67 research outputs found

    Новые сведения о памятниках письменности караханидского времени

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    Тосорский эпиграфический памятник, ставший предметом исследования, написан на тюркском языке во времена Караханидов и по своему содержанию является соглашением двух местных военачальников. По мнению автора статьи, памятник представляет собой яркое свидетельство существования института икта в государственно-административной системе средневековых тюрков.Тосорська епіграфічна пам’ятка, що стала предметом дослідження, написана тюркською мовою у часи Караханідів і за своїм змістом являє собою угоду, укладену двома місцевими воєначальниками. На думку автора статті, пам’ятка становить яскраве свідчення існування інституту ікта в державно-адміністративній системі середньовічних тюрків.Epigraphic monument from Tosor, which became the subject of the study, was written in Turkic language in the times of Karakhanids. By its contents the monument is a treaty between two local military leaders. To author’s opinion, Tosor inscription can be regarded as undisputable proof of the existing of iqta institution in the administrative system of mediaeval Turks

    Infrared activity of hydrogen molecules trapped in Si

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    The rovibrational-translational states of a hydrogen molecule moving in a cage site in Si, when subjected to an electrical field arising from its surroundings, are investigated. The wave functions are expressed in terms of basis functions consisting of the eigenfunctions of the molecule confined to move in the cavity and rovibrational states of the free molecule. The energy levels, intensities of infrared and Raman transitions, effects of uniaxial stress, and a neighboring oxygen defect are found and compared with existing experimental data

    Insights into the function of silver as an oxidation catalyst by ab initio, atomistic thermodynamics

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    To help understand the high activity of silver as an oxidation catalyst, e.g., for the oxidation of ethylene to epoxide and the dehydrogenation of methanol to formaldehyde, the interaction and stability of oxygen species at the Ag(111) surface has been studied for a wide range of coverages. Through calculation of the free energy, as obtained from density-functional theory and taking into account the temperature and pressure via the oxygen chemical potential, we obtain the phase diagram of O/Ag(111). Our results reveal that a thin surface-oxide structure is most stable for the temperature and pressure range of ethylene epoxidation and we propose it (and possibly other similar structures) contains the species actuating the catalysis. For higher temperatures, low coverages of chemisorbed oxygen are most stable, which could also play a role in oxidation reactions. For temperatures greater than about 775 K there are no stable oxygen species, except for the possibility of O atoms adsorbed at under-coordinated surface sites Our calculations rule out thicker oxide-like structures, as well as bulk dissolved oxygen and molecular ozone-like species, as playing a role in the oxidation reactions.Comment: 15 pages including 9 figures, Related publications can be found at http://www.fhi-berlin.mpg.de/th/paper.htm