174 research outputs found

    Transnational Economic Order and National Economic Institutions: Comparative Capitalism Meets International Political Economy

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    Even after two decades of research on globalization, we still face open questions about the interplay between national capitalist institutions and transnational economic governance. How does embeddedness into transnational institutions influence national capitalist orders? How do national capitalist patterns influence transnational economic governance? The central suggestion of this paper is that the traditional divide between Comparative and International Political Economy has to be overcome in order to address these questions in a more thorough way. More specifically, it calls for combining Comparative Capitalism with institutionalist approaches within International Political Economy. The paper illustrates the mutually complementary character of both perspectives by looking at selected empirical examples.Auch nach zwei Dekaden der Globalisierungsforschung sind viele Fragen über die Wechselwirkung zwischen nationalen kapitalistischen Institutionen und transnationalen Wirtschaftsordnungen noch ungelöst. Wie beeinflusst die Einbettung in transnationale Institutionen nationale Ausprägungen des Kapitalismus? Wie formen Muster des Kapitalismus auf nationaler Ebene die transnationale Wirtschaftsordnung? Das vorliegende Papier argumentiert, dass die traditionelle Trennung zwischen Vergleichender und Internationaler Politischer Ökonomie (IPÖ) überwunden werden muss, um diese Fragen gründlicher bearbeiten zu können. Es wird insbesondere vorgeschlagen, transnationalinstitutionalistische IPÖ-Perspektiven mit dem Theorieprogramm der Vergleichenden Kapitalismusforschung zu verknüpfen. Das Papier demonstriert den komplementären Charakter der beiden Perspektiven an ausgewählten empirischen Beispielen.1 Introduction 2 Comparative Capitalism and transnational investments: Institutional complementarities of dependent market economies in East Central Europe 3 Comparative Capitalism and international conflict: Non-triad multinational companies and global economic order 4 Comparative Capitalism and transnational private governance: Law firms, EU competition policy and effects on innovation transfer in coordinated economies 5 Conclusion Reference

    On the Complexity of Anchored Rectangle Packing

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    Finanzkrise, Finanzialisierung und vergleichende Kapitalismusforschung

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    Der Beitrag erklärt die Entstehung und die unterschiedlichen Auswirkungen der Finanzkrise unter Rückgriff auf etablierte Theorien der Internationalen Politischen Ökonomie. Er greift für eine intertemporale Perspektive auf das Finanzialisierungs- Konzept zurück sowie für die länderbezogene Perspektive auf das Theorieprogramm der Vergleichenden Kapitalismusforschung. In intertemporaler Perspektive zeigt der Beitrag, dass die Entstehung und das Ausmaß der Finanzkrise nicht ohne die grundlegenden Finanzialisierungsprozesse der letzten dreißig Jahre zu erklären ist. Mit Finanzialisierung wird ein Prozess bezeichnet, bei dem sich der Anteil der Profite und Haushaltseinkommen zwischen Produktions- und Finanzsektor deutlich zugunsten des Letzteren verschiebt und der zugleich zu einer entsprechenden Machtverschiebung zwischen den beiden Sektoren geführt hat. In international vergleichender Perspektive erklärt der Beitrag die stärkeren Auswirkungen der Krise in den angelsächsischen Ökonomien aus der zentralen Rolle der Kapitalmärkte bei der Unternehmensfinanzierung in diesen liberalen Marktwirtschaften und kontrastiert diesen Befund mit den relativ geringen Konsequenzen für die klassischen Hausbanken im Rheinischen Kapitalismus

    The Transnational Political Economy of Corporate Governance Regulation: A Research Outline

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    Corporate governance has become a buzzword of the global business community and is now receiving even wider attention given the repercussions of the Enron collapse. Although there is a burgeoning literature on this topic, the bulk of it is either highly normative or focused on corporate governance practices at the level of the firm. In contrast, our aim is to explain the current transformations of corporate governance regulation. Whereas this regulation used to be a distinctly national affair, it is now increasingly an area subject to both public and private (self-) regulation in multiple arenas, of which three are outstandingly important as well as closely interrelated and, therefore, form the empirical focus of the programme:- Europeanisation in the area of corporate governance regulation affects national regimes of corporate governance with a particular historical diversity, without entirely replacing them.- The EU, furthermore, does not operate in a vacuum but in a transatlantic and global context where it has to negotiate its choices with both state (mainly the US) and non-state actors. At the global level, private bodies such as the International Accounting Standards Board set many corporate governance standards, and international organisations like the OECD disseminate norms for good corporate governance.- Central and East European countries (CEEC) are exposed to the multiple (and partially conflicting) demands by global institutions and the EU when developing their corporat

    Das extreme deutsche Exportmodell und der Finanzsektor

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    Der deutsche Finanzsektor gehört in mehrfacher Hinsicht zu den Opfern der zunehmenden Exportorientierung der deutschen Wirtschaf

    Novel synthesis and electrochemical investigations of ZnO/C composites for lithium-ion batteries

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    For the first time, ZnO/C composites were synthesized using zinc glycerolate as a precursor through one-step calcination under a nitrogen atmosphere. The effect of the heat treatment conditions on the structure, composition, morphology as well as on the electrochemical properties regarding application in lithium-ion batteries are investigated. The products obtained by calcination of the precursor in nitrogen at 400—800 °C consist of zinc oxide nanoparticles and amorphous carbon that is in-situ generated from organic components of the glycerolate precursor. When used as anode material for lithium-ion batteries, the as-prepared ZnO/C composite synthesized at a calcination temperature of 700 °C delivers initial discharge and charge capacities of 1061 and 671 mAh g−1 at a current rate of 100 mA g−1 and hence 1.5 times more than bare ZnO, which reaches only 749/439 mAh g−1. The native carbon improves the conductivity, allowing efficient electronic conductivity and Li-ion diffusion. By means of ex-situ XRD studies a two-step storage mechanism is proven. © 2021, The Author(s).This work was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft through projects KL1824/12-1 and KL 1824/14-1. G.Z. acknowledges support of the state order via the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Russia (No AAAA-A19-119031890025-9). E.T. acknowledges support by the BMWi through project 03ET6095C (HiKoMat). The authors thank I. Glass for experimental support