201 research outputs found

    Using schedulers to test probabilistic distributed systems

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    This is the author's accepted manuscript. The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00165-012-0244-5. Copyright © 2012, British Computer Society.Formal methods are one of the most important approaches to increasing the confidence in the correctness of software systems. A formal specification can be used as an oracle in testing since one can determine whether an observed behaviour is allowed by the specification. This is an important feature of formal testing: behaviours of the system observed in testing are compared with the specification and ideally this comparison is automated. In this paper we study a formal testing framework to deal with systems that interact with their environment at physically distributed interfaces, called ports, and where choices between different possibilities are probabilistically quantified. Building on previous work, we introduce two families of schedulers to resolve nondeterministic choices among different actions of the system. The first type of schedulers, which we call global schedulers, resolves nondeterministic choices by representing the environment as a single global scheduler. The second type, which we call localised schedulers, models the environment as a set of schedulers with there being one scheduler for each port. We formally define the application of schedulers to systems and provide and study different implementation relations in this setting

    AT 2019abn: multi-wavelength observations of the first 200 days

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    AT 2019abn was discovered in the nearby M51 galaxy, by the Zwicky Transient Facility more than two magnitudes, and around 3 weeks, prior to its optical peak. We aimed to conduct a detailed photometric and spectroscopic follow-up campaign for AT 2019abn, with the early discovery allowing significant pre-maximum observations of an intermediate luminosity red transient (ILRT) for the first time. This work is based around the analysis of u'BVr'i'z'H photometry and low-resolution spectroscopy with the Liverpool Telescope, medium-resolution spectroscopy with Gran Telescopio Canarias (GTC) and near-infrared imaging with GTC and the Nordic Optical Telescope. We present the most detailed optical light curve of an ILRT to date, with multi-band photometry starting around three weeks before peak brightness. The transient peaked at an observed absolute magnitude of M_r=-13.1, although it is subject to significant reddening from dust in M51, implying an intrinsic M_r~-15.2. The initial light curve showed a linear, achromatic rise in magnitude, before becoming bluer at peak. After peak brightness the transient gradually cooled. This is reflected in our spectra which at later times show absorption from species such as Fe I, Ni I and Li I. A spectrum taken around peak brightness shows narrow, low-velocity absorption lines, which we interpret as likely originating from pre-existing circumstellar material. We conclude that, while there are some peculiarities, such as the radius evolution, AT 2019abn overall fits in well with the ILRT class of objects, and is the most luminous member of the class seen to date

    Involvement of Noradrenergic Transmission in the PVN on CREB Activation, TORC1 Levels, and Pituitary-Adrenal Axis Activity during Morphine Withdrawal

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    Experimental and clinical findings have shown that administration of adrenoceptor antagonists alleviated different aspects of drug withdrawal and dependence. The present study tested the hypothesis that changes in CREB activation and phosphorylated TORC1 levels in the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus (PVN) after naloxone-precipitated morphine withdrawal as well as the HPA axis activity arises from α1- and/or β-adrenoceptor activation. The effects of morphine dependence and withdrawal on CREB phosphorylation (pCREB), phosphorylated TORC1 (pTORC1), and HPA axis response were measured by Western-blot, immunohistochemistry and radioimmunoassay in rats pretreated with prazosin (α1-adrenoceptor antagonist) or propranolol (β-adrenoceptor antagonist). In addition, the effects of morphine withdrawal on MHPG (the main NA metabolite at the central nervous system) and NA content and turnover were evaluated by HPLC. We found an increase in MHPG and NA turnover in morphine-withdrawn rats, which were accompanied by increased pCREB immunoreactivity and plasma corticosterone concentrations. Levels of the inactive form of TORC1 (pTORC1) were decreased during withdrawal. Prazosin but not propranolol blocked the rise in pCREB level and the decrease in pTORC1 immunoreactivity. In addition, the HPA axis response to morphine withdrawal was attenuated in prazosin-pretreated rats. Present results suggest that, during acute morphine withdrawal, NA may control the HPA axis activity through CREB activation at the PVN level. We concluded that the combined increase in CREB phosphorylation and decrease in pTORC1 levels might represent, in part, two of the mechanisms of CREB activation at the PVN during morphine withdrawal

    La reeducación grafomotora y su incidencia en problemas con disgrafía en los niños y niñas de segundo año de educación básica.

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    This article refers to the analysis of the difficulties of dysgraphia presented by boys and girls in the second year of Basic Education, in response to this, it seeks to correct these difficulties through a plan of pedagogical activities of graphomotor re-education; It was an action-investigative study of a quantitative-qualitative and descriptive nature, the methods used were: scientific, descriptive, inductive, analytical and statistical, the instruments applied were: the TALE writing sub-test of Joseph Toro and Monserrat Cervera (6 to 10 years old), aimed at the sample to identify dysgraphia difficulties such as: irregularity, oscillation, anomalous lines, line spacing, overlapping, welds, fluidity of the writing rhythm, posture, among others, in addition a survey was used aimed at teachers and another to parents, a plan of pedagogical activities of graphomotor re-education was developed and executed, which allowed me to get the children to correctly carry out the proposed activities and significantly correct the difficulties they presented, therefore the effectiveness of the implementation of this proposal.Este artículo hace referencia al análisis de las dificultades de la disgrafía que presentan los niños y niñas de segundo año de Educación Básica, frente a ello se busca corregir estas dificultades a través de un plan de actividades pedagógicas de reeducación grafomotora; fue un estudio de tipo acción-investigativo de carácter cuanti–cualitativo y descriptivo, los métodos que se utilizaron fueron: científico, descriptivo, inductivo, analítico y estadístico, los instrumento aplicados fueron: el sub-test de escritura de TALE de Joseph Toro y Monserrat Cervera (6 a 10 años), dirigida a la muestra para identificar  dificultades de disgrafía como: irregularidad, oscilación, líneas anómalas, interlineación, superposición, soldaduras, fluidez del ritmo escritor, postura, entre otras, además se utilizó una encuesta dirigida a docentes y a otra a padres de familia, se desarrolló y ejecuto una plan de actividades pedagógicas de reeducación grafomotora, lo cual me permitió lograr que los niños realizaran correctamente las actividades propuestas y corrigieran de manera significativa las dificultades que presentaban, por lo tanto se valida la eficacia de la aplicación de esta propuesta

    Dynamical Boson Stars

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    The idea of stable, localized bundles of energy has strong appeal as a model for particles. In the 1950s John Wheeler envisioned such bundles as smooth configurations of electromagnetic energy that he called {\em geons}, but none were found. Instead, particle-like solutions were found in the late 1960s with the addition of a scalar field, and these were given the name {\em boson stars}. Since then, boson stars find use in a wide variety of models as sources of dark matter, as black hole mimickers, in simple models of binary systems, and as a tool in finding black holes in higher dimensions with only a single killing vector. We discuss important varieties of boson stars, their dynamic properties, and some of their uses, concentrating on recent efforts.Comment: 79 pages, 25 figures, invited review for Living Reviews in Relativity; major revision in 201

    Three-dimensional photographic analysis of the face in European adults from southern Spain with normal occlusion: reference anthropometric measurements

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    Background: Recent non-invasive 3D photography method has been applied to facial analysis, offering numerous advantages in orthodontic. The purpose of this study was to analyze the faces of a sample of healthy European adults from southern Spain with normal occlusion in order to establish reference facial soft tissue anthropometric parameters in this specific geographic-ethnic population, as well as to analyze sexual dimorphism. Methods: A sample of 100 healthy adult volunteers consisting of 50 women (mean age, 22.92 ± 1.56 years) and 50 men (mean age, 22.37 ± 2.12 years) were enrolled in this study. All participants had normal occlusion, skeletal Class I, mesofacial pattern, and healthy body mass index. Three-dimensional photographs of the faces were captured noninvasively using Planmeca ProMax 3D ProFace®. Thirty landmarks related to the face, eyes, nose, and orolabial and chin areas were identified. Results: Male displayed higher values in all vertical and transversal dimensions, with the exception of the lower lip height. Larger differences between sexes were observed in face, mandible, and nose. Male also had higher values in the angular measurements which referred to the nose. No sex differences were found in transverse upper lip prominence or transverse mandibular prominence. No differences were found in the ratio measurements, with the exception of intercantal width/nasal width, which was higher in women than in men. Conclusions: Reference anthropometric measurements of facial soft tissues have been established in European adults from southern Spain with normal occlusion. Significant sexual dimorphism was found, with remarkable differences in size between sexe

    Synchrotron Radiation X-Ray Microfluorescence Reveals Polarized Distribution of Atomic Elements during Differentiation of Pluripotent Stem Cells

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    The mechanisms underlying pluripotency and differentiation in embryonic and reprogrammed stem cells are unclear. In this work, we characterized the pluripotent state towards neural differentiated state through analysis of trace elements distribution using the Synchrotron Radiation X-ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy. Naive and neural-stimulated embryoid bodies (EB) derived from embryonic and induced pluripotent stem (ES and iPS) cells were irradiated with a spatial resolution of 20 µm to make elemental maps and qualitative chemical analyses. Results show that these embryo-like aggregates exhibit self-organization at the atomic level. Metallic elements content rises and consistent elemental polarization pattern of P and S in both mouse and human pluripotent stem cells were observed, indicating that neural differentiation and elemental polarization are strongly correlated

    Epigenetic Regulation of Fatty Acid Amide Hydrolase in Alzheimer Disease

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    OBJECTIVE: Alzheimer disease (AD) is a progressive, degenerative and irreversible neurological disorder with few therapies available. In search for new potential targets, increasing evidence suggests a role for the endocannabinoid system (ECS) in the regulation of neurodegenerative processes. METHODS: We have studied the gene expression status and the epigenetic regulation of ECS components in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) of subjects with late-onset AD (LOAD) and age-matched controls (CT). RESULTS: We found an increase in fatty acid amide hydrolase (faah) gene expression in LOAD subjects (2.30 ± 0.48) when compared to CT (1.00 ± 0.14; *p<0.05) and no changes in the mRNA levels of any other gene of ECS elements. Consistently, we also observed in LOAD subjects an increase in FAAH protein levels (CT: 0.75 ± 0.04; LOAD: 1.11 ± 0.15; *p<0.05) and activity (pmol/min per mg protein CT: 103.80 ± 8.73; LOAD: 125.10 ± 4.00; *p<0.05), as well as a reduction in DNA methylation at faah gene promoter (CT: 55.90 ± 4.60%; LOAD: 41.20 ± 4.90%; *p<0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Present findings suggest the involvement of FAAH in the pathogenesis of AD, highlighting the importance of epigenetic mechanisms in enzyme regulation; they also point to FAAH as a new potential biomarker for AD in easily accessible peripheral cells