176 research outputs found

    Friction coefficcient in wells with black sticky stuff and scale

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    Scale buildup is a common problem in oil and gas producing wells all over the world. It gives difficulties to both the production of oil and gas, as well as well intervention operations. The buildup of scale generates more intervention work due to for example scaling of down hole safety valves and scale-buildups inside the production tubing. Scale can be divided into two main types, organic and inorganic scale. Organic scale is present in the beginning of a reservoir’s life, while inorganic scale is present later in the reservoir’s life, when it is more mature. Waxes and asphaltenes are examples of organic scale, while carbonates and sulphates are examples of inorganic scale. Calcium carbonates, CaCO3 and BaSO4 are common types of inorganic scale in the North Sea. This thesis focuses on finding the real coefficient of friction in an oil producer in the North Sea. It uses simulation data and real time data from an offshore operation performed in February 2022. It gives a brief introduction to the theory behind coefficient of friction, scale and black sticky stuff (BSS). It also presents wireline equipment and how it works in an offshore operationScale buildup is a common problem in oil and gas producing wells all over the world. It gives difficulties to both the production of oil and gas, as well as well intervention operations. The buildup of scale generates more intervention work due to for example scaling of down hole safety valves and scale-buildups inside the production tubing. Scale can be divided into two main types, organic and inorganic scale. Organic scale is present in the beginning of a reservoir’s life, while inorganic scale is present later in the reservoir’s life, when it is more mature. Waxes and asphaltenes are examples of organic scale, while carbonates and sulphates are examples of inorganic scale. Calcium carbonates, CaCO3 and BaSO4 are common types of inorganic scale in the North Sea. This thesis focuses on finding the real coefficient of friction in an oil producer in the North Sea. It uses simulation data and real time data from an offshore operation performed in February 2022. It gives a brief introduction to the theory behind coefficient of friction, scale and black sticky stuff (BSS). It also presents wireline equipment and how it works in an offshore operatio

    Colonising the academy? Organisational mediatisation and public research institutions in Norway

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    Public research institutions increasingly find themselves operating in a media environment. At the same time there is a growing body of research finding that public institutions and organisations are undergoing processes of mediatisation, which potentially threaten their autonomy. Based on interviews with communication staff at six major Norwegian universities and research centres, this study explores the extent to which these institutions have adapted to and internalised media logic. This study finds that the public research institutions to a significant degree are adapting to their media environments in terms of both organisational structure and communication practise. However, in terms of key operational areas such as research dissemination, the execution of research projects and managerial decision making, this study finds little evidence suggesting that public research institutions internalise media logic to such an extent that it critically impinges on their own processes and prioritisations

    Toward a Sociologically Enriched Understanding of Anti-Media Populism:The Case of Enough is Enough!

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    The antagonist relationship between the people and mainstream media constitutes an integral dimension of populism. Recently, this relationship has been articulated through the concept of “anti-media populism,” which foregrounds populists’ vision of the mutual integration between mainstream media and other elites. Mobilizing an emergent strand of sociologically oriented populism theory, this article premises that there is now a need to complement current understandings with inductive and qualitative research, attentive to how anti-elitist citizens ascribe meaning and value to mainstream media and to the specificity of the contexts in which anti-media populism manifests. Through interviews with members of a recent anti-elitist grassroots mobilization in Norway—the Enough is Enough! movement—this study explores how anti-elitist citizens articulate both overarching sociopolitical narratives and specific narratives of media-elite integration. The article demonstrates how a bottom-up, inductive, and context-sensitive approach serves to both nuance and contradict any singular understanding of anti-media populism.publishedVersio

    The Importance of School Leadership Support when Working with Students with Smith-Magenis Syndrome–A Q Methodology Study

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    Smith-Magenis syndrome (SMS) is a rare genetic syndrome. Students with SMS have a neurobehavioural phenotype which has been characterised as challenging for both parents and teachers. Challenging behaviour often has a negative impact on the person’s learning ability and is a hindrance in the learning environment. Challenging behaviour also impacts on teachers in terms of stress and burnout. The aim of this study was to explore what type of support the school staff needs in order to handle the challenging behaviour and academic development of students with SMS using Q methodology. Fourteen staff members working with students with SMS in Norway participated in the study by sorting 40 statements according to the Q methodology. The sorting was analysed based on the by-person factor analysis. Four viewpoints were identified as follows: 1) In control, 2) struggling, 3) Strugglers relying on parents, and 4) Support dependent. Several consensus statements were associated with the academic work of the students with SMS. The consensus statements regarding academic work showed that this is not a priority for these students. Support from the school’s leadership and colleagues is imperative, in addition to cooperation from parents, to provide safe and productive school environments for children with SMS.publishedVersio

    Beyond representation: Public service media, minority audiences and the promotion of capabilities through entertainment

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    Entertainment programming is an important means for public service media (PSM) to address minority audiences, and to fulfill their social mission vis-à-vis these groups. We argue that these efforts are plagued by a thin normative grounding, stopping short at vague notions of representation. In this article, we argue that a capabilities approach invites a much-needed reconsideration of the fundamental objectives of such entertainment-based representations. The article offers a first operationalization of the capabilities approach in the context of televised entertainment. First, we identify and qualify a set of basic capabilities that we propose PSM should promote to minority audiences through entertainment content. Second, through a case study from Norway involving focus group interviews of young immigrants, we demonstrate how entertainment can facilitate the promotion of such capabilities. On this ground, we discuss the implications of a capabilities perspective for PSM efforts to accommodate marginalized audiences.publishedVersio

    Sykepleieres holdninger til pasienter med rusavhengighet i medisinsk og kirurgisk sykehusavdeling

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    Bakgrunn Personer med rusavhengighet er utsatt for en rekke skadevirkninger, både psykiske og fysiske. De har ofte behov for innleggelse i sykehus, og sykepleiere som jobber i kirurgisk og medisinsk sykehusavdeling, møter derfor svært ofte pasienter med rusavhengighet. Disse møtene er ofte preget av negative holdninger. Dersom sykepleierne møter pasientene med negative holdninger, kan det gå utover kvaliteten på sykepleien som utøves. Hensikt Hensikten er å belyse hvilke holdninger sykepleiere har til pasienter med rusavhengighet i kirurgisk og medisinsk sykehusavdeling, og hvilken betydning holdningene har for sykepleien som utøves. Metode Oppgaven er en integrativ litteraturoversikt, der tre empiriske forskningsartikler er analysert etter Fribergs analysemodell. Resultatene fra forskningsartiklene, samt annen relevant litteratur og egne refleksjoner er brukt til å svare på oppgavens hensikt. Resultat Flertallet av sykepleiere uttrykker negative holdninger overfor pasienter med rusavhengighet, på grunn av for eksempel mangel på kunnskap eller tillit. En del av sykepleierne uttrykker nøytrale holdninger. De nøytrale holdningene begrunnes med at de har etiske og profesjonelle forpliktelser til å gi likeverdig behandling til alle. Noen få sykepleiere uttrykker positive holdninger, disse hadde som regel noen i nær relasjon med rusavhengighet og var derfor bedre i stand til å sette seg inn i pasientens situasjon. Sykepleieres holdninger påvirker i stor grad sykepleien som utøves

    «Å lete etter gull hos elever» – Læreres opplevelser rundt implementeringsarbeidet i Folkehelse og Livsmestring

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    På grunn av den nye læreplanen, Fagfornyelsen 2020, kunne det være interessant å se på hvordan deler av læreplanen ble implementert i skolehverdagen. Denne studien har derfor tatt for seg problemstillingen «Hvordan implementeres folkehelse og livsmestring for elever på 1. trinn?». Det ble også stilt to forskningsspørsmål: «Oppleves det tverrfaglige temaet folkehelse og livsmestring aktuelt for elevene på første trinn?» og «Hvordan implementeres de aktuelle områdene i først trinn, og hvilke områder vektlegges?». For å svare på spørsmålene har det blitt presentert relevant teori rundt folkehelse og livsmestring, og mestringsteorier – blant annet Lazarus sin «coping»-teori. Det var også relevant å se på teori knyttet opp mot lærerens arbeid med livsmestring, og rundt implementeringsarbeid. Dette er en kvalitativ studie, hvor fem informanter deltok i personlige, semistrukturerte intervjuer. For å kunne bearbeide datamaterialet som kom fra intervjuene, brukte jeg analysemetoden Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA). Jeg tok for meg analysens seks steg, og analyserte informantenes opplevelser og erfaringer rundt implementeringsarbeidet. Resultatene viste flere strategier for å implementere det tverrfaglige temaet folkehelse og livsmestring på 1. trinn, og materialet ble delt opp i fire kategorier: 1) Tidsbruk, 2) Forståelser av temaene folkehelse og livsmestring, 3) Bruk av livsmestringsprogram og 4) Varierende implementering. Resultatene ble presentert i en modell, og diskutert om hverandre. Konklusjonen i studiet er at implementeringen av folkehelse og livsmestring på 1. trinn, virker varierende. Meningene til informantene virker splittet rundt de aktuelle områdene innenfor folkehelse og livsmestring, samtidig som at fysisk og psykisk helse er det temaet som vektlegges mest. Det konkluderes også med at folkehelse og livsmestring oppleves aktuelt for elever på første trinn. Dette til tross for at lærere opplever en manglende støtte og veiledning hos skoleledelsen, både underveis og i etterkant av implementeringsarbeidet rundt Fagfornyelsen. "Det å se at elevene mestrer livet, at de fungerer og klarer kle av og på seg, følge regler og forstår beskjedene. Jeg tenker det viktigste vi lærere gjør er å lete etter gullet i barna, slik at de selv forstår seg som verdifulle" (Informant 5).Due to the new curriculum, Fagfornyelsen 2020, it could be interesting to see how parts of the curriculum were implemented in school. This study has therefore addressed the problem "How are public health and life skills implemented for pupils in the 1st grade?". Two research questions were also asked: "Do the interdisciplinary topics of public health and life skills feel relevant to students in the 1st grade?" and "How are the relevant areas implemented in the 1st grade, and which areas are emphasised?". In order to answer the questions, relevant theory has been presented around public health and life skills, and coping theories - including Lazarus's "coping" theory. It was also relevant to look at theory linked to the teacher's work with life skills, and around implementation work. This is a qualitative study, where five informants participated in personal, semi-structured interviews. In order to be able to process the data material that came from the interviews, I used the analytical method Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA). I considered the six steps of the analysis, and analyzed the experiences of the informants around the implementation work. The results showed several strategies for implementing the interdisciplinary topic of public health and life skills in the 1st grade, and the material was divided into four categories: 1) Use of time, 2) Understandings of the topics of public health and life skills, 3) Use of life skills-program and 4) Varying implementation. The results were presented in a model and discussed with each other. The conclusion of the study is that the implementation of public health and life skills in the 1st grade seems to vary. The opinions of the informants seem divided around the relevant areas within public health and life skills, at the same time that physical and mental health is the theme that is most emphasized. It is also concluded that public health and life skills are perceived as relevant for pupils in the first grade. This is despite the fact that teachers experience a lack of support and guidance from the school management, both during and after the implementation work around the subject reform. "Seeing that the students master life, that they function and are able to dress and undress, follow rules and understand the messages. I think the most important thing we teachers do is to seach for the gold in the students, so that they understand themselves as valuable" (Informant 5)

    En annen virkelighet - en studie av Jean Rouch og Werner Herzog

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    Master's thesis in Documentary productionJeg vil i denne oppgaven undersøke de to filmskaperne Werner Herzog og Jean Rouch, og likheter og forskjeller mellom dem. Dette er to personligheter som har hatt stor innflytelse på film gjennom mange tiår. Oppgaven har fokus på hvilke tanker og teorier filmskaperne har bak det de gjør, hvordan dette utarter seg i filmene og hvilken effekt det har

    Figurative language comprehension in individuals with autism spectrum disorder: A meta-analytic review

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    We present a meta-analysis of studies that compare figurative language comprehension in individuals with autism spectrum disorder and in typically developing controls who were matched based on chronological age or/and language ability. A total of 41 studies and 45 independent effect sizes were included based on predetermined inclusion criteria. Group matching strategy, age, types of figurative language, and cross-linguistic differences were examined as predictors that might explain heterogeneity in effect sizes. Overall, individuals with autism spectrum disorder showed poorer comprehension of figurative language than their typically developing peers (Hedges’ g = –0.57). A meta-regression analysis showed that group matching strategy and types of figurative language were significantly related to differences in effect sizes, whereas chronological age and cross-linguistic differences were not. Differences between the autism spectrum disorder and typically developing groups were small and nonsignificant when the groups were matched based on the language ability. Metaphors were more difficult to comprehend for individuals with autism spectrum disorder compared with typically developing controls than were irony and sarcasm. Our findings highlight the critical role of core language skills in figurative language comprehension. Interventions and educational programmes designed to improve social communication skills in individuals with autism spectrum disorder may beneficially target core language skills in addition to social skills