311 research outputs found

    Walking the Talk in Multiparty Bargaining: An Experimental Investigation

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    We study the framing effects of communication in multiparty bargaining. Communication has been shown to be more truthful and revealing than predicted in equilibrium. Because talk is preference-revealing, it may effectively frame bargaining around a logic of fairness or competition, moving parties on a path toward or away from equal-division agreements. These endogenous framing effects may outweigh any overall social utility effects due to the mere presence of communication. In two experiments, we find that non-binding talk of fairness within a three-party, complete-information game leads toward off-equilibrium, equal division payoffs, while non-binding talk focusing on competitive reasoning moves parties away from equal divisions. Our two studies allow us to demonstrate that spontaneous within-game dialogue and manipulated pre-game talk lead to the same results.communication, fairness, bargaining

    BOLD and perfusion changes during epileptic generalised spike wave activity

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    It is unclear whether neurovascular coupling is maintained during epileptic discharges. Knowing this is important to allow appropriate inferences from functional imaging studies of epileptic activity. Recent blood oxygen level-dependent (BOLD) functional MRI (fMRI) studies have demonstrated negative BOLD responses (NBR) in frontal, parietal and posterior cingulate cortices during generalised spike wave activity (GSW). We hypothesized that GSW-related NBR commonly reflect decreased cerebral blood flow (CBF). We measured BOLD and cerebral blood flow responses using simultaneous EEG with BOLD and arterial spin label (ASL) fMRI at 3 T. Four patients with epilepsy were studied; two with idiopathic generalized epilepsy (IGE) and two with secondary generalized epilepsy (SGE). We found GSW-related NBR in frontal, parietal and posterior cingulate cortices. We measured the coupling between BOLD and CBF changes during GSW and normal background EEG and found a positive correlation between the simultaneously measured BOLD and CBF throughout the imaged volume. Frontal and thalamic activation were seen in two patients with SGE, concordant with the electro-clinical features of their epilepsy. There was striking reproducibility of the GSW-associated BOLD response in subjects previously studied at 1.5 T. Our results show a preserved relationship between BOLD and CBF changes during rest and GSW activity consistent with normal neurovascular coupling in patients with generalized epilepsy and in particular during GSW activity. Cortical activations appear to reflect areas of discharge generation whilst deactivations reflect changes in conscious resting state activity

    Stem cell- and growth factor-based regenerative therapies for avascular necrosis of the femoral head

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    Avascular necrosis (AVN) of the femoral head is a debilitating disease of multifactorial genesis, predominately affects young patients, and often leads to the development of secondary osteoarthritis. The evolving field of regenerative medicine offers promising treatment strategies using cells, biomaterial scaffolds, and bioactive factors, which might improve clinical outcome. Early stages of AVN with preserved structural integrity of the subchondral plate are accessible to retrograde surgical procedures, such as core decompression to reduce the intraosseous pressure and to induce bone remodeling. The additive application of concentrated bone marrow aspirates, ex vivo expanded mesenchymal stem cells, and osteogenic or angiogenic growth factors (or both) holds great potential to improve bone regeneration. In contrast, advanced stages of AVN with collapsed subchondral bone require an osteochondral reconstruction to preserve the physiological joint function. Analogously to strategies for osteochondral reconstruction in the knee, anterograde surgical techniques, such as osteochondral transplantation (mosaicplasty), matrix-based autologous chondrocyte implantation, or the use of acellular scaffolds alone, might preserve joint function and reduce the need for hip replacement. This review summarizes recent experimental accomplishments and initial clinical findings in the field of regenerative medicine which apply cells, growth factors, and matrices to address the clinical problem of AVN. © 2012 BioMed Central Ltd

    Lady Gaga as (dis)simulacrum of monstrosity

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    Lady Gaga’s celebrity DNA revolves around the notion of monstrosity, an extensively researched concept in postmodern cultural studies. The analysis that is offered in this paper is largely informed by Deleuze and Guattari’s notion of monstrosity, as well as by their approach to the study of sign-systems that was deployed in A Thousand Plateaus. By drawing on biographical and archival visual data, with a focus on the relatively underexplored live show, an elucidation is afforded of what is really monstrous about Lady Gaga. The main argument put forward is that monstrosity as sign seeks to appropriate the horizon of unlimited semiosis as radical alterity and openness to signifying possibilities. In this context it is held that Gaga effectively delimits her unique semioscape; however, any claims to monstrosity are undercut by the inherent limits of a representationalist approach in sufficiently engulfing this concept. Gaga is monstrous for her community insofar as she demands of her fans to project their semiosic horizon onto her as a simulacrum of infinite semiosis. However, this simulacrum may only be evinced in a feigned manner as a (dis)simulacrum. The analysis of imagery from seminal live shows during 2011–2012 shows that Gaga’s presumed monstrosity is more akin to hyperdifferentiation as simultaneous employment of heterogeneous and potentially dissonant inter pares cultural representations. The article concludes with a problematisation of audience effects in the light of Gaga’s adoption of a schematic and post-representationalist strategy in the event of her strategy’s emulation by competitive artists

    The role of neutral Rh(PONOP)H, free NMe2H, boronium and ammonium salts in the dehydrocoupling of dimethylamine-borane using the cationic pincer [Rh(PONOP)(η2-H2)]+ catalyst

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    The σ-amine-borane pincer complex [Rh(PONOP)(η1-H3B·NMe3)][BArF4] [2, PONOP = κ3-NC5H3-2,6-(OPtBu2)2] is prepared by addition of H3B·NMe3 to the dihydrogen precursor [Rh(PONOP)(η2-H2)][BArF4], 1. In a similar way the related H3B·NMe2H complex [Rh(PONOP)(η1-H3B·NMe2H)][BArF4], 3, can be made in situ, but this undergoes dehydrocoupling to reform 1 and give the aminoborane dimer [H2BNMe2]2. NMR studies on this system reveal an intermediate neutral hydride forms, Rh(PONOP)H, 4, that has been prepared independently. 1 is a competent catalyst (2 mol%, ∼30 min) for the dehydrocoupling of H3B·Me2H. Kinetic, mechanistic and computational studies point to the role of NMe2H in both forming the neutral hydride, via deprotonation of a σ-amine-borane complex and formation of aminoborane, and closing the catalytic cycle by reprotonation of the hydride by the thus-formed dimethyl ammonium [NMe2H2]+. Competitive processes involving the generation of boronium [H2B(NMe2H)2]+ are also discussed, but shown to be higher in energy. Off-cycle adducts between [NMe2H2]+ or [H2B(NMe2H)2]+ and amine-boranes are also discussed that act to modify the kinetics of dehydrocoupling

    The Human Operculo-Insular Cortex Is Pain-Preferentially but Not Pain-Exclusively Activated by Trigeminal and Olfactory Stimuli

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    Increasing evidence about the central nervous representation of pain in the brain suggests that the operculo-insular cortex is a crucial part of the pain matrix. The pain-specificity of a brain region may be tested by administering nociceptive stimuli while controlling for unspecific activations by administering non-nociceptive stimuli. We applied this paradigm to nasal chemosensation, delivering trigeminal or olfactory stimuli, to verify the pain-specificity of the operculo-insular cortex. In detail, brain activations due to intranasal stimulation induced by non-nociceptive olfactory stimuli of hydrogen sulfide (5 ppm) or vanillin (0.8 ppm) were used to mask brain activations due to somatosensory, clearly nociceptive trigeminal stimulations with gaseous carbon dioxide (75% v/v). Functional magnetic resonance (fMRI) images were recorded from 12 healthy volunteers in a 3T head scanner during stimulus administration using an event-related design. We found that significantly more activations following nociceptive than non-nociceptive stimuli were localized bilaterally in two restricted clusters in the brain containing the primary and secondary somatosensory areas and the insular cortices consistent with the operculo-insular cortex. However, these activations completely disappeared when eliminating activations associated with the administration of olfactory stimuli, which were small but measurable. While the present experiments verify that the operculo-insular cortex plays a role in the processing of nociceptive input, they also show that it is not a pain-exclusive brain region and allow, in the experimental context, for the interpretation that the operculo-insular cortex splay a major role in the detection of and responding to salient events, whether or not these events are nociceptive or painful

    Emerging IT risks: insights from German banking

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    How do German banks manage the emerging risks stemming from IT innovations such as cyber risk? With a focus on process, roles and responsibilities, field data from ten banks participating in the 2014 ECB stress test were collected by interviewing IT managers, risk managers and external experts. Current procedures for handling emerging risks in German banks were identified from the interviews and analysed, guided by the extant literature. A clear gap was found between enterprise risk management (ERM) as a general approach to risks threatening firms’ objectives and ERM’s neglect of emerging risks, such as those associated with IT innovations. The findings suggest that ERM should be extended towards the collection and sharing of knowledge to allow for an initial understanding and description of emerging risks, as opposed to the traditional ERM approach involving estimates of impact and probability. For example, as cyber risks emerge from an IT innovation, the focus may need to switch towards reducing uncertainty through knowledge acquisition. Since individual managers seldom possess all relevant knowledge of an IT innovation, various stakeholders may need to be involved to exploit their expertise

    In situ guided tissue regeneration in musculoskeletal diseases and aging: Implementing pathology into tailored tissue engineering strategies

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    In situ guided tissue regeneration, also addressed as in situ tissue engineering or endogenous regeneration, has a great potential for population-wide “minimal invasive” applications. During the last two decades, tissue engineering has been developed with remarkable in vitro and preclinical success but still the number of applications in clinical routine is extremely small. Moreover, the vision of population-wide applications of ex vivo tissue engineered constructs based on cells, growth and differentiation factors and scaffolds, must probably be deemed unrealistic for economic and regulation-related issues. Hence, the progress made in this respect will be mostly applicable to a fraction of post-traumatic or post-surgery situations such as big tissue defects due to tumor manifestation. Minimally invasive procedures would probably qualify for a broader application and ideally would only require off the shelf standardized products without cells. Such products should mimic the microenvironment of regenerating tissues and make use of the endogenous tissue regeneration capacities. Functionally, the chemotaxis of regenerative cells, their amplification as a transient amplifying pool and their concerted differentiation and remodeling should be addressed. This is especially important because the main target populations for such applications are the elderly and diseased. The quality of regenerative cells is impaired in such organisms and high levels of inhibitors also interfere with regeneration and healing. In metabolic bone diseases like osteoporosis, it is already known that antagonists for inhibitors such as activin and sclerostin enhance bone formation. Implementing such strategies into applications for in situ guided tissue regeneration should greatly enhance the efficacy of tailored procedures in the future