361 research outputs found

    Proceedings of a Joint Meeting held between The Norwegian Society of Infectious Diseases and the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, Oslo, 20th June 2008

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    The Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (RSTMH) has a tradition of holding joint meetings with fellow European Societies, providing opportunities to facilitate discussion, exchange information, foster mutual interests and develop collaboration between the societies’ members and fellows. This paper presents the proceedings from a scientific meeting that was held between The RSTMH and the Norwegian Infectious Diseases Society at Ulleval University Hospital, Oslo on 20th June 2008. Three speakers from each society gave state-of-the-art lectures in their areas of expertise and the meeting ended with a series of case presentations

    Omsorg og disiplin - side om side : hvordan viser de omsorg og hvorfor disiplinerer de barna i SOS-barnehagen i Zambia?

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    ”Omsorg og disiplin – side om side” Denne oppgaven handler om hvordan de viser omsorg og hvorfor de disiplinerer barna i SOS-barnehagen i Livingstone i Zambia. Jeg valgte å gå nærmere inn på dette temaet fordi det var vanskelig for meg som norsk student å forstå hvorfor de brukte de omsorgsmetodene og disiplineringsmetodene på barna i barnehagen. Jeg ville derfor prøve å få en forståelse for deres valg og metoder i barnehagen. For å kunne studere dette nærmere, observerte jeg de voksne og barna i barnehagen i løpet av en 5 ukers periode. I tillegg måtte jeg samle inn mer data, som jeg gjorde ved å intervjue lærere og rektor i denne barnehagen. Jeg valgte derfor denne problemstillingen: Hvordan viser de omsorg og hvorfor disiplinerer de barna i SOS-barnehagen i Zambia? Jeg fant ut en av hovedgrunnene til at lærerne i SOS-barnehagen disiplinerer barna, kunne være fordi de ville guide barna til å klare seg ute i det samfunnet de skal vokse opp i. De gjør det rett og slett for barnets beste. Derfor har jeg også sett på disiplineringen som en måte å vise omsorg på, ved at de viser vei for barna

    Facilitation of critical thinking and ethical awareness by reading dystopian literature

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    This thesis explores the potential of dystopian literature to facilitate critical thinking and ethical awareness, drawing on the theories of Martha Nussbaum and Wayne C. Booth to provide a theoretical framework for analysis. The study focuses on two classic dystopian novels, George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four and Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451. It analyzes how these novels invite reflections on societal issues and the self and depict critical thinking as important. Through close readings and analysis of specific passages, the analysis demonstrates how dystopian literature can be used to promote critical thinking and ethical awareness. By collecting empirical data, this argumentation can be bolstered further, and is a possible next step for this field

    Geokjemi og tilgjengelighet av barium (Ba) til planter som vokser i jord med ordinær og Ba-anriket mineralogi

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    In recent years there has been an increasing interest for the use of crushed minerals and rocks as soil amendment and slow-release fertilizers in agriculture. Apatite-biotite-carbonatite (short form: carbonatite) rock from the Lillebukt Alkaline Complex (LAC), located at Stjernøy, Northern Norway, contains significant amounts of essential nutrients like calcium (Ca), potassium (K), magnesium (Mg), and phosphorus (P), all in minerals that weather quite easily. The main minerals are calcite (42 wt%), biotite (30 wt%), apatite (7.5 wt%) and some nepheline. Weathering of the carbonatite may supply nutrients to soil in closer agreement with the plants demand than easily soluble mineral fertilizers. However, large amounts are needed in order to achieve the desired fertilizing effect. This practice may alter the content of potentially harmful elements in the soil. Barium (3.2 g Ba kg-1) enriched in the carbonatite may cause undesired uptake to plants when applied to agroecosystems. Prior to assess the agro-ecological risk when considering the carbonatite rock for farming practices, an investigation of the plant availability of Ba from the carbonatite rock powder is requisite. Thus, the present work target to gain new knowledge on factors influencing the geochemistry of Ba in soils with ordinary and Ba-enriched mineralogy, with particular focus on the carbonatite rock, and the availability of Ba to plants under observational and experimental conditions.I de senere år har interessen for bruk av steinmel som gjødsel i jordbruket økt. Apatitt-biotittkarbonatitt (her kalt karbonatitt) fra det alkalinske komplekset i Lillebukt er lokalisert på Stjernøy i Nord-Norge, og inneholder signifikante mengder av essensielle plantenæringsstoffer som kalsium (Ca), kalium (K), magnesium (Mg) og fosfor (P), alle i bergarter som forvitrer lett. Hovedmineralene er kalsitt (42 vekt%), biotitt (30 vekt%), apatitt (7.5 vekt%), i tillegg til noe nefelin. Forvitring av karbonatitt vil kunne tilføre næringsstoffer til jorden mer tilpasset plantenes næringsbehov, i forhold til lettløselige mineralsalter. Det er derfor nødvendig med større mengder steinmel for å oppnå den ønskede gjødslingseffekten. Dette kan føre til en økt mengde av mindre ønskelige grunnstoffer i jord. I karbonatittsteinmel utgjør de anrikede mengdene av barium (Ba) en mulig risiko dersom karbonatitt tilføres jordbruksjord. Før man kan vurdere den agroøkologiske risikoen ved å bruke karbonatitt-steinmel som gjødsel i landbruk, har det vært nødvendig å undersøke plantetilgjengeligheten av Ba fra karbonatitt-steinmel. Hovedhensikten med dette arbeidet var å øke kunnskapen om faktorer som påvirker geokjemien av Ba i jord med ordinær og Baanriket mineralogi, der karbonatitt-steinmelet var spesielt i fokus. Barium-tilgjengeligheten til planter ble undersøkt både i et observasjonsstudie i felt, samt under eksperimentelle forhold

    How to use an app to Nudge people to choose more green transportation?

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    Making green transport choices are more important than ever to save the environment. To accomplish this there must be a reduction in emissions of greenhouse gases and other pollutants. How to make people choose green transportation, when it is inconvenient, is an interesting challenge. Most would rather take the easy way out to avoid the extra planning and estimation of how to reach their destination. Thus, they take the car, because they know how long it will take, no need for planning. What if instead there was an app that did the planning for you? Telling you when you had to leave to reach the bus, get on your bike or to be on time walking. What if it could tell you the weather too so that you would know what to take with you? What if you could tell the app that you need more or less time to walk to that bus stop based on the last time you walked there. This thesis will be about solving such problems through the design and the implementation of an app that will make travel planning easier

    Open Access as publication method at the Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education, UiT. A feasibility study conducted among academics at the faculty to determine usage and consensus regarding Open Access publishing practices

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    This master thesis explores the landscape of scholarly publishing by presenting a study done at the Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education (HSL) at UiT the Arctic University of Norway to assess publication practices and attitudes with the focus being on Open Access (OA). For this study, 444 journal publications from the faculty in 2016 and 2017 were analyzed alongside a survey asking about attitudes to OA sent to researchers at the faculty which received 164 responses. The findings showed that respondents overall were very positive to OA and that one out of four publications in 2016 and 2017 were published OA. More detailed analyses revealed that women published OA to a higher degree than men in terms of percentages but that men in overall published more than women. Across all age groups, attitudes towards OA were positive to similar degrees. An important finding was that researchers reported a lack of OA publication channels in some academic fields, an issue that causes problems in relation to Plan S, a campaign launched by the EU to mandate that all research financed by the EU is to be published OA from 2021.

    Coaching using a Psychodynamic Approach

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    This paper summarises some of my experiences observations and reflections over more than 30 years in the management of private companies universities and hospitals on how to deal with anxieties both in individuals but also in groups To me the factors required to build and maintain a happy organizatio

    Reklame som historisk kilde og studiefelt

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    The article discusses why advertisements rarely are being used as source material in historical research. Although ads have been an important mass cultural verbal and visual expression for more than a century, their status as a historical source is fairly low. By analyzing the front page of a Norwegian newspaper from 1926, the article discusses the more traditional news story in relation to one of the ads on the same page using the analytic tools from historical research: the concept relic (the source as a product of a certain historical situation) versus the concept account (the source as a statement about something that has occurred). The advertisement material tends to blur these borders; the production of the ads has to be seen in relation to the verbal and visual narrative of the ads â as well as ads have a âfuzzyâ connection to reality as such. At the same time, the advertisements can be seen as âreality producersâ in a broad sense as they are commenting on a wide range of cultural and social issues. Yet, one should be cautious about studying the ads too isolated from other sources, as well as to âover-interpretâ them or to ignore who and what the ads themselves disregard