного ответа (ПО), подтвержденную более высокой частотой достижения ПО первичной эффективности и полного почечного ответа при применении белимумаба (БЛМ) в дополнение к стандартной терапии (СТ) по сравнению с одной СТ у пациентов с волчаночным нефритом (ВН). При применении БЛМ наблюдалось статистически значимое снижение риска развития нежелательных явлений со стороны почек (в частности, ухудшения функции почек) или смертельного исхода в течение 104 нед по сравнению с плацебо. Улучшение исходов ВН было достигнуто в условиях долгосрочного уменьшения применения глюкокортикоидов после индукционной фазы. При терапии БЛМ отмечалось также снижение общей активности СКВ, уменьшение числа тяжелых обострений и улучшение показателей серологических маркеров. Соотношение «польза/риск» при использовании БЛМ в сочетании со СТ для лечения ВН было благоприятным. БЛМ может быть рекомендован для терапии ВН в комбинации со стандартными методами лечения с целью достижения и поддержания ремиссии