17 research outputs found

    Inadequate use of antibiotics in the covid-19 era: effectiveness of antibiotic therapy

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    Background: Since December 2019, the COVID-19 pandemic has changed the concept of medicine. This work aims to analyze the use of antibiotics in patients admitted to the hospital due to SARS-CoV-2 infection. Methods: This work analyzes the use and effectiveness of antibiotics in hospitalized patients with COVID-19 based on data from the SEMI-COVID-19 registry, an initiative to generate knowledge about this disease using data from electronic medical records. Our primary endpoint was all-cause in-hospital mortality according to antibiotic use. The secondary endpoint was the effect of macrolides on mortality. Results: Of 13, 932 patients, antibiotics were used in 12, 238. The overall death rate was 20.7% and higher among those taking antibiotics (87.8%). Higher mortality was observed with use of all antibiotics (OR 1.40, 95% CI 1.21–1.62; p <.001) except macrolides, which had a higher survival rate (OR 0.70, 95% CI 0.64–0.76; p <.001). The decision to start antibiotics was influenced by presence of increased inflammatory markers and any kind of infiltrate on an x-ray. Patients receiving antibiotics required respiratory support and were transferred to intensive care units more often. Conclusions: Bacterial co-infection was uncommon among COVID-19 patients, yet use of antibiotics was high. There is insufficient evidence to support widespread use of empiric antibiotics in these patients. Most may not require empiric treatment and if they do, there is promising evidence regarding azithromycin as a potential COVID-19 treatment. © 2021, The Author(s)

    Evolution of the use of corticosteroids for the treatment of hospitalised COVID-19 patients in Spain between March and November 2020: SEMI-COVID national registry

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    Objectives: Since the results of the RECOVERY trial, WHO recommendations about the use of corticosteroids (CTs) in COVID-19 have changed. The aim of the study is to analyse the evolutive use of CTs in Spain during the pandemic to assess the potential influence of new recommendations. Material and methods: A retrospective, descriptive, and observational study was conducted on adults hospitalised due to COVID-19 in Spain who were included in the SEMI-COVID- 19 Registry from March to November 2020. Results: CTs were used in 6053 (36.21%) of the included patients. The patients were older (mean (SD)) (69.6 (14.6) vs. 66.0 (16.8) years; p < 0.001), with hypertension (57.0% vs. 47.7%; p < 0.001), obesity (26.4% vs. 19.3%; p < 0.0001), and multimorbidity prevalence (20.6% vs. 16.1%; p < 0.001). These patients had higher values (mean (95% CI)) of C-reactive protein (CRP) (86 (32.7-160) vs. 49.3 (16-109) mg/dL; p < 0.001), ferritin (791 (393-1534) vs. 470 (236- 996) µg/dL; p < 0.001), D dimer (750 (430-1400) vs. 617 (345-1180) µg/dL; p < 0.001), and lower Sp02/Fi02 (266 (91.1) vs. 301 (101); p < 0.001). Since June 2020, there was an increment in the use of CTs (March vs. September; p < 0.001). Overall, 20% did not receive steroids, and 40% received less than 200 mg accumulated prednisone equivalent dose (APED). Severe patients are treated with higher doses. The mortality benefit was observed in patients with oxygen saturation </=90%. Conclusions: Patients with greater comorbidity, severity, and inflammatory markers were those treated with CTs. In severe patients, there is a trend towards the use of higher doses. The mortality benefit was observed in patients with oxygen saturation </=90%

    147: First results with a new detection system for complex radiotherapy treatment verification

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    none12noneOvejero, M.C.; Abou-Haidar, Z.; Alvarez, M.A.G.; Arráns, R.; Battaglia, M.C.; Cortés-Giraldo, M.A.; Espino, J.M.; Gallardo, M.I.; Núñez, R.; Pérez Vega-Leal, A.; Quesada, J.M.; Selva, A.Ovejero, M. C.; Abou Haidar, Z.; Alvarez, M. A. G.; Arráns, R.; Battaglia, M. C.; Cortés Giraldo, M. A.; Espino, J. M.; Gallardo, M. I.; Núñez, R.; Pérez Vega Leal, A.; Quesada, J. M.; Selva, Ann

    Comentarios del Comité Español Interdisciplinario de Prevención Cardiovascular (CEIPC) a las Guías Europeas de Prevención Cardiovascular 2012

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    Resumen: Las guías europeas de prevención cardiovascular contemplan 2 sistemas de evaluación de la evidencia (SEC y GRADE) y recomiendan combinar las estrategias poblacional y de alto riesgo, interviniendo en todas las etapas de la vida, con la dieta como piedra angular de la prevención. La valoración del riesgo cardiovascular (RCV) incorpora los niveles de HDL y los factores psicosociales, una categoría de muy alto riesgo y el concepto edad-riesgo. Se recomienda el uso de métodos cognitivo-conductuales (entrevista motivadora, intervenciones psicológicas), aplicados por profesionales sanitarios, con la participación de familiares de los pacientes, para contrarrestar el estrés psicosocial y reducir el RCV mediante dietas saludables, entrenamiento físico, abandono del tabaco y cumplimiento terapéutico. También se requieren medidas de salud pública, como la prohibición de fumar en lugares públicos o eliminar los ácidos grasos trans de la cadena alimentaria. Otras novedades consisten en desestimar el tratamiento antiagregante en prevención primaria y la recomendación de mantener la presión arterial dentro del rango 130-139/80-85 mmHg en pacientes diabéticos o con RCV alto. Se destaca el bajo cumplimiento terapéutico observado, porque influye en el pronóstico de los pacientes y en los costes sanitarios. Para mejorar la prevención cardiovascular se precisa una verdadera alianza entre políticos, administraciones, asociaciones científicas y profesionales de la salud, fundaciones de salud, asociaciones de consumidores, pacientes y sus familias, que impulse la estrategia tanto poblacional como individual mediante el uso de toda la evidencia científica disponible, desde ensayos clínicos hasta estudios observacionales y modelos matemáticos para evaluar intervenciones a nivel poblacional, incluyendo análisis de coste-efectividad. Abstract: Based on the two main frameworks for evaluating scientific evidence (SEC and GRADE) European cardiovascular prevention guidelines recommend interventions across all life stages using a combination of population-based and high-risk strategies with diet as the cornerstone of prevention. The evaluation of cardiovascular risk (CVR) incorporates HDL levels and psychosocial factors, a very high risk category, and the concept of age-risk. They also recommend cognitive-behavioural methods (e.g., motivational interviewing, psychological interventions) led by health professionals and with the participation of the patient's family, to counterbalance psychosocial stress and reduce CVR through the institution of positive habits such as a healthy diet, physical activity, smoking cessation, and adherence to treatment. Additionally, public health interventions — such as smoking ban in public areas or the elimination of trans fatty acids from the food chain — are also essential. Other innovations include abandoning antiplatelet therapy in primary prevention and the recommendation of maintaining blood pressure within the 130-139/80-85 mmHg range in diabetic patients and individuals with high CVR. Finally, due to the significant impact on patient progress and medical costs, special emphasis is given to the low therapeutic adherence levels observed. In sum, improving cardiovascular prevention requires a true partnership among the political class, public administrations, scientific and professional associations, health foundations, consumer associations, patients and their families. Such partnership would promote population-based and individual strategies by taking advantage of the broad spectrum of scientific evidence available, from clinical trials to observational studies and mathematical models to evaluate population-based interventions, including cost-effectiveness analyses. Palabras clave: Prevención cardiovascular, Riesgo cardiovascular, Enfermedades cardiovasculares, Guías de práctica clínica, Keywords: Cardiovascular prevention, Cardiovascular risk, Cardiovascular diseases, Clinical practice guideline

    Statement of the Spanish Interdisciplinary Cardiovascular Prevention Committee (CEIPC for its Spanish acronym) on the 2012 European Cardiovascular Prevention Guidelines

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    Based on the 2 main frameworks for evaluating scientific evidence (SEC and GRADE) European cardiovascular prevention guidelines recommend interventions across all life stages using a combination of population-based and high-risk strategies with diet as the cornerstone of prevention. The evaluation of cardiovascular risk (CVR) incorporates HDL levels and psychosocial factors, a very high risk category, and the concept of age-risk. They also recommend cognitive-behavioural methods (e.g., motivational interviewing, psychological interventions) led by health professionals and with the participation of the patient's family, to counterbalance psychosocial stress and reduce CVR through the institution of positive habits such as a healthy diet, physical activity, smoking cessation, and adherence to treatment. Additionally, public health interventions—such as smoking ban in public areas or the elimination of trans fatty acids from the food chain—are also essential. Other innovations include abandoning antiplatelet therapy in primary prevention and the recommendation of maintaining blood pressure within the 130-139/80-85 mmHg range in diabetic patients and individuals with high CVR. Finally, due to the significant impact on patient progress and medical costs, special emphasis is given to the low therapeutic adherence levels observed. In sum, improving cardiovascular prevention requires a true partnership among the political class, public administrations, scientific and professional associations, health foundations, consumer associations, patients and their families. Such partnership would promote population-based and individual strategies by taking advantage of the broad spectrum of scientific evidence available, from clinical trials to observational studies and mathematical models to evaluate population-based interventions, including cost-effectiveness analyses. Resumen: Las guías europeas de prevención cardiovascular contemplan 2 sistemas de evaluación de la evidencia (SEC y GRADE) y recomiendan combinar las estrategias poblacional y de alto riesgo, interviniendo en todas las etapas de la vida, con la dieta como piedra angular de la prevención. La valoración del riesgo cardiovascular (RCV) incorpora los niveles de HDL y los factores psicosociales, una categoría de muy alto riesgo y el concepto edad-riesgo. Se recomienda el uso de métodos cognitivo-conductuales (entrevista motivadora, intervenciones psicológicas), aplicados por profesionales sanitarios, con la participación de familiares de los pacientes, para contrarrestar el estrés psicosocial y reducir el RCV mediante dietas saludables, entrenamiento físico, abandono del tabaco y cumplimiento terapéutico. También se requieren medidas de salud pública, como la prohibición de fumar en lugares públicos o eliminar los ácidos grasos trans de la cadena alimentaria. Otras novedades consisten en desestimar el tratamiento antiagregante en prevención primaria y la recomendación de mantener la presión arterial dentro del rango 130-139/80-85 mmHg en pacientes diabéticos o con RCV alto. Se destaca el bajo cumplimiento terapéutico observado, porque influye en el pronóstico de los pacientes y en los costes sanitarios. Para mejorar la prevención cardiovascular se precisa una verdadera alianza entre políticos, administraciones, asociaciones científicas y profesionales de la salud, fundaciones de salud, asociaciones de consumidores, pacientes y sus familias, que impulse la estrategia tanto poblacional como individual mediante el uso de toda la evidencia científica disponible, desde ensayos clínicos hasta estudios observacionales y modelos matemáticos para evaluar intervenciones a nivel poblacional, incluyendo análisis de coste-efectividad. Keywords: Cardiovascular prevention, Cardiovascular risk, Cardiovascular diseases, Clinical practice guidelines, Palabras clave: Prevención cardiovascular, Riesgo cardiovascular, Enfermedades cardiovasculares, Guías de práctica clínic