437 research outputs found

    Methods for autonomous wristband placement with a search-and-rescue aerial manipulator

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    A new robotic system for Search And Rescue (SAR) operations based on the automatic wristband placement on the victims’ arm, which may provide identification, beaconing and remote sensor readings for continuous health monitoring. This paper focuses on the development of the automatic target localization and the device placement using an unmanned aerial manipulator. The automatic wrist detection and localization system uses an RGB-D camera and a convolutional neural network based on the region faster method (Faster R-CNN). A lightweight parallel delta manipulator with a large workspace has been built, and a new design of a wristband in the form of a passive detachable gripper, is presented, which under contact, automatically attaches to the human, while disengages from the manipulator. A new trajectory planning method has been used to minimize the torques caused by the external forces during contact, which cause attitude perturbations. Experiments have been done to evaluate the machine learning method for detection and location, and for the assessment of the performance of the trajectory planning method. The results show how the VGG-16 neural network provides a detection accuracy of 67.99%. Moreover, simulation experiments have been done to show that the new trajectories minimize the perturbations to the aerial platform.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Percepções dos professores em formação sobre mensagensinstantâneas e competência ortográfica

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    This work examines the perception held by pre-service teachers of Spanish in Chile and Argentina of the digital written norm in IM, together with their opinion regarding the influence of textisms on secondary students' acquisition of orthographic competence. The study uses a transactional approach based on surveys and uses and applies a descriptive non-experimental design. Results, when compared with studies for the European Spanish variant, showed that pre-service teachers in Chile and Argentina considered use of textisms as harmful to secondary students' development of orthographic competence, despite their own frequent use of textisms. However, one of the main findings is a certain degree of tolerance of specific types of textisms in digital writing, as was a more integrative approach to those written variables on the part of participants in ArgentinaEste trabalho examina a percepção que os professores espanhol em formação no Chile e na Argentina têmda norma escrita digital em mensagens instantâneas, juntamente com sua opinião sobre a influência dostextismos na aquisição de competência ortográfica por parte dos alunos do ensino médio. O estudo utilizauma abordagem transacional baseada em pesquisas e usos e aplica um design descritivo não experimental.Os resultados, quando comparados com estudos da variante espanhola européia, mostraram que professoresde pré-serviço no Chile e na Argentina consideraram o uso de textos como prejudicial ao desenvolvimento dacompetência ortográfica dos alunos do ensino médio, apesar de seu próprio uso frequente de textos. Entretanto,uma das principais conclusões é um certo grau de tolerância de tipos específicos de textos na escrita digital,assim como uma abordagem mais integrativa dessas variáveis escritas por parte dos participantes na ArgentinaThis research has been funded by the Department of Economy, Knowledge, Business and Universityof the Autonomous Community of Andalusia (Spain), in the framework of the Incentives to ResearchGroups PAI (Call 2019), reference 2019/HUM52

    Teorías sobre el hipertexto

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    Si tenemos que nombrar en primer lugar a un pionero en la redefinición de las teorías sobre el hipertexto, y una visión diferente de futuro sobre los medios, este autor es, sin lugar a dudas, Mc Luhan: Porque todos los medios, desde el alfabeto fonético hasta la computadora, son extensiones del hombre… (1995). La noción de hipertexto y la toma de posición de los estudiosos con respecto a la elaboración de las diversas teorías son anteriores a los desarrollos tecnológicos que conocemos en la actualidad. Los primeros autores que demostraron interés por el corpus teórico formaron parte del campo de la literatura y de la cultura, dotando a las teorías del carácter epistemológico del texto, entendiendo que se encontraban ante una nueva literatura de vanguardia o nuevas corrientes teórico-filosóficas contemporáneas. Para profundizar en la Teoría del Hipertexto debemos de tener en cuenta la riqueza de los estudiosos que han trabajado sobre ella, por lo cual, nos encontraremos con diversos análisis desde diferentes áreas de conocimiento

    Characterization of complex filiform Lie algebras of dimension 0 according to whether they are or not derived from others

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    In this paper, we characterize those Complex Filiform Lie Algeoras of dimension 0 which are derived from other Solvable Lie ALgebras of higher dimensions. This result and the previous one given in ({0]) allow us to lind a complete list of Characteristically Nilpotent Filiform Lie Algebras of dimension 0.Junta de Andalucí

    Attitude and use of non-sexist language in initial teacher training

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    En el avance por la igualdad de género atender a uno de sus frentes como es el lenguaje sexista continúa siendo un reto fundamental. Así, la educación y, en concreto, el profesorado se convierten en un factor fundamental para el cambio hacia un lenguaje no sexista (LNS). Este trabajo pretende analizar la actitud que tienen los futuros docentes durante su formación inicial hacia el LNS así como el uso de procedimientos lingüísticos inclusivos. La metodología utilizada se basa en la lingüística del corpus y el análisis de contenidos. Se han analizado 262 textos argumentativos de estudiantes de los grados de Educación Infantil y Primaria de diferentes universidades, y para el análisis de los datos se han empleado herramientas cualitativas y cuantitativas. Los resultados muestran que el masculino genérico es ampliamente usado entre quienes muestran una actitud de rechazo al LNS; no obstante, entre quienes manifiestan una actitud favorable al LNS, los índices de uso del masculino genérico superaban nítidamente a los procedimientos inclusivos. Estos datos indican que, en el contexto de la formación inicial del profesorado, las diferentes políticas de difusión y fomento del LNS conseguirían sensibilizar a más de la mitad de estos destinatarios.As far as gender equality is concerned, addressing one of its fronts—sexist language—is still one of the key challenges to deal with. Education in general and the teaching staff in particular are a crucial factor in terms of non-sexist language (NSL). This paper attempts to analyze future teachers’ attitude throughout their initial training as regards NSL and the use of inclusive linguistic procedures. The methodology used in preparing this study is corpus-based linguistics and content-based analysis. 262 argumentative texts written by undergraduates of Early Childhood and Primary Education from different universities have been analyzed. In order to carry out data analysis qualitative and quantitative tools have been used. The results reveal that generic masculine is widely used by those who show a negative attitude towards non-sexist language. However, generic masculine is much more used than inclusive procedures by those who show a positive attitude towards non-sexist language. These data indicate that, within the context of initial teachers’ training, using different policies of NSL-oriented dissemination and promotion could contribute to sensitizing more than half of the addressee

    Analysing efficiency and performance universities by combining composite indicators and data envelopment analysis.

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    The purpose of this paper is to analyse universities by using a novel combination of methodologies, which allows the joint use of a multicriteria reference point technique and the data envelopment analysis from different compensatory scenarios. Therefore, all the aspects considered relevant for the assessment of university performance and efficiency are considered in the analysis. The findings of this research highlight the convenience to assess university performance by using both compensatory scenarios, allowing the decision maker to detect improvement areas, rather than just giving an overall performance measure. The analysis is illustrated using data of 47 Spanish public universities for the academic year 2016-2017. Specifically, the results show that 18 universities are efficient in the compensatory scenario, and 17 in the non-compensatory one, while only 14 are efficient in both scenarios. In general, most universities tend to be less inefficient when the overall performance is considered (21 out of 47).Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Textismos y ortografía: percepción de los profesores en formación de la Generación Z

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    Bajo la hipótesis de que los hablantes jóvenes son más tolerantes hacia los textismos y su inclusión en el aula, se analiza la percepción de la influencia de los textismos en la ortografía de una muestra de 264 profesores en formación pertenecientes a la Generación Z, alfabetizados en un entorno de escritura digital. Los resultados indican que, aunque los participantes consideran que los textismos se deben incluir en el aula como recurso didáctico, simultáneamente piensan que son perjudiciales para la ortografía y los deben corregir. Los resultados del estudio muestran también que la percepción de los participantes varía según las diferentes categorías de textismos. Los valores normativos de los grafemas en la escritura culta se consideran más dañinos para la ortografía. Sin embargo, los elementos multimodales y los que no alteran la relación entre fonemas y grafemas gozan de una mayor tolerancia. Se concluye que desde la universidad se debe dotar a los profesores en formación de las competencias necesarias para que sean capaces de superar los prejuicios asociados a los textismos e incorporarlos a su práctica docente.Following the hypothesis that younger university students adopt a more tolerant attitude towards textisms and their introduction in the classroom, this work analyses the perception of textisms on spelling of 264 students op pedagogy belonging to the Z Generation, educated in a digital writing environment. Results show that even if textisms are considered a didactic resource to be introduced in the classroom, simultaneously, they were are believed prejudicial for spelling, and consequently, participants believed that they must be corrected. Results also indicate that participants’ attitude varies depending on the different categories of textisms: those textisms differing from the normative values of graphemes in the academic writing are thought to be more harmful to spelling. However, multimodal elements and those not modifying the relationship between phonemes and graphemes enjoy a higher degree of tolerance. One of the main conclusions of the study is that the university should provide future teachers with the necessary competences to overcome preconceived ideas and include new writing forms in the classroom

    Gender studies in Communication Degrees

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    El presente trabajo es fruto de una investigación desarrollada en el marco del proyecto «UNESCO UniTWIN Network on Media, Gender, and ICTs» para determinar la presencia de asignaturas con un contenido específico en estudios de género en los actuales planes de estudio de los Grados españoles en el área de comunicación. La inclusión de asignaturas que aborden la igualdad de género en relación a los medios y procesos de comunicación obedece a lo establecido en la IV Conferencia Mundial sobre la Mujer de Beijing (1995). El objetivo principal de este trabajo será la indagación del nivel de presencia de estas asignaturas en los Grados en comunicación identificando los elementos que las definen a nivel temático, metodológico y relevancia dentro del plan de estudios. Se plantea un diseño metodológico mixto partiendo de una investigación ex-postfacto, con orientación descriptiva y de búsqueda de la mejora, un análisis cualitativo de planes de estudio mediante ATLAS.ti y un panel de expertos. Los resultados inciden en una escasa presencia de este tipo de asignaturas, con mayor porcentaje en la universidad pública respecto a la privada y una mínima relevancia como materia obligatoria. Un trabajo que vislumbra la actual formación reglada en cuestiones de género de las futuras generaciones de profesionales de los medios y que sirve de apoyo para futuros cambios de planes de estudios en el Espacio Europeo de Educación SuperiorThis paper is the result of a research carried out under the umbrella of the “UNESCO UniTWIN Network on Media, Gender, and ICTs” Project, and it tries to determine the presence of subjects with a specific focus on gender in the current Communication Degrees offered at Spanish universities. The inclusion of subjects about gender equality in relation to media follows the suggestions of the IV World Conference on Women in Beijing (1995). The main objective of this research will be to investigate the presence of these subjects in Communication Degrees, identifying the elements that define them at a thematic, methodological and relevant levels within the curriculum. A mixed methodological design is proposed based on ex-post-facto research, with a descriptive orientation and the search for improvement, a qualitative analysis of study plans using ATLAS.ti and a panel of experts. The results reveal a scarce presence of this type of subjects, with a higher percentage in public universities than in private ones, and also a minimal relevance as compulsory subjects. This research study reveals the current formal training in gender studies of future generations of media professionals and serves as an endorsement for forthcoming changes of curricula in the European Higher Education Area contex

    Gender studies in Communication Degrees

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    This paper is the result of a research carried out under the umbrella of the “UNESCO UniTWIN Network on Media, Gender, and ICTs” Project, and it tries to determine the presence of subjects with a specific focus on gender in the current Communication Degrees offered at Spanish universities. The inclusion of subjects about gender equality in relation to media follows the suggestions of the IV World Conference on Women in Beijing (1995). The main objective of this research will be to investigate the presence of these subjects in Communication Degrees, identifying the elements that define them at a thematic, methodological and relevant levels within the curriculum. A mixed methodological design is proposed based on ex-post-facto research, with a descriptive orientation and the search for improvement, a qualitative analysis of study plans using ATLAS.ti and a panel of experts. The results reveal a scarce presence of this type of subjects, with a higher percentage in public universities than in private ones, and also a minimal relevance as compulsory subjects. This research study reveals the current formal training in gender studies of future generations of media professionals and serves as an endorsement for forthcoming changes of curricula in the European Higher Education Area context

    Spiders (Arachnida: Araneae) of the tropical mountain cloud forest from El Triunfo Biosphere Reserve, Mexico

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    We carried out an intensive and systematized sampling of the spider fauna of the tropical mountain cloud forest (TMCF) in El Triunfo Biosphere Reserve, Chiapas, Mexico, in order to analyze their composition, species richness, abundance, and proportion of undescribed species, and to compare these results with those found in other TMCFs. We sampled ten plots in two seasons (dry and rainy) using different sampling techniques on two strata (ground and understory). A total of 7,432 specimens were collected corresponding to 28 families, 78 genera and 111 morphospecies. A high proportion of total species (58.6%) were undescribed species. For 11 species originally described from a single sex, we found the other sex. Five species and one genus were new records for the Mexican spider fauna. Understory stratum had higher numbers of species and individuals than ground stratum, and there was a high species turnover, with only 17% of the total species shared between strata. The spider fauna of El Triunfo shows similarities with other TMCFs (especially that on the same mountain range) concerning the identities of dominant and species-rich families, family and genera composition, the presence and relevance (in abundance or richness) of families that are uncommon in lowland tropical habitats (Linyphiidae and Theridiosomatidae), and in the high proportion of undescribed species. However, there is a high species turnover among sites (only 16% species shared), even at relatively short distances, that seems derived in part from the relative high proportions of endemic species. Our results suggest that high abundance of Theridiosomatidae and Linyphiidae, together with high species richness of this last family, could be used as conservation indicators for the Mexican TMCFs. The high numbers of undescribed species in the analyzed TMCFs, and their relatively high endemicity levels, support that TMCFs could be regarded as hotspots for the order Araneae.Se realizó un muestreo intensivo y sistematizado de la araneofauna del bosque mesófilo de montaña (BMM) en la Reserva de la Biosfera El Triunfo, Chiapas, México, para analizar su composición, riqueza de especies, abundancia y proporción de especies no descritas, y para comparar estos resultados con los encontrados en otros BMMs. Se muestrearon diez parcelas en dos temporadas (secas y lluvias) empleando diferentes técnicas de muestreo sobre dos estratos (suelo y sotobosque). Se colectó un total de 7,432 especímenes, correspondientes a 28 familias, 78 géneros y 111 morfoespecies. Se encontró una alta proporción de especies no descritas (58.6%). Para 11 especies descritas originalmente con un solo sexo, se encontró el otro sexo. Cinco especies y un género fueron nuevos registros para la araneofauna mexicana. El estrato del sotobosque presentó la mayor riqueza de especies y el mayor número de individuos respecto al estrato del suelo, y hubo un alto recambio de especies, con solo 17% del total de especies compartidas entre estratos. La araneofauna de El Triunfo muestra similitudes con otros BMMs (especialmente con uno de la misma cordillera) respecto a la identidad de las familias más ricas en especies y dominantes, así como en la composición de familias y géneros, la presencia y relevancia (en abundancia o riqueza) de familias que no son comunes en los hábitats tropicales de tierras bajas (Linyphiidae y Theridiosomatidae), y en la elevada proporción de especies no descritas. Sin embargo, se observó un alto recambio de especies entre sitios (solo 16% de especies compartidas), aún a distancias relativamente cortas, lo que parece ligado a proporciones relativamente altas de especies endémicas. Nuestros resultados sugieren que la alta abundancia de Theridiosomathidae y Linyphiidae, junto con la alta riqueza de especies de esta última familia, podrían ser empleadas como indicadores de conservación para los BMMs de México. El alto número de especies no descritas en los BMM analizados, y sus relativamente altos niveles de endemicidad, soportan la hipótesis de que los BMMs podrían ser considerados como posibles hotspot para el orden Araneae