89 research outputs found

    Una mirada a los Hospitales Neogranadinos de la Orden San Juan de Dios desde las visitas-reforma (1774-1777)

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    In the second half of the eighteenth century, the financial, administrative and health care crisis of the colonial hospitals became apparent. As part of the policy to improve and control operations financed by the Spanish Crown, search mechanisms were implemented to evaluate the situation of these centres. This paper covers the documentary series produced between 1774 and 1777 by Fray Nicolas de la Concepción Delgado, visitor of fourteen hospitals of the San Juan de Dios order in New Granada, present-day Colombia and Panama. Its main objective is to provide information about the circumstances of these institutions based on descriptions made in the visitas-reforma or reformation-visits, and the relevance for Spain’s peninsular government of the search and inventory conducted on aspects of the hospitals’ economic and social life.Para la segunda mitad del siglo XVIII se hizo evidente la crisis financiera, administrativa y asistencial de los hospitales de la América colonial. Como parte de las políticas de mejoramiento y control de los establecimientos financiados por la Corona española, se implementaron mecanismos de registro que tenían como propósito evaluar la situación por la que estaban atravesando estos centros asistenciales. El presente trabajo reúne la serie documental producida entre 1774 y 1777 por Fray Nicolás de la Concepción Delgado, visitador nombrado para los catorce hospitales de la Orden San Juan de Dios en la provincia de Nueva Granada, territorio que hoy ocupan las repúblicas de Colombia y Panamá. El objetivo principal del trabajo es brindar información sobre la situación que vivían estas instituciones a partir de las descripciones hechas en las visitas-reforma y la relevancia que adquiere para el gobierno peninsular la labor de registrar e inventariar los aspectos de la vida económica y social de los hospitales

    Avanzando en el diálogo de saberes

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    This paper attempts to advance the debate on the blindness in the construction of knowledge, caused by the inability to see other life forms that develop outside of the hegemonic system, marked mainly by the capitalist and Eurocentric ideology. For this undertaking, we chose to present as examples a series of statements that show speeches marked by practices and lifestyles of people in rural areas of central and southern Chile.&#13; The procedure used was to make our own paradigmatic conceptions visible so as to “see” –in every sense of the word– diverse discourses ; all from a hermeneutic perspective. Among the findings highlighted the idea of “gait”, patience and recurring metaphors constructed from the relationship with nature.<br><br>Este trabajo intenta avanzar en el debate sobre la ceguera en la construcción del conocimiento, originada por la incapacidad de visualizar otras formas de vida que se desarrollan fuera del sistema hegemónico, marcado esencialmente por la ideología capitalista y eurocéntrica. Para esta empresa, optamos por presentar a modo de ejemplo una serie de enunciados que mostrarán discursos marcados por prácticas y formas de vida de habitantes de sectores rurales del Centro y Sur de Chile. El procedimiento utilizado consistió en visibilizar nuestras propias concepciones paradigmáticas para “ver” en todo el sentido de la palabra, discursos diversos; todo esto desde una perspectiva hermenéutica. Entre las conclusiones destaca la idea del “andar”, la paciencia y las recurrentes metáforas construidas desde la relación con la naturaleza

    He-Ne Laser Effects on Blood Microcirculation During Wound Healing: A Method of In Vivo Study Through Laser Doppler Flowmetry

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    Background and Objectives: Low-intensity laser therapy (LILT) is widely used for wound healing promotion and its mechanism of action may be due to an enhancement of blood supply. The aim of this study was to evaluate blood flow alterations in a wound healing model, using laser Doppler flowmetry (LDF) associated with a normalized perfusion parameter. Study Design/Materials and Methods: An injury was provoked in 15 rats and blood flow was measured periodically over a period of 21 days. Control groups were established to evaluate LDF and He-Ne laser effects on microcirculation. A 1 J/cm 2 dose was utilized, with 6 mW/ cm 2 irradiance. Results: The results demonstrated flow alterations provoked by lesion, and inflammatory response (P &lt; 0.05). There were no statistical differences between groups. Conclusions: The results did not show a significant sustained effect on microcirculation with this He-Ne dose

    Natural selection on plant resistance to herbivores in the native and introduced range

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    Citation: Valverde PL, Arroyo J, Nú ñ ez-Farfá n J, Castillo G, Calahorra A, Pérez-Barrales R, Tapia-Ló pez R. 2015. Natural selection on plant resistance to herbivores in the native and introduced range. AoB PLANTS 7: plv090; doi:10.1093/aobpla/plv090 Abstract. When plants are introduced into new regions, the absence of their co-evolved natural enemies can result in lower levels of attack. As a consequence of this reduction in enemy pressure, plant performance may increase and selection for resistance to enemies may decrease. In the present study, we compared leaf damage, plant size and leaf trichome density, as well as the direction and magnitude of selection on resistance and plant size between non-native (Spain) and native (Mexico) populations of Datura stramonium. This species was introduced to Spain about five centuries ago and constitutes an ideal system to test four predictions of the enemy release hypothesis. Compared with native populations, we expected Spanish populations of D. stramonium to have (i) lower levels of foliar damage; (ii) larger plant size; (iii) lower leaf trichome density that is unrelated to foliar damage by herbivores; and (iv) weak or no selection on resistance to herbivores but strong selection on plant size. Our results showed that, on average, plants from non-native populations were significantly less damaged by herbivores, were less pubescent and were larger than those from native populations. We also detected different selection regimes on resistance and plant size between the non-native and native ranges. Positive selection on plant size was detected in both ranges (though it was higher in the non-native area), but consistent positive selection on relative resistance was detected only in the native range. Overall, we suggest that changes in selection pressure on resistance and plant size in D. stramonium in Spain are a consequence of &apos;release from natural enemies&apos;

    El teatro lírico como género difusor de las ideologías dominantes en torno a la Guerra de África (1859-1860)

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    La mayor victoria propagandística e ideológica de la España isabelina fue la Guerra de África. La zarzuela juega aquí un papel importante para construir la imagen que se quiso dar entonces del país, y ello a pesar de que la mayoría de estas obras han tenido un éxito reducido. Aunque este trabajo no se plantea como un exhaustivo catálogo de obras, sí incorpora numerosos ejemplos en los que puede verse cómo los títulos de teatro lírico llevan implícito el mismo discurso ofi cial que difundía entonces el gobierno de O’Donnell. Contribuyen por ello en la construcción y difusión del imaginario colectivo que se implantó en España sobre los marroquíes y el avance colonial, e incluso del propio país dentro del contexto internacional. La supremacía moral, intelectual, religiosa y cultural de los españoles respecto a los musulmanes, junto al descrédito de éstos, articulan el discurso ideológico que se desprende también en este teatroThe biggest victory of the Isabelline Spain, from a propaganda and ideological point of view, was the African War. In this regard, the zarzuela plays an important role in the building of the impression that was intended to be given about the country, although most of these plays had a limited success. Even if this paper is set out as an index of works, it includes several examples of how the titles of the lyric theatre present the same offi cial speech presented at the time of the O’Donnell government. Therefore, they help in the building and spread of the collective worldview instituted in Spain about the Moroccan and the colonial advance, and even about Spain itself in the international context. The Spanish moral, intellectual, religious and cultural supremacy about Muslims, along with their disrepute, put together the ideological speech also implied in this theatr