229 research outputs found

    Pemolaan Komunikasi Tradisi Upacara Adat Pernikahan Masyarakat Melayu Kampar (Studi Etnografi Komunikasi pada Tradisi Upacara Adat Pernikahan Masyarakat Melayu Kampar di Desa Muara Mahat Baru Kecamatan Tapung Kabupaten Kampar Provinsi Riau

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    Tradition wedding ceremonies Kampar Malay community in the village of Muara Mahat Baru is a tradition that has several stages in the implementation of wedding ceremonies and there are linguistic skills, social interaction, and culture. So the purpose of this study was to determine the communicative situation, communicative events, and follow-communicative in communication patterning tradition Kampar Malay wedding ceremonies in the village of Muara Mahat Baru Tapung District of Kampar regency of Riau Province. This study used qualitative methods to approach Ethnography of Communication. The location study was conducted in the village of Muara Mahat Baru Tapung District of Kampar district in Riau province. Informants in this study amounted to five people, two of them existed as ninik mamak chiefs, two people mamak cornerstone, and the mother of the bride are selected using purposive sampling technique. Techniques of data collection is done through observation, interviews, and documentation. Research results obtained by researchers showed that the communicative situation there are two phases to be carried out, namely, the situation before the wedding and during the wedding. Communicative events based on the type of events to accept the proposal to deliberate on the part of men and gave permission and blessing. The topic achieve consensus and requested permission words ninik Mamak. The function and purpose provide an opportunity for both sides to prepare for the wedding and tell that kid nephew is getting married. The setting of all stages of the marriage was the girl's family home. Participants entire extended family on both sides. Message forms of verbal and non-verbal messages. Fill in all the stages of his message has the goal of a harmonious union of two families. Follow-communicative form of advice and instruction in traditional wedding ceremonies performed by ninik mamak tribal chief who respected and admired for proficient and fluent in spoken words. Keywords: traditional wedding ceremony, co

    Studi Literatur Perencanaan dan Algoritma Pembentukan DMA (District Metered Area)

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    Pembentukan DMA adalah salah satu upaya yang dapat dilakukan untuk menekan tingkat kehilangan air fisik. Suatu kota dapat mempunyai ratusan DMA. DMA merupakan singkatan dari district metered area. Hal tersebut berarti bahwa suatu DMA adalah suatu wilayah atau area yang dibatasi oleh satu atau beberapa meter air. Air total yang masuk ke area tersebut hanya dicatat oleh meter air DMA yang bersangkutan. Daerah yang dibatasi tersebut adalah daerah yang tertutup. Antara satu DMA dan DMA lain tidak mempunyai hubungan. Sehingga, kehilangan air dapat diketahui lebih spesifik untuk masing-masing DMA. Pembacaan meter air pelanggan setiap satu bulan sekali dilakukan bersamaan dengan pembacaan meter air utama yang ada di masing-masing DMA. Sehingga, perhitungan air terjual bisa dihitung di setiap DMA yang ada. Akumulasi perhitungan air terjual dari setiap meter air pelanggan seharusnya sama dengan air yang terbaca di meter air induk (meter air DMA). Sehingga jika terdapat ketidaksamaan, maka dapat diketahui bahwa terdapat kebocoran di DMA tersebut. Adanya DMA dapat memudahkan pemantauan keberadaan kebocoran. Selama ini, perencanaan DMA hanya didasarkan oleh kemampuan teknik dan pengalaman lapangan staf yang berkecimpung dalam merencanakan DMA. Peneliti-peneliti tengah melakukan penelitian mengenai perencanaan DMA menggunakan algoritma. Kemudian hasilnya disimulasikan dan dapat diketahui dampak dari perencanaan DMA itu sebelum DMA diimplementasikan. Perencanaan DMA dapat melibatkan optimasi biaya konstruksi, kehilangan uang karena air yang hilang, dan discounting rate. Perencanaan DMA menggunakan algoritma dan juga program komputer diharapkan akan semakin berkembang, hal ini seperti maraknya penggunaan EPANET, WaterCAD, dan perangkat lunak lain pendukung sistem jaringan distribusi

    Menelaah Waktu Terjadinya Resiko ( Kehilangan / Kerusakan Barang ) Dalam Praktik Proses Pengangkutan Laut

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    In some of sale purchase contract that involving parties from different region separated by oceans, the sea transport will be an option for the business people. In the sea transport, the risks in exists in several laws, one of which is in article 40 Law Number 17 Year 2008 about the cruise. Phase in the process of transporting allows the difficulty in proving to determine where the risks occur. These things often happen in restuffing phase and destuffing phase in the loading port and be intentional negligence on the part of the seller of shipper

    Akomodasi Komunikasi Antar Suku Akit dan Suku Jawa di Desa Suka Maju Kecamatan Bantan Kabupaten Bengkalis

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    Humans as social beings interact with each other both with different cultural backgrounds and the same, such as the Akit tribe and tribal Javanese immigrants in the village of Suka Maju Bantan District Bengkalis who mingle with each other. In the process of interaction, both tribes have difficulty when adjusting from boat verbal and nonverbal forms to accommodate cultural between the two tribes. The purpose of this research is to know the strategy of convergence, divergence strategy and excessive accommodation strategy at Akit Tribe and Java Tribe in Suka Maju Village Bantan District Bengkalis in communicating.This research uses qualitative method with symbolic interaction approach. The location of this research is in Suka Maju Village Bantan District Bengkalis Regency. Subjects in this study were Akit Tribe and Java Tribe as 17 people obtained by Snowball Sampling technique. Data collection techniques are done through observation, in-depth interviews and documentation. The data analysis technique using Interactive model of Huberman & Miles.The results of this study indicate that at the time of the communication accommodation between Akit Tribe and Java Tribe in Suka Maju Village Bantan district Bengkalis, there are 3 forms of strategy they are (1) Convergence strategy of verbal form is by using Malay language and language controlled by both tribes when interacting, while for nonverbalnya form is using body movements that are created to provide comfortable when interacting. (2) Sterategi divergensi, for verbal form there is no attempt to use the language of his interlocutor, and the nonverbalnya form is Akit Tribe and Java Tribe doing movements of cultural rejection, there is no effort to reduce the speed and tone of voice. (3) The accommodation strategy of the grotes is that the Java Tribe makes a mistake in using the tone of speech, so the Akit Tribe uses the opposite language at the wrong time, it is part of the verbal form. For its nonverbal form Akit Tribe performs excessive movements when communicating with the Java Tribe

    Perancangan Huruf Display Berbasis Artefak Kebudayaan Jawa Barat dan Aplikasinya dalam Buku "Aksara Jatnika"

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    Jawa barat merupakan suatu wilayah yang unik dimana merupakan wilayah yang memiliki ciri kebudayaan yang khas sekaligus merupakan wilayah yang berkembang di berbagai sisi kehidupan. Namun sayangnya perkembangan zaman, kemajuan teknologi dan pembangunan yang terjadi di Jawa Barat menyebabkan terjadinya krisis kebudayaan. Disisi lain, menurut Sihombing tipografi sebagai elemen desain sekaligus media komunikasi yang penggunaannya sangat erat dengan kehidupan masyarakat, dirasa berpotensi untuk menyampaikan pesan/informasi dalam suatu komunikasi grafika. Dari pernyataan tersebut, dirumuskanlah permasalahan yaitu bagaimana mengembangkan tipografi sebagai media komunikasi yang efektif untuk melestarikan budaya Jawa Barat. Dalam tugas akhir ini akan dibuat perancangan huruf display yang terinspirasi dari beberapa artefak budaya Jawa Barat yang dikemas dalam bentuk buku yang berjudul "Aksara Jatnika". Pada akhirnya, dari karya Tugas Akhir ini diketahui bahwa perancangan huruf display dari artefak kebudayaan Jawa Barat yang dikemas dalam buku "Aksara Jatnika" ini dapat menjadi suatu media pelestarian budaya, dimana huruf (dalam keilmuan tipografi) dapat menyampaikan pesan baik dari kata yang dibentuknya maupun dari impresi dari bentuk visual yang dimilikinya

    Meta-analysis of the Effect of the Discovery Model in Physics Learning on Critical Thinking Ability and Knowledge Competence of High School Students

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    21st Century Education requires students to have the competence and ability to think critically, especially in learning Physics. So we need an appropriate learning model, one of which is the discovery model. In fact, there are still many teachers who cannot choose the right learning model, so students cannot develop their competence and critical thinking skills. The solution is to analyze the effect of the discovery model on students’ critical thinking skills and knowledge competencies in terms of the type of discovery model and physics material. The articles were analyzed from 16 relevant articles originating from international and national articles. Based on the analysis that has been done, four research results were obtained. From the four research results, it is known that the discovery model in terms of the type of discovery model and physics material influences students’ critical thinking skills and knowledge competence

    Pengasuhan Orang Tua Yang Seimbang Sebagai Kunci Penting Pembentukan Karakter Remaja

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    Keluarga dan sekolah sebagai bagian dari sistem lingkungan saling memengaruhi perkembangan remaja, termasuk perkembangan karakternya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis pengaruh gaya pengasuhan dan lingkungan nonfisik sekolah terhadap kualitas karakter remaja. Responden penelitian adalah 79 siswa Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) swasta di Kabupaten Bogor yang terpilih melalui metode purposive sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan skor persepsi gaya pengasuhan otoritatif ayah dan ibu lebih tinggi daripada gaya pengasuhan permisif atau otoriter. Gaya pengasuhan otoritatif ayah dan ibu berhubungan nyata dengan semakin baiknya kualitas karakter remaja. Selain itu, semakin meningkatnya persepsi remaja terhadap lingkungan nonfisik sekolah juga berhubungan dengan semakin baiknya karakter remaja. Namun analisis regresi menunjukkan bahwa gaya pengasuhan ayah dan ibu yang seimbang lebih memberikan pengaruh terhadap karakter remaja dibandingkan lingkungan nonfisik sekolah

    Aplikasi Fault Tree Analysis Perbedaan Persepsi Campus Sustainability Mahasiswa dalam Perilaku Pro Lingkungan Dilingkungan Kampus

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    The concept of green campus directs the operation of universities as an environmentally-based educational institution which also has an important role for the environment of the future. In Semarang, there are 2 (two) state universities that are included in UI Green Metric program, namely Diponegoro University (UNDIP) and University of Semarang (UNNES). UNNES\u27 rank in 2014 UI Green Metric which is better than the UNDIP\u27s rank also indicates that students at UNNES have more perception about knowledge and high commitment to campus sustainability compared to students in UNDIP. There is a correlation between the knowledge and commitment of students to the vision of the campus in order to achieve campus sustainability, as well as there appears differences between knowledge and commitment to conduct pro-environment activities of both universities. To know the significance of difference perception about campus sustainability between students of UNDIP and UNNES, questionnaires to 165 student of UNDIP and 165 student of UNNES are disseminated. The result of the survey concludes that the perception of campus sustainability of UNDIP students is still under UNNES. To identify the root causes of the problem of low interest and knowledge of students to the campus sustainability in UNDIP, a tool of problem solving which is Root Cause Analysis (RCA) with Fault Tree Analysis technique is required

    Sistem Informasi Pendistribusian Logistik Kendaraan Roda Dua dan Perlengkapan di Jajaran Polda Jabar

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    Biro Sarpras adalah pelaksana di tingkat Polda Jabar yang bertugas menyelenggarakan pembinaan logistik yang meliputi pembinaan fasilitas, materil dan jasa dilingkungan Polda Jawa Barat. Salah satu informasi yang penting di Biro Sarpras adalah informasi pendistribusian logistik kendaraan roda dua dan perlengkapan untuk anggota polisi. Pendistribusian dilakukan dari Polda Jawa Barat ke seluruh Polres yang ada di Jawa Barat. Sistem pendataan pendistribusian logistik yang ada di Biro Sarana dan Prasarana belum saling terintegrasi dan masih memanfaatkan aplikasi lembar kerja sehingga kurang efektif dan efisien dalam proses pengelolaan pendistribusian kendaraan roda dua, perlengkapan dan pengelolaan laporan. Observasi langsung ke instansi terkait dilakukanya dengan metode pengumpulan data, guna untuk menganalisis data yang dibutuhkan dan menghasilkan sebuah kesimpulan. Implementasi sistem memanfaatkan MySQL sebagai database-nya dan PHP sebagai bahasa pemrograman. Sistem yang dihasilkan diuji dengan metode Black Box Testing. Hasil dari penelitian adalah sebuah aplikasi sistem informasi pendistribusian logistik kendaraan roda dua dan perlengkapan berbasis web
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